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sheeeiiiiit, yeah I was dropping by specifically to post about this day that gamers shouldn't soon forget.  I didn't get a Dreamcast right would be around January of 2000 when I got mine, basically with the money I received Christmas '99 partially funding that, if I recall.  It was glorious... I was smitten with that system from the first day I got it.  Some like to make excuses for consoles having weak launches like "well it's always not that great in the beginning.."----but NAH, bruh... the lineup for it was good since day 1, at least in my opinion.  haha I was actually laughing at the hardcore PS2 fanboys at the time as they waited, like "yeah dude keep WAITING around for that shit....meanwhile I and other DC fans are having fun RIGHT NOW."  ...but anyway, the graphics were gorgeous at the time.


Off the top of my head... I had Crazy Taxi, MvC1, MvC2, Powerstone, Soul Calibur, Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, Phantasy Star Online, a weird game called Omikron that featured our musical Lord and savior David Bowie, a Capcom action game called Cannon Spike (cameo from Cammy and Megaman; I think B.B. Hood may have been in there too), Quake 3 Arena, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Capcom vs. SNK, GTA 2, and Jet Grind Radio.

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4 hours ago, MillionX said:

sheeeiiiiit, yeah I was dropping by specifically to post about this day that gamers shouldn't soon forget.  I didn't get a Dreamcast right would be around January of 2000 when I got mine, basically with the money I received Christmas '99 partially funding that, if I recall.  It was glorious... I was smitten with that system from the first day I got it.  Some like to make excuses for consoles having weak launches like "well it's always not that great in the beginning.."----but NAH, bruh... the lineup for it was good since day 1, at least in my opinion.  haha I was actually laughing at the hardcore PS2 fanboys at the time as they waited, like "yeah dude keep WAITING around for that shit....meanwhile I and other DC fans are having fun RIGHT NOW."  ...but anyway, the graphics were gorgeous at the time.


Off the top of my head... I had Crazy Taxi, MvC1, MvC2, Powerstone, Soul Calibur, Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, Phantasy Star Online, a weird game called Omikron that featured our musical Lord and savior David Bowie, a Capcom action game called Cannon Spike (cameo from Cammy and Megaman; I think B.B. Hood may have been in there too), Quake 3 Arena, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Capcom vs. SNK, GTA 2, and Jet Grind Radio.

I have never owned a real Dreamcast game.


Gonna put a GDEMU in mine eventually so at this point I possibly never will.



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48 minutes ago, Angel said:

You got an actual news article or something or are we just spamming lame ass youtube vids bro?


I found a news article on the subject. The situation is dubious at best. I didn't see any threats of violence. His threats seem to be in the vain of exposing improprieties. The judge didn't preside over the case in question. It was assigned to her but handed off to a "referee." Didn't know such a thing could concur. Anyway, for him to be jailed, you'd think there would be a direct threat of violence. 

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Donovan Sharpe with another vid breaking this woman's article down...

It's amusing when some people want to believe that this is just *some*; I'd bet money it's absolutely most of them.  In their prime years, their decisions on long-term *or* short-term relations are often laughable at best.  It's like they have an IQ of 27 when it comes to that aspect of life.

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6 hours ago, Angel said:

You got an actual news article or something or are we just spamming lame ass youtube vids bro? 

You want an article?  I'll give you a..............


5 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:


I found a news article on the subject. The situation is dubious at best. I didn't see any threats of violence. His threats seem to be in the vain of exposing improprieties. The judge didn't preside over the case in question. It was assigned to her but handed off to a "referee." Didn't know such a thing could concur. Anyway, for him to be jailed, you'd think there would be a direct threat of violence. 


@misterBee  You may have missed out on the Dreamcast, but that means you didn't run the risk of having THIS thing fall on you.




You can legit put a soda in the middle of it without ever getting close to knocking it over.  If I'm right, that's the biggest physical controller that wasn't a third-party deal.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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On 9/10/2019 at 9:01 AM, Deadly_Raver said:


@misterBee  You may have missed out on the Dreamcast, but that means you didn't run the risk of having THIS thing fall on you.


You can legit put a soda in the middle of it without ever getting close to knocking it over.  If I'm right, that's the biggest physical controller that wasn't a third-party deal.

Nah I didn't miss the Dreamcast.  I have one and used it a lot.


But Dreamcast's only form of copyright protection was that the discs were a custom format (GD-ROM) which wasn't readable by computers.  That worked up until someone figured out how to hook a Dreamcast up to a computer and use the Dreamcast itself as a drive.


Because there was no software copy protection, that meant that once the games were ripped, they could be burned to normal CD-Rs and then played in consoles with 0 modifications required.


Anyone with a CD burner basically had free games.  I had binders filled with Dreamcast games, all burned on CD-R. 🤣


Agetec stick isn't that big.  Just has a large gap in between buttons and stick.  Size-wise it's actually smaller than most sticks today.  Always wanted one...




