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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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8 hours ago, Daemos said:

If his awakening is recent (meaning within the timeline of SF6) then where was the body for all those years? If it was in stasis why does he have long hair?

So here's what I think...

The body was gone.

This is a returned Bison back in the form he most recently remembered...his damaged body at the end of SF5.

Remember, we've seen this before with Gouken. Bison was wiped out by Mu...but Psycho Power does not die so easily. I think this is a reconstituted Bison hence why he's still unstable and doesn't have all his memories. Not all of Bison came back and he needed more Psycho Power (which he is still stabilizing as shown by his arm). Gouken had mastery over Mu so he came back intact and whole with all his memories, etc. Bison disintegrating like that was new to him...but now he's back but it was imperfect.


The connection to Mu might also be why Bison is more warrior focused now and not as outright maniacal...Mu can purify so there may be lingering effects of that.

Edited by YagamiFire
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53 minutes ago, YagamiFire said:

The body was gone.

This is a returned Bison back in the form he most recently remembered...his damaged body at the end of SF5.

That doesn't make sense. Phantom Bison can't just reconstitute a physical form at will without a proper host. This is a foundational piece of his lore.

From World Tour, best guess I would say is that Ryu was able to injure Bison's body (a notable feat on its own)  and eject a large portion of his Psycho Power/Spirit out with that Hadouken.

Perhaps Bison realized what MNK was doing with his body, and abandoned ship as a precaution at the last second to avoid collapsing on himself (because the body might've actually disintegrated). He split in 2, the larger part becoming Phantom Bison we saw in SF5 later and in the base, and a smaller fraction in that body.

The body survived.

53 minutes ago, YagamiFire said:

The connection to Mu might also be why Bison is more warrior focused now and not as outright maniacal...

Bison explains that he's hungry for fighting. The way he describes his life before Shadaloo and how he created the organization/became so strong seem to imply that he wants to go back to that life for a while and see where it takes him again (which may be a different direction to Shadaloo).

I don't think Mu is directly changing his mind. We're seeing this Bison become more Bison-like the more he fights.

Theory time ahead!

The question remains, how did that body go unnoticed and survive all these years? How did it end up in MC?

My best theory right now is it was JP. His win quote to Bison and Bison's win quote to him, were friendly or not unfriendly even. JP's response to Bison being alive wasn't fear, anger, or surprise, he was merely curious or confused as to why Bison isn't whole.

JP also having a move called Amnesia and an organization called Amnesia provide clues as what was going on. Bison imbued JP with PP because he knew that JP is his guy in the aftermath of Shadaloo's fall. JP kept the body safe in stasis and at the right moment released it in the wild knowing it will find itself to its owner.

This was JP's plan all along, amass the funds, recreate the income streams, and prep the world for a new order - then bring back Bison to take the reigns. He is loyal to Bison or what Bison stands for, maybe to a fault. 

Edited by Daemos
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23 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Now got mission to seek Vega and Rog (lmao at not asking anything about FAN ahaha), for now i'll stop here, will follow up later

Ok let's continue from there


Missions, Bison Master arc and max bond




- Vega is not changed look wise, physically.

I'm ok with this, he already considered himself absolute aesthetic perfection, so make sense in last years he just tried and achieved to basically keep look the same.

His SF6 costume can and probably will be very different and new, keeping SF2 look for nostalgia


- His artwork probably got some inspiration from his Uniqlo art



- Ignacio seems to be part of Vega's palace servants, share similar clothes

Impression is he stolen Vega's SF2 mask (to fight in Coliseum kinda imitating Vega's cage fights?), so Vega is grateful somebody punished him in a Vega-approved (beautiful flawless beating) way

Don't seem to care about get mask back either, more about Ignacio having been punished and disciplined


- I don't like how they handled the west-jap names thing


- Him being willing to return to action of course may hint a SF6 presence (also don't remember the flags, iirc Spain was there too)

I think to know even one of the items of potential "Vega is coming" dedicated Fighting Pass, i think theme will be this SF4 costume



We already have 2 currently unavaible NPC pieces to recreate it

One being NPC Clawdio (the Nayshall arena imitator) mask wich is kinda similar, one being Ignacio white shirt




- Also Balrog did'nt changed physically, i don't like this decision as he could have been reworked to keep up with rest of vets, but i was already aware of this since we already seen him in a SF6 artwork and indeed seem have usual look as ever


- Speaking about that artwork (that we have since Ed inclusion) my guess is Rog is either trying to troll Bison into give him money and the go with Ed, or he's legit considering both but ultimately will go with Ed

Here he's with whole NS crew, they seem ok to have him around as if they're all friends having good time


Rog picking Ed side make tons of sense considering was already his plan in SFV, before Ed left alone

Overall guess Rog (playable or not) may have bit of redemption arc in SF6


- Him having golden glove as symbol it's interesting not only because perfectly sum up the character (boxing+money), but also because  the "Golden Glove" is a prestigious amateur american boxing competition, basically is become the state Champ

Wonder if he ever won one, if he even bothered try would have surely won

For what's worth, Tyson in his youth won New York Golden Gloves

We know Rog got problems rising in pro ranks ending up getting banned over killing opponent and violent unfair style, wich likely prevented him to ever become World Champion (one reason that may make him further bitter at Dudley) and became paid freakshow in Vegas, so Golden Glove may have been his highest "honorable" achievement


It's pretty far stretched theory, but if we want consider redemption arc as symbol may have greed meaning as appearance, yet hide an honorable meaning that only who know boxing could understand


