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y''s surprising that "incel" is somehow a thing....yet it's possible to simply BUY the pussy if you really just want to hit something at least one time....and actual whores are a more financially sound choice compared to regular women anyway (better to pay that ho one time than be on the hook paying an ex-wife possibly for the rest of your life), though there's other risk involved there obviously.


...and it's annoying that this stupid ass word has become the go-to insult for men in just about any context at this really makes me wish I could just Infinity Gauntlet-snap such foolish pieces of shit right out of existence, actually....the world would be better off.

ha, it looks like zombie feet.


1 other thing to do with the Gauntlet... it would be interesting to suddenly know and see what the beginning of universe was like...or go to the end and check out what happens at the very end, and see if it repeats naturally like a cycle, or just stops and that's it... then it would be up to me as the new God to restart/recreate everything.... the Gauntlet and Gems are so awesome, man...there's no end to what you could do with such a thing.

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yeah, the whole "Incel" thing is bs.  At the point that a person says,"I don't want"  They stopped being involuntarily celibate.  If you have a few hundred bucks, you can probably get the pussy delivered to you.  No, a lot of guys are realizing that the juice ain't worth the squeeze.


If I had the Infinity Gauntlet, I would give brie larson and taylor swift gigantic asses.  I'm talking junk dragging the trunk on the ground.  This among other reasons are simultaneously the reasons why I should and shouldn't be a God.

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4 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

yeah, the whole "Incel" thing is bs.  At the point that a person says,"I don't want"  They stopped being involuntarily celibate.  If you have a few hundred bucks, you can probably get the pussy delivered to you.  No, a lot of guys are realizing that the juice ain't worth the squeeze.


Well I've watched some hilarious videos with incels and they apparently put each other in subcategories. You have "mentalcels" who are mostly average and sometimes above-average dudes who can't get laid because of mental issues or anxiety disorders, this is probably the largest group. Manletcels are those who are below 5'6" who can't get laid because even short chicks want a tall guy so they don't have midget kids. Uglycels are those with real deformations or injuries that turn women off. Fatcels is self-explanatory. Apart from uglycels and manletcels most of their issues they can change, but I think a part of them get off on the collective depression.






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12 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

And then you would go to Japan to spread your booty brigade right?



LOL!  Yep.  "With one snap I would put bumps on all the rumps.  Firm and jiggly, as all bootycheeks should be." 

I wanted to find a gif of a japanese chick with a decent ass that wouldn't get me kicked off the site, but no such luck.  That infinity gauntlet cannot land on my hand soon enough.

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7 hours ago, *.:White ShadoW:.* said:

Well I've watched some hilarious videos with incels and they apparently put each other in subcategories. You have "mentalcels" who are mostly average and sometimes above-average dudes who can't get laid because of mental issues or anxiety disorders, this is probably the largest group. Manletcels are those who are below 5'6" who can't get laid because even short chicks want a tall guy so they don't have midget kids. Uglycels are those with real deformations or injuries that turn women off. Fatcels is self-explanatory. Apart from uglycels and manletcels most of their issues they can change, but I think a part of them get off on the collective depression.







Oh mah Gawd.  Subcategories of incels? 

Mentacels?  For Real?  I do understand anxiety and phobias, but is that preventing you from paying a whore?

Manletcels:   I wish I had recorded myself laughing when I read this one.  I'm one of these manlets (NOTE: 5'6" and the late great Singer formerly known as Prince was 5'2" and neither one of us had to sit in a corner crying about chicks.. ) and it didn't stop me from hitting and in some cases getting hit on.  Also, here's a little bit of trivia for them:  If these chicks ain't fucking manlets..................HOW COME THERE ARE SO MANY OF US!?!?!?!?!?  Did you know that less than 15 % of American men are six feet or taller?


These three popped up first, so they got added.  My apologies in advance for the quality or lack thereof.


On a side note, this one chick used to pick on me for my height, but not in a bad way.  It's because she was over 6 feet and then had the nerve to wear high heels.  look up her skirt? like I had a choice.


Uglycels:  There's a natural counter to this and I already mentioned it:  MONEY.  Flavor Flav has like a dozen kids and there's this video on YouTube where this chick has 15 kids...............Oh, sorry. it's 17 now.  Just type in,"Somebody got to pay for all my children" and it's the first one.  I'm just saying that this chick is a dick parking lot and baby factory and you know she's just one of many.  Also:  Physical beauty isn't as much of a requirement to women as it is for men...........Again I reference one Mr. Flavor Flav.

