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  1. WTF
  2. Sad
  3. LOL
    Jocelot reacted to BornWinner in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    What the fuck

  4. +1
    Jocelot reacted to TWINBLADES in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    And of course I did it beating that fraud villain Honda. 

  5. LOL
  6. Sad
    Jocelot reacted to Sonero in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    The quicker we show its ridic, the faster we can get to banning it.
  7. LOL
    Jocelot got a reaction from Pair of Rooks in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    The Luke player telling us to forget about Luke, huh? Doesn't get any more sus than that
  8. +1
    Jocelot reacted to BornWinner in The Guilty Gear general: Getting Wildly Assaulted in the Keyhole   
    And here is the starter guide for Johnny
  9. +1
    Jocelot reacted to Dragonfave723 in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Would be nice to see these pop up outside of Japan. 
  10. Insightful
    Jocelot reacted to Sonero in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Fun Fact: the scaling on dizzy combo varies by starter. So what would be max damage outside of dizzy is not the same as max damage when your opponent is dizzied.
    Edit: Another fun fact, the training mode throw escape training is set up so you can practice late teching. That's pretty crazy.
  11. Insightful
    Jocelot reacted to TWINBLADES in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    It's so fucking  over 😥
  12. Insightful
  13. LOL
    Jocelot reacted to BornWinner in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Akuma is either going to be the dumbest thing ever put into a game or so corrected that it would be pitiful.


  14. +1
    Jocelot reacted to Darc_Requiem in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    I make a point to not see anything evolving LTG but for the life me I can't escape his nonsense because of yall. Can we get an LTG and DSP filter for people that really don't' want to see their tired bullshit? The last entertaining thing LTG did was get cooked by Viscant in 2014.
  15. Insightful
    Jocelot reacted to HeavensCloud in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Not sure if you guys saw the Nemo video but it basically explains how to punish people who constantly fish for perfect parry.  People tapping parry in the corner open themselves up to DI because there's 29 frames of guard state after using parry where the player cannot DI.  If the cornered player senses DI coming they can Drive Rush from parry into DI but the other player can counter this by using long ranged crouching normals.
  16. +1
    Jocelot reacted to Sonero in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    This is the rawest, hardest cabinet ever made:

  17. +1
    Jocelot reacted to Phantom_Miria in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Saudi and Western activism bullshit aside, Kakeru made it look like he was playing Third Strike in that grand final. It really felt like he leveled up live on stage against Angry Bird.
    And this is only after 2 and a half months of the game being out.
  18. Insightful
    Jocelot got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    The matches are really good but the cameramen switching to the character reactions every match is kinda annoying. They've switched back late more than a few times
  19. +1
    Jocelot got a reaction from -PVL93- in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    The matches are really good but the cameramen switching to the character reactions every match is kinda annoying. They've switched back late more than a few times
  20. +1
    Jocelot reacted to Hawkingbird in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    More Juri

  21. Insightful
    Jocelot reacted to Phantom_Miria in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    After watching Luffy getting manhandled at this event, and being pretty unimpressed with Idom too, and seeing the absolute state of Lily and the fact that Zangief might as well not be in the game with how many times he's been sighted, I've come to conclusion that there isn't anything wrong with any of these characters in particular but I think it's the whole archetype that's crippled in VI.
    The only effective use of command grabs I'm seeing is from characters like Marisa, Blanka, JP, Honda, maybe even Jamie even if he got other issues, because those characters have gameplans that don't rely on command grabs and thus can use the ones they have as surprise move to get people scared. Gimmicks, basically. Marisa forcing you to twitch and eat more of her knuckle sandwiches, Blanka closing out matches with that dumb hop of his you'll mistake for another of his hundreds of dumb moves, JP jump-scaring you because he can, that sort of stuff.
    Characters who have to constantly threaten and use their command grabs to win tho, I haven't seen much success from them. I straight up don't remember Lily landing a grab in this event at all, although I'm probably wrong. I definitely remember seeing Luffy getting punished for trying to landing grabs way more than ever landing them.
    Command grabs still have the huge recovery they were given mid-way through SFV, because SFV was all about being in your face and grapplers could get really snow-bally with V-Trigger, but in VI it's Drive Rush to be king, and Drive Rush makes a lot of characters able to go for heavily damaging mixups and be plus if they're wrong. Grapplers' Drive Rushes universally suck and they still die if they guess wrong. There's no reason to pick a grappler if you only care about competition because everyone else has safer, better roads to damage.
    Not that I really care personally because Manon is fun to use and everyone can win with anything online. I'm the guy who switched from Cammy to Falke when she was released, because she was fun and she somehow carried me to Diamond while she was labelled the worst character in the game and Cammy was Rashid tier. There's no low tierdom that scares or concerns me.
    It's just that I also like watching the characters I play in tournaments, and Luffy is dropping Manon after this and I expect Idom to follow very soon.
  22. Sad
  23. LOL
    Jocelot got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Oh. The band is on. again

  24. LOL
    Jocelot got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Wow AKI really hit your world tour character with the Wayne Brady tech from the Chapelle Show.
    "That's PCP, nigga... angel dust."
  25. Sad
    Jocelot reacted to Darc_Requiem in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    @Jocelotmaking SF6 mods now? 🤔
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