Follow up BISON ARC


- LMAO at Bison not remember FANG

Wonder in wich % is inner joke (him who want desperately be closest to him being forgot) and how much is about FANg being not that great fighter... for sure not worth be Sagat's substitute

He had useful skills and knowledge, but ultimately Bison just respect power


- Somehow JP get retconned as being apparently considered on par (at least uniform wise) with other Shadloo Kingas generals


And he must hav achieved that just by stick fighting skills, since we know* PP is new thing for him

This make our theory of FANG being higher than him in former Shadaloo hierarchy no more valid as in Bison's eyes they was basically same rank


*actually we don't know shit about why/how he have such amount of PP, specially considering none of other generals ever had access to it



- Bison mention he used PP to push them do shit he wanted, this is huge lore wise and tbh i don't like it, as lessen their responsibility and potential redemption value

Thinking about it not much before in Claw's mission Vega seem to admit Bison's ambition somehow affected him and art had him sporting super crazy face

Let's be clear they still pieces of shit i want them to be, but SF6 seems to hint some % of that was Bison's PP making them worse... not by dictator charisma wich i would have accepted, but straight purple magic shit

Corruption of them was'nt even needed lore wise as till today they were already corrupted by themselves as far we knew

Again, i don't like it, but SF6 push it in your face and we can't ignore canon shit we don't like


- Bison consider JP a deserter, while JP claim to be loyal to Shadaloo's interest


- Bison's horse is essentially Psycho Power'ed to epic roids levels, but Bison recognized that he (horse) had merit to survive the treatment and that "most creatures" would have died, commenting its worth of be his horse

See him so proud of the horse was Raoh as fuck lol


- Funny af one challenge fighting Bison as Master is strike him 5 times with Shinkuu Hadoken... this clearly wink at A Shadow Falls final fight, wonder if 5 wink at SF5 too lol


- Ironical see current Bison disprect traits of previous self, think Akuma would respect more (or at least despise bit less) this version of Bison


- As expected see Bison new design in destroyed lab stage works awesome, give me lot of Omega Rugal vibes


- The only gift that Bison truly appreciate are... carrots, to be given to his horse. SF6 Bison fucking love his horse lol


- The Soul Power artwork part


is fucking important even beyond discuss the nature of Soul/Psycho powers (wich guess we will do a lot)

Some points that may have gone bit unnoticed


Huge one is Bison looks... like Bison we ever seen in games

We know he have blond/blue eyes dna, and was fair assume his SF bodies are some sort of template created by Shadaloo to be used as replaceable shells and possibly different from the original, but we see even the original Bison before starting this pratice is the usual SF black hair self


Rose yellow scarf seems to be not a personal clothing choice but part of SP disciples uniform, BOTH Bison and Rose have one

Not only this explain why Rose's "meaningful object" is the scarf, but further pushes Rose/Lisa and Bison/Straizo thing i mentioned a lot since SFV

"A scarf made with the dried intestinal fibers of the Satiporoja Beetle. Crafted from 30,000 beetles, these types of scarves were used by both Straizo and his student Lisa Lisa. The scarf has the property to conduct 100% of the Ripple it receives, making it both a handy weapon for a Ripple Master and a good protection against it. Straizo would compare it to a lightning rod."


And now after JoJo we switch back to Hokuto no Ken, because the Master is clearly portrayed after HNK Master Ryuken, who was Raoh (and Kenshiro's) Master


It's extra interesting because in both cases Masters tried to "seal" their students power, and they got murdered as result





@Daemosseen your post, will reply later i promise, now i just focused on covers Bison's update gimmicks and play and write step-by-step took some time lol



Edited by CESTUS III
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8 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Somehow JP get retconned as being apparently considered on par (at least uniform wise) with other Shadloo Kingas generals

I mean, he *is* the Chief Financial Officer effectively. It's one of the highest positions in any organization, wielding tremendous power. It's obvious that Bison trusted him because this is a really sensitive position.

10 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

*actually we don't know shit about why/how he have such amount of PP, specially considering none of other generals ever had access to it


JP answers this. Not any body can handle it. It takes a special type of body and mind to wield it. Perhaps this, in addition to his skills in crime, is why Bison recruited him. Game recognizes game.

12 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

- Bison mention he used PP to push them do shit he wanted, this is huge lore wise and tbh i don't like it,

I don't like it either but I don't think he meant all of them. I think he meant Sagat only. He seduced him and exploited his rage. All the other Kings are very evil and will jump at the opportunity to do the evil things they enjoy doing.

He may have seduced JP because you see him kinda going crazy in his arcade story. But I think they just align in that way too.

Bison may also have meant lesser ranks in the organization. We know he brainwashed soldiers and dolls in his organization by infusing them with his power.


15 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Bison consider JP a deserter,

Where was this? And was it that word? Also Bison may not remember completely his relationship to JP. I still think JP is loyal.

18 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

- As expected see Bison new design in destroyed lab stage works awesome, give me lot of Omega Rugal vibes

Indeed. I am pretty sure some of his animations in 6 were done this way because of outfit one. Including his walk, dashes, and throws.

20 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

- The only gift that Bison truly appreciate are... carrots, to be given to his horse. SF6 Bison fucking love his horse lol

He likes the globe also IIRC.


2 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

The body is the one he previously had. It underwent transubstantiation...and he undid that. The same physical form.

*Looks up 'transubstantiation'* 🧐

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On 6/25/2024 at 3:34 AM, Daemos said:

I do wish we one day get an insight on what is the realm that Bison travels through when he uses these. I bet it's like that place he takes Ryu and Ken to at the end of the II V anime series.