Fatcels:  I think the clinical term for this is LAZY MOTHER FUCKER.  Can you walk?  BOOM.  Instant counterattack to the fat.  I've gone from fat boy to fit boy in the space of four months and that was on navy food with no performance enhancements of any kind.  Now, you may not turn into Arnold Shwarzenegger,(sp)  but you you can stop being Arnold palmer with a VERY simple exercise plan.  Max push ups, max sit ups, max squats, and jog for at LEAST a mile and a half.  DO NOT CHEAT YOURSELF.  You do not even need equipment, just the will to get the job done.  Diet-wise, you'll have to look at what you're eating and edit that shit properly.  Personally, I'd say replace sodas, lattees, and any other fucking drinks that have more calories than a three layer cake with Green Tea.  I use the Arizona Green tea and I will vouch for it.  I only changed TWO things:  I stopped eating from 10pm to 6am and use the green tea in place of anything other than water or milk when needed (I have of late added apple juice as well) and I swear to you that without taking even so much as a single step on a treadmill, not one push up, sit up, or squat, and I lost 15 pounds in a month!  no other changes!!  Still was eating other fucked up stuff that I have since carved out of the fridge, and I lost 15 pounds!!  The only thing I did was make the choice to change.  "I want to lose fat and I want to feel better and BE better, and Goddammit I'm gonna get there or die trying!"  Until they get this into their minds, their bodies will never change.  As that one poster went,"You'll never get the ass you want until you get off the one you have."   This is true for both women AND men. 

Basically, the majority of these problems aren't significant to the goal in question. With the possible exception of the mental, all the others are solvable, mostly with money, but NONE of them will be solved if you don't push yourself to get it.  Man, that shit right there done lit it.  Fucking Incels.  These fools are a bigger false advertisement than Antifa.   Might have to make a part two on this shit.................

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I think the first time I heard that term "incel" is when Daboog used it on me.  

I thought it was something based on MS Excel or something lol.


The only 2 things I regret about myself in dating or general would be:


1) Being more health conscious when I was younger. As a little kid , I would mostly read, or play with toys. Even though I would do tae kwondo or play jv football , I would not go out of my way to exercise. Even now, while i try to exercise Im not  a super athlete lol.  

Though I got really big in Chicago bc I had weird long  shifts like 24-30 hrs and I had to eat breakfast late or not at all due to overnight call. Yes, unlike the  north chicago hospitals where some of my classmates had only 9-5,  we had to do true overnight shits as a student in the southside .

When I returned to Tampa a few years ago and then broke up with my gf of 6 years, I was upset and ate less food and on a regular schedule with exercise 3-4 times a week.

In this last  3.5 yrs, i have lost 43 lbs. Now while m not fit, Im only 20 pounds more than Batman (240). Since m 6ft1 It doesnt look as bad, but hopefully I can lose some more.


2)Not dating during undergrad.

During undergrad college, I still mostly hung out with my high school friends that I made in 10th grade. I had moved from St. Thomas  and was slow to make friends since the school I went in 10th in the US was adjusted and I had to moved again in 11th grade. So when I went to college here in Tampa, 

I commuted to school since it was only 3.5 miles from home. While I did some extracurriculars like India Student association and some volunteer, stuff, I really didnt go to many regular parties or  date girls.. While others were busting a nut over hoes, I was busting a nut over CVS2, Tekken Tag 1, and Shenmue lol. Most people date a bunch of chicks then get a dedicated gf. I went the opposite way lol.

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The great Tom Leykis summed up college perfectly in his repeated warnings and advice for men going off to college/university... basically he would say that this is indeed the PRIME TIME... it's unlikely you will be in another extended scenario where there is such a concentration of high quality, amazingly hot ass is a magical place where the ugly women are so rare they may as well be non-existent. (it's also why he would go on about how stupid it is to try continuing a high school sweetheart relationship as you enter the "Major League" that is college)  I was in constant amazement when I first set foot on campus as a new was like every 3 seconds I'm seeing another Halle Berry, another Tyra Banks clone, a few that look like that singer Tamia, a few Toni Braxtons, girls that look like Andy Allo, etc. etc... it was crazy....and unlike high school, these women were relatively nice and NOT usually ghettofab.


I'm looking forward to whatever clan they announce next in Bloodlines 2... this "youtuber" has a good, detailed explanation on what "Thin-Blood" vamps are

*sidenote---yep I would absolutely pounce.

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8 hours ago, Angel said:

So I got put in facebook jail for posting movies lol....fuck em.   I posted like these ovas before they clapped me, suck my whole dick facebook.


Also can we not?  

damn.  I want to drop a few kung fu flicks in here, but now I'm gun shy.  Speaking of movies..........

I guess they heard me.

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Yeah they been getting on my ass but it's because people manually snitching on me.    Lame af honestly.   Got like 50 of my vids deleted the time before...but I didn't dispute those like I did this time so I didn't get suspended lol.   I was like fuck em this week and kept appealing it and writing hilarious shit in my appeal statements to facebook.   Luck they didn't just delete my whole account. 


Anyways look up "TAKE IT LIKE A MAN!!" on facebook or youtube, wont let me post the link for some reason lol

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1 hour ago, Angel said:

Yeah they been getting on my ass but it's because people manually snitching on me.    Lame af honestly.   Got like 50 of my vids deleted the time before...but I didn't dispute those like I did this time so I didn't get suspended lol.   I was like fuck em this week and kept appealing it and writing hilarious shit in my appeal statements to facebook.   Luck they didn't just delete my whole account. 


