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Everything posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. The nuance is relevance. You won't hear me talk about "how The Last Knight destroyed my retinas" in 2022 is because it's old news. Unless there is something new, interesting, or thoughtful I can add to the conversation, I let it go. Star Wars keeps making things and it not only drums up the conversation, but the social feed wallows in the muck and mire from the additional commentary. Note, you are allowed to dislike something because it doesn't fit your fancy. Now when it becomes a trope, you lose relevance. Well, if it makes you feel better it's only 30 min this time 🤷‍♂️. I agree with this statement. You example is spot on for me as well. I poured hours into SF4 and spent next to no time playing the most recent title in comparison. Ultimately we get more of what we pay for. That show's story doesn't really need to exist. Honestly it was something for me to watch while at lunch in the house, but that's still time I won't get back. I think people take passion for fiction as enough reason to make someone's life a living hell. You don't own it, you just support the community built around it. I will say this is also true. People have gotten vile treatment for creating/producing a thing they didn't like. Passion is one thing; being an asshole is another. This is exactly why Finn was an easy setup to be the next protagonist. It was right there. You gonna have me trying to stream that anime for reasons 🤣.
  2. Few games deserve a remaster. I am patiently waiting. . .
  3. Watched Ep 4 during lunch. Meh. Cool moments happen, but nothing memorable. Regarding Reva. I think the thing with Reva isn't the actor, but the direction. Her performance lacks subtlety. I think the director is telling her to go to 11 when it's honestly not needed.
  4. You can find an R/T for a decent price (albeit higher miles). My next trick is to install Brembos on the Charger. I got the entire package pretty cheap. All I need is to find stainless steel brake lines and then the work can begin.
  5. The second time seeing this was better than the first. Tom Cruise and the team really outdid themselves. Like I said, if someone said Top Gun: Maverick is the greatest sequel of all time, I don't think I'd argue.
  6. I don't know who hasn't seen Top Gun: Maverick yet, but if you haven't, go see it in 4DX. It is easily the best way to watch that movie. EDIT: If you already saw it and haven't seen it in 4DX, see it again 🤣
  7. If someone said "Top Gun: Maverick is a contender for greatest sequel of all time", I couldn't argue.
  8. What's funny is that when I was looking for cars back in 06, it was between the Charger R/T and Mustang GT. Charger won simply because it was a more practical vehicle. What you plan to do to the vehicle is really going to determine what you should get?
  9. Nope. It'll likely just chime again when it's triggered and then just stay there. For the gas cap, have you thought about going to a pull-a-part junkyard? I'm biased but the Charger/Challenger may be the way to go. Note that For V8s, you will not find them in AWD after 2018. The good thing about the Charger/Challenger is that the LX/LC platform has pretty much remained unchanged since 2006. Also, once a car becomes a fleet vehicle, you'll have parts both new and in the junkyard. If it wasn't for cost, I'd probably have a BMW. With maintenance, that's been my understanding. My brother has a 2019 850 and it's a performance monster .
  10. True, but in jest, Depp came out like he just blew up the Death Star.
  11. There's stuff in there shows that do it to, people just don't care because: It looks cooler Its cooler I think the issue with staying with this period is that it's simply eroding parts of what makes the saga special. . . your imagination. From the OT, Vader may be the only character that was reintroduced in the filler years (between ROTS and ANH or ROTJ and TFA) that has consistently been done right. Part of that is how he's used in each of the stories. He's there more like a final boss and pulls the strings. This frankly is why I DO NOT WANT a Vader TV series. Given how things are, I am certain he is going to pop up in a ton more things if they are in the gap years, but make him a force in the story, not a more integrated participant.
  13. Yeah, but it's a flashpoint. We got another month of this show in the limelight. It's not gonna stay in that pocket for very long.
  14. Be kind . . . not nice. Nice typically puts your needs behind the other persons.
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