On 6/25/2024 at 8:57 AM, DarthEnderX said:

I mean, that's not really how 'wormholes' work.  A wormhole isn't a hole into some other realm or dimension.  It's a place where 2 distant points in space overlap each other, so you can step into it from one location, and instantly step out of it in the other location.


That's a typical trope in a Japanese production and TV show


like Tokusatsu that the where the protagonist is teleported in an unknown alternate warp version of a reality a dimension where things are change and alter 


This is commonly seen in the 80s-90s toko series the METAL HEROES


In that reality the enemy ability is amplified either by the change of world's physics  altered in favor of the enemy or the enemy ability having enhance 





Time Space Warp Also known as Strange Dimension. After beating the enemy the place is revert back to normal


Here a good explaination of this




You could see this influence in various subsquent media 


Like Darkstalkers VAMPIRE SAVIORs DarkForce



This is why SF film makers and if I made a SF live action fan film I'll hugely take inspirastion to Tokusatsu Tropes like for Shocker for Shadaloo

Edited by Shakunetsu
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3 hours ago, Daemos said:

I mean, he *is* the Chief Financial Officer effectively. It's one of the highest positions in any organization, wielding tremendous power. It's obvious that Bison trusted him because this is a really sensitive position.

Yes but till very few days ago we thought that position to be relevant but not at same level of Shadaloo Generals, now we got visual confirmation that Bison considered JP to be at same level/rank of other Shadakings (uniform is identical and appear in same group picture)


Of course bit of retcon is needed, because they made up a relevant figure out of nothing pretending he was ever there

Guess at best they can pretend to hide Shadamoney shit JP himself had to be an elusive secret figure with lot of masks (Johan Petrovic, Jean Philippe etc)


-bullshit mode ON-

Personally would have loved if they retconned it as the russian boss in SFV Russian Underground Arena as troll move to say he's ever been under our nose and we did'nt seen him... too bad would have needed "J" and "P" name instead he was Boris Rodcenko lol


-bullshit mode OFF-


3 hours ago, Daemos said:

JP answers this. Not any body can handle it. It takes a special type of body and mind to wield it. Perhaps this, in addition to his skills in crime, is why Bison recruited him. Game recognizes game.

Doubt is that

In the sense from how JP talks about himself being so new to it, seems he possibly became a PP user in relatively recent period meaning not in pre-ASF days


So essentially my impression is in some way his PP arc began AFTER Bison disappeared, and when Bison was around he was "just" super expert at handle money and had martial arts (Bartitsu) skills, not much different from FANG being head of Scientific sector and martial artist


That's more or less profile of all Shadakings actually, strong martial artists with a field of competence (Sagat/Bodyguard, Vega/Espionage, Rog/Violence, FANG/Science, JP/Money)


4 hours ago, Daemos said:

I don't like it either but I don't think he meant all of them. I think he meant Sagat only. He seduced him and exploited his rage. All the other Kings are very evil and will jump at the opportunity to do the evil things they enjoy doing.

He may have seduced JP because you see him kinda going crazy in his arcade story. But I think they just align in that way too.
Bison may also have meant lesser ranks in the organization. We know he brainwashed soldiers and dolls in his organization by infusing them with his power.


Regardless of what i would like (wich i already expressed), thing is when stuff is thrown at our face we can't ignore it😑

We can't even ignore the genius Shadakings names crap idea they just pulled off trying to be funny* 💩💩💩


Basically only legit hope against bullshit is somebody explain in holy japanese version is actually said different stuff, so we can become rabid chimps and throw our turds at western translators, but as fans we have zero authority on canon lol


Bison there have specific picture of five Shadakings/Generals (including JP)  and literally said he used Psycho Power on ALL of them to make them do shit he wanted, we can't just take it "maybe just Sagat"

Same concept is even enforced by short Vega's speech with crazy eyes while talking about his period under Bison changed his perspective

I'm inclined to believe there's still room to interpretation we can read it as him not straight brainwashing them Dolls style but using PP to push them on their already existing natural inclinations... wich seem not only better but also more compatible with their background and personal stories

So in that period you would have an angrier Sagat, a more bloodthirsty Vega, a more violent Rog etc



* i would have handled the names thing in more subtle way tbh, they could have said that international investigation agencies are so dumb and incompetent (or Shadaloo being that good) that they did'nt even got their names right(without specify correct ones)... so would have become some sort of inner joke, where players of both version can pretend their name is correct one and the existence of a "wrong one" got lore explanation


Instead they went dead brain and canonized all names being fake/meaningless at once 💩

Would add also have Shadaloo wannabes(uniform douches) and Ed crew all as "Neo Shadaloo" with lore explanation that most fans did'nt understood has'nt been smartest idea either

Personally would have keept "Neo Shadaloo" for uniform wannabes and a completedly different name for Ed & Co, but it is what it is


5 hours ago, Daemos said:

Where was this? And was it that word? Also Bison may not remember completely his relationship to JP. I still think JP is loyal.

In my version (italian) he speak he's aware about deserters terrified of his next move


As he say this we have a pic of Juri, Ed, Falke and JP



7 hours ago, Daemos said:

He likes the globe also IIRC.

I did'nt tried, i got some though

But usually the real special object is a single one that give +40pts of bond


6 hours ago, Daemos said:

This IS the new Shadaloo soldier uniform!

If Capcom's goal was to restructure Shadaloo after the mess that was SF5's portrayal then I am all for this resurrection!

Yeah it seems the follow up of the never used corps from SFV concepts



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9 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Udon's take was WAY better.



Yeah it standout more and more reasonable doesn't feel a bit another gouken trope, archetype and build. Something new to the table.


