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Everything posted by DoctaMario

  1. Lemme guess, you were/are an SF4 player? I'm on my honeymoon right now so I ain't wiping shit 😂 Little dude is good tho, almost 16 months, walking, making lots of sounds, and is starting to look like he's into technical stuff, figuring out how wheels work, opening and closing doors and drawers, etc. He can actually pay a lot of attention when a movie or song he likes is on. How's your lil bit?
  2. I'm actually 9/10 sure peepeepoopoo is Mayhem. Nobody calls people phaggoats and homos with the frequency he does and he's done that a bunch. I just caught up in the thread. All 300+ posts. Jesus, I could have been practicing Tetris stuff and there I was reading all that bullshit. There's a part of me that loves arguing politics, but looking back on all the time I've spent doing it, I feel about as good about the use of that time as I do the time I spent learning SF4 ☚ī¸đŸ”Ģ
  3. I have a feeling one of those alts was Mayhem King. Can't prove it, but wouldn't be surprised.
  4. Nobody ever calls Phantom Miria, who could find some way to make Stalin murdering millions sound like a good thing, a troll. I don't agree with everything AlexTheKing says, but it's hilariously ironic that the only people y'all call trolls in that thread are the people you disagree with. Anyway. Did a lot of snorkeling yesterday and since it was raining today just did a bit of sight seeing, chilling, and getting some good happy hour drinks/food. This one spot has the best bushwhackers and coconut shrimp with a jalapeno marmalade sauce it's unreal.
  5. I would say I spend more time playing on Fightcade than anywhere else these days if I'm playing FGs at all. It's easier to find random games on there which is usually what I go for.
  6. I tend to only buy FGs I know I'm going to play and really dig into so I don't play many outside of SamSho and MK these days. With that said, if I were playing my PS4 much I'd probably pick up Tekken 7 because while I've tried to get into Tekken several times over the past 10 or so years, every time I see a T7 tourney it looks hype as fuck. I checked out a video of KE and I don't think the graphics are wack. They look kind of like UNIST to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. It seemed like every new fighter that came out was like "the best game ever" at least to the people in my local and on Twitter. But then they'd play it for a month then go back to playing SFV or Tekken. It happened with FEXL, Kohime Enbu, and a list of others I can't remember.
  8. I remember when KE was supposed to be the greatest fighting game ever (the week it came out 😂) It's one of those games people always told me to try out though since I'm a SamSho player and I forgot about it. If it's out on Switch, maybe I'll grab it at some point. RE SamSho vs Last Blade, I always wanted to like the last blade games more but they aren't that deep. Theyre more fun when you don't really know how to play them, once you really learn more about them they're kind of meh. The parry system is cool I guess, and the grooves are nice but there isn't a single samsho game that isn't a better game than either LB imo.
  9. Fatalities have gotten goofy. You and I may have talked about this on TYM but I think there are about as many goofy and over the top fatalities as there are cool ones these days.
  10. I think when you meet the right chick and can be objective about her making you and your life better, it becomes an option. Guys usually have things they want to get done before they settle down and if they don't do them, they'll never truly settle down, so don't worry about it. So what you gotta do, and keep your mind open and eventually you'll meet the right chick. You seem like a good dude and you've come a long way in the last several years! Btw thanks everyone for the kind words and congratulations. It means a lot! :)
  11. Thanks man! I'm gonna check out that aquarium you mentioned whole were there! Btw, you had a post in the election thread... HanzoHattori: my dick got cut off Dr. Who would notice? 😂😂😂😂😂 Dude, i was DYING but trying not to so I wouldn't have to explain it to my family.
  12. I'm forever working on my 40L Sprint time in Tetris. My best time is 1:40 on official games, 1:37 on JStris which has no line clear delay. Before it was a struggle to get sub 2:00 but lately I'm getting in the 1:40s regularly which feels good. I gotta keep at this.
  13. It made people cry so as above, possibly also below 😂
  14. They were albums I wanted to check out but basically forgot about until recently. Although now that I think of it, I had a tape dub of the CoC album. And yeah I knew some of the songs on that Slayer album already, but I was curious as to how they'd do them, if they'd go straight cover or Slayer them up a bit. The Kovenant is weird. I got into a mood to hear KMFDM and remembered that they existed and I'm not normally terribly into growling cookie monster vocals but the way this guy annunciates combined with the distortion on his vocals makes for an interesting sound. He actually sings more on the follow up record they did and I actually liked the growling better.
  15. Yep I did and it wound up being a very memorable part of the day. Thanks for the encouragement to do it!
  16. I messed around with Injustice 2. The single player modes for that game were fun with the gear and all, and while I never really got good, I had fun with it. Think I only played online a couple times myself, but it's a fun game. I was using mainly Brainiac with a side of TMNT. Now that I'm done with this latest run through of Vampyr, I might pick MK11 back up. I know this is probably a chuckle-worthy question, but anyone own the Switch version? I got it mainly to play single player but if anyone owns it on that, maybe we can play sometime.
  17. The wedding went off without a hitch Sunday. We wanted to have it outside but with the rain being what it was that was in doubt, but when my girl came walking out the isle, the clouds actually parted and the sun came out for a few minutes. Crazy shit! Now we're heading to St Thomas for a week and a half!
  18. Yeah you and I are of the same mind on that. I've read enough history and listened to enough accounts of people who fled communist/socialist countries to see the effect the philosophy has. I get that Marxism is just the theory of it, but Marx is like th L.Ron Hubbard of the philosophy set writing shit that probably was not meant to be taken that seriously, but then people do...
  19. The Beatles are overrated until you realize that they were the first major self contained rock band that wrote and performed all their own songs. Basically every band after them owes them a debt at least for that. I have what could be a musical hot take, but after I explain it (assuming I even need to) you'll probably all be on board. 😂
  20. The amount of absolute retardedness has reached almost critical levels in that thread. It's knocking on being what I used to run from in other forums in regard to discussing politics.
  21. This is good advice. In that book he wrote about writing called 'On Writing' Stephen King talks about how when he was coming up, he'd write 30 min every morning regardless. Sometimes good stuff would come out, sometimes it would be shit, but he'd do it. That's actually a really great book to read if you're a writer, I learned some good stuff from it even though it's a different medium than I usually write.
  22. If it's not a purchase you feel the need to make now, sometimes the complete edition goes on sale. I got the base game, Aftermath, the Kombat Packs, and a few extras for like $45-50. If you can wait, it's not a bad idea.
  23. You've never played a high ping match on rollback then. It's literally unplayable since your opponent will be teleporting around and the only thing you can really do is mash and hope you hit them or hope it's just a lag spike that passes. I had one match I played against some Columbian with taco bell internet on Fightcade where I KO'ed him literally 3 times in one round but it rolled back the first two times. You can work around a bad connection on delay and it still sucks, but even though it sucks, it's playable. You can account for lag there but there's no way to know where your opponent will be if it's a 300ping match on rollback. The bar for what's playable on rollback is higher than input delay, but when you hit or exceed that bar, its way worse than delay netcode. This idea that everybody has that rollback is somehow a magic bullet solution for shitty connections is lulz.
  24. I've only played BB and Xrd but while the netcode was good, I wouldn't say it was any better than SamSho really. Samsho is kind of a spongy feeling game so even when the connection is good, the game doesn't feel as snappy as an ASW game or even earlier SamShos. Tbh it's one of the things I don't like as much about it.
  25. I actually like her design in this game and the art direction is one of the main problems I have with it because a lot of the skins look less like MK and more like Injustice to me. I think the hit an art sweet spot with MKX, it was a very dark and distinctive game in the art department. I loved that.
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