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  1. +1
    Dracu reacted to Dragonfave723 in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Copied and pasted from another forum. A dataminer named Shang discovered something in regards to the location of the "Ruined Lab" stage, and it's not what you think. 
  2. +1
    Dracu reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Has anyone posted this yet?
  3. +1
    Dracu got a reaction from Phantom_Miria in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I think Falke is still redeemable. Especially seeing how well Ed turned out in SF6. 
    The robot girl sucks. Keep that crap in Tekken.
    I like the hawaian girl and am fine with a fat chick, but her design is a bit too simple. Needs a bit more flair to make it memorable.
  4. LOL
    Dracu got a reaction from Phantom_Miria in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    The gorilla guy is surely making a playable appearance in the future. He's getting name dropped a lot in Ed's win quotes.
    Also, Psycho Power black baby? Did Barlog and Falke do the dirty? haha

    Ed's redesgined Neo-Shadaloo uniform looks much better too.
  5. +1
    Dracu got a reaction from DarthEnderX in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I think Falke is still redeemable. Especially seeing how well Ed turned out in SF6. 
    The robot girl sucks. Keep that crap in Tekken.
    I like the hawaian girl and am fine with a fat chick, but her design is a bit too simple. Needs a bit more flair to make it memorable.
  6. +1
    Dracu reacted to CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    yeah and baby male
    That's cool
    Still think would be awesome if Necro and Effie will join them (despite not being ex Shadaloos they still have perfect background for that), but "E" is taken by Ed lol
  7. +1
    Dracu reacted to bakfromon in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Nakayama had made a comment to a fan a few years ago regarding him wanting Ed to have  a group of friends. He hinted that the naming convention of the friends would follow some sort of Alphabet pattern. 
    The first Neo Shadaloo members were the first in the Alphabet series, and now we have the rest.  (The Dolphin Amrita is “A” and Goliath is “G”)
  8. LOL
    Dracu reacted to CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    One giant teeth above and one below, SF4 style 😆

  9. Insightful
    Dracu got a reaction from AriesWarlock in The SF6 Thread: Akuma Incoming!   
    Rewatching some of Uma's matches, since I've been missing them due to the late hour and I must say the spaced out Drive Reversal bait is such an awesome technique. Literally no one had any response to it and is probably the one plus that gave him an edge against his opponents. Just amazing.
    I have no doubt it's going to become a staple of SF6 moving forward, cause I can't imagine anyone watching his matches not wanting it in their arsenal. At least if other characters can pull it off as consistently well as Juri, cause that's probably going to be a big limiting factor.
  10. +1
    Dracu got a reaction from ShockDingo in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I think Falke is still redeemable. Especially seeing how well Ed turned out in SF6. 
    The robot girl sucks. Keep that crap in Tekken.
    I like the hawaian girl and am fine with a fat chick, but her design is a bit too simple. Needs a bit more flair to make it memorable.
  11. WTF
    Dracu reacted to Shakunetsu in The SF6 Thread: Akuma Incoming!   
  12. Insightful
    Dracu got a reaction from Jocelot in The SF6 Thread: Akuma Incoming!   
    Rewatching some of Uma's matches, since I've been missing them due to the late hour and I must say the spaced out Drive Reversal bait is such an awesome technique. Literally no one had any response to it and is probably the one plus that gave him an edge against his opponents. Just amazing.
    I have no doubt it's going to become a staple of SF6 moving forward, cause I can't imagine anyone watching his matches not wanting it in their arsenal. At least if other characters can pull it off as consistently well as Juri, cause that's probably going to be a big limiting factor.
  13. +1
    Dracu reacted to CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Not a fan of robot girl either, both for the robot thing but also for her look. But i can see japan pull that given their taste
    My reasoning was i doubt they would invest DLC money for fat girl, is more the type of char that have hope to sneak into vanilla cast rather than DLC
    Every DLC female they will release is going to have some waifu fanbase potential, be it new char or returning... non conventional beauty is unlikely to grab rare female slot imho (AKI already push a bit the limits in that sense), specially with many easy to sell beautiful female vets still waiting to join
  14. +1
    Dracu reacted to CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Tbh i will be fine with Cypher and Baba who will offer great variety*, to me is Falke that would be fucking redundant... she was'nt that charismatic/popular, too visually repetition of Ed and we have a la canne user with psycho powers already lol
    Indeed something that surprised me is no other female beside Falke, specially considering Falke was kinda mediocre addition and generated no fanbase, Neo Shadaloo in theory give them lot of creative freedom.
    There was the robot girl in SFV

    but in SF6 there's no hint of her
    There was also the fat hawaian girl that despite being someway interesting/curious choice (i even made her in creation) have no chance in hell to be DLC material, just don't fit audience's waifu needs