I find this funny that Bison calls them silly names too



Looks like Capcom is making Bison more soft like the other cast what are the negative and postive implication of this?







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On 6/27/2024 at 2:03 AM, Daemos said:

Timestamped one of Bison's quests. You gotta help Bison regain his memories by talking to people he had relationships with:.

Ryu recalls that he and the Avengers fought Bison on a number of occasions, which IMO lends itself to the Viper Aftermath outcome. Those occasions would be Alpha, 2, and 5. Ryu says that in SF5, Bison was consumed by his power and crumbled with the base - defeated for Good. Lastly he says that were it not for Bison's evil heart, he would've become one of the greatest martial artists to ever live (ironically restate what Bison's ambition was in Alpha3). 

Chun-Li again confirms that the Avengers crew fought Bison several times. Not once, not two, but many. Canonically, this lends itself to Viper Aftermath being one of them.

Ken confirms that he was brainwashed into Violent Ken which would've happened in SF2 (since that is when Violent Ken actually shows up). This also IMO lends itself to Viper Aftermath happening.

Cammy confirms that she is an artificial human.

Guile foreshadows something bigger coming down the line.

I will concede that this new information probably means that my longstanding theory that Viper Aftermath at SF2 is identical to the Alpha 3 finale is probably false now. Capcom just didn't get creative with trying to make them more distinct and just recycled ideas from the 2 fights.

I still don't know how Akuma can logically be reconciled with Viper Aftermath. Everyone would've noticed Akuma and Bison fight in SF2. That cannot be the conclusion to that chapter in SF history.


With all of this, I'm catching up


It's kinda weird 


So Capcom is Confirming both


Phantom Bison 


and the Concept of SFEX Bison II




And also Capcom are confirming Bison multiple defeat and resurection 


USF2 events?  Violent Ken

SF4 Aftermath Viper in SF2

Akuma beating Bison in SF2

SFZ3 Ryu vs Bison 


Except for his defeat against Bison in Z3 because Nash cant have multiple bodies


There is a problem? He is destroyed twice in SF2

If Akuma beat him in SF2 and also the Ryu with Avenger Gang that means...


SO THIS CONFIRMED THAT he could immediately produce new body and transport himself to it? Since both events are canon 


So this also confirms that his canon defeat in Z3 is from Ryu


Ignoring Guy, Nash and the rest.


There are so many question still left unanswered


1. How did Ken break free from being VKen

2. Who reaches Bison before Akuma Crash in the tournament

3. How did the situation end up in to Viper Aftermath

4. What happened to Ryu and Sagat in SF2 timeline

5. Rose what happened to her in SF2 timeline

6. Who fought and who win who in SF2

7. Is it fully confirmed that SF2 is a tournament



Correct me if Im wrong guys if there are things that remain intact, change and now answered


The topic about the shared soul seems fully answered  and cleared


Is things finally piece together






or Capcom is pulling a Mortal Kombat 11 ending to MK1 plot that every event mostly happen that everyone is from another dimension or something like a MANDELA EFFECT of somesort cause from some kind of SF very own New 52, INFINITE CRISIS or ZERO HOUR like in DC




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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I don't get this impression at all. He uses people as pawns for his own ends like always. His personality is unchanged despite the spotty memory. 

Agreed. Bison does NOT seem like a nicer person at all. He just has a different focus right now.


We have to remember that A LOT of SF is based on the theory of finding oneself through combat. This is a Bison that has lost a lot of his identity and is fueled right now by the clashing of fists instead of conquest. He is probably not comfortable in his own skin as a warrior yet so he doesn't a mindset to take over the world because that seems beneath him now. Conquering the world is ALWAYS at best secondary to Bison. His primary goal is always and always has been mastery over himself and his power to perfect it. Since he is not at that point yet it makes sense that he would be focusing almost entirely on himself and letting things fall into place on the way.

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21 hours ago, Daemos said:

And we are not sure how much time passed between his prologue and World Tour. Something is off.

Could be short period

WTM seems to me almost direct follow-up of Arcade events


Arcade end with him reaching the lab, WTM starts with him owning the place but still having to do very basic moves like try get info about fighters that obstacled him in the past or try restore communication with former Generals


Everything in the way he talk or steps he does make think is'nt passed much since he got there


21 hours ago, Daemos said:

But how he ended up naked on that street?

This is a good question


21 hours ago, Daemos said:

But I do get the feeling that Juri is destined to become his frenemy. If you can't beat them join them. He can offer her power and a lot of opportunities for fun.

I think more like she would try again to pull a SF4 where she try to staay in range hoping somebody else fuck him up enough to allow her get revenge


For sure she may try get SF6 Seth against Bison when SirN arc will be covered


21 hours ago, Daemos said:

Also you might be thinking of the Deus Ex from the Matrix Revolutions.

Thought the same, but it's not what i remember

There was something waaay closer, but can't even remember if was anime movie or game


13 hours ago, Daemos said:

Sagat and Vega represent two different styles and countries with no representation in the roster currently.

Yeah we got also Sagat in SF6 wall with SF6 characters during early devs interview





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16 minutes ago, YagamiFire said:

Agreed. Bison does NOT seem like a nicer person at all. He just has a different focus right now.


We have to remember that A LOT of SF is based on the theory of finding oneself through combat. This is a Bison that has lost a lot of his identity and is fueled right now by the clashing of fists instead of conquest. He is probably not comfortable in his own skin as a warrior yet so he doesn't a mindset to take over the world because that seems beneath him now. Conquering the world is ALWAYS at best secondary to Bison. His primary goal is always and always has been mastery over himself and his power to perfect it. Since he is not at that point yet it makes sense that he would be focusing almost entirely on himself and letting things fall into place on the way.

