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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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I am not clear on what that show "This Is Us" is about, but damn it always looks like some sad shit is going on.  Remember back in the day, when a show would have "A VERY SPECIAL EPISODE.." with the sad music and slow-motion montage of the characters on the preview... this is how that damn show looks all the time.  Apparently it gets the ratings because it's been on for a few seasons now....but I don't see the appeal if it appears to constantly be such a downer.

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I've never watched it. All I know is it has Black Panthers uncle in it 


This is a typical "my mom"  show. It is a family drama with some soap opera elements and it's on NBC 


Previous shows in this mold:

Providence(late 90s)

Parenthood (2010)


My mom doesn't watch much TV these days outside of news, random Food Network/HGTV stuff,and this.

What's funny is that she doesn't care for most Netflix shows lol.


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Providence had something going for it---I thought the greek woman on there was cute; Melina Kanekarides...I'd ravage.  I won't remember much else about it though.  


Apparently the Star Wars trailer is tonight on Monday Night Football, during the halftime.


youtube is so damn hot with content it's frustrating; I want to get some more rounds of Gears Horde mode going on, and Days of Our Lives is about to come on...but I already have 2 youtube tabs open with one being a live-stream at the moment....oy vey these first-world problems, man...

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hahah I randomly decided to search "black turds" just a little while ago, with safe search off of course....the results were outstanding.  Maybe the internet hasn't generally lost its way after all. This takes me back to the good ol' days when there was all kinds of vile, disgusting, absolutely repugnant shit to be found out there in cyberspace. 😄  


...oh and yeah, I still remember that first day back then that I saw the infamous "tubgirl" never forget the day you see something like that for the first time.... many good laughs were had in the computer lab that day

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cheh, I thought the whole "tv-Live/talk" kind of show was the next big fad (basically like "Talking Dead"--you have a discussion type of thing right after or a few days after a show airs) but that didn't seem to pan out, sadly... I just checked on "theStreamtv" youtube channel, and they haven't posted anything new since 10 months ago.  Afterbuzz (created by the lovely Maria Menounos; very salad-toss worthy, btw) was a bit more popular, and they still post things regularly with live streams, but their numbers have been very low for quite a while now....that's a shame; I enjoyed those shows when it was discussion about shows I cared for, of course.


at least one thing that stopped me from watching too much was the end of my big 2 shows on cw--Vampire and Originals; and towards the end there wasn't that many people tuning in for those live streams on those shows, sadly...I also used to watch theStreamTV's show discussion for The Flash, but that went downhill when the best on-air personalities either got dropped or chose to move on.

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On 10/23/2019 at 6:24 PM, misterBee said:

How does everyone feel about MEGASHOCK merchandise?



What?  Selling goods from your site and giving us the chance to help support the place and score some swag in the bargain?  ABSOLUTE MADNESS!!!




Seriously though.  Wha'cha got man?  Let's see some pics.  I'll definitely grab a shirt or sweatpants and probably the mugs.  No matter what you decide on, good luck and know that I've already got the dimes locked and loaded.

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On 10/25/2019 at 7:19 AM, Deadly_Raver said:

What?  Selling goods from your site and giving us the chance to help support the place and score some swag in the bargain?  ABSOLUTE MADNESS!!!




Seriously though.  Wha'cha got man?  Let's see some pics.  I'll definitely grab a shirt or sweatpants and probably the mugs.  No matter what you decide on, good luck and know that I've already got the dimes locked and loaded.

Merchandise thread is open here:



Just a sticker for now.  I'll move into apparel and come up with some original designs later.

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ha, it just hit me... if they actually do make F76 a "free to play" thing, my friend with the exceptionally bad taste will then ask if I downloaded it yet since "it's free now, dude; can't go wrong with that, right?"....because he's always desperate for co-op on *any* game...this situation will be a bit annoying but amusing at the same time.   Hell naw, man... not even if Jesus Christ magically appeared to give me this game completely free of charge.  My xbox hdd shall not ever be stained by that abomination.


oh and yeah...this is one of the people I know that tried to sell me on this horrible game called "Dead Block" from xbox live arcade several years ago...the 1 guy wasn't a surprise because his taste in most things is always questionable or just straight up awful sometimes...but the other dude; it was shocking that he was down for that piece of trash too.  People with bad taste are funny, man... and they will always exist.  Think of all the terrible shit that has been produced that some people went for...


