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Posts posted by Emptyeyes

  1. 30 minutes ago, JHDK said:

    Leave the dude alone.

    As tempting as it is to post my old pictures, no one is going believe that I'm a black female outside of here, unless I meet them in person. Regardless, I've posted too much information about myself here, so this can be used against me. I think trying desperately to connect with others over the internet exposed the long term effects of isolation and lack of human interaction mostly throughout my timeline. I'm not sure why my therapist recommended me to connect with LGBTQ and gaming forums. 

  2. 24 minutes ago, Dayaan said:



    Man really called him messy. That's truly a 40 year old, child raising insult. 


    That was pretty funny ngl.

    Despite never losing the child in me, I don't like getting older to be honest, but having a baby face empowers me. I wish to maintain my youth for another 10 years. 


    I try to be immune to intolerance and care for every life, I really do. Cisco's malicious behavior has taught me that not every life is sacred. 

  3. 22 minutes ago, weneedhim said:

    Are you physically capable of licking a guy's armpits? Lets say if Emptyreyes starts crying again, with a purple flower near his nose and starts singing about how wonderful life is to get his armpits licked,  since you can physically do it, then that means you should, right?


    You are stepping into a different world with that post.  A different world in where you are endangered of being obliterated. 


    *Sigh* Lord. I wish that the higher ups in this forum did better with the ignore feature, because your username still appears in a banner, which is a disgusting sight to behold. I just don't want to see it, because your existence here is testing my patience. You are a messy son of a bitch, honestly, and have nothing better else to do. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

    You don't create an account. You put in your SSN, name and address and it will look through their system for when you are suppose to receive your payment. 



    Click on the get my payment button to check your status.

    Thank you. Payment status not available, for me. That looks bad, because I receive direct deposit and people in my apartment have their stimulus. The reason why I didn't file my tax income, because it may affect my disability benefits while I was working. I guess going back to school will have to be on hold for next year. Until then, I need to get my college loan out of default.

  5. 43 minutes ago, weneedhim said:

    I am not HE. I don't even need to say HIS name and you know who HE is. 

    LOL! If you weren't him, why did you reply after all this time to me? Don't think I haven't observed your posting structure, comparing your Cisco account on SRK, to the current one you have now in more recent times. That was my first bait here, so welcome back replying to me.


    It's flattering that you are the second that is comparing and questioning if I am The Damned. He was a sweetheart, having long and thoughtful posts back then. So, from my drastic change throughout the years, even if it was bad most of the time, I'm honored to have a few qualities similar to his own.


    Anyway, what can I do for the skeptics here to prove I'm actually not The Damned?  I think sometime in the future, I will post a video on my youtube channel, talking about things and this forum in particular. I have to improve my body image though. I must look pretty for the viewers.


  6. 1 minute ago, Hawkingbird said:

    Speaking of sexual preferences that's not mainstream, I speaking with a friend of mine about Cyberpunk. A minor character in the game is a transwoman and told him how knowing that killed my attraction for the character. Personally I can't do it but he said he would still smash. In fact, he said the only reason he identifies as straight is that he ain't attracted to men. Definitely something I didn't expect to learn through casual conversation. I should ask how far he takes it. It seems if a person is feminine enough he's willing to give the pass.

    Well, that's the complexity of sexuality. Most men typically gravitate to the feminine form, but the twist of a male assigned at birth that takes the steps in transitioning and resembling what they identity by, an attractive and passable transwoman will get attention. I think that sort of attraction can put one in a grey area and I question if everyone is 100% of their sexuality as they say. So, I question the convenience of being attracted to one sex is actually predispositioned, leaving open a possibly for fluidity. If true, the world would be better off. I believe there are more bisexuals in the world than the data suggests.

  7. Hm. It seems that you're fed up with replying to me Cisco and that's fine. My final words to you, it kind of gave me pause that you called me a cookie lover, if it's in the context of which you are implying. If so, unfortunately, a certain group of people can't or won't comprehend that sometimes connections run deeper than what color of skin they have or where they are from. I wish you the best. 