Tbh at some late point of WTM he say that conquer the world is his ultimate goal, so it's not secondary

But now he seem have faith it's his inevitable destiny, so he does'nt seem to worry much, like believing things will inevitable lead there if he just naturally follow his own evolution


Btw one thing i must say is i really appreciate this new Raoh style Bison, make me think he would do less bitch moves and evolve to actually reach level of the great ones


But at same time i feel his run may end in SF6, because we keep read things like him being incomplete or having woke up to soon, and himself said something like one day he may have to fight another version of himself

This paired with dropped concepts being almost all about a completely different incarnation, make me think current one may be a phase

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8 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

In my version (italian) he speak he's aware about deserters terrified of his next move


As he say this we have a pic of Juri, Ed, Falke and JP

They use the word "stragglers" in English. The result is the same but it's a different meaning for sure. You can't apply deserters to Juri, Falke, or Ed.


8 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

But usually the real special object is a single one that give +40pts of bond

The globe is the one that gives 40 points no?

7 hours ago, Shakunetsu said:

There is a problem? He is destroyed twice in SF2

I don't believe that still. It creates more problems than it solves.

Also you'd think Bison would include Akuma in the list of people who foiled his plans. Anyone tried visiting Akuma after meeting Bison? Or during that quest?

5 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Tbh at some late point of WTM he say that conquer the world is his ultimate goal, so it's not secondary


I think the way Bison interprets "world domination" is different than what might expect. It's not some political world government thing, or a military conquest - It's very literally be the strongest fighter and assert your dominance by reshaping reality and order. 

So he can "dominate the world" by defeating and subjugating the strongest in 1v1 combat I guess. I don't think conventional weapons can even harm him. It is a very Raoh/Kaioh method of choice.


All the other secondary stuff is but a means to amplify his power and weed out/attract the strongest to him (he also said in WTM "power attracts power").


Edited by Daemos
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1 hour ago, Dragonfave723 said:

Rosinante is the name of Bison's horse.

If you check the image descriptions, there is a short story about their meeting hidden there.



The man did not know who he was.
But his body knew where he was heading.
South America.
A hidden land considered sacred by a certain indigenous people.
The man's feet were heading there.
The bright white sunlight fell on the long, rocky ridge path.
The dry wind of the Sierra Madre blew through, fluttering the man's tattered cloak.
He continued walking, looking sharply ahead from under his long white hair that fell on his face.
Soon the ridge came close to a mountain path used by local residents, and he heard a noise.
A curse in Spanish.
And the small metallic sound of a gun being cocked.
The man's body reacted.
The man had once lived in a world where guns and similar things were commonplace.
He belonged to a world of evil, of violence.
He had used his own body alone to overcome the muzzle of a gun pointed at him, and even greater dangers.
The man didn't remember this, but his body remembered.
He turned and jumped off the cliff, landing near where the sound had come from.

The cart was on its side.
The cargo had collapsed and was scattered all over the place.
A horse, its harness removed, was lying on the road, its belly flopping.
And there, a farmer, who seemed to be its owner, was holding an old revolver.
The dark-skinned farmer looked in shock at the cloaked man who had suddenly jumped down.

"What... you..."

The man immediately realized that the gun wasn't a threat to him.
The gun, held in the farmer's sinewy hand, was pointed at the fallen horse.
However, when the man ignored what the farmer said, he must have taken it as intimidation.
The farmer became irritated and raised his voice.
"I don't know what it is, but it's none of your business. Get going."

The man glances at the farmer from under the hood of his cloak.
He is wearing what appears to be dirty work clothes, but he might be some kind of thug who does half-hearted work.
The man can tell from the way he is yelling and brandishing his gun.
If that's the case, the scattered goods must be stolen or smuggled goods. They must be something like that.
The farmer is irritated that he's been caught in something inappropriate.

The farmer, no, the thug who no longer tried to hide his rough face, roared.
And with that, he pointed his gun at the man in the cloak.
In a life of mistakes full of gangsters, it was close to the worst mistake.
Before the muzzle of the gun could be turned, the man in the cloak moved carelessly.
With agility and smoothness that was out of keeping with his large size, the man's hands were already gripping the gun.
He casually plucked the hammer from his fingers, disabling the cheap revolver.

Then he spoke.

"What were you planning to do?"

The thug, who was beyond shocked and had turned blue, did not realize that the question was directed at him.
When he saw the man in the cloak point his chin at the fallen horse, he finally realised what he had in mind.
His lips trembled as he answered.

"Wh-what? I mean, I'm going to get rid of this horse."

The man looked at the horse. Lying on the ground, gasping for breath, was a skinny old horse.
Its tattered coat showed that it had been used for long as a pack animal and had been treated badly by its owner.
Its hooves were cracked from malnutrition, and it probably no longer had the strength to stand up.

"You know what I mean? A horse that can't stand up has to be killed, right?"

Ignoring the thug, the man looked down at the horse with emotionless eyes.
The man remembered that he hated livestock.
He couldn't forgive the lethargy and obedience of domesticated animals.


"It's not that I'm heartless. If anything, it's pathetic to do that."

His voice gradually became more servile.
The man asked without turning around.

"What's your name?"

The thug was confused for a moment and timidly introduced himself.

"Ah, yeah. I'm Sebastian..."

The man's arm shot up and hit the thug in the face.
With a light backfist, the thug's chin fell back and he collapsed.
Blood from his nose dripped onto the dry gravel road, and he was covered in dust.

