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Posts posted by Deadly_Raver

  1. 8 hours ago, Chadouken said:

    Welp, it's official. I'm an old man.


    I tried on 30 pairs of shoes today looking for the perfect fit with a wide toe box and good arch support. Finally landed on a pair of white leather Nikes in 4E Wide. Straight up dad shoes. They're like walking on clouds, so I don't even give a fuck if they're stylin or not.

    heh.  You caught that big feets disease huh?  Live long enough and you'll get it.  Just be glad you're not a church lady in those high heels.  They need Jesus to bless their ankles and give strength to the straps on those things.


    NOTE:  I was going to add a picture of said feet, but I learned a lesson instead.


    1: Typing in,"Busted feet in high heels" into a search engine without having safe search on will ruin your lunch.

    2:  Dudes apparently buy more high heels than women.  👀






    4:  ...................I went to a place that I was not prepared to go to.  I was not ready for the things I saw.  😱

  2. 12 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

    btw, heads up, crippled avengers and the kid with the golden arm are free on amazon prime right now.

    damn those movies are so good.

    also, love the music in crippled avengers



    along with everything else.

    When you said the crippled avengers I thought you had meant the crippled masters.  Nope.  Two different movies.  I'll have to check out the Crippled Avengers soon.  For now, here's the Crippled Masters.



  3. On 11/28/2021 at 12:48 PM, axeman61 said:

    Back from vacation. Other than getting towed and some possible drama that may spring from my rental car, it was great. @Deadly_Raveryour suggestion for Hutchins BBQ was spot on. I just wish I could have tried Pecan Lodge when I went to the Dallas area.

    Sorry, but that wasn't me.  All the same, I'm glad you enjoyed your trip..........well, other than getting towed that is.  


    Cyber Monday approaches, and the hunt for a new Laptop computer will soon commence.  For this one, the end is nigh.  Farewell soldier.  Stand down from duty for soon you will rest forever.

  4. 4 hours ago, NinetiesArcades said:

    @Thomas Jefferson removal topic: when the fuck is this 'history washing' crap going to end? The dude is part of the American fucking history, regardless if he is a slave owner or not. Not everything in history is rose-tinted colors. What's next, remove holocaust artifacts also since it triggers certain group?

    gtfo GIF 

    Funny you should ask.  This just hit my inbox.


    If they're going to remove those statues over sins of the past, will they now remove the current statues and/or monuments over sins of the present?  

  5. 2 hours ago, MillionX said:

    It looks like AngryMan will be talking about Darrell Brooks among other things right now.



    man, his show crashed earlier when he was about to go in on the democrats.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.

    edit:  Yeah, he restarted it but I caught it late.  Too bad for me this time around.......

  6. 9 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

    All the hate from removing dislikes is just going to trickle down to the comments more and will probably show up in other ways. This is just a stopgap and I have faith the internet will find out other ways to show their displeasure, it always does 😂

    Let Trump get re-elected.  That shit will be back so fast you'll think the Sword of Damocles got a second season.

  7. 16 hours ago, IcyBlackDeep said:

    Oh.  Did they get death sentences during their court appearances?

    Nope.  that happened later on in Kenosha.


    13 hours ago, MillionX said:

    so the first episode of Jeanie is on right now, on AntennaTV.  there's a scene where she just has one of his shirts on pants!  That's amazing they got away with this in 1965 prime-time tv.  Damn her legs look incredible too.  Heh, it's funny how the guy constantly downplays Jeanie's advances.... she's ridiculously hot, has seemingly unlimited magical abilities (*I'd get her to grant me powers, and conjure up tons of money so we're rich), and she fell in love with him at first sight.  Bruh, WHAT is the downside there?  It doesn't get any better than that.  Sheeeeittt.... Barbara Eden still ranks as one of the finest blondies ever to be on television, imo.

    *ah, Tony was engaged at the time so that explains some of that awkwardness... but really, normal human girl can't compete with Jeanie.  That fiancee would've got the boot asap once I got with Jeanie.

    *random tidbit trivia info---Jeanie didn't speak English right away; Tony got frustrated and was like "I wish you spoke English..." and just like that, the wish was granted and she was speaking English so they could understand each other.


    Currently on Decades though--- a "Riptide" marathon.  I'm not sure how that series sneaked past me.  It was on around the mid-80s, and I had never heard of it until recently when seeing it on these networks that specialize in old shows.


    random thing I saw someone post on instagram---"No social media, phone, computer or tv for 2 months, and you get 2 million dollars.  Could you do it?"  Sheeeeeeitttttt that's "All too easy." as Shao Kahn said.  This did not exclude Nintendo Switch or PS Vita or other portable systems that do not require a television so....yeah.

    Yes.  Barbara Eden in a bikini was definitely worth watching.  


    LOL.  That reminds me of the "Battle of the TV witches" thing from a while back.  Even though she isn't a witch, Jeanie is the ONLY one who would've been able to give Samantha any trouble and even then it would almost certainly come down to speed and preparedness.  I think Genies were pretty well liked and didn't have to deal with the persecution and other horrors that a witch had to deal with, so unless I'm wrong combat experience goes to the witch.  Also:  A genie has a big fat weakness called the bottle/lamp they live in.  A witch can jump between areas and dimensions.  A genie?  Yeah, you need help to get out of the bottle.   If the witch knew this and encased it, the game is most likely over.  


    Yeah, I'm starting to think that they aren't getting around Sam.  It's a good thing they never really pissed her off on that show or there might have been a whole lot of,"Deleted Scenes" if you know what I mean.

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