  8. 14 minutes ago, weneedhim said:

    Don't try me.

    I have a low tolerance for girlymen

    That's quite an obsession you have and amusing, yet it's all tiresome. Do you also single out masculine females or they get a common pass from a double standard? I wish that people stop seeing a certain traditional sex role as more important than the other. It took two to get you here. Remember that. 

  9. What do people think about fracking? I say it's not needed, even if it will cost a vast amount of jobs. I think it's all about saving the environment and looking out for the animals and people's health. The days of old were much more appealing of what not to do to upset balance and naturality. 

    They also need to stop injecting steroids, antibiotics, and other foolishness in animals. Also, they make fruits and vegetables with fault to eat, for the purpose of us getting sick, inexchange for special interest. Someday, I hope that those in power will stop catering to big corporations.

  10. 6 hours ago, HD-Man said:

    Nas, been getting snubbed for years. Definitely cool to see him win one

    Wow, Nas....I haven't heard his songs in almost 20 years (I'm open to very much all genres). How is he doing? I've only owned a copy of Stillmatic at the time, which I believe "One Mic" stood out as most interesting. I also remember Ether, which was a song feud between him and Jay Z. It was vaguely brutal, but putting together the lyrics of this genre in a rap battle in particular to possibly degrade the other was always the case.


    Going further, I've always viewed rap as similar to the thought and rhythm process of poetry. 

  11. 31 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

    I've found your perspective on things to be interesting reads. Fuck Cisco, he's insufferable asshole who adds nothing value. 

    Likewise. You're someone that I've observed for quite sometime. You're definitely a person with good taste. 


    6 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

    I'm going to take this as a good thing, so thanks. 

    Lovely post. Lord Vega is quite the character and humorous. I kind of understand why he feels that I'm his counterpart. I think that refers to being different. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Deadly_Raver said:

    Trolls are gonna troll.  That's why there's an ignore button.

    I will keep that in mind, but I'll be the sensitive one too unfortunately LOL. Maybe I should tap into the child in me by having sport with their animosity of me, escalating it further. I've done troll baiting in the past to get under people's skin, so there's more to me than telling sexual jokes. Triggering others makes me fell warm inside, at least when you deserve it. Or just sit back and laugh at them like the rest of you. ^_^ 

  13. 48 minutes ago, Deadly_Raver said:

    I think the problem here isn't what you're talking about, but who you're talking to.

    I guess so. It mystifies me that when I post my thoughts and feelings on certain subjects, where it could potentially have users to think and exchange information. However, you have people like AY0, Cisco, and a few others being against it, because the context of it has to align with their standards of what's allowed here. I rather be myself from now on irregardless of foul users or moderation against me. This wouldn't be the first time on me being banned before. 


    Certain people need to get the stick out of their anus. I just don't like stuck up/highly sensitive people.

  14. 41 minutes ago, weneedhim said:

    Go to a girls forum.


    I am sick and tired of feeling my testicles die off every time I accidentally run in to another one of your diary like posts about how warm you feel looking at the clouds, how you want your bed sheets smelling like lavender,  how it's all Chris Brown's fault instead of Rhiana's, and all this girlyman crap. 

    And what if I don't? Nevermind, the higher ups in this forum probably grow tire of my dwelling here.


    It seems that you either gotten much worse over the years or just misrepresenting your true personality, but I guess it can't be helped. Maybe StarHammer was right and shouldn't post what I look like, because I see that you would look at me exactly the same, and belittle me further. Your over-masculinity bleeds insecurity, so try to work on that. It seems certain SRK members still maintain some degree of rudeness and disrespect against those that have done nothing to them, but it's much more tame in later times than it was back then. 

    Perhaps I should be a lurker again and discontinue interaction with people in this topic, since there is too much of a distinction between me and the rest. 

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