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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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heh, ol' "Darksfadil" is streaming Jump Force right now... I'm watching via a "detractor" stream of course.  This might be another good one.... of course he's making himself in character creation, like he always does... I'm surprised Tevin isn't re-streaming this.


3-day weekend coming up; I started off right with a meatball sub from legendary "Firehouse Subs".... I've been cutting back on some things lately but I couldn't resist it today.

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Jersey Mike's had the top spot for a long time with me....until I discovered Firehouse.  I still rank JM high but Firehouse has been the new champ for me.  I never get the other sandwiches though... it's all about that italian meatball sandwich.  The great thing is they happen to be a bit cheaper than JM's.  Quiznos is another good one


Subway of course ranks as absolute bottom tier.  As long as the aforementioned superior places exist, there's no longer a reason for me to ever set foot inside a Subway.


*Jump Force--- Lord AIZEN has the "Black Coffin" hadou spell, man... I finished one of my matches with it last night....ohhhhhh that moment was so hear that awesome incantation again too---"HADO NO KYUJIN!!" then see the giant magical black box close in on them to finish the fight


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heh, MTV Decoded is still going, I see... the latest vid is about "colorism"


...a bit funny that she throws Ciara in with some light-skinned singers/performers at the beginning of this.... Ciara is light-skinned?  Since when? I mean she's not exactly "Bill Duke" level blackness but c'mon now..😄


Surprisingly I'd agree with them, at least with the idea that to get far in the world of tv/movies/music entertainment, a light-skinned black person has an advantage over a darker one.


*sadly I fell asleep on the re-stream of Phil last night... and the "DarkDave" mirror never seems to have it as a saved vid on the channel...if you missed it live then that's it.  It suddenly hit me though--- a LOT of these people that give real support to Phil via the tips, cheers, gifted subs, etc.... a lot of them are probably just doing their part to make sure we don't ever lose what might be THE greatest "lolcow" personality in the history of the internet.  It would indeed be a shame to lose such a great source of unintended comedy.

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Alright homeskillets, It's a Saturday evening in mid February so that means...


New York Toy Fair Transformers Reveals!


Red Alert  (deluxe) - $20




Impactor    (deluxe) 





Mirage  (deluxe)





Thundercracker  (Voyager) - $30





Springer  (Voyager)





And now the  2 BIG MAMMA JAMMAS!


Skyfire will be 11 inches tall and is the first FULL cartoon styled jet/robot (Others Jetfires were good but were hybrids of the G1 toy and cartoon designs)
(Commander Class) -   $80







And appearing for the FIRST TIME in the Generations line...


Omega Supreme!

The exact size is unknown but will between 18-24 inches. He comes with a micromaster Countdown.  Price is believed to be $160 (Titan )




As Andy Samberg would say, "JIZZ IN MY PANTS"!

Edited by DangerousJ
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Oh.  My. Fucking. GOD.



Jetfire  AND Omega Supreme?  Also, Pre earth Thundercracker? ( I would love any of them, but that blue screams 80s toy more than perhaps any of the other jets)  and just to make SURE it was O face time, they threw in Springer too? 


Just sayin. 

Btw, @DangerousJ  If you have any store names you want to hook up, I'll be more than happy to order from them as quickly as going anywhere else.  Gotta support your homies or their business will fall flatter than Brie Larson's ass. 

...............I never thought we'd get a true contender to taylor swift's tushless title, but damn.  Brie has that shit beat.  She's out here making japanese chicks look chunky by comparison.

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Here are some of the preorder links. I'm using the new Hasbro Pulse site since it's official and their prices are standard. Most of these new figures are coming out between July - December so keep that in mind.


Jetfire  (July)


Omega Supreme   (August)


Thundercracker (December)




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^oddly enough I didn't know of that website 'til now... instant bookmark.


I look forward to taking another vacation; probably 3 days to make a 5-day "weekend" soon... no plans on going anywhere of course.  This is one thing Dad and I differ on greatly, btw--- the ideas on what to do with vacation time... for me, home is where all the fun stuff is.  Dad most likely thinks of "vacation" as a fun thing involving a trip somewhere, like out of state or the country.  I'm that person that will enjoy every minute of 5 days off being in the house as much as possible, playing some games, listening to music, getting caught up on my shows and movies,'s to the point where for a "stay-cation" like that I'm likely to buy a huge amount of groceries specifically so I don't have to leave the house for any reason. 