"I don't care what your name is. This is it."

The man's eyes were fixed on his horse.
The thug, realizing that it was the horse's name, yelled in reply.

"Roro, it's Rocinante!"

Sighing, the man knelt beside the horse. He peered into the eyes of the dying animal from up close. Its eyes were wide open and fixed in mid-air amid its matte black fur.
Though it was gasping for air, with rough, intermittent breaths, there was a light in its eyes. It was not the listless eyes of a farm animal that the man disliked.
There was something stronger there, not resignation in the face of death.

It was an emotion the man knew well.
You could even say it was the only emotion the man could understand.
That was anger.

A fierce rage burned in the eyes of the old horse, overworked, oppressed and injured.
Its anger refused with all its might to be crushed here and there. It was the flames of struggle.

I see.
Without realizing it, the man twisted the corners of his mouth.
He spoke to the horse.

"Do you want to run?"

The horse didn't respond.

It didn't even glance at the man who was speaking to him. The man thought as he focused his angry eyes on the horizon that only the horse could see.

What the man did afterwards he couldn't explain. He raised his right arm and showed it to the horse's eyes. He felt an uncontrollable torrent of power gathering in his right arm.
A purple, flame-like light flickered on his bandaged arm.

The man had no memory of it, but it was a power called psycho power.
The man had once wielded that great, evil power, and tried to rule the world. The man now did not know what it was.
All he could sense was that it was a devastating power.
If it could not be controlled, it would destroy everything, including himself.
The man was unconsciously controlling such power.

"If you want to run, show that you can endure it."

With these words, the man grabbed the horse's forehead with his right hand. Energy was shot from the man's arm into the space between the angry eyes of the dying old horse.


The horse's body, lying on the ground, jumped. Its front and back legs, which were thrown out, clawed at the gravel in agony. Its eyes were wide, its teeth were chattering, and it twisted, but the man's hand did not let go.
Soon the horse let out a death-like neigh from the depths of its lungs.


The thug hunched his neck in fear at the roar that seemed unlike anything coming from such a feeble old horse. After the neigh, the horse went quiet, trembling for a while, but then calmed down.
The man in the cloak stood up without a word.
He cast an emotionless gaze down at the horse, which was motionless as if dead, and then after a moment he spoke.

"...Stand up."

The horse's ears move. Its eyes open. It raises its head and trembles as it raises its body.

The thug swallows.
He couldn't believe what was happening in front of his eyes. That horse was practically dead. No matter how hard he hit or kicked it, it wouldn't budge.
And yet...

Shriveled. Breathing heavily, the horse raised its front legs.
It put its weight on it and its legs broke, but it didn't give up.
It repeated this several times, and eventually it put all four feet on the ground and stood up.

The man in the cloak snorted with some satisfaction.
He casually stepped closer and placed his hand on the horse's neck, which had just stood up and was staggering.
He then turned around gently and rested his body on the horse's back as if it was the most natural thing to do.

The thug was so shocked he couldn't say a word.
No matter how you look at it, that horse was in no condition to support the weight of one man.
But the horse held on, bracing itself on all four legs that seemed ready to give way.
And that wasn't all.

"Go," the man said, and the skinny horse responded.
It took one step after another, precariously trying to keep its balance.
With each step, its legs regained strength and became firmer.

"You've got to be kidding me."
The thug couldn't understand what the cloaked man had done to the dying horse.
But there was no doubt that something extraordinary had happened.
The horse took powerful steps with each step, and its black fur was regaining its luster.
Its neck was stretched high, its chest was puffed out, and above all, its eyes were powerful.

The bareback man straddled it and lightly kicked the horse's belly with the ankle of his boot.
The horse neighed and picked up speed.

"...Okay, run."
The man signaled again with his boot, and the horse flexed all its muscles for a moment.
In the next moment, it took off with an amazing dash.
Leaving the thugs behind, who looked on in shock, it kicked the ground and galloped off.
The sound of its hooves was loud, and it quickly disappeared down the mountain path.
Rolling on the horse's back, the man narrowed his eyes in the dry sunlight.
The muscles pulsating between the man's legs conveyed the joy of a creature specialized for running on the earth, unleashing its power without reservation.
The straggler, Rocinante.
The horse, so named, now contained the man's psychic power.
Psychopower was the power of the mind. If you don't have the strength in your heart, you can't withstand it. The old straggler endured it.

Bison is officially in his Don Quixote era.

Edit- I think this story confirms what we expected. Bison can speak to animals or at least this horse. He's literally a god.

Edited by Daemos
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8 hours ago, Daemos said:

They use the word "stragglers" in English. The result is the same but it's a different meaning for sure. You can't apply deserters to Juri, Falke, or Ed.


I'm saying what we got, "disertori" wich got deserters as most straight translation

What is the meaning difference of "stragglers" ?


Fun thing is that ultimately all versions are secondary, only original japanese counts, would be curious what word they chosen there


Still guess till the day we know that, we can agree he at very least included JP in the group of people somehow hostile to him or that at least have reason to fear his return


Not that this will prevent him to accept JP as helper, see his W quote


Idea i got so far is JP think to have indeed Shadaloo best interest in mind, treating it like a company and trying to cut the old crazy president (in fact he's trying to push for the young Ed, who he thinks he will be able to manipulate)

On other side you have Bison be like "dude, I AM Shadaloo"


8 hours ago, Daemos said:

The globe is the one that gives 40 points no?