Soul Eater avatars?  In 2019?  😍

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DAMN!!  why is this fucking thing updating every night?  ffs.  Ironically enough, the computers I'm barely on aren't updating at ALL.  I wish there was a way to disable the updates completely.  They aren't doing anything other than annoying me out of my sleep and/or fucking up my work anyway.

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sheeeitttt, playing Transformers Devastation again has been so great... despite the shortcomings of (and my latest adventures in Astral Chain )reminds me of how much I'd want to see Platinum's take on other beloved old IPs...


Platinum developed POWER RANGERS, bruh.  Holy shit the hype would be off the charts for me with this.

Thundercats.  Silverhawks.

More recent stuff? = Justice League Unlimited, bruh.  I'd be down for that day 1.


Visionaries, Sectaurs (not a chance in hell though, of course; I continue to be the only dude in existence that remembers and regularly brings up Sectaurs into casual conversation.  I was the only fan.  Visionaries would be a longshot too but at least some people remember that one.) COPS and GI Joe.


Out of all these I think Power Rangers would fit Platinum's usual style the most though....and as long as you include as many Rangers as possible from a ton of different seasons this would be a day-1 "Ultimate Edition" buy for me, easily.

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To add to that list, I think Marvel's Daredevil would fit that style too.  Add a few more elements to it like sneaking about and BOOM. 

The Spiderman world would benefit from it, but they've already got a great style going. 

Man, somebody today tried to tell me they liked watching the Titans show.  Yes.  THAT one. with the edgelord and the streewalker replacing Nightwing and Starfire.  My response? 




I don't think I'll be invited on anymore raids, but fuck 'em.  the truth bombs gonna fly.

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Supposedly it got better from what I hear, but it's a big fat "no for me, dawg" as Randy would say to so many bad singers.  That trailer for Titans was some of the most hilariously awful shit I've ever seen in trailer form.... the only positive I could point to was that the guy playing Robin actually looks like him; so they at least got that 1 character right, visually speaking.


haha, "Mighty Keef" with this one 🤣:


yeah for real---- comparing Borderlands to Anthem....ohhhh it's so lopsided it just becomes funny.  


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41 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

So have yall actually watched Titans or are yall just shitting on it from afar? 

That trailer yo.  I couldn't make it through that trailer.  That whole,"Fuck Batman" thing.   Really son?  Yeah, fuck you too.



................and then......................when I thought it wouldn't get any worse.....................................Starfire...........................


Something inside my soul just twisted and I heard some kind of noise that I couldn't hope to reproduce with any amount of equipment.  You're right that I should watch it, but NO. Hard no.  I'm afraid that it's going to be on the level of NGE's Third Impact level of bad.  It'll be so bad that the sight of it will make my body melt into an Orange slushie in the chair.  I don't want my disembodied soul to be sucked into the Tree of Life!!  NO! DON'T HURT ME!!!

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sheeeiiiiittttt, I see the lovely Anne Munition played Gears of course I must check that out; her reactions to the previous game were was hilarious how creeped out and disgusted she was when first encountering the "Berserker"....hahah she could barely stand to look at that thing whenever it was on screen 😆


I also want to watch ol' "Darksfadil" play Gears (heh, obviously for different reasons) as well but I'm still not finished with the story just yet; such a dilemma there... I will likely be done with story before the weekend is over at least, if I can resist the temptation of Borderlands 3 for a minute (I already got  "Zane" to level 7 so far... with that character it looks like they combined the concepts of Wilhelm and Doppleganger Jack from Pre-Sequel into 1 character, and I'm absolutely loving it.)


oh another quick Phil update--- yes he has started on Borderlands 3, and yeah.... one of his fans sent him PSN credits to get it....he didn't even have to buy it himself (the result of him strongly "hinting" that he wasn't sure if he could even play it at all since he "can't afford it").  This guy laughs all the way to the bank every time off his gullible fanbase, man. 🤣

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On 9/13/2019 at 11:13 PM, Deadly_Raver said:

That trailer yo.  I couldn't make it through that trailer.  That whole,"Fuck Batman" thing.   Really son?  Yeah, fuck you too.



................and then......................when I thought it wouldn't get any worse.....................................Starfire...........................


Something inside my soul just twisted and I heard some kind of noise that I couldn't hope to reproduce with any amount of equipment.  You're right that I should watch it, but NO. Hard no.  I'm afraid that it's going to be on the level of NGE's Third Impact level of bad.  It'll be so bad that the sight of it will make my body melt into an Orange slushie in the chair.  I don't want my disembodied soul to be sucked into the Tree of Life!!  NO! DON'T HURT ME!!!

