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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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oh last night was it on Toonami--- THAT episode of Dragonball Super where we have the grand finale showdown of Goku and crew (the greatest MvC2-style team-up I've seen in years; 17 as the incredible variable assist) vs. Jiren,...  there's a couple of old Dragonball Z fans I know that I keep trying to sell "Super" on, and I've told them without giving the details away; this final battle was THE most epic shit I've had the pleasure of watching in the series....I really can't get enough of it.  I have the audio ripped on my ipod, and the clip of that fight saved on computer to watch over and over again whenever.  Words can't even do it justice, it's something people should just see for themselves....the way the music so perfectly matches everything that's happening on-screen just takes it to that next level.  Unfortunately I happened to have another match of Horde going on at the time but I had it on in the background and was able to kinda see it once again....I'll have to watch again on OnDemand later.

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2 hours ago, MillionX said:

oh last night was it on Toonami--- THAT episode of Dragonball Super where we have the grand finale showdown of Goku and crew (the greatest MvC2-style team-up I've seen in years; 17 as the incredible variable assist) vs. Jiren,...  there's a couple of old Dragonball Z fans I know that I keep trying to sell "Super" on, and I've told them without giving the details away; this final battle was THE most epic shit I've had the pleasure of watching in the series....I really can't get enough of it.  I have the audio ripped on my ipod, and the clip of that fight saved on computer to watch over and over again whenever.  Words can't even do it justice, it's something people should just see for themselves....the way the music so perfectly matches everything that's happening on-screen just takes it to that next level.  Unfortunately I happened to have another match of Horde going on at the time but I had it on in the background and was able to kinda see it once again....I'll have to watch again on OnDemand later.

Bruh, I watched it again in English..despite all the recent shenanigans, that Hyper Combination Finish was still god tier. I still think they should replace the "M.I.R." on 17's shirt with "M.V.P."

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1) Do you guys like English muffins? 


2) When you buy a bluray, is it something you've seen before in the theatre or on tv or is it fully new to you?


I am neutral towards English muffins. I prefer toast,waffles, Pancakes,and bagels but I don't hate them. 


I'm not very adventurous with Blu Ray's. It's usually something I've seen before. I guess I'm worried that I'll hate it.


Some  stuff I did buy off the cuff and liked


Avatar the last Airbender Blu-ray

Get out 


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3 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

1) Do you guys like English muffins? 


2) When you buy a bluray, is it something you've seen before in the theatre or on tv or is it fully new to you?


I am neutral towards English muffins. I prefer toast,waffles, Pancakes,and bagels but I don't hate them. 


I'm not very adventurous with Blu Ray's. It's usually something I've seen before. I guess I'm worried that I'll hate it.


Some  stuff I did buy off the cuff and liked


Avatar the last Airbender Blu-ray

Get out 


Now that I've been put to the question, I couldn't even tell you if I've ever eaten an English Muffin or not. 

The last few blu rays I've bought have been direct to videos that I wouldn't have seen otherwise.  Hush and Gotham by Gaslight being two of them.  I did grab alita as well.  I might just watch it tonight.

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14 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

1) Do you guys like English muffins? 


2) When you buy a bluray, is it something you've seen before in the theatre or on tv or is it fully new to you?


I am neutral towards English muffins. I prefer toast,waffles, Pancakes,and bagels but I don't hate them. 


I'm not very adventurous with Blu Ray's. It's usually something I've seen before. I guess I'm worried that I'll hate it.


Some  stuff I did buy off the cuff and liked


Avatar the last Airbender Blu-ray

Get out 


hell yeah but I really just like muffins in general, at least... my main, top picks are always a close call between blueberry and banana nut muffins.


usually when I buy a blu-ray (or dvd still; only if the thing I want has no BR version easily found) it's something I've already least most of the time.  The last ones I bought were the Dragonball Super: Broly movie and the Hellsing Ultimate collection.


Meanwhile, checking in on our old pal "darksfadil"... I found this today from Memology...


"I have no money..." <--ALWAYS.  😆  Keep in mind it wasn't that long ago he got a bit over $2,100 just for revealing the big secret that he and Kat.....have a cat now....but it's not even a new cat; they've actually had it for months prior.  Yeah his fans PAID for this big positive revelation and it turned out to be that. 🤣

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Okay, I want yall's opinion on this. I don't think is this black face. I don't know how you do any sci fi show if it is. If she'd used lighter skin, she would have gotten hit with white wash card. If cosplay is going to be restricted to your race and gender....then cosplay is damn near impossible.



Well, I'm sure you know what I think, but you asked for a response and so I will.


No.  That isn't blackface.  That is somebody who's cosplay ability is on the next level, a level that many of us don't have the skills to reach. 


It's just another example of why we should've stomped out this outrage culture from the start.  All they do is whine over anything and everything to get their way, hence the nickname "Cry-bullies".  Like any other bully, they need to be stopped.  People want to wait until their businesses get shut down?  Go ahead.  Sooner or later people are going to get sick and tired of the shit.  When that happens, beware the backlash.

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"ItsAGundam" posted a good vid with commentary/analysis about the latest interview "Dark" went on with The Quartering (yep he actually agreed to be interviewed; the fact that this even happened blew me away)



sheeeitttt, on another note entirely---

... the first time I noticed an apparent "generational gap" was about a year ago---a certain co-worker who is early 20s (I think 22 or 23 at the time)...people referenced Looney Tunes characters and she actually had never seen it.... the rest of us were caught off guard by this unfortunate soul who had no familiarity with such greatness....
" don't know who Yosemite Sam or Daffy are... Porky...Sylvester the cat ....? ....Wyle E. Coyote??!"
😮 makes sense though... if someone was born in 1995, they were still a baby during the last days those characters were regularly being shown on television.