I'm pretty sure to remember is carrots 40pt one

Plus iirc 40pt gift is unique piece, while i haveat least  3 globes i think


8 hours ago, Daemos said:

I think the way Bison interprets "world domination" is different than what might expect. It's not some political world government thing, or a military conquest - It's very literally be the strongest fighter and assert your dominance by reshaping reality and order. 

So he can "dominate the world" by defeating and subjugating the strongest in 1v1 combat I guess. I don't think conventional weapons can even harm him. It is a very Raoh/Kaioh method of choice.


All the other secondary stuff is but a means to amplify his power and weed out/attract the strongest to him (he also said in WTM "power attracts power").

Tbh i think it's pretty straightforward and i agree it's not political/government

But i think military conquest  in the sence of submission by force yes, just like Raoh's ambition


It's both

He want to become the undisputed #1 nobody can defeat in a fight, but that in his mind as outcome result in world will be forced to be under rule of his fist, just like Raoh planned to do

Because he correctly guessed ultimately just like in HNK universe also in SF one the only real opposition he will find is in the form of fighters


Straigt world domination is still his ultimate goal, he's just being more Raoh and less cheater about it... he want reach it walking a direct line up to the top this time, rather than be like "the end justifies the means"

SF6 version of the dude is just 101% confident he will inevitably win


Proof is  he's not retiring to train alone (a la Akuma), but he's already making moves to get people work for him


1 hour ago, Dragonfave723 said:

Rosinante is the name of Bison's horse.


Interessing fact is Rosinante (Rocinante actually) is also the name of Don Quixote's horse


And PERFECT fit how Bison talks about it in WTM and even about our avatar


Don Quixote one

Rocín in Spanish means a work horse or low-quality horse, but can also mean an illiterate or rough man. There are similar words in English (rouncey), French (roussin or roncin; rosse), Portuguese (rocim), and Italian (ronzino). The etymology is uncertain.

The name is a complex pun. In Spanish, ante has several meanings and can function as a standalone word as well as a suffix. One meaning is "before" or "previously". Another is "in front of". As a suffix, -ante in Spanish is adverbial; rocinante refers to functioning as, or being, a rocín. "Rocinante", then, follows Cervantes's pattern of using ambiguous, multivalent words, which is common throughout the novel.[citation needed]

Rocinante's name, then, signifies his change in status from the "old nag" of before to the "foremost" steed.[1] As Cervantes describes Don Quixote's choice of name: nombre, a su parecer, alto, sonoro y significativo de lo que había sido cuando fue rocín, antes de lo que ahora era, que era antes y primero de todos los rocines del mundo[3]—"a name, to his thinking, lofty, sonorous, and significant of his condition as a hack before he became what he now was, the first and foremost of all the hacks in the world".[4]

In chapter 1, Cervantes describes Don Quixote's careful naming of his steed:

Four days were spent in thinking what name to give him, because (as he said to himself) it was not right that a horse belonging to a knight so famous, and one with such merits of his own, should be without some distinctive name, and he strove to adapt it so as to indicate what he had been before belonging to a knight-errant, and what he then was."[4]


Wonder if we can apply also Don Quixote himself to SF6 old vagrant Bison

In that case does'nt sound too good for his ambitions lol


1 hour ago, BornWinner said:

I wonder if Bison with amnesia is still just as bad with money as Bison was.



Poor JP



Best part being when Sagat left SFV Bison even bothered to have statue replaced by a FANG one lol

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What I think is profound is that Bison sympathized with the horse. He saw himself in Rosinante - injured, angry, overworked and on the brink yet still defiant in the face of death itself. 

There is a part in the World Tour when you first meet Bison and Rosi, where there is a pause in the dialogue then Bison suddenly says "yes". Now I believe he was responding to Rosi, who probably said something to him telepathically about your avatar and he found it agreeable/spared your life.

It really brings into question all the times Bison spared people's lives - Especially Cammy and Rose. Was it always out of arrogance? Or did he secretly empathize with their strength/will to survive and chose to spare them?

Edited by Daemos
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11 hours ago, Daemos said:

What I think is profound is that Bison sympathized with the horse. He saw himself in Rosinante - injured, angry, overworked and on the brink yet still defiant in the face of death itself.

Important part is that Rosinante saved himself more than Bison saved him

Bison mention what he did on the horse could have killed it... actually more than "could", he straight said that most creatures would have died


So essentially Bison saw something in the horse's spirit that made him believe Rosinante had a chance to survive and transform in his ideal steed by becoming a Psycho Power host


11 hours ago, Daemos said:

There is a part in the World Tour when you first meet Bison and Rosi, where there is a pause in the dialogue then Bison suddenly says "yes". Now I believe he was responding to Rosi, who probably said something to him telepathically about your avatar and he found it agreeable/spared your life.

It's straight mentioned by Bison in WTM iirc, he tell our Avatar the horse had positive opinion on our Av (for that reason i made the parallel with Marisa using Lucius the lion to test our av) wich made him consider us too


He even make a parallel between Avatar and horse, wich is'nt even that wrong 

"Rocín in Spanish means a work horse or low-quality horse, but can also mean an illiterate or rough man."


Made me think if horse killed our av running through him Kokuoh (Raoh's horse) style, Bison would have got zero problem with it

It's the horse who spared our life

Wich sparked Bison's curiosity


12 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

In CVS2, Bison laughed at Nakoruru and considered her pathetic because she was friends with nature's animals.


Now look at what we have in 2024: Bison, the  Horse Whisperer


The glow up is real.


I like to think Bison is still in character and more than empathy he straight respect the horse's spirit and strenght, again he said most creatures would have died under that PP infusion


Bison ever respected strenght and fighting spirit, it's literally the only thing he value

Straight said he does'nt value even loyalty




That 40 points for carrots?