Gonna keep it 100 with you. When you shit on something that you haven't watched, its not a good look.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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57 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Gonna keep it 100 with you. When shit on something you haven't it watched, its not a good look.

You'll get no argument here. 


My question is, Am I wrong?  For the record, I told them the same thing as my reasons for not watching it, that being how that trailer turned me off.  Not that I'm going to buy Netflix to watch it, but I haven't heard one single argument as to why I should watch it.  Basically,  Are you really shitting on it if you're telling the truth?

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sheeeitttt, it's down to the wire on the Toonami airing of DB Super now... with Jiren as the "final boss" here... the final battle in that was the most epic shit in the franchise, imo.  I still listen to the original audio of it often.

ha, Vegeta can barely stand, yet he continues to fight.  I will forever love this series, man.

y'know, there's a certain old friend that is unbelievably negative... this just randomly came to mind, but yeah... I doubt there has ever been anyone as negative and generally toxic as that dude.  This is why people (including me) tend to avoid him, of's with every little thing, too... even in a game... let's say you're going on about how awesome you were doing in an open-world kind kind of thing... Anthem for example was a recent one...

  • * "Whoah... can't believe I'm actually able to hang against these enemies in Grandmaster 3 difficulty!  This shit is awesome! haha my character is so godlike right now..."
  • * This Dude: "well, you know that's probably the game scaling things down because some low-level people are in your server, right?  y'know that right?"

...this Debbie Downer muthafucka here... (and no that's not the case; I don't think Anthem doesn't work like that, btw.  G3 is G3 and that's that...and actually....there is a level threshold to even get in.  You CAN'T play Grandmaster 1 - 3 unless you were at a certain level anyway.)


An example from back in the day---this guy got a car one Christmas, back when we were in high school... but went on to gripe and complain that he didn't have any money for gas so he didn't have anywhere to go.  Any other teen would likely be thrilled that parent(s) got them a car for christmas or birthday....and here this dude was finding a way to complain about it.

Edited by MillionX
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Lucifer---episode 5 of season 4.  holy SHIT, man...

 There was a hostage situation going on in Lucifer’s nightclub…wow…it was predictable for a while but things took a great unexpected turn later on…then soooo much awesome shit just happened… I can’t get enough of this.


New hotness arrived on the show in season 4--- Eve!  Played by this incredible specimen Inbar Lavi:


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4 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

You'll get no argument here. 


My question is, Am I wrong?  For the record, I told them the same thing as my reasons for not watching it, that being how that trailer turned me off.  Not that I'm going to buy Netflix to watch it, but I haven't heard one single argument as to why I should watch it.  Basically,  Are you really shitting on it if you're telling the truth?

I can't tell you what you'd find true. JRPGs are one of my favorite genres. Numerous people swear up and down that FFVII is the greatest thing ever. I think the FFVII is the most overrated game of all time. On the flip side, I think The Remnant (PC and Remastered versions), shit all over FFXIII. I thought the ads for Titans were shit. I only got DC Universe for Young Justice and the fact that DC Animated films show up shortly after release.


Titans was much better than I expected and I'm not alone in that assessment. Quite a few of us at SRK1 were shitting all over it, until we saw it. Starfire looks terrible and some of the effect were meh but it easily league above what CW has been carting out. The dude playing Robin/Dick Grayson is well cast as is Jason Todd's actor. Season 2 seems to address a lot of the issues of Season 1 so far. They seem to have realized that Dick Grayson's actor is well cast and is taking advantage of it. I'm curious to see how they pull of Slade Wilson. Manu Bennet's version on Arrow was great. Of course the dude had just spent spent 5 years playing Crixus on Spartacus, so pulling off a menacing melee combat badass was nothing new for him.

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I'm glad netflix apparently rescued it to make these seasons even possible, but I will miss it once it's over.  

I'm thinking a ranking is in order, as I tend to like doing that of course!

  • 1. Lesley Anne Brandt "Maze"
  • 2. Inbar Lavi "Eve"
  • 3. Aimee Garcia "Ella" - I'd love it if there were more girls like this in real life... she's the classic "cute nerd/geek" it wouldn't be a surprise to come home and she's wearing a Super Mario Bros. t-shirt and reading something.  I could fall big time for that type, easily.


At least those would be the top 3, easily for me....but the other girls are hot too, and I definitely wouldn't turn them down-- Charlotte and Dr. Linda [serious cougar/milf appeal with those 2; I'd ravage...actually I remember Rachel Harris from her days on the VH-1; she was on shows like "Best Week Ever" and "I Love the 80s"]  Then there's all the random hotness that appears for only 1 episode.


can't help myself....look at this perfection....oh my god😍


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I love that Omega Supreme, but ironically I do wish they had changed his style to something more futuristic.  It's not like anyone would ever need to hitch a ride on a space shuttle these days and even Astrotrain manages to get the job done with a far smaller look.  What I would wish for is an Omega STARSHIP.  If he would transform into a battlecruiser or something that could just sit out there and wait for the enemy in low orbit, I would be ALL over it.  I don't hate the design, I just want something more now.

