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Everything posted by -PVL93-

  1. Random question just popped on my head after watching some xTekken highlights - who would you guys remove/add to the roster if Capcom ever announced a new major patch or something along the lines of? Personally I'd get rid of - Cole - Blanka - Dhalsim - Rufus - Megaman - Pacman - the two PS mascots and then add - Gen - T Hawk - Rose - Viper - Feng Wei - Dragunov - Anna - Kunimitsu I also never quite liked the duos between Ibuki/Rolento and Julia/Bob, plus how the hel do you have Nina but not her sister, or bring in Christie over Eddy?
  2. if Blanka-chan isn't in SF6 base roster I will send a strongly worded letter to Capcom CEO and demand Yoshinori Ono to pay reparations
  3. it's barebones, has a bad netcode, somehow only alpha 3 had netplay but not alpha 2, the training mode is nothing special, and the collection is essentially a 40$ romdump and not "arcade perfect" as it was advertised
  4. Good call on EVO to include Melty and Granblue Melty definitely flew under the radar for most people (plus it left a sour taste due to issues with the pc port at launch), so hopefully like UNIST a couple of years ago, it gets noticed by a lot of players who never even heard of the franchise Granblue finally gets its spotlight after being shafted by - corona - lack of offline events - bad netplay - poor business practices - overpriced dlc - questionable balance patches - next to no marketing overseas - and people migrating to games with better netcode in general during the new years stream in December, the devs hinted at delivering a big patch with brand new mechanics/system changes in the summer, as well as a potential 3rd season of DLC characters (some/most of which will be voted in by the public, afaik it's going to be a total of 5), so it'll be a perfect time for GBVS to be featured at EVO in its latest version, though I don't expect it to have a netcode update unless ArcSys/Cygames do a completely new SKU (which they sorta made recently with the Legendary Edition which includes S1+S2) for nextgen platforms It probably won't give that much more life into the game but hey, at least it'll be at a truly massive tournament
  5. you're vastly understating just how much power he has. Age is literally the only thing that can end VP permanently. He's due for a reelection in 2 years, and after that will stay as president for another 12 until 2036 there's so much unknown here but I fear after today, in a few year's time, our country will completely fall apart
  6. honestly nobody fucking knows. I've seen many speculate he's trying to rebuild USSR as he saw its collapse first-hand back in the day, hence the massive consolidation of power, iron grip regime, assault on Georgia, puppet governments in Belarus and Kazakhstan, and now slow annexation of Ukraine the propaganda-fed people in the age of 40 and above are obviously in support. The rest are either protesting on the streets right now or keep it anonymous in inner circles, but naturally aren't in support one thing's for sure is that the entire nation is shocked
  7. I am. My life isn't in danger I have a friend un Ukraine however who lives to the north of Odessa, but for now she's okay. Hopefully it stays that way. It's a split. The brainwashed folk obviously believe everything that the media spits out so they think Ukraine is the aggressor here and we're the heroes protecting fellow Russians against genocide in Donetsk and Lugansk. But regardless it's not like anybody asked us
  8. I literally have no words for what the fuck's happening right now imagine waking up to read reddit and see that your country has invaded and is waging a full on war on a brotherly nation
  9. Even if XV drops off it will at least retain a playerbase simply thanks to its netplay quality. XIV became a wasteland within months in Europe
  10. There's no E3 this year though. It'll likely be either a develop stream or a blog post drop
  11. So it really happened Of course it's in the classic Capcom fashion to hype people up only to say "yo come back later this summer" after a week long countdown The teaser is probably not representative of how the game will look (compare any of the SFV openings and trailers to ingame footage), so we'll have to wait for a proper demo, however Luke looks much better and Ryu is now a bearded combat hardened fighter he should be. That's already good news We won't hear about the features for a looong time so at best we can hope for a short match to tease what mechanics are like in the new game Oh and yeah the logo is complete shit, you can feel the touch of a zoomed Tiktok crowd all over it while selling a brand new nft collection
  12. 11 hours until whatever Capcom's planning to reveal (or not) today. Guess the world will celebrate while I'm sleeping
  13. so why does xbox have nearly half the ps5 input lag then
  14. Strive also had a higher input lag on native PS5 version than the PS4 version running on the same system
  15. 90 ms on average as measured by noodalls. 70 if you're using ps4 version on ps5 it's really fucking bad
  16. Nearly 9 frames on ps5 It's actually near unplayable on that console running a native build
  17. I've never had good online play experience in Xtekken on PS3 - it was constant lagging, trleports, slow downs, and other wonderful things
  18. This year is the 35th anniversary of the franchise, it makes perfect sense to announce other related content in addition to a brand new game
  19. This is the kinda comments people get cancelled over nowadays, surprised Guerilla got away with it given how progressively r-worded twitter gets with each passing hour
  20. Hold on, we getting SFXT remaster? With netcode updates?
  21. I mean at the end of the day I'd prefer a DMC2 remake than DMC1 which is more likely what Capcom would want to do one day. Do we really need DMC6 already though?
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