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Posts posted by DoctaMario

  1. 1 minute ago, BornWinner said:

    That was intense. Your issen burning away at the last second. I had no idea what to do.

    I was face palming internally when that overhead came out instead of the Issen lol! Great match though, I think I'm starting to get a read on it. She's tough to pin down though and that's a big part of it.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

    The game would certainly have benefited from shorter block strings on some attacks.
    Is one of the few things that thought was baffling to have in the game.

    It makes a bit more sense considering he timer seconds are slower I guess. She and Yoshi are about the only ones like that.




    Ggs guys! Wish I could stay longer and play, I'm starting to feel more warmed up.


    Out of curiosity, what is everyone setting their input delay at?

  3. 11 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

    @DoctaMarioNo problem. I’ll pick her next time we fight.

    @Hecatom  Don’t try to dodge Yashamaru‘s WFT. Iroha can double jump over it.

    I've had the matchup explained to me, but still I have no idea what to do vs Shiki. I hate that bitch lol


    Also with Yoshi, you can combo 236A, 623A or B (and maybe 214S but I'm not sure) from his 5B. I noticed you were going for 421S and it was missing

  4. 2 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

    Very unlikely to happen, but I wish Yoshitora normals were reduced in the amount of hits they do on blockstun, is on the idiotic side if you ask me 😞

    He has fairly low damage overall. If he didn't have so many hits he wouldn't do squat for damage outside of being raged. His longer combos are good for wasting time though.

  5. 27 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    It's only in the Switch version of DMC3SE. No other version has it. I have no idea why. 


    I think I'd have to play 5 again, it's not super fresh in my mind and I don't know it as well as the older games, but I remember enjoying the combat in 5 way more then 3 almost across the board. Everything in 5 is just more fun to fight then almost everything in 3, 3s enemy roster really brings the experience down for me. There are soooo many just bad enemies in 3 imo. It's why I say it has an amazing combo system but kinda mediocre combat. The actual combat mechanics of the game don't really get to shine until boss fights most of the time imo.  



    3 still has the best story for sure tho. 

    Yeah I definitely agree with a lot of this especially RE 1 having the best levels. 5 was definitely fun and I liked the variety of play styles you had there with all the different characters,  but I'd have to play it again. It's been a long time since I went through it, though I remember Nero being my favorite of the group which was something because I thought he was pretty boring in 4.


    I think the enemies in 3 are good but I remember you saying how it has the worst dmd mode and I agree with that. And I think the combat shines as you get into the harder levels and they have more life with Very Hard being the sweet spot.

  6. On 5/30/2024 at 8:28 PM, RSG3 said:

    Same for the game having match marking but only in a couple, mostly quardened off missions, and not integrated into Bloody Palace at all. 


    Even more confusing when DMC3SE on Switch has match making for Bloody Palace on the Switch. Bruh wtf? Not saying it's not dope in DMC3, it is, but 5 is the newer game, more people will be playing it, and it has more playable characters then 3 does. 


    What the fuck Itsuno/Capcom? *Jackie Chan Meme*

    Huh I had no idea dmc3se had matchmaking for bloody palace. I actually just started playing it this week on a whim and the game still holds up; I actually think it's better than 5 in a lot of ways. But I don't remember where anything is anymore. I spent a LOT of time wandering around the innards of that flying beast last night (mission 8 I think) because I couldn't remember where to go after spending hundreds of hours on the game over the course of my life 😂



    On 5/31/2024 at 3:35 AM, AriesWarlock said:


    I watched a video of the game play for the SH2 remake yesterday and I actually think it looks good. It still has vibes of the original but it does look better and I appreciate that because I loved the game. I think the models look fine too. I don't know what this guy is on about.

  7. 1 hour ago, Mattatsu said:

    Sorry I haven’t been around much guys. I’ve seen a few tags asking for games and am sorry I missed them. Will try to pop in more often, especially on Fridays and the weekend, to see if anyone wants to play. This weekend is a bit iffy for me but will tag you guys if I find time


    Life has been a bit nuts for the last several months (in a good way) but I was lucky to meet a new friend locally who plays and we both love this game so I’m not actually that rusty (not that I was ever that good 🤣)

    Glad to hear this. If your friend plays on psn have him join us too!

  8. 4 hours ago, RSG3 said:

    It's a useless statement coming from her. Completely meaningless drivel from someone who can't accomplish anything, much less this goofy idea. 


    Wether she's right or not is pretty irrelevant to the platform she's saying it on. 

