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Posts posted by DarthEnderX

  1. Watching reaction videos, I'm surprised how many people though Bison was Sagat at first.


    I suppose his face DOES look like an eyepatchless Sagat.


    22 hours ago, Daemos said:

    His will to power and strength is undying. Where you put him his nature is to climb the hierarchy and assert his dominance and power. I'm sure he came to a realization or two, and he might change the means to his ends but the ends remain the same.

    That's what I mean.  That hopefully he's realized that getting 4 chuckleheads together and forming a paramilitary group isn't his best path to success.


  2. 12 hours ago, Daemos said:

    I do wonder if Bison ever recreated Shadaloo, who would he replace Balrog with. I think Vega and FANG will always side with him.

    I honestly don't think that's going to happen.  I think whatever is going on with him in this game is going to end up being transitional.  I don't know what he's going to be in the next game, but I don't think he's just going to reform Shadaloo and go right back to doing what he was before.


    At best, his last defeat would have granted him some kind of epiphany.  At worst, he'd at least have realized that the thing he's been trying to do for the last 5 games always ends in failure.

  3. 12 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

    Joe would be welcome, but reeeally doubt we would get him playable, would still like see him at least as NPC like we got Retsu

    I think of SF1ers Eagle have decent chance to make a cameo, specially considering SF6 story will involve a lot Ken and during difficult times Eagle helped/covered him by hiring him in his company

    Joe, Lee and Geki should have questlines like Restu(with Cody, Jamie and Vega's normals).  As should Dean from FF3.

    Eagle, like any formerly playable character, shouldn't be relegated to a non-playable role.  He should come back as a real fighter.


    Mike should be retconned to have been Balrog the whole time.


  4. On 6/12/2024 at 1:18 AM, Daemos said:

    JP didn't turn Bosch. Ed's crew did. They were helping the rebels of Nayshall. Why would JP try to blow himself up.

    Why would Ed's crew be turning people INTO Psycho Power monsters?  Their whole goal is to help Shadaloo's victims.  Not create more.


    Bosch was voluntarily helping the Rebels.  Bosch didn't volunteer for the Psycho infusion, he was kidnapped.


    15 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

    but ironically they achieved much faster exactly what Bosch wanted... a way to become stronger fast, not only he got PP but his body got augmented too

    Yet based on the story, he still doesn't get stronger as fast as the player.


    Because secret SiRN Copy Fighter!


  5. 1 hour ago, -PVL93- said:

    Why the fuck are Neo Shadaloo doing research and looking for Bison, exactly? 

    I thought the whole point of the organisation is Ed and Falke breaking off into their own sort of "neutral" branch that is neither good nor evil but just going their way, and after the events of Shadow Falls there's kinda nobody to enact revenge upon anymore 

    It seems to be two different groups using the same name.


    Ed called the name of himself and his collection of victims 'Neo Shadaloo'(which is incredibly stupid if you ask me.  It's like a group of people who were persecuted by Germany during WW2 calling themselves the "New Nazis").


    But then JP, seizing on what he viewed to be good branding, also started calling the actual remnants of Shadaloo 'Neo Shadaloo' as well.


  6. On 6/8/2024 at 4:32 AM, -PVL93- said:

    By the way Charlie died for nothing twice now while this is technically Bison's third return from the "dead" 


    So much for the heroic sacrifice at the end of SFV story

    Ah, but, if Bison wasn't really dead, is Nash?


    On 6/8/2024 at 7:20 AM, CESTUS III said:

    Guests are'nt necessary negative in my eyes, and i say it when still i HATED hard Guests in other fighting games in the past

    It REALLY pissed me off in the last SamSho game.  Where the game started wasting fully half of it's DLC Seasons on guest characters.  Some on some real "Wtf are you doing?" sources like For Honor or some Chinese mobile game.


    We coulda had Gen-an, or Sieger, or Andrew or Gaoh instead.  But nooooo...


    18 hours ago, Lord_Vega said:

    If the task of our avatar is to bring back his old memories, so we might get his old self again for the WQ.

    Quite possible.  In the gameplay trailer, we see the interaction where he doesn't know who Bison is.  But in his reveal trailer, we see that scene of him trying to absorb the psycho drive in the Shadaloo stage.


    The first is probably your character first meeting him.  And the second could be the conclusion of a questline you do with him to get him as a Master.  And absorbing the drive results in him regaining his memories.


    12 hours ago, bakfromon said:

    You know, ever since Teppen introduced Ryu redesigned with a cowl the fashion sense seems to have spread to his rivals (minus Ken)

    They're saving it for *gag* Violent Ken...


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