    *Cypher as pure knife user would be new (and cool for character creation), and teleport as power seems something that would make sense for a vicious opponent
    Wish they give him stronger cultural theme (i don't care they race-changed him, but previous one had caucasus area/cossack vibes wich gave him bit of direction, would like they build bit something for the new one too)
    Baba i know would be loved or hated kind of thing, personally would not have problem with it and would fill the "giant" slot, even if i would still prefer Hugo to fill it
  15. LOL
    Dracu got a reaction from Irrononcibly in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    The gorilla guy is surely making a playable appearance in the future. He's getting name dropped a lot in Ed's win quotes.
    Also, Psycho Power black baby? Did Barlog and Falke do the dirty? haha

    Ed's redesgined Neo-Shadaloo uniform looks much better too.
  16. +1
    Dracu got a reaction from Irrononcibly in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I think the point of the quote is that Rashid lost his friend due to Shadaloo and that he takes them seriously, much how Ed takes them seriously, not necessarily that something happened to Ed's friends. Even then, if Ed was kidnapped as a kid he already lost his familiy due to them. I wouldn't read too much into it.
  17. Insightful
    Dracu got a reaction from elliephil in The SF6 Thread: Akuma Incoming!   
    Maybe it has something to do with the freeze screen glitch where, if you press a button during the opponent's DI freeze screen your input gets eaten.
  18. +1
    Dracu reacted to Sonero in The SF6 Thread: Akuma Incoming!   
    Jamie's drink levels reset every round and Manon's don't. You can combo into medals and land command grabs that give medals while getting stronger for doing so.
    C'mon man.
  19. Insightful
    Dracu got a reaction from Pair of Rooks in The SF6 Thread: Akuma Incoming!   
    Wow, they all, without exception, suck balls. We dodged a massive bullet. 
  20. +1
    Dracu reacted to Shakunetsu in The SF6 Thread: Akuma Incoming!   
  21. +1
    Dracu reacted to CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Wow, shitty in terms of contents to unlock, but lot to talk about
    In super random order
    - We finally got a name for knife guy, Cypher.
    They made him do a DBZ fusion with Afro Samurai, but i'm ok with it as SFV one had kinda light hair and we don't need all of them to be blond lol
    - Apparently Dobberman power was stolen studying an indian master, but rather than Dhalsim i think they mean Dr. Gulabjamun