  • back in the day; there were people that honestly thought the jheri curl was a cool hairstyle.
  • there's people that think things like the El Camino, the Geo Metro, and the Nissan Leaf are awesome-looking vehicles.
  • There's probably someone out there who thinks the Virtua Boy was Nintendo's greatest system.
  • There's people that think "souse" is  quite delicious.


Edited by MillionX
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15 hours ago, MillionX said:

ha, it just hit me... if they actually do make F76 a "free to play" thing, my friend with the exceptionally bad taste will then ask if I downloaded it yet since "it's free now, dude; can't go wrong with that, right?"....because he's always desperate for co-op on *any* game...this situation will be a bit annoying but amusing at the same time.   Hell naw, man... not even if Jesus Christ magically appeared to give me this game completely free of charge.  My xbox hdd shall not ever be stained by that abomination.


oh and yeah...this is one of the people I know that tried to sell me on this horrible game called "Dead Block" from xbox live arcade several years ago...the 1 guy wasn't a surprise because his taste in most things is always questionable or just straight up awful sometimes...but the other dude; it was shocking that he was down for that piece of trash too.  People with bad taste are funny, man... and they will always exist.  Think of all the terrible shit that has been produced that some people went for...


  • back in the day; there were people that honestly thought the jheri curl was a cool hairstyle.
  • there's people that think things like the El Camino, the Geo Metro, and the Nissan Leaf are awesome-looking vehicles.
  • There's probably someone out there who thinks the Virtua Boy was Nintendo's greatest system.
  • There's people that think "souse" is  quite delicious.


I've come to the opinion that you should shoot your friend in the back on every game you play, and yes that includes racing games and puzzle games too.


@misterBee  The sticker looks good and I need to get another computer soon anyway, soooooooo..............


Got two big ones.  Let me know when the other stuff arrives.

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19 hours ago, misterBee said:


Thanks for being a constant supporter and friend of the site! 😍


Since you're the first customer, post pics or something when they arrive!  Similarly, if there is anything you are dissatisfied with let me know!

Sure thing.   If nothing else I'll set them up on the current computer.  Also: does anyone know of any places that sell solid state external drives?  I've got a big disk drive trying to crap out on me over here and I'm pretty much done with that.  It's that or save things to physical disk and let's face it.  10Tb of info is going to be a LOT of disks.

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4 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

Sure thing.   If nothing else I'll set them up on the current computer.  Also: does anyone know of any places that sell solid state external drives?  I've got a big disk drive trying to crap out on me over here and I'm pretty much done with that.  It's that or save things to physical disk and let's face it.  10Tb of info is going to be a LOT of disks.

Microcenter / Best Buy / Staples are your choices if you want to buy it at at store.


SSDs above 1TB in capacity aren't quite economical yet though.  For externals I use 2-4TB HDDs since they're incredibly cheap.

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8 hours ago, MillionX said:

in my search of Batwoman commentary/vids she started showing up lately in recommended videos; her latest is even better than ever🤣


Jokes aside, alright.  She's slamming on it pretty good. I haven't watched any of the batwoman series so I cannot personally attest to it, but watching the vid shows me that I have probably saved me from a few trips to the psych ward.


..............I bet you thought I was gonna make some joke about how her teeth have as much cleavage as her chest, but I didn't. 😜

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@misterBee and @Darc_Requiem


I guess it isn't what I wanted to hear, but it is at least something.  I was hopping that the SSDs were more stable since there would be fewer moving parts, but if they're just going to crap up too then there's no reason to buy them.  Ironically, I got a deal on an 8tb which I'm using for the time being to hold things.  I'll have to get whatever currently has the highest capacity for regular disk and make backups.  I'm sure there's something better than DVDs by now for saving stuff.

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4 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

@misterBee and @Darc_Requiem


I guess it isn't what I wanted to hear, but it is at least something.  I was hopping that the SSDs were more stable since there would be fewer moving parts, but if they're just going to crap up too then there's no reason to buy them.  Ironically, I got a deal on an 8tb which I'm using for the time being to hold things.  I'll have to get whatever currently has the highest capacity for regular disk and make backups.  I'm sure there's something better than DVDs by now for saving stuff.

SSDs are great and the price has gone down a lot, but they're still not viable cost-wise at sizes over 2TB.


