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47 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

@MillionX  Fallout 76 isn't dumpster fire. It's a dumpster over an active volcano.

But if the building is good I'll probably end up buying it anyway.


I obsessed over the building feature in Fallout 4.  I made some SICK settlements.


6 hours ago, Angel said:

The first season was okay, the mobile game is cute.   The second season makes me wonder what is going on with studio mappa.

Man, I could write an entire essay about why the first season was trash.  Maybe if you know the mobile game intimately and just want to see the characters move it was ok -- but as a stand-alone story or for someone who doesn't know anything about the game it's completely miserable. 


Nothing really happens, big jumps in time, episodes where they cram in random cameos that don't do anything for the story, and a final episode where they insert the girl MC after a 5 minute dialog recap just so they can have a beach episode. 🤮



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I think that is what lured one of my friends in with it... he was addicted to building stuff in Fallout 4, so naturally he bought 76 as well once it went on sale the first time....


heh heh, I was definitely waiting on the weekend box office numbers...not necessarily for Star Wars though---I wanted to see the flaming wreckage of Cats how it performed... it only made 6.5 million over the weekend (and of course it always just goes down from weekend # 1)....this movie had a 95 million budget apparently 😄 There is no way they even get close to breaking even on that shit 🤣   


hahaha Star Wars made nearly 30x that with 176 mil.

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8 hours ago, misterBee said:

But if the building is good I'll probably end up buying it anyway.


I obsessed over the building feature in Fallout 4.  I made some SICK settlements.


Man, I could write an entire essay about why the first season was trash.  Maybe if you know the mobile game intimately and just want to see the characters move it was ok -- but as a stand-alone story or for someone who doesn't know anything about the game it's completely miserable. 


Nothing really happens, big jumps in time, episodes where they cram in random cameos that don't do anything for the story, and a final episode where they insert the girl MC after a 5 minute dialog recap just so they can have a beach episode. 🤮



lol that last episode.  People were mad confused.  Now when I say it was ok it had nice animation and music that was on point.   The story from the game isn't anything to write home about anyways so I kinda shuffle that off to the side since it is based on the game and is going to be mediocre regardless.  The animation quality really did go to the dogs with the second season which is crazy considering how insane rage of bahamut looked which was again mappa and cygames working together. 


It is crazy too me that they didn't do better following the story of Granblue or making it just a plain better adaption which is what they should have done with it considering it has two games coming out.   Rage of Bahumut was a top grossing cellphone game but it didn't have a future invested into it like Granblue but it's anime looked like this



I don't understand the logic behind the decisions being made sometimes, kinda like having one punch man season 2 being handled by a dirt cheap studio after it's success.   God Rage of Bahumut really is awesome.  It's literally feels like a fantasy version of Cowboy Bebop/Samurai Champloo.   The episodes could be about the stupidest shit but the characters are so fun and the animation so smooth and tasty that you don't give a shit.   Even the second season being a bit weaker was still leagues above in looks and style over shows that came out this year.   The people that worked on this need to branch off and make their own studio XD, someone give Keiichi Sato more work


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definitely keeping tabs on this one for later... a movie called "Baggage Claim" is on right now.... I had to look it up because the main girl in here is RIDICULOUS... and I remember her's Paula Goddamn Patton.


so delicious.  


now an episode of The Game is on... yeahhhhh Bounce is pretty damn awesome.  The lineup of smokin hot ass was strong on this show.


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On 12/23/2019 at 1:13 PM, Angel said:

Like bro just the first episode of Rage of Bahumut is epic af with that horse chase rooftop scene


I see now, the writer and directer from Big O worked on the first season. 

I watched Rage of Bahamut a few years ago and I really enjoyed it.  Haven't seen the sequel yet.


9 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

Merry Christmas everybody.

Merry Christmas!  Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

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My cousins took me on Christmas Day to see Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker.





Adam Driver as Kylo Ren. Probably my favorite character of the new cast and the highlight of this sequel trilogy

Lots of fanservice references and callbacks

Use of Leia despite being limited by Carrie's death

Poe  was most likeable in this imo



A classic character returns out of left field and  imo it lessens the character of Snoke, Vader from the original trilogy and other things.

This person has a plan and resources that seem a bit abrupt and ill explained. This person's reintroduction also directly affects one of the new cast -I'm 50/50 on this .


The first act has  too much exposition and a scavenger hunt aspect that could have been streamlined. It felt like they had to squeeze 4 hours of plot into 2 hours.