Bison have soft spot for that horse no doubt 😄


They're pulling a full Raoh here for sure (and SF6 is filled with Bison-Raoh winks), who hold his horse Kokuoh in highest regard, probably you could literally rank it in top5 most respected beings by him lol


Would not be surprised in the slightest if Bison consider the horse on par with his Generals, and he pay them well



Edited by CESTUS III
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It's unfortunate that Capcom missed the opportunity to bring back Dr. Senoh in World Tour. Especially instead of the generic Dr. Badd.


I know he'd probably be like 80 years old at this moment in the timeline but he would've been a great easter egg and much more relevant character than Dr. Badd who looks like he wasn't even born when Shadaloo were running the show.

Dr. Badd also said an odd thing when Bison merged with his Psycho form. He said the "experiment was a success". Here's he is referencing awakening (more like summoning) the spirit in the lab/base ("Ghost of Shadaloo"). But did he know that amnesiac Bison would come? Was he planning for that as part of a resurrection ploy? Or was this a coincidence?

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Weren't these there from the beginning? They just removed the texts for some reason. Also this is the first time I noticed the Twelve soldiers in the background.

Anyway my theory is that the Shadaloo remnants arc will cool off and another story arc will open up with Super SF6.

I think it will involve Elena, Hakan, Viper, and the Alphabets. Not sure if it's  G or Q but I am leaning towards Q cuz idk if Balrog is gonna make it before season 5 or at all.

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On 3/9/2023 at 7:39 AM, Daemos said:

You clearly don’t know about the hidden detail mentioned in that long forgotten Capcom Secret Files artbook from the late 90s.


My Japanese is rusty but in it they explicitly mentioned that Bison “somehow returned” after SF3 and was recovering in the secret Antarctic base of Hexogol. It’s canon I swear!  😄

Always follow your heart guys. Never stop believing. (Ruined Lab is in the arctic so close enough!)

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59 minutes ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

Yeah, Bison is still very much Bison. He definitely ain't about to build a Psycho Zoo for animals to live in harmony.


But I appreciate the bond they've created between him and Rosinante. It's different and I'm here for it.

I like to see there something more


Bison have that vintage sense of symbols of power and the image a ruler should have, and historically kings and emperors have been portrayed on horse, and have a magnificent one was a sign of prestige... we must also remember Bison is old af, old symbols and imgery have deeper meaning for him


I LOVE the fact a Bison made more primitive by amnesia felt the need to find a proper steed, as if himself was some kind of king of old times


But i also like the bond, fact he found the horse being little more than a corpse in the dirt as himself was probably not long before, and now are marching together to take on the world


32 minutes ago, Daemos said:

It's unfortunate that Capcom missed the opportunity to bring back Dr. Senoh in World Tour. Especially instead of the generic Dr. Badd.

I SWEAR, i forgot to add it but was on my list of points for WTM


They should have definitely made Senoh and not that word-joke cunt


3 hours ago, Daemos said:

Dr. Badd also said an odd thing when Bison merged with his Psycho form. He said the "experiment was a success". Here's he is referencing awakening (more like summoning) the spirit in the lab/base ("Ghost of Shadaloo"). But did he know that Bison would come? Was he planning for that as part of a resurrection ploy? Or was this a coincidence?

Guess it's easy theorize that after Bison reached the labs (end of Arcade) the wannabe Shadaloo ones had time to accept him as Bison, offered him their loyalty/services and switched their plans from "find Bison" to "help Bison"

At that point Badd made up that experiment to try give him back his memory using that Psycho Drive(or whatever it is) knowing there was stored lot of data and records about Bison's past

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20 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

At that point Badd made up that experiment to try give him back his memory using that Psycho Drive(or whatever it is) knowing there was stored lot of data and records about Bison's past

My take so far is that "Past SF Bisons screens" we see swirling around Bison's head are a purely symbolic aesthetic choice for the viewer. So that we immediately understand that he and his memories exists within Psycho Power. None of it IMO is actual "computer data", it's Bison himself in incorporeal form - hence why the cap was floating.

That machine also looks like a new type of Psycho Drive, which stores Psycho Power. It looks similar to the old ones but perhaps more compact (Psycho Minidrive?).

sfa3mbison3.gif sfa2mbison5.gif

You can see that the central compart can host a clone body inside it. The chair in front of it is where they infused bodies of experiments, or soldiers - looks like it was inspired from the Alpha 2 ending.

Bison did say late in WTM, that there are several of these ruined labs (read: Psycho Minidrives) around the world that he has to reclaim.

It seems Shin Bison may have been spotted!


Credit: Shang

New Bison unused sound files have been datamined for "This place shall be your grave!" or "Kneel!". It seems that they left in some sound files that may hint at Shin Bison being the next boss character.

Sound files here:

For reference, SiRN Akuma has the character code esf101, and normal Bison is numbered is esf026 (the base + year 1 characters are esf001-022). These extra sound files are labeled esf102. There are no extra animations or images like there were for SiRN Akuma yet, so this boss fight is probably a ways off. It's also unclear if it'll be a Giant Attack event or something else.

FYI: Bison's numbering is esf026. Regular Akuma is esf022, so that means 23-25 are unaccounted for and will be the remaining 3 characters in the season. It does make me wonder if he was originally planned to be released at the end of the season instead. Then again, the numbering was pretty much random for the base + year 1 characters.

Looks like this event is probably at the end of the season again or July for the "Return of Shadaloo" fighting pass. Please give us a cape or SF5 default colors for Outfit 2.

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