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MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by Vhozite

  1. I like shoto style gameplay but I keep finding myself in a never ending loop about why I don’t like one or the other. Usually it’s starts with Kage. Kage: I like this characters flashy combos but I hate his neutral/Dan fb goes to Ken... Ken: I like this characters flashy combos, but I keep trying to play him like Ryu goes to Ryu... Ryu: Christ this character is ass goes to Akuma... Akuma: man this characters has everything...but this is boring goes to Kage... I feel like my feelings on Akuma are unjustified, but that character cannot hold my interest for some reason. Like I said he has all you could want, but I don’t enjoy looking at him or anything he does.
  2. Seth is gonna get destroyed in the balance patch when the only thing that needs to be addressed is axe kick
  3. Gonna be honest I know less than nothing about Blanka, but I can try labbing him up a bit tonight if you like. I assume you use Karin?
  4. I was messing around with Sagat yesterday and I think he’s really cool...just not for me lol. I’ve noticed I really enjoy doing long/cool looking combos and his are kinda basic. For better or worse I like being flashy lol. That is one thing I really like about Nash. Teleport, Stealth Dash, and VS2 let him freestyle a tiny bit. He can definitely get down to 10% scaling with either VT and it’s lowkey frustrating 🤣
  5. Is that art from like a manga or something? Does Street Fighter even have reading material like that?
  6. Don’t forget us when you get rich drawing nudes of video game characters
  7. This is a form you where you can ask questions or comment for the dev “backyard” series. There is a push to get crossplay on this game so that’s what I asked about.
  8. Yeah Ryu has a couple of those satisfying attacks. My favorite thing about him is probably Denjin fireballs tho. They’re fast as shit, knockdown, and have that cool electric VFX. It’s probably one of my favorite special moves in the game. Wish he had some way to setup more unblockables tho.
  9. @Voltthid is probably old news, but Ryu can actually get double EX donkey kick combos if he’s cornered. The range is pretty strict (he has to be damn near on the wall) , the second EX DK on juggles to EX/VT DP, and frankly it seems pretty pointless, but it’s real big dick energy. It’s whatever xx EX.DK, (1-hit) xx EX.DK, EX.DP Also Nash VT2 is fun to lab. Highest damage I could get was 562, and the highest stun was 711
  10. One thing I really do not like about SFV is how the camera tracks on some of the aerial stuff. It goes so high sometimes that you can’t even see what a character is doing on the ground. I’m messing around with Nash VT2 and there are points where he is barely on the screen, and you can create points where he is literally not on the screen at all for a few frames.
  11. It’s funny you mention that VT because it actually works really similar to that. You pop it and he does a special dash from which he has two follow-ups and a stop. You get 3 dashes (activation and enough bar/frames for 2 more uses). Kick follow-up is combo fodder, and the P follow-up is slow as shit combo fodder but also + on block. Stop is mostly for combos and pressure. Edit: P follow-up also OTGs off CC sweep What I like about it:
  12. I know I like to sad boy about Nash but Stealth Dash is pretty cool. It’s shit for 3 bars but it’s still a VT if you know what I mean.
  13. This is my whole thing, it’s annoying knowing an album is holding back songs just to game streams
  14. New music Friday Hawk already mentioned Ty’s new album, and if say that’s probably the biggest thing this week. You also drops from Dej Loaf, Gorillaz, and Joyner Lucas. The is also a couple “deluxe” editions with Dave East “Karma 3” and 21 dropped SM2 “Chopped not Slopped” I hope this “deluxe” edition 2 weeks/months later trend dies alone in a house fire.
  15. Labbing Kage earlier and I really like the idea behind his VT1. Not that I dislike VT2, but 1 feels a little bit deeper and imo more exciting. The enhanced VS’s are really fun to play with. They look cool and you can cancel into them from non cancelable buttons. That combined with the teleport cancels let him do cool swag combos. Tele’s themselves aren’t great in neutral, but they do allow a few things than canceling from DP on block (still hella unsafe) and cancels from red fireballs can occasionally set you up to get in at plus frames. The only thing I don’t like about it is that the VTC are all pretty shit.
  16. Lol quote at the end is so relatable. Lowkey this is why I don’t play much her anymore. The first 100 times you steal games like this its fun, but after a while it felt like I was doing the same shit over and over. It’s nice being able to win like that but it’s also not satisfying to me after a while. That said, I don’t feel bad for Rog at all with his corner to corner VT nonsense.
  17. Possibly a dumb question but what’s the difference between the two on the right?
  18. Cammy and Guile are both “army” type characters and they’re pretty different, so I think it’ll be ok. But I’d also bet anyone here $10 Byron will never be playable.
  19. Alpha Chun is best Chun, and it’s definitely better than the half dozen thirst bait alts. Training Chun is a remix of her classic look and therefore still better than most of the stuff there. Worst Chun costume has to be the wedding one since all the flowing pieces make it cancer to fight.
  20. Jesus someone post so I can stop reloading just to see that image
  21. Lol I didn’t say anything about giving them money or playing the game again. That ship has sailed and isn’t returning without custom variations
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