Ha, my grandparents on Dad's side had it right though for a different reason(*for them I think it's born out of them being from the "Great Depression" era...yeah they were THAT old; I notice that people from that time tend to hoard a lot of grocery items "just in case".)... they kept their fridge packed to the edge with stuff all the was funny that being down to like 2 six-packs of Pepsi... Grandma would say that's "getting kinda low on pop.." 😄


*speaking of grocery stuff--- this brand "Simple Truth" has some awesome granola cereal I just noticed the other's granola, I think dates and pecans in there.  That shit is GOLD.  I found a new favorite.

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Thanks Dangerous.  Good thing they're a bit in the future as well.  Gonna snatch em up and put 'em in the display case.  👍  I also need to hook up the other cases.  Not a bad way to spruce the place up a little.


EDIT:  My brain's spellcheck is screwed up.  I thought this would stop once I quit drinking, but nope.

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Heh.  Amazing Lucas of course.  yeah, just about everybody knew this dude was full of shit from the rip, but his story has fallen apart so fast it staggers belief that he even thought it would work in the first place.  I think ol' Jussie is going to trade in his career in hollywood for a future in prison. 

Also, since I haven't posted any synthwave in a little bit, here ya go.


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I just got back from seeing Battle Angel Alita.
I've never read the manga. I saw the OVA 20 yrs ago, but I forgot it so take this as a newbie's intro to the franchise.




The world is well realized and organic.
Special Fx are great imo. Her eyes didn't bother me in the film.
Rosa's acting
The bond between Dyson and Alita.
Great Action scenes
Pretty violent feeling for a PG-13 flick



The story feels a bit crammed to the gills. It feels that they had to cram a lot of exposition into Dyson.


Jennifer Connelly seems a bit wasted. I would liked to have had more scenes with her and Waltz.


A certain character's relationship w/ Alita didn't quite get there for me emotionally. In the ending, I didn't feel as much as  the movie wanted me to.


I would have liked to see some scenes on Zalem instead of just describing it. 

Overall: I enjoyed it even with flaws. I enjoyed it as much as I did Aquaman.
The action/world is great but the story/character lags behind it a bit.


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The Passage is on...

..and once again we have this thing where a character is all down about being turned into a vampire or "viral" as they are called on this show.  
spoiler, obviously:


So... she'd rather have stayed sitting there with a blank stare all day as a person with early on-set Alzheimer's?  Nigga please.  Oh woe is me I'm immortal now and immune to all disease AND magically rescued from the stupid Alzheimer's...oh what a terrible fate...

Please, I'd jump at the chance to take vampirism any time, unless we're talking about The Strain... those vampires (at least the common ones) were generally weak and lame..


TnA/Eye-candy bonus: Emmanuel Chriqui is a regular on this show: 

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it's a relief to know that The Lost Boys tv show is still on... CW ordered a pilot episode, the concern of course is whether or not CW show-runners will be heavy-handed with the girl-power/diversityx1000 thing as they have been lately... there's already talk of the Frog Brothers now being the Frog Sisters instead:

...buuuut, I don't really see this case as a deal-breaker.  It's not quite as ridiculous as the drastic changes they did to Jimmy Olsen, for example. 


HELL yeah, man...cue up my song here...


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news on this show is finally flowing, I see...more developments on The Lost Boys series...the dude from MTV's Teen Wolf is one of the main stars now (as "Michael", the older brother. 

Dakota Shapiro will be "David" apparently. (*in the pics I see online and on that link, Dakota has dark, it's a nitpick....I'm optimistic to see how this shapes up)


that reminds me I may as well get the whole series of Teen Wolf if it's still there... I remember seeing the entire box set of it at Best Buy a month or so ago.  I only watched a little of the first season. (*actually if it's on Netflix I could just watch it that way... I can't remember if it's still on there or not... THAT's why I prefer to own shows I like.  Eventually the streaming services lose the rights to host your favorite shows/movies and they get dropped at some point.)

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