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Everything posted by Emptyeyes

  1. This is a nice remix of Sting's Theme. He probably had the best gimmick to me during the time in WCW. The feeling of the darkness, haste, and depression emanating from the music was perfect.
  2. I think having ulcer complications have changed me for the better from abusing alcohol. It's like that my body and mind is exhausted and indifferent from the temptation of using, which I see it as a hard reset that I would like to remain permanently. What do people think about sex and race specific months and a sexual orientation based one? It's not my thing, but addressing and moderately depleting the issues that minorities have faced in the past especially is basic human progress. It think that loving yourself based on your walk of life that you are assign with is ok and no one should feel a majority or minority guilt. I just don't care for pride and while human's can be arrogant by nature, a little modesty and compassion can go a long way.
  3. Well, I believe in honesty in the introduction topic, which I'm basically an open book on the internet, because I have nothing to hide in my life. I'm sorry if you're skeptical of it. I don't have much of a recollection from my username in the year 2004, because I was mostly a lurker.
  4. Very naughty, if this was directed to me. I wish I could, because it's not too often that takes place. Giving a little humor back. ^_^
  5. Good Lord. I've gotten what Lantis was asking over a week ago about me having an alternative account name to B-Tier. It had me confused at the time. Since it was brought up again, that's pretty vague to call me. Yes, I acknowledge that I'm not the average person, which everyone has told me that for most of the majority from my life. How would you define normal? It fundamentally lost all it's meaning to me.
  6. To die so young. That gives me pause and being close to 40, I was interested in take the vaccine. Though one the cashiers I know at 40 said that when she took the shot, she felt like she was dying and will never take another one. The complexity of everyone's cases from being infected and the vaccine's side effects were always very concerning.
  7. Wow, that's some good taste to recommend. Thank you. I guess I'll work toward buying them all one day.
  8. I'm sorry to hear that. Half of what's described, my family fall under this as well and was quick to put me out of their homes since they could no longer control me. I think that was the best thing that happened to me, because I needed to find myself, instead of living most of my life appeasing/emulating other family members for approval. I still struggle with that when trying to make friends by earning their acceptance of me, but I need to work on surrounding myself with positive people.
  9. Hmm...I haven't read any marvel comics in years, but I liked the Rise Of The Imperfects. My favorites like Black Cat, Black Panther, and Venom, but I think Maya (Paragon) stands out more to me. I think out all known comics, the Spawn atmosphere is more complete series of comics for me. I lean toward anti-heroism, than anything else.
  10. I've never played this before, but it seems like alot of fun. I'm only familiar with DBZ Super Butoden, Budokai (?), and Tenkaichi.
  11. Wow. I just found out about this on the news this morning. It's definitely not what I was expecting, as I thought they were going to include a section where toys and clothing were going to be exclusively structured for neutrality, instead of looping them together for tolerance. A bit barbaric in enforcing it or they'll be fined, but interesting.
  12. Arden Lyn was a favorite of mine, even though the fighting game in the 1990s was too rough too play. I like the cyborg class most. I have to thank Star Wars for it's existence, because it has given birth to Cyberpunk, which is also my favorite.
  13. Androgyny is gradually becoming more popular. I like the models that have characteristics of both sexes and have the clothing line that's perfect for them. Not something I would like to say, but yes, and it shouldn't matter. I would rather be treated the same as the rest.
  14. Yes, I would say I'm more in the middle. I think it's important for me to not be so much involved in the two extremes, yet honoring a little fusion of both and I'm not knocking anyone who is conservative from the subject. I have my own comfort in balance, as I can't be 100% of anything. It's the same case with my sexuality, which is bisexual. I'm very fluid and would like to remain as is.
  15. I miss Hot Topic and Macys. Goth and androgynous clothes are my preferences. I wish that I didn't have to go to Metairie or Kenner for this, but I guess it's worth the ride. I also like the unisex fragrance CK One, but would like to expand on other gender neutral perfumes.
  16. Lovely band. I've only known and listened to their music for a few years.
  17. Johnny Bravo was a very amusing cartoon, but you're right. I just wanted to say that there is too much of an attack on men. It took men to forge, protect, and preserve countries from within. I fail to see how masculine behavior is toxic, especially since I believe both sexes had their fluid moments in both traits. It takes two for reproduction in order for an outcome to take place. No sex would be successful without the other, so we're dependent on each other as contributions to this life. I imagine belittling either is an neglection and dishonor to one's biology.
  18. The competition from the Nintendo Switch version is where it should be, while still having some recollection of most matches being very close and enjoyable in it's rhythm and movement. I appreciate those that stayed around in order for both them and me to grow in the process and honoring each other's interpretations. While the online is underwhelming in activity, but it's functionality is just a plus. Having the game itself is all that matters. Hopefully, I could return to the offline tournament scene. It was very thrilling back then.
  19. That's fair and I guess that's why I'm still in therapy. I think it's a bit of in stagnation for me to let various forms of my past define me, but learning how to cope and heal from it can be the way to free myself from being a prisoner of it, which is what I've been lectured on. My health department were always willing to assist me on treatment and bringing out the best version of myself, even though I wasn't always fully cooperative. Your post was needed. Thank you.
  20. I've bought the latest Mayflash F500 Elite that supports Sanwa Button Modding not too long ago. I'm not sure how reliable these arcade sticks are, compared to the others you've posted. The basis of them, going further in depth prior in your original posts are noted. I don't know much about this subject, but I'll put my trust in you.
  21. I remember playing Dusk, at least. Being a sniper back then was fun.
  22. A touchy subject, but I've always was a little uncomfortable to this day with doctors during a physical. At 15 years old, I remember two female doctors were indecent with me repeatedly, but it did help me discover part of my sexuality, not knowing who I was prior. I guess it's just the memories. I think those who have those feelings, I don't believe that they are irredeemable, but misunderstood in the sense that they need their situation to be managed by a professional to avoid doing serious time. Hypersexuality and prostitution was something that I was ashamed of at one point in my life, but it was due to being raised old school. Casting aside traditionalism has it's advantages. It's been several months since I've had my feel with someone on the matter. I think it's time to step out of solitude and have friends with benefits, possibly a partner who I can relate to. I wish I wasn't so dependent on the company of others, but sexual pleasure is very consuming and what helps me get through that day.
  23. I'm interested in the Splatoon (?) series. I think I'll buy them when I get paid.
  24. I'm not sure if I posted here before, but I'm considering the two reboots, since I've liked the originals. Outside of this, I've also liked Quake and Unreal Tournament since it's birth. I never thought that I'd move to shooters, but I don't seem to have the attention span for RPGs and Puzzles anymore. I guess a person can change.
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