Anyways look up "TAKE IT LIKE A MAN!!" on facebook or youtube, wont let me post the link for some reason lol

lol.  they murked Farrakhan and milo.  You know they'll throw you on the grill just because they have room.  In fact, they got Info Wars too.  Looks like the Lizard boy is feeling the pain and trying to appease his masters. 

well, I'm gonna drop this old kung fu flick anyways because it is one of my favorites. 

it's about 40 years old so it's pretty far past the expiration date on any claims of,"But it's still making money!" no bitches.  It isn't.  Enjoy.

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hmmm.  Is anyone else getting the message that Ad blocker Plus isn't working in Firefox?  If so, what have you done to get around it?

EDIT:  It's blocking it.  Now I need to find a way around it.  These fuckers man........

EDIT2:  After some digging, it looks like I'm not alone.

EDIT3:  looks like it's over.  ABP is back in play again. 


Edited by Deadly_Raver
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damn, the black mamba is even worse than I thought... it also happens to be the fastest land-snake as well... I was just looking up info on those again.  They can get up to 12 mph, apparently

So...something that moves this fast also has one of the most dangerous bites in the world.. on average the venom from it can kill a human in about 20 to 30 minutes.  It's fascinating to me how badass this son of a bitch is, man.

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Vampire Masquerade/Bloodlines stuff...

The curses of the various clans are interesting..

I wouldn't mind La Sombra then... not casting a reflection isn't really that big of a deal, especially compared to others like the Nosferatu that are doomed to never blend in with normal society, or even Gangrel that could apparently have bestial features show up permanently.  I would always prefer to still pass for human and blend in.

Also---take a look at how awesome "Obteneration" is.. using shadows to teleport, conjuring shadow objects and armor, "shadow clone jutsu!" etc.... sheeeeeit, this BETTER be one of the things in Bloodlines 2, man...


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aw yeah thanks, I was all set to watch it live last night but fell asleep unfortunately..


One thing is for sure; I think the Divorce/Alimony Saga will be the shit whenever that "season" of Darksfadil comes up. (WA is indeed an alimony state... MA is too, if for some odd reason that state's laws apply since they actually got married there....I'm assuming the laws of wherever a couple actually has permanent residence is where it applies.)

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Oh DSP will feel the power of the divorce "D" shoved into his darkside.  You can feel it with or without the force.

As luck would have it, I've been in "That" side of the internet again.  In this case, It's the MMD, or Miku Miku Dance area. 



Short description for those who want it is this:  They basically have a group of programmers who use Hatsune Miku type skins to make a dance vid.  It's a lot more than that, but basically, think of Miku dancing to *Insert song here*. 


I would post vids, but I haven't run into a single one yet that is safe for work.    Currently, one of my favorite MMDs is called Luvatory.  It has the best song and the most.................."Dancers".    Check it with care and loud speakers.

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haha, it never occurred to me until someone pointed this out in a recent stream... Phil [dsp] = Lou Costello's future clone?!

that resemblance! 🤣 Where's Abbott?!


"Who's on First, What's on Second, I don't Know is on Third?"😄

What's the guy's name on First Base?

What is on Second.

What are ya askin me for, I'm askin' you!!😆


*it's funny that in today's atmosphere with pop culture... people are so quick to lump you in with misogynists or racists for an opinion on movies and the characters in them... like I brought up how silly OP Captain Marvel is in one live chat, along with some others and of course someone chimed in with "wonder would you have said the same about powerful male characters?" ---bruh have you NOT seen the usual complaints about Superman, and occasionally Goku?  ...over many years?  Eh, I do occasionally enjoy seeing characters that are absolute gamebreakers's often amusing to me.

(heh, like my nig Zommari in Bleach... an "espada" that can seize control over any part of the body simply by looking at you.  He could control an enemy's entire body by looking at the person's head too....oh you want to perhaps avoid being seen?  Too bad his "released" form gives him eyes all over his body, so now he can see everything in the immediate area at all times... then there was that Sternritter kid "Gremmy" that had the power of imagination...anything he imagined became reality! 😄)


Random cheap shot--- how fuckin sad is it that in 2019... "that other forum" STILL only has the 1 "heart" reaction?  Jesus H. Christ, man what a bum piece of half-assed shit...the very existence of such a bootleg forum admittedly gets under my skin.  Even late-ass Facebook finally had different "reactions" added in the past year or 2.  Hahaha, and there was a time when we'd laugh at ol' Gamefaqs....yeah even THAT place is "cutting edge" quality in comparison at this point.  It's pitiful, man.

Edited by MillionX
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Cuphead...the saga continues...

ha, so I went back and did the other choice and the fight was on...Devil's first form is ROUGH, man... holy shit...and it seems like he actually changes the timing of certain things on the fly, so you will likely get hit sometimes even after you know what you're "supposed" to do against the attacks.  If you get past form 1 then the rest is surprisingly easy (it may have been at least 20+ tries before I got past first form!)...never thought I'd say that "e-word" about anything in this game but least compared to everything else before it.  

The Super attack does so much damage that if you hit with 2 supers then it doesn't take much more of the regular spread shots to beat him...and it doesn't take long to build super again after you fire off the first one, which I do immediately when 2nd form starts.  That first form is one of the hardest fights in the game though, imo.  Ha, I never imagined I would actually beat this to do it on the XB1 version later...

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