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Everything posted by Emptyeyes

  1. I'm going to put this in my signature later on and I love the visual prowess of the Uchiha's, particularly Itachi. ^_^
  2. Come to think of it, my grandmother never budged on the full extent of my ancestry and she hardly look black at all. I think that's the reason of the eye color and originally having fair toned skin at birth.
  3. I guess it was jab on my username and the nature of my post history here. Though this does come to mind about coming into the world, my eyes were originally blue, then green, hazel, and currently greenish grey. Why the the change of different eye colors? I don't know for sure. It's weird to me that my eyes changes colors depending on my mood, just like my Dad.
  4. Maybe discord was right about my eyes not being real, especially from reading this post? Lord. You just can't make this stuff up.
  5. I'll expand a little on it with bit and pieces, then. From my time with pre-SRK with the arcades and tournaments, it was just a crazy and despicable era for me to be in. I was very much an open target to be talked about and if you held a consist record against them and not heterosexual (I guess an androgynous look at the time revealed my bisexuality), they hated you even more. They were definitely some of the worst people to deal with before knowing SRK. Post old SRK, I would proceeded to get hated even more by people who just couldn't keep my name out their mouths through topics and mentions dedicated to how they felt toward me. The voice communication online while having sessions with them and a few thousand rage quits was appalling. I couldn't really keep up with all those rage quits. They would also get my online gaming accounts suspended through the years, by abusing the complaint feature. Even after all that, putting up with their foolishness was disgustingly with merit, because they've gotten me to where I needed to be in the genre. To think I'm thanking them, which is ironic.....
  6. *Sigh* Then I guess you would have liked my timeline at the old SRK when the people there had their little feud with me, which I took no part of LOL. I did find it a little amusing at the time from the hating on my performance and would make personal attacks against me. They simply wouldn't stop until the next best thing came out. The salt as you people say, was real, at the time and I do have some stories to tell.
  7. To me, the old SRK wasn't very approachable. It was a sorry excuse for a community due to taking the games that were played a bit too far, which broke the barriers further beyond than I ever took it. What would the community gain by going back to being that mean and bitter to each other? Even one of my friends in Pennsylvania told me that she feels that it wouldn't be a good idea for me to go back to tournaments again.
  8. I guess this will be another recipe to make out of curiosity.
  9. Awesome and I recognize it. I'll save the image. I was BJ on Capcom Unity. Compared to SRK, the forum was the friendlier side of the FGC at the time. We had a nice dedicated group.
  10. The latter. Angel, if you see this message, thank you for reaching out on discord even though the banned issue is permanent, I guess. Please keep in mind that I don't know much about discord, hence why I hardly use it. I can't believe you had to ban users under the same username impersonating me. That's really sad.
  11. I see. If you were a Gouken main at the time, that was cool. I recall someone also having avatars of him. I definitely miss the character.
  12. I'm curious, but I was hesitant to ask you when signing up here. Were you from Capcom Unity, before they deleted the forums? If not, there was a username similar to yours on there. Sorry for the odd question and am just curious.
  13. Years of baby steps. Having an original template and standard to the genre from games like Street Fighter 2 and Virtua Fighter, can help you open doors to their respectful dimensions on games that came after. I'm not actually competitively driven for the wrong reasons anymore. So, it's more like restarting over, revising myself on a better solution to play fighting games.
  14. Hard enough to get where you desire to be, yes. Brute force, character matches, over priority are what made it unique for it's time. Another game I've eventually used random select in. My experience on getting where I needed to be was through long sessions in the arcades and tournaments in early 2000. I've surprisingly became so much better later down the line with the launch of Tekken 6/Tekken Tag 2. I need to revisit other fighting games as well. I just happened to become better in the genre, because I've originally started the genre in the early 1990s, due to escapism of my personal problems by not willing to face them. So, I guess it unintentionally worked out for me.
  15. Good. We will someday. I want to make an effort to get involved with this community again. I wonder how Emerald Lord, Tongari Dan, and Nerd Josh is doing, after all these years after having good memories of them versus me in SF4? I should build more memories like that. I haven't played Calipower since Street Fighter 3 and Capcom vs Snk 2, so I wonder how he's doing as well? Very competitive and versatile person he was.
  16. Perhaps we can add each other, on PS5 at the very least, when I buy one down the line. I'm indiscriminate of skill/experience level. You sound like someone that I could enjoy the company with in fighting games and that's all that matters.
  17. I think people were boosting me to much at the time, where it become overwhelming for me. A little modesty can go a long way, because being self-absorbed can make you lose sight of what's important. Fei Long was my main character at one point, but I've gotten around having my feel with all of the characters. So, I've dropped Fei Long at the time and used random select. Not that it matters, but my win ratio was around 92 percent in Vanilla and 95 percent in Super. You can imagine how bored I was at first from winning, but that's the point. You should always find people who are better than you.
  18. There could be a chance in rank or I've had you on my friends list at one point. I've had roughly around 50 players on my list at the time from this game. I do thank them for their time. I remember in Super Street Fighter 4, some of them eventually caught up with me during it's release. I was proud of them. I've never liked winning too much, because that neglects the progress in my opinion.
  19. Wow. I remember those characters being a tough time to deal with. Familiar PS3 ID. Mine use to be IBJI.
  20. Hm. I remember during the original Street Fighter 4 era, people were concluding that Fei Long was low tier on Capcom Unity and SRK, something to the extent. It's ironic when I have used him and grew in the process, I've gained a following back then on Capcom Unity. Lux on SRK, was referencing new people to me in order to learn the character and various characters that I've learned. Lux was an exceptional player to my recollection, as we grown accustomed to the engine where we comfortable enough to use random select through the session, which the session outcome was almost equal. Though, reflecting on my time with him, I've felt he was a little bit better than me. There is only one person here I potentially remember on Capcom Unity. Anyway, on tiers. While I believe there will always be more reliable characters than others, I believe that people are too fixated on winning rather than having fun. In a competitive setting, I believe no one ever had the answer.
  21. Good one. I wish that Cell would be resurrected in some way, but there is Dragon Ball Heroes anime for that. They tend to show episodes every month. Cell was definitely my favorite villain.
  22. What!? I guess I would have to work toward returning to 130 or 140 pounds in order to fit those clothes. I need to lose weight regardless. Anyway, thank you for informing me of this.
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