A 1TB SSD can be had for something like 80 bucks.  A 2TB SSD costs somewhere in the neighborhood of 250-300.  For an external model I'd imagine it costs a bit more.


If you're trying to back up over 10TB of files SSDs are going to be prohibitively expensive.  Cheap HDDs are going to be the way to go.  A 4TB external HDD only costs $120 or so.

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GEARS 5, though....
A little while ago I finally played Horde on *Inconceivable* difficulty for the first time....holy shit that was awesome, man... I was playing as Jack so I probably had an easier time than the others though, but ohhhhh it was so good.  Unfortunately, of all the times I didn't have my "Optimizer" card equipped...of course it just happened to be the night I had a really good team and playing on *that* difficulty....several waves later I remembered suddenly that I didn't have that card equipped!  I could've been generating wayyyy more power; my card for that is level 5, I think 



The Sentinels are so damn dangerous though... quite a few times we got so close to being wiped out just because one of those flew into the base...and on that difficulty (*ALL the modifiers on), those things take you down in literally 1 second or so....if they even see you and fire a shot, you're going down immediately, like some "Halo on Legendary" shit.  A Sentinel (+ a boss) finally destroyed us on Wave 40. 😔

Edited by MillionX
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7 hours ago, misterBee said:

SSDs are great and the price has gone down a lot, but they're still not viable cost-wise at sizes over 2TB.


A 1TB SSD can be had for something like 80 bucks.  A 2TB SSD costs somewhere in the neighborhood of 250-300.  For an external model I'd imagine it costs a bit more.


If you're trying to back up over 10TB of files SSDs are going to be prohibitively expensive.  Cheap HDDs are going to be the way to go.  A 4TB external HDD only costs $120 or so.

That sounds like about what I've seen.  So I'll go with plan "B":  Wait until black friday and snag a good deal or two.  Also:  May have to use internals over externals, which means the next computer will now be a Desktop.  I'll check on xidax and xotic, but if anybody has better places I'll check them too.

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@Darc_Requiem  I saw a few vids earlier about Kotaku.  All I can say is what has been said before:  Get woke, GO BROKE.  I don't know if the new boss can turn things around, but I'd say pulling the politics out of your sports would be a good move.  Jeremy of the Quartering also did a vid on it.  As you may guess, he ain't exactly shedding tears over their current plight.

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lol.  Actually, this was the best time to bring that one out.  In the game DCUO, we just got a new treat for the latest DLC.  We end up fighting a giant-sized man-bat covered in metal.  A gift from the Batman who Laughs.  They say it's an 8-man fight, but that's pure BS.  if you take 8 people in there, you're gonna end up needing 8 graves.  bring everybody or stay out.

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1 hour ago, Deadly_Raver said:

lol.  Actually, this was the best time to bring that one out.  In the game DCUO, we just got a new treat for the latest DLC.  We end up fighting a giant-sized man-bat covered in metal.  A gift from the Batman who Laughs.  They say it's an 8-man fight, but that's pure BS.  if you take 8 people in there, you're gonna end up needing 8 graves.  bring everybody or stay out.

DCUO is still going?  Forgot all about that game.


How is it?

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ha, I should get back to DCUO sometime... I made 2 heroes on there; 1 was designed as a super vampire (of course; super-speed...and I forgot what his fighting style/ability was)....the other was a shit-monster character; his main power was morphing, I remember.... he was able to turn into a little brown doggy and a brown gorilla so far.  I have a new alternate Live profile at this point so I may just create new heroes and villains, actually....or new versions of those guys.


ohooooo I love a topic that steps on some people's toes... 
"Men funnier than women, according to a study..."

I don't think we really needed a little study to back that shit up but whatever 🤣Really, you ask the average person what are the funniest comedians of all time in their opinion...most of the time that list is going to be 99% dudes, like George Carlin, Richard Pryor, maybe Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, etc.  Men and women will be throwing out the same big names.... and we all know it's men that *HAVE* to have some kind of charm and wit to "function" properly in modern society--getting good jobs, networking with important people, and yes...the mating game (the death knell for any dude's "game" is to be BORING.  A boring dude will get NO play compared to the dudes that make her laugh.) naturally, we would be more adept at it.  


...and actually, I would definitely prefer it if more women were funny, at least in terms of social interaction and the "mating game".  That's definitely more interesting and attractive to a girl that has all the personality of a stone, always unamused by everything and taking herself way too seriously.

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