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Everything posted by Emptyeyes

  1. That's disappointing. I'm a nerd too respectfully, but since if the choices are one sided, then that's unacceptable. I suppose I will have to be more creative by putting together and resembling more unisex clothes in that store.
  2. Hot topic changed? Interesting. It's been a while since I've been there. That's my primary clothing store next to Macys.
  3. Even if the F Bomb lost all it's power years ago, what made him consent to this script saying he would rape other wrestlers after humbling them? It's a mystery to me and the accent just made me burst out with laughter in the distant past.
  4. I think out of the genres I've listened to, Linkin Park over the years was overwhelmingly relatable, but captivating through the bands lyrics. While I miss and honor Chester and identifying with his situation at one point, his exceptional work still continues to keep me going through the day. It's kind of nice that Mike Shinoda will continue the band without him, even if Chester is irreplaceable.
  5. I'm not sure how popular or unpopular this opinion is, but people have been comparing chess to fighting games primitively. So, if my opinion is unpopular, then this is appropriate. It's strictly my opinion, by the way. I've typed this up years ago. So, over years, I've disagreed with the fighting game as chess analogy. It's a failed legitimization to think it's similar or in the same league, because chess can actually help you in everyday life. To name a few health benefits from chess, it treats people with mental illnesses, rehabilitation, and therapy. Due to my condition as a chess player growing up, which the game was recommended by my former teachers and therapists helped me break some barriers in problem solving. To move on, video games were never designed to be unapproachable where the "average person" can't reach higher levels, and that's where a certain crowd of the FG community thinks, which is without substance. Depending on the player, it should be common knowledge that new or average level players can surpass veterans in a reasonable amount of time, either if they really wanted to, or had to be shown the way to. So, people are over complicating the genre's difficulty. Ever since supers and other shortcuts were introduced and spread to almost every FG, the genre isn't what it use to be, because it gives you enough chances to make a comeback on the more skillful player. Fighting games are generally more convenient to understand for the human mind in comparison due to the simplicity of it being in motion. High level of play even becomes more apparent as players bring out the best in the engine overtime, so it doesn't demand an extreme level of gifted intuition/skill as chess, as it is turn based, if your ambition is to become grandmaster on that subject. Unlike FGs, you just can't really make a bad decision on the board versus versatile players, because it will cost you whole game. Where as with the genre, they will always give you chances due to it's overall design.
  6. I don't think they should be dehumanized, but urgent help is needed for them to manage their case. Not many are willing to admit it through a professional, which dealing with it alone as I imagine is tragic for them, because of the perceived risks of getting reported. Thoughts are one thing, but to act on it is where the line should be drawn.
  7. Ahhh, so they must have taken the image down. I'll have to subscribe to their channel.
  8. Type in search engine, my username. There are a bunch of images involving my username.
  9. With the reconnection of my father and sessions of my therapist, you can thank them for that. I wasn't very analytical in their absence, but it's needed to resolve underlining issues that I have and be open to the possibility of being incorrect on various subjects. And yes, I'm very intuitive, but it doesn't mean I'm not open to hear people out and see where the chips fall.
  10. Please clarify on why my posting style is feminine? I've always considered my posting and speech not very concrete. It's more neutral to me personally, though people have been questioning me through the years on the description of who I really am this whole time.
  11. I can't keep up with all users back then, but very cool post. No hard feelings.
  12. E. Honda = myself? No thank you. And it's amazing that you've accepted me being black, but won't believe that I'm not other users and among other things. I think if I were to prove you wrong, you still wouldn't care for me posting here, so damned if I do, damned if I don't. How selective of you, but have it your way.
  13. No. Hopefully, someday, I'll meet you through tournament events when I return to them, where I can have a long talk with you. Simply put, you need love in your life.
  14. There's no need to be triggered by what I've said, RSG3. To be clear, I'm NOT actually agreeing with what my community is doing, as I believe that no one should HAVE to like us. Though, I will say that the form of revenge is humorous to me. And let's be honest with ourselves, the utopia of diversity in this country isn't going to unite us unfortunately, because we've always chosen to segregate ourselves by beholding differences, which was one of the aspects for the forging of this country. We are predispositioned with that, until death, but it doesn't mean we can't show a little compassion and understanding. Imagine, if everyone did come together, then a certain group of advocates of change and equality that profits them wouldn't have much to talk about. Well, that proves my perception of the fundamental understandings of human nature, which we cannot change. I've always felt that our existence was a mistake through evolution being observed, due of having diversity and differences. So, I feel that makes us self-destructive and chaotic, where we need to be saved from ourselves. Fortunately, I believe the capability of death is the only solution to that.