Finn's romantic entanglements arent really addressed much. A new female character is introduced and Rose has an almost minimal role.


There is a big revelation about one of the new cast . While it explains some aspects of his/her abilities , I wish Abrams had stuck to Johnsons view about this topic. 


Overall: They should have a "kevin Feige" overseer for this trilogy. Abrams and Johnson clearly wanted to make their own style of films. They shouldnt have done a relay race. For good or ill, the trilogy should have been fully helmed by one person. 

It seems that Johnson was juggling chainsaws with TLJ and Abrams was trying to just dive out of the way  and escape unscathed rather than make a successful end to a trilogy.




My ratings of the live action films..


 TPM - 4/10

AOTC       - 5/10

ROTSith    6.5/10


New Hope - 8.5/10

Empire - 9/10

ROTJ - 8/10


TFA - 7.5/10

TLJ - 7/10 (I originally gave this 8, but my views have changed since rewatching recently)

TROS - 6.5/10


Rogue One/Solo - 7/10












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I haven't been out to watch any of the new movies, but I've run headlong into a lot of the old stuff.  By that I mean Kung Fu movies on youtube.  👍  If you type in "The dragon the hero"  (Also known as "Dragon on fire" ) you'll stumble into not only one of my favorites, but also a few channels which are hosting these throwbacks to the best time to have a TV if you ask this little black duck's opinion.  not sure if it's cool to post whole movies here, but you can always follow the bread crumbs to the gold at your own leisure.

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I was just watching one of those Court TV shows with Chris Hansen; they had the story of Skyler Deleon on...a guy who was formerly a very minor, 1-episode (I think) character on Power Rangers as a kid... there was some seriously crazy shit about that one... one of his crew that helped him murder the old couple... was a dude that happened to be a big black guy named "John F. Kennedy", who was a former gang member... 😄 everytime they showed "Black JFK" there, the visual alone was just funny to me.  Anyway, this dude was a real piece of shit, obviously... and he had his pregnant wife in on the scam too... the fact that she was there helped establish a certain level of trust the old couple had (the ruse was that he and the wife were interested in buying their boat)


Oddly enough, when offered immunity, his wife still didn't give up any info and stuck to their story....ha, the dumbass.  Then...we find out that part of this was that Skylar wanted to get gender re-assignment surgery!  Everything fell apart when another part of the crew sang like a canary, so to speak... he gave up all the details and got a reduced sentence of 20 years.


More Insane bullshit---he did eventually get the sex change, by the way....and yep...on tax-payer dime.  This is the world we live in, folks. 🤣  It's all a joke that never ends.

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ha, back to the world of **Dead Cells**...

I forgot that you can now break the doors that have a gold price on the cost of being cursed though....made for an amusing situation earlier today when I got a little too fancy with the "Wave of Denial", using it to kill one of those worms *and* knock the bombs away all at once...the bombs got knocked right over towards the door and *BOOM that shit was busted....then the little sign popped up "You have angered the gods!" and I was cursed.  😄 Man, I love this game.  I also found that cursed artifact that gives you 15k gold...couldn't resist; my greed took over once again.  I finally got the spider rune on this alternate profile I've been playing on....things get even more fun once you have acquired all the runes.


On another note... for some reason I didn't bother with sleeping...I've actually been awake since this time yesterday.... it's finally starting to hit me now though.

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sheeeittttt, I just want to take even more time off this year... I have such an insane amount of vacation time saved up (it's most likely more than anyone else in our office...this amount accrued each month goes up considerably the longer you've been working here [a state job])... and they actually screwed up again and "accidentally" gave me "comp. time" instead of actual overtime pay once again for the most recent pay-period...fortunately it wasn't a huge amount of overtime (a couple of hours) so it's no big deal....just extra vacation time for me then, whenever's the next occasion I take a few days off.  Apparently the pool of "comp time" just stays there indefinitely until it is used.... personal/vacation time that is beyond a certain point rolls over to a personal sick leave balance each year.


hell yeah this is some good stuff I found here


Ohoooooo here we go... Mr. Metokur is live on youtube in about 30 minutes.... haha, whatever it is this should be good...