    Apparently she's accomplished enough that coomers are mad she wants to ban their fap material lol



    3 hours ago, Dayaan said:

    What phone, what browser (can you link it?), and what other privacy measures do you have on your phone?

    I have a Note 20 Ultra and the browser is called Mull. I'm not sure if its available on iOS but I have it on Android. It gives you a lot of control over the experience so you can go mildly privacy conscious or "the CIA is after me."


    One of the biggest things I use is NetGuard that I filter app traffic through. You can use it to keep apps from accessing the Internet and only turn them on when you want to use them, plus it by default blocks a lot of the telemetry the phone has going on. You can even download hosts files for ad blocking.


    Using browser versions of social media or email clients vs dedicated apps is a good move too. I still have discord (Aliucord rather) and Instagram apps, but I've gotten rid of all the other ones and I'll likely get rid of discord too since they have a decent browser version now. Tl;Dr if you can do it in a browser, you should.


    NewPipe is an AMAZING YouTube/SoundCloud/other things client. It gives you all the functionality of premium YouTube but you don't have to sign in and is AD FREE.


    Proton Mail is a very privacy conscious email service and they're developing a suite of apps that are good.


    Getting open source apps from FDroid to replace some of the Google apps is a good move. Aurora Store is a Google Play Store client you don't have to log in to use.


    I still use Google Maps because there isn't really a great alternative, Calendar because my family uses it, and a Gmail account I use for work. So I'm not entirely cut off from them, but I try. 


    I've been thinking about getting one of the Light phones that don't have any browser or telemetry or anything but I've had enough situations where I've needed to look something up or want to listen to music that id probably need to carry a smart phone anyway.

  9. 25 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

    i read florida law states he has to serve his time. are u sure? idk.

    The case took place in NY though.


    12 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

    We'll see if it gets past the appeals court.  But even so,  he'll most likely get probation. 


    Still funny as hell though. 


    Trump finally won the popular vote 😂

    Yeah I think it'll probably be probation if anything. I suspect they know that it'd cause a shit storm if he got prison time and cause even more distrust in the election system since he's the Republican nominee.

  10. 3 hours ago, axeman61 said:

    I don't disagree 100%; I myself am right now way dialing back how much I use porn, because it was crazy.


    She's just a grifting piece of shit though, and that's the problem. Many many more reliable people are sounding bells about porn usage, and you don't need to listen to Gabrielle Confederacy about ANYTHING. At best, she's trying to sell you merch, and at worst, she's trying to help push you down a shitty pipeline for her own benefit.

    Be that as it may, she's not wrong about the damage it does to men.


    3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Yeah, I agree. I mean X/Twitter will show it to you whether you want to see it or not.

    I use a privacy hardened version of Firefox as my main browser on mobile and to this day I've never seen any of those pron ads on Twitter people talk about.

  11. 19 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

    I don't think I can even find anywhere to disagree with this fundamentally but the idea of attempting to try to ban it is just not feasible. 



    Ryan Reynolds going 100% in again...I can't with this dude lol


    Banning it never worked out even when it wasn't as readily available as it is today. I think the part I hate about porn is the same thing I hate about drugs and that is, I'm not against people watching porn or doing drugs, I just hate that society seems to have NORMALIZED watching porn and doing drugs. Imo those should be counterculture things, not the norm.

  12. 2 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:




    He still believes he'll get the majority of their votes





    He'll probably get the majority of certain groups of libertarians' votes, but there are a lot of different versions of libertarian under that tent I guess. Im surprised they didn't put their own candidate on the ballot in light of Dave Smith not running.

  13. 17 hours ago, Reticently said:

    It felt a smidge crisper than the delay code was.  We almost always had good connections on delay in the past, so it's a tough comparison- but after the betas on Steam I expected the rollback implementation to be rough on release.  What we got was honestly pretty great.

    Agreed. I guess they worked out a lot of the bugs, but like you said, our connections in the past were always pretty good and it felt like it usually does, maybe a but more stable. Glad it finally  dropped.

  14. 11 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

    Yeah I saw vids and clips of that happening and it was pretty wild.  People there were reporting that Trump and his crew tried to take over a a room at the convention that and had people planted in seats that were actually reserved for Libertarian delegates and they tried to refuse to move out of them.  Supposedly Robert Kennedy handed out those stupid noisy rubber chickens at the convention and Trump were confiscating them from various people because they were using them while he was speaking.

    Trump must not be very confident in his chances of winning and is trying to shore up every vote possible because I don't know why he'd bother stopping by a libertarian convention otherwise. Dude isn't anything close to being a libertarian, I don't know what he thought was going to happen there.

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