  15. If there is one dead person I've had a similar mindset to, it was George Carlin. He was right for it's time though, because his views on the country itself and the people in it were spot on. The one thing that stood out the most by him was the non-existence of natural human rights. I think there is only take, grant, and preserve calling it your own in order to hold your position. The man made rights conception is like a false sense of fairness, but were always privileges in disguise.
  16. Lil Mama, needs to acknowledge that there are consequences of a certain group of heterosexuals in power restricting the freedoms of the LGBTQ through retrospect. Basically, it's very much an eye for an eye on what my community is doing. So, I'd argue that traditionalists that opposed the LGBTQ, made my community, what they are today.
  17. LOL! To amuse myself here, by what method, exactly? I was tempted to take a jab against you, but that ruins the purpose of forgiveness. I've just accepted that I feel sorry for you, because you can't meet your popularity thus justify your existence here, without my help.
  18. I guess we're too relatable, then. I was told yesterday by a neighbor that even in the state of mind that I've been in from my time in earth, there will always have someone that has it more difficult than I. I'd like to think there is a reason why I've survived up to this point, even if there was a close call on my life last year and multiple times over 10 years ago. I guess, I'm lucky. I hope to find out if I'm really am alive someday by relating to more to the norm.
  19. My apologies, but my response to Lord Vega was by impulse, that happened to start a chain reaction. I would never engage in more advanced or expert discussions in politics, because I concede that I'm not involved much with these topics that have or are going on in this country. I don't consider it a loss either.
  20. I haven't played Shenmue 3, but only the previous ones. I don't really care for the simplification of execution. In my eyes, you're either a fan of the genre, or you're not. I think there has been too much of an emphasis on handout mechanics to have the losing player to measure up against seasoned players. The concept of winning in this genre has lost all it's meaning and reward in more recent times through my hindsight.
  21. Yesterday the Japanese video game news site Denfaminico Gamer held an interview with SEGA-AM2 legendary arcade designer Yu Suzuki (Virtua Fighter), Tekken’s Katsuhiro Harada and Arc System Works’ Toshimichi Mori where they talked about the histories of their franchises that included Virtua Fighter, Tekken, Guilty Gear and Blazblue. There was also some talk about the possibility of creating Virtua Fighter 6! The important bits of the interview were taken from @gosokkyu twitter account, who translates Japanese gaming news. If you like Japanese games, I suggest you give the account a follow. According to Yu Suzuki, if he ever created a Virtua Fighter 6 he would want to simplify and improve the controls and interfaces further. According to Yu Suzuki, he prefers the players to be focused on tactics instead of mastering inputs. Yu thinks this would broaden the user base. This is something that a lot of other game studios are playing with now and has the community mixed. For example Riot Games is working on a fighting game with no inputs, but uses ‘cool down’ mechanics for powerful moves. Harada also complained about how he gets consistent request from fighting game fans on twitter (hey, that’s us) about a new Virtua Fighter because SEGA never attends these fighting game events ; so all fans seem to direct their request to him. He even mentioned that a lot of fans are requesting a Tekken x Virtua Fighter crossover, if that’s what it takes to get a new Virtua Fighter. During the interview Harada also brings up something he talked on twitter about before, a deal Namco had floating around at management level where Namco would have added Virtua Fighter characters into a potential Dreamcast Tekken title, which never happened. At the end of the interview, the interviewer ask Yu Suzuki and Katsuhiro Harada to go to SEGA and request they both make Virtua Fighter 6, with Yu Suzuki responding, “If you need me, just say the word.” Surprised that the interviewer didn’t even ask Yu Suzuki what he thought of SEGA’s announcement for Virtua Fighter x eSports. I guess we really don’t know what that project is, so there isn’t much to discuss. (Yu Suzuki isn’t at SEGA and works independent, the comment that they will ask SEGA to make Virtua Fighter 6 is from a outsiders preceptive.) Thoughts from any Virtua Fighter fans here?
  22. seem like the most leveled headed admin I've come across and among other things. I've noticed your leniency and seem fun. Also, thank you for loooking out days ago.
  23. Something about the name mega 100 or something when I clicked on the invite here weeks ago.
  24. Thank you, AriesWarlock. The song was catchy and nice old school cover. I've subscribed to their channel.
  25. Face the reality, you're interested in me and you're ashamed of it. Anyone that isn't interested in what I have to say would pay me no mind. ^_^ Edited: It looks like I'm banned from the discord server here. I guess telling a few users about themselves days ago made them butthurt. The truth hurts.
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