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Posts posted by DoctaMario

  1. On 5/10/2024 at 12:29 AM, Sonichuman said:

    People really might have to start clicking on names before responding to people lol


    Supposed Switch 2 specs have been floating around in my feeds...supposedly this is coming from hardware shipment information.  Grain of salt and all that


    If true I'm perfectly fine with a slightly more powerful PS4 with hopefully a decent battery.




    This is all well and good, but if it's an upgrade rather than a full on new gen console, I have to wonder how much point there will be to it being that powerful when the games are still going to have to run on the OG switch.

  2. 4 hours ago, RSG3 said:

    While I agree, FedEx Drivers aren't allowed to toss packages into the back of the truck, that's an actual company policy no no. Neither are UPS Drivers. They don't get to throw your packages at your door either. While they are on a timer, they aren't supposed to destroy the stuff they are delivering to make that time. Bubble Wrap and Packing Paper only go so far and only do so much. 


    With that said Dana Whites a douchebag. 

    If something is packed properly, depending on what it is anyway, tossing it isn't going to break it. When I worked there, we'd get computers coming down the belt and we'd handle them carefully. But they were also packed properly.


    I agree, they're not supposed to abuse the packages, but the way he was tossing them is something that happens pretty often with packages. People are just dumb to get that uppity about a guy doing something nobody gave a second thought about until they saw this video. 

  3. 3 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

    "decolonized breakfast"





    I love how clueless people in that thread are to the fact their packages are thrown, dropped, bumped, and jostled almost the entire time from they time they leave the shipper's hands to the time they arrive, which is why you pack them with bubble wrap, packing peanuts, etc.


    Also, FedEx drivers are paid by the package, or they were when I worked there. So if that guy wastes time setting them all down nicely, he's losing time and money. Dana White should stick to whatever it is he does at his company where humans treat each other worse than the driver treated those packages and stop telling other people how to do their jobs.

  4. 7 hours ago, Reticently said:

    Damn, just saw that Steve Albini passed away




    This is a bummer; Steve was one of my favorite audio engineers (he hated being called a "producer.")  Nirvana's 'In Utero' record was the first album I'd say i actually noriced the production and it has stuck with me to this day. There isn't anything else that sounds like it, at least that I've heard.


    His own music was really cool and interesting too, my favorite being a band he had in, I think, the late 80s called 'Rapeman' (they were named after the manga character lol) that actually sounds like Rage Against The Machine before RATM.

  5. 14 hours ago, HD-Man said:

    He once again pestering me to eat his cookin after continually declining. Bro, stay out the kitchen, you suck. Theyve literally staged interventions about it. Lmao

    I think your cap secretly loves that you guys hate his cooking. It's probably the best part of the job for him coming to work every day like "What nasty shit am I gonna try to get these bitches to eat today?"


    College Basketball Sport GIF by BYU Cougars

  6. 7 hours ago, RSG3 said:

    PC players are the biggest joke community imo because of how special and different they think they are when they are literally the exact same. 


    They made that PC Master Race joke, then actually started believing it was true, which is the real punchline in the end. 

    The part that cracked me up about that tweet is how eager a lot of PC folk are to lick Valve/Steam's boots. Like peak lack of self awareness

  7. 8 hours ago, RSG3 said:

    Eh...yes they do. While stupid is as stupid does, straight fucking lying about your product is a no no, I don't care how fucking dumb your audience is. 


    Literally fraud my dude and your cool with it cuz some goofs might get pwned? Can't say I'm about it. 


    It's really weird to me to be OK with a multimillion dollar company lying, cheating, and stealing because you don't like the people who bought the product. 

    Believing those people shouldnt get their money back isnt the same as thinking it's ok that Razer did this or saying they should get to keep it. Razer should donate the proceeds and the fine to charity.

  8. 21 hours ago, RSG3 said:

    While I get where you are coming from, they aren't being sued over the lights, they are being sued over false advertising of the effects of their product. 


    They should get away with lying about their product? 

    I know. I'm just saying that anyone spending $100 on a mask, useful or not, that even at the height of Covid you could get for a few bucks is foolishness and those people do t deserve to get their money back even if what Razer did was bad.

