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The Sonic Thread: The Year of Shadow. It all starts with this.... Sonic X Shadow Generations 10/25/2024 followed by child murder in Sonic 3 movie on 12/20/2024!

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:


Black Widow Avengers GIF

All this story trailer tells me is 


“sonic, don’t push the button” 


*sonic slowly pushes the button like he’s a cat sliding a cup full of water off a counter top* 


*sonic doesn’t understand why he’s in trouble for pressing the button*

Edited by iStu X
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12 minutes ago, iStu X said:

All this story trailer tells me is 


“sonic, don’t push the button” 


*sonic slowly pushes the button like he’s a cat sliding a cup full of water off a counter top* 


*sonic doesn’t understand why he’s in trouble for pressing the button*


Sonic also apparently has no issues with throwing hands with bossy lil child creatures.  Sonic was def going to deck that shit outta that child lol


Also this fuckin guy...


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Gamescom Sonic Frontiers impressions twitter thread

TLDR They liked the demo


Edit:...You know what I said probably a few posts back about what could potentially be my perfect 3D Sonic game?  I'm reading through all the controls and moves this game has and it sounds like this game is trying hard.



Edit 2



Edited by Sonichuman
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Eurogamer also put up their own article/interview with Iizuka regarding the game


Shadow will not be in the game,  Iizuka also says that them copying some formats of previous stages Sonic has ran through in the past is on purpose some some of the stages are digital representations of his memories.  There was discourse online about the reusing of some formats so it's nice that they addressed this directly.

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  • Sonichuman changed the title to The Sonic Thread: HE'S HERE TO VANDALIZE YOUR HEART! RUN THE FRONTIERS AMIDST A RAGNAROK ON 11/08/2022!
22 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Sony is happy about the Xbox-Actiblizz buyout investigation


Interview with Harada, Tekken 8 a turning point


Harada talks about working on Smash with Sakurai, says he's probably the only one who can properly do Smash


T8 may have guest characters


can't say I'm surprised.

Wrong thread mate.

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23 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:


I need a proper trailer


I'm liking the visuals and animations in this.  Squash and stretch, extreme forshortening.  Very stylized action especially when showing Sonic taking out badniks.  Sonic 1 Buzzbombers.  The aesthetic the got going on with the background for green hill.  Eggman sounds like Mike but it's really hard to hear if its him or not.   Also liking the design of his mech  in a later part of this trailer which looks like a variation of the Egg Dragoon.


Don't know how I feel about Sonic and Shadow being at odds with each other without the context behind it considering where they are relationship wise in both the games and the comics.  Shadow being a bad guy just because at this point feels like a wrong step for the character since he had a whole arc to fully pull him out of that. 


I'm getting the feeling that we probably have barely seen anything past ep 2 in these small teasers and they're being real secretive about who is playing any of the other characters in this show.  We got Sonic, we heard Big, we've known about Shadow for some time now and still don't know what he sounds like and now they're trying to be vague about Eggman.  I also need a full trailer at this point. 

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There are more previews floating around since the game was playable at EGX...along with some off screen footage that I'll post up when I get a chance.  I'm convinced that running around in the open world is going to be fun at this point.  Sonic is plenty fast and there's footage of sonic using a drop dash to roll down a hill and gain momentum so worried about the world being empty will be moot with how fast he can move.  This game could legit be the start of something great for the franchise.  I'm still hesistant to day 1 just purely on the chance that this game doesn't stick the landing but from what I've seen thus far Sonic Team has successfully transfered Sonic's gameplay into a full 3D space.

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