    - For the child i agree with @DarthEnderXmost easy guess is baby was another subject they was experimenting on, with Falke holding it as she's the only woman of the group so would fit as motherly figure.
    Interesting part about the child is that seems to have PP telekinesis, another specific PP ability after the 4 we saw already, made me thnk he's 5th to receive one of Bison's "gifts"
    - Baba/Gorilla gift have me bit confused, in theory super intellect is one of Bison traits, but we never seen him do the genius scientist shit, he ever looked like he had to rely on other scientists to build and explain him stuff, while often he just looked the typical army villain who don't want listen and just push them to work harder/faster.
    But after all we have Urien who's canon confirmed brilliant scientist who personally made up bunch of theories and then let his scientists develop stuff based on his intuitions, so maybe Bison was similar case
    - Maybe i'm missing some more accurate anime reference, but did bit of search, seems there's an anime dolphin with psychic powers called Ikyugo in a series about psychic powers
    So guess this guy may have been their inspiration?ūgō
    Apparently his powers are precognition and telepathy
    Wich make me think if PP and SP are two faces of same coin sharing similar powers (i know we don't all agree on thiswe talked it not long ago), PP may at least have some precognition potential since we know SP have it
    Btw the dolphin feels cool pick for Shadaloo experiments, considering how evolved and mysterious their brain still is to us.
    - Capcom seem's to be unable to chose if Ed had parents or was totally lab made, just yesterday i seen his SFV story where Ed is sure to be made in lab (literally say it), today in SF6 i see him question if he had parents lol
    It's also given a new(?) info on one of Shadaloo methods to get subjects, apparently they would tell families the child needs special cures for some medical condition, then do instead their experiments
    - I'm kinda confused about Dolls destiny thought they were free after Bison's destruction but apparently afterward they was doing same shit even wearing shadaloo uniform, part that make me most skeptic about that piece is even Decapre is there, when in theory should have been saved by Cammy... it's hard even consider it retcon considering seems conflict even with SF6 Cammy info
    - Apparently "Neo Shadaloo" name was given them by others, and Ed basically just "accepted" that as at that point his group was known with that name
    Also as @YagamiFiresaid the shadaloo wannabes that seek to get Ed call themselves like that
    -We was guessing if ASF base was in Germany, i'm not sure if is or not, but now i believe Ed and Falke grew in two totally different bases: Ed in ASF one, wich left and then found Falke's one (in Germany) where he free her.
    Considering Falke is the very first he found guess possible also first base was in Germany or not far from it.
    Thanks to @biachunlipost we learned that Ed does'nt know german very well, but that does'nt hep much considering he grew talking mostly to Rog
    -Cool to see Rog still is friend with Ed... was kinda "spoiled" by same @biachunlipost where we knew they keept in touch, but still cool see it in the artwork, mostly because Ed leaving Rog to walk his own path was one of the two SFV story scenes totally ripped from Berserk, and in Berserk it resulted into dramatic end of friendship (and lot of other apocalyptic shit lol)
    Cool to see Rog just accepted Ed became a man free to chose his path and the bond survived, because was rare case of SF making Rog interesting beyond being SF Mike Tyson
    At same time could also hint Ed himself allowed him to get close because now believe to have grown strong enough to not being consumed by Bison (and so to not be a danger for Rog)
    - Seems JP original plan could have been return to work under Bison, i mean give the throne to Ed knowing will transform into Bison.
    Possible was'nt even a plan of JP, but still made up by Bison as saving-ass card... now that i think about it we never talked much about how JP could have got his PP after SF6 launch.
    At first i was hoping he was one of Bison's fellow disciples (mostly hoping Capcom had the balls to not do him a Bison minion lol) , but later we learned it's not possible as he just got PP in recent times.
    Another thing is that while Ed, Falke etc got the gifts split one by one, for whatever reason JP got (from Bison or took himself?)  all Bison's abilities... surely to lesser extent (we learned he's not THAT strong) but still he can do all tricks of Ed, Falke, Chyper and Baba
    Make me think his apparent disgust for fighting/violence made him good candidate that could ignore PP push to seek power and stick to the plan, but fun thing is we seen JP is starting to like it too the more his PP grow, so maybe he will go "fuck the plan" and seek power as well (only to be squashed by eventual Bison returns because capcom have no testicles)
    - Ed base moveset (for specials i used lot else) is awesomeness on my Dudley 🤩
    - Bit pissed we did'nt got to see NS base with all freaks ingame, would have been one of Ed's coolest things
    - Damn it Capcom adding motoGP style racing suit that could have been perfection to complete my Rosso but 3 colors out 3 were pure crap, completely useless 😭
    Yeah, but sadly seems we will have to wait even more to complete the set (pants/boots still missing)
    Thought Ed would have got the new stage as final location with merchant selling it, but we seen he's just in MC subway
    Overall this have been most poor "world expansion" update of WTM, just 1 new item did'nt even gave us access to new stage... in all these months could have thought it better, specially considering how much stuff already done and just locked they have
    Well, at least in 3 days we get new FPass, let's hope that's is'nt crap lol
  22. +1
    Dracu reacted to YagamiFire in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Post SF5, Ed and Crew started rolling up on Shadaloo bases to kick ass and take names. While doing so, others started referring to them as a 'Neo Shadaloo' likely because they seemed to be snatching up Shadaloo assets (though in reality they were rescuing those living assets). That name spread to the point that Shadaloo remnants started calling THEMSELVES Neo-Shadaloo and are the faction looking to make Ed their leader.
    Basically, Ed didn't care what he was called and got labeled 'Neo Shadaloo' and that 'brand' caught on amongst radicals that believe Ed could be the 2nd coming of Bison and they now want to make it true even if they have to force Ed into it. Ed, true to form, could give a damn less and if people want to call him Neo Shadaloo then that's fine with him because he'll punch in the face of anyone that tries to mess with him or his people.
  23. +1
    Dracu reacted to DarthEnderX in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I think it might just be a baby they found in one of the labs.
    They have monkeys and dolphins.  A baby isn't impossible.
    Or that's just the visual effect of actually, ya know, wearing the sleeves.
  24. LOL
    Dracu reacted to YagamiFire in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    That bar pic...
    If Falke is feeding that baby, it's eating well!
  25. +1
    Dracu got a reaction from Hawkingbird in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Man, I hope Tom becomes playable sometime in the future, keeping his Jean Reno inspired design. If he's stronger than Alex and has ties to the Secret Society, he would certainly be a fun addition with plenty of intrigue around him.

    I think you can easily tie Remy in their story too, considering his rivalry with Alex in 3rd Strike was never really explained. Maybe they're estranged brothers, or maybe Remy is Tom's son, who was forced to abandon his family after getting entangled with the Society and wanted to keep them safe from harm. 
    This would make Remy more involved in the story, while also demonstrating some of the reach The Secret Society has and their influence on the SF3 cast, much like how Shadaloo have been for the SF2 cast.
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