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haha, a certain friend is suddenly Mr. Super PC Fanboy all of a sudden.... most likely because he realizes he can't really afford to get in on the next era consoles that are due out soon....suddenly he was going so far as to say "there's really no issues on PC don't really have to upgrade" or whatever....haha yeah ok bruh, whatever makes ya feel better I guess.  It's funny when people are all in on something and singing its praises, but you know the real/likely reason behind it is something else. alllllllll those countless points of frustration I've personally witnessed where the PC fanboys are having to knock settings down or *hope* their old rig meets certain basic system requirements of the latest game....or doing a quick google search to try and figure out the latest problem....I suppose all that was just my imagination?  😄 Surely a machine from *2001* can run something like Gears of War 4 and 5, Witcher 3 and soon that Cyberpunk game with absolutely no problems, right?  SURE.  We're to believe there's never a problem?  C'mon, bruh. 🤣

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12 hours ago, MillionX said:

haha, a certain friend is suddenly Mr. Super PC Fanboy all of a sudden.... most likely because he realizes he can't really afford to get in on the next era consoles that are due out soon....suddenly he was going so far as to say "there's really no issues on PC don't really have to upgrade" or whatever....haha yeah ok bruh, whatever makes ya feel better I guess.  It's funny when people are all in on something and singing its praises, but you know the real/likely reason behind it is something else. alllllllll those countless points of frustration I've personally witnessed where the PC fanboys are having to knock settings down or *hope* their old rig meets certain basic system requirements of the latest game....or doing a quick google search to try and figure out the latest problem....I suppose all that was just my imagination?  😄 Surely a machine from *2001* can run something like Gears of War 4 and 5, Witcher 3 and soon that Cyberpunk game with absolutely no problems, right?  SURE.  We're to believe there's never a problem?  C'mon, bruh. 🤣

I don't understand how a PC fanboy would have an under-powered rig or not know how PCs work.  It's more likely these are people who heard PCs were good but don't know anything about them.


That being said, I've got all the consoles and multiple gaming PCs...PC definitely best platform. 💪

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I just finished watching Into the Badlands last night. (I started on Dec 13 but family gatherings/travel stretched it out a bit)





I loved the martial arts and fights. This was some of the best I've seen in a TV show since Daredevil.


The locations and costume design were awesome too! Ireland is a beautiful country.


I liked how the morality was grey for many of the characters. There were rarely fully good or fully evil characters. Everyone's allegiances shifted so much to serve their goals unlike many shows where the alignment is pretty set and its a rare thing if someone goes bad etc.

Even the minor characters were developed and not just mute henchmen. I was surprised to be invested in characters like Lydia and Tilda when I first started watching.


I was really disappointed by M.K's arc especially in Season 3. He feels betrayed by Sunny , Widow, and Master but once he joins Pilgrim and despite his actions growing more unstable sticks by him. Also, he doesnt even see/interact with Sunny in the final battle.  WTF!  I'm glad they killed him than redeem him at the eleventh hour.


What happened to Waldo in S3? Wheelchair vanish!


The third season feels really rushed despite being the longest. It feels like they filmed everything and were cancelled at the last possible second.


The introduction of Sunny's sister and Black Lotus didnt really feel that impactful to me. 
Sunny seemed kind of directionless for most of S3. What Bajie said to him towards the end "youre a good man who trusts the wrong people and falls into messes" was quite telling.



What does M.K. stand for? I don't think they ever said it in the show.


Overall:  8/10

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whoah, John actually talked about this, surprisingly..


The unfortunate news is that yeah... the folks in charge at Collider decided to end "Movie Talk" and other shows, which is a real shame, imo... Movie Talk was the only major reason I was still watching, even past the point where the got rid of most of the hot girls on there (*I still keep tabs on A. Mova; she rarely updates her instagram though, sadly).  

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ohoooooo this got SO juicy 😄   A shame I missed Roxy's stream earlier; fell into my usual weekend afternoon nap there.  


I think the folks in charge at Collider might regret the decision to cancel all those shows very soon.  I doubt they'll make up for the amount of fans that are giving up on them in general.


ohhhhh and the like/dislike ratio on the latest vids is getting interesting... along with the latest comments, with several mentioning they are unsubscribing either because of the "new direction" or Jack H's comments or both.... this is such delicious honey gold. 😄

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Yo.  John Campea took off the inhibitor collar and pulled out the machete.   On top of that I agree with every word.  That little pile of shit sitting there GLOATING over the people who MADE Collider getting stabbed in their collective backs for the assholes who only want the money while ironically removing the very people who made it?  Yeah.  Unlock all the weapons and burn that POS to the dirt.


As far as what do I think,  I don't think Collider itself will be long for this world either.  I imagine the doors closing in September, possibly Early October at the latest.  We'll see, but that's where I would put my money.  You done fucked up Collider.  All that's left now is to see how badly this gets before the hammer falls.

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