Edited by MillionX
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sheeeiiiiitttttt, Nancy Drew is on CW now... looking goddamn DELICIOUS with the reddish blonde hair.  There was just a full body shot and the legs are good too....and just like that they have a new fan.  I'll be keeping tabs.  CW strikes once again with the hotness...also congrats in order for the black character gettin' a piece of her cute little ass on the first episode....niiiiiice....good on ya, bruv; getting that prime redhead whitemeat. 🧐


on another note… I was trying to hang with the “world class bullshitters” live stream a little while ago but had to give up; their audio is fuckin terrible once again, man…not to mention it gets to be a bit annoying that they just stick to what appears to be a “hate everything” gimmick at this point…almost like your average baby boomer that automatically assumes everything that came out after “their day” is guaranteed to be trash no matter what, from movies to shows, music, etc....sometimes you start to wonder if they genuinely hate everything or it's just serving a "gimmick" and theme of the channel.... hate tends to get more views and interaction on youtube, y'know.

Edited by MillionX
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one of the hottest youtube girls ever "That Star Wars Girl" has a vid-premiere in just a second..


edit---well, it didn't work; something screwed up with her premiere, sadly.


On another note; I got caught up with Legacies a little while's off to an "ok" start...and Hope and Josie look insanely cute/hot as usual.  Cliff-notes version... Hope of course found a way back but people still don't remember her, and her dude Landon already moved on and has hooked up with Josie. 


ha, every time I hear or think of the name "Josie", it's like my mind fills in the blank-> "...and the Pussycats!"

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sheeeeitttt, I'm finally checking out that movie Django... they mention the bounty being 7 grand on one of those dudes they killed... I knew right away that must've been a ridiculous sum of money considering the time period we're talking about here (1858)... and yep, according to the inflation calculator I checked, that's **$219,000.00+** in today's money.  😮


mmmm it definitely helps this movie's case that Kerry Washington's fine ass is in there....ohhhh she would get so ATE 😛  back when Scandal was a new show, I only watched a little of it, but it was 100% just to check her out....haha I didn't pay attention to any of the storyline in that series.

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Haven't watched any of Batwoman. Thought the show had potential based on her crossovee appearance. All the trailers leading up to its launch completely turned me off of the show. It's a shame. Batwoman is a good character in comic form. She is very different from the traditional Bat-Family, honestly she's more like Flashpoint Batman than the traditional Bat-Family. She's not quite that level of hardcore but she definitely loves firearms.

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Oh what a surprise, another woman strikes again...

We've seen it all before... can't wait 'til we get to the part where she receives little to no consequences for her alleged actions.

strange thing---she's not even one of the younger ones like you usually see in stories like this... typical "usual suspect" is a young woman that's early to mid 20s, like she's fresh out of college....this one is over the hill at 45, but still apparently into the young meat.

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  • misterBee changed the title to The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

Cool.  Congrats as well.


This morning was strange.  For some reason a jet was flying low enough to rattle dishes and of course, drown out the sound of the game I was playing to the point that I had to go outside to see what the hell was up.  Being that it was pitch dark out,  All I could see was jet engine flying away from the house.  Since nothing got run over in town and nobody has reported a Jet in their living room, I'm guessing it didn't crash around here.  For me that's good enough.


EDIT:  1000 posts!!!  


Edited by Deadly_Raver
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Hell yeah, this continues to be drastically better than "that other place" in every way, imo...



funny thing is that the shitstorm with Blizzard lately is all sooo close to the next BlizzCon event. Ohhhh if only I could take that Friday off [11/01; normally I could but I already took a nice chunk of time off that starts tomorrow] to see whatever is going to happen on this crazy train LIVE.  You know a lot of the “suits” there must be dreading that day at this point.
Full steam ahead and there is no way out of it now.  🤣


This game Valfaris gets to be pretty damn tough just by the 2nd or 3rd stage, man…there was one flying bug looking boss I had to try dozens of times before even getting close to getting past him… I absolutely love the way this game plays though; it’s run-n-gun action but you also have a sword-slash attack, and there is a shield that is reliant on an energy meter… enemy projectiles can be reflected by “catching” them with this shield and throwing it back.  I highly recommend this; basically it's like if you took the art from an old heavy metal album cover, and turned that into a side-scrolling action shoot/slashemup game.

Edited by MillionX
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..finally got caught up on that one...I'd agree with it.

sheeeittt, the next Death Battle episode is Mob 100 vs. Tatsumaki, the green-haired cutie from One Punch Man... Mob should have the advantage there, I think....well, unless she were to go all out immediately *before* he hits that "100%" and all hell breaks loose.


...nah, theoretical character battles will never stop being entertaining to me.

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sheeeeeiiiitttt, I was getting a few groceries in Walmart earlier, then decided to check the toy section since there's 2 Transformers I'm on the lookout for that are Walmart exclusive this month....but lo and behold... SOUNDWAVE was there! It looked like the original packaging too!  This would empty the rest of the cash I had on hand but I HAD to get that regrets.  It comes with 1 of the tapes; "Buzzsaw" (not "Laserbeak" for some odd reason; I vaguely recall Laserbeak being the one that came with it back in the day; either that or the dog "Ravage") 

yessssss 🤩 I might get a 2nd one that stays in the packaging for display purposes.

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The G1 Soundwave toy always came with Buzzsaw IIRC. 

The cartoon people were instructed to show off Laserbeak more since he was sold separately.

Buzzsaw only made 4 appearances in the cartoon (mostly Season 2)


I have seen the reissue Soundwave since early August. It seems to be selling relatively well  like Starscream/Devastator from last year.


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