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16 minutes ago, Deadly_Raver said:



I love that Omega Supreme, but ironically I do wish they had changed his style to something more futuristic.  It's not like anyone would ever need to hitch a ride on a space shuttle these days and even Astrotrain manages to get the job done with a far smaller look.  What I would wish for is an Omega STARSHIP.  If he would transform into a battlecruiser or something that could just sit out there and wait for the enemy in low orbit, I would be ALL over it.  I don't hate the design, I just want something more now.

In Transformers Animated , Omega actually transformed into the Ark, the Autobot spaceship.

Unfortunately they never made a toy of it.




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X-men's greatest Moments:


Uncanny X-men #200


The Trial of Magneto!




Magnus has surrendered to the authorities and is on trial for his crimes in Paris, France. Defending him are his old friend Charles and Gabrielle Haller. 
Meanwhile, terrorist attacks on various sites call for Magnus to be freed and even though the X-men fight back , they are blamed anyway.


Fun Fact:  John Romita Jr is the only artist to draw two centennial issues for Uncanny- 200 and 300.


Gabby contends that since Magnus was essentially reborn after his return to adulthood, he has paid the ultimate price for his misdeeds


Magnus also speaks to the court


So who are responsible for the attacks in Paris?
Fenris aka Andrea and Andreas von Strucker. They are the children of Nazi/Hydra leader Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, who Magnus stole a lot of Nazi gold from in Uncanny X-men 159 (flashback)

Meanwhile, Madelyne is in the mansion home alone about to give birth..




A convenient flood washes Fenris away but the judges are safe. Xavier and Magnus come to in a nearby garden where Xavier asks Magneto for a special favor.




Context: Xavier was severely beaten by anti mutant students at  Columbia University where he was teaching in issue 192. He was cared for by the morlock healer but kept pushing his body  and mind in various crises until his body could take no more.

Corsair and Lilandra arrive to take him to Shiar space to heal him, but due to some attcks and technical trouble, they are unable to return to earth.

Status Quo - Irrevocably altered (As Omega Supreme would say)
Claremont writes Xavier out of the series for his longest period yet.

Xavier will be in space and will not return to the book till around issue 275!

 He makes a one panel cameo in 203 and New Mutants for a couple of issues.

While 150 was the beginning of Magnus' reformation, this is the real time to see it in action. His role is more prominent in New Mutants as the headmaster. While he does assist the X-men here and there, after the Mutant Massacre, his role in Uncanny is severely diminished.

Edited by DangerousJ
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that cartoony Optimus and Megatron are SO bought whenever I see them...I'll be on the lookout then.  It would be nice if they did a whole line of everyone like that... there's certain favorites I would get immediately in that style for sure--- Insecticons, Soundwave + his tapes, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and the jets; mainly Skywarp and Starscream at least.


sheeeitttt, finally went from 1 to 50 on Gears 5 Horde mode....there was this 1 dude that was in some kind of bad mood obviously; one of the most toxic muthafuckas I've heard in quite some time...was complaining about shit ever since the first minute of wave 1 ...he quit early but the rest of us went on thru to the end.  I have Fahz at level 10 now.  Sniping in this game is so DELICIOUS.  My skill-card set up for him is already shaping up to be a monster...and I always get critical and precision weapons leveled up as far as possible; like preferably maxed out asap.  One of my cards makes it so I have bonus damage when the X-ray ultimate is active.  The damage here is just disgusting. 🤣

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yeah, Jess looks just like a girl I had a big-time crush on for many years throughout school...from about 5th grade on up to high school, actually...I had dreams about that girl.  My infatuation with her was off the damn charts...I've probably rambled on and on about her before---I had it so bad for this one; I actually wrote out a love letter to her back then in junior high...I carried it to school multiple days because of course I didn't have the balls to actually follow through on that or just "spit game" or "holla at her" as some of my peers might put say back then....haha this shit is like an episode of Wonder Years now that I think of it... the closest call was one day after class where I just awkwardly hung around as others were leaving, thinking "ok this is it..." with that stupid ass letter in my pocket....but of course I chickened out once again...

Oh anyway Jessica gets naked in season 1 of Black's well-lit full frontal too (though I typically prefer a good ass shot; both full on and side profile.)


on another note--I had a veggie calzone for the first time yesterday.... ohhhhh it was outstanding.  If I could get away with just eating various types of pizza and calzones every day, I would do exactly that for the rest of time if I also got my wish to be an immortal/invincible creature. (immortality always requires invincibility [or just the ability to regenerate from anything] to back it up; otherwise it's a terrible idea)

Edited by MillionX
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