  9. On 4/24/2024 at 11:44 PM, Sonichuman said:

    I just decided to click on that second tweet and look through some of the comments and saw this and...I just......

    simon cowell facepalm GIF

    .....Why would there have to Africa in a fictional fantasy world....for there to be black people?  Like...the sheer amount of...Let's change some words in this quote to hear how dumb this is.  "Last I checked there's no Japan in Suikoden but yes let's put IRL in a fantasy game"  "Last I checked there's no Spain in Suikoden but yes lets put IRL in a fantasy game"  etc...

    It's honestly pretty disappointing to me that imagination seems to have been the biggest casualty of the Internet age. Video games give us the opportunity to enter worlds nothing like our own or that transcend ours in a lot of ways and step into the shoes of characters that aren't like us, and yet all some people can do is ask why these worlds aren't more like the real world.

  10. 9 hours ago, Jion_Wansu said:


    Speaking of which. Youngest ever to compete for world champion just won the candidates!!!



    World Chess Championship 2024
    Defending champion
      133px-Ding_Liren_in_2023_%2852638329254%29.jpg 133px-Dommaraju_Gukesh_in_2023.jpg
      China Ding Liren India Gukesh D
      Born 24 October 1992
    31 years old
    Born 29 May 2006
    17 years old
      Winner of the World Chess Championship 2023 Winner of the Candidates Tournament 2024



    Glad to see Ding competing again. I thought he was considering retirement at one point

  11. I got to play in an online 5 Special tournament yesterday, the first I think I've done since 2018 and went 2-2 which isn't bad considering I've only really been back playing the game for about a week now.


    If anyone plays or wants to even learn the game, I say let's give it a go. I've decided to learn Ukyo, so I'm in noob territory again. I actually started out as an Ukyo "main" when I first started playing (and didn't know what I was doing lol) but gravitated to Amakusa for whatever reason. a

    I came back deciding to play Kazuki since I play him in 2019 but he's different 5Sp and not as much fun as Ukyo is.


    Either way, we should get another lobby going sometime soon.

  12. On 4/19/2024 at 10:10 PM, Sonero said:

    So its essentially goofy pearl clutching. Because it isn't like we're in some weird hentai world. There have been a lot of great female characters that are dressed. There's also a hilairously amount of questionable dressed characters that are beloved. WE gonna pretend we don't live in a post Bayonetta/Kill La Kill/w/e fucking armor broads were wearing in WoW? If you don't want fanservice in games, there are a lot of fucking alternatives out there.


    You're right, but the people writing these pieces are overwhelmingly English major/ perpetually online types whose heads have been filled by pseudo-feminist BS who are mining power for themselves by being able to dictate to everyone else, on their terms, the difference between the characters that are "problematic" and the one that are "safe."


    Bayonetta is beloved by gays, therefore she's safe. Eve is a character that, at least at this point, straight (and particularly white) guys like, so she's "problematic." Anything straight men like is a problem to these types of people, although if the same design appeals to gays or women, then it's fine. The whole thing looks like a big journalistic power grab from where I'm sitting. They're all just saying "it's only a problem if we say it's a problem."

  13. 15 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

    its crazy that homelessness is a business. just like jail.


    The people "solving" the problem are making boatloads of money, so there's less incentive to actually solve it. It's like all these endless "wars." There's less incentive to try to find a peaceful solution when defense companies stand to make billions from them.

    7 hours ago, Jion_Wansu said:

    Speaking of chess lol








    Went down the youtube rabbit hole. This shit's wild:



    Alex Botez was the first person I ever heard called a "chess entertainer." She and her sister are definitely entertaining and both their chesscom bots beat me handily so I have nothing to say lol

  14. On 4/17/2024 at 4:02 PM, DangerousJ said:

    Funny Names:


    Christian Cocks - the current Hasbro CEO. I've NEVER seen the "rooster" spelling only the X way lol. I guess he's voting for Trump lol.

    Poundland - Apparently this is a British version of Dollar Store, not a brothel.

    Dick Butkus - Renowned NFL player lol

    Jack Antonoff - Musician. The Abramoff legacy continues lol

    Nacho Daddy - restaurant

    Vladimir Poutine - Montreal restaurant

    Beat the Meat -  Saudi Burger joint


    You forgot about racing legend Dick Trickle!


  15. On 4/16/2024 at 1:33 AM, RSG3 said:

    I actually tried playing through it late last year via emulation and I gave up, and it was right after finishing an LOI run on the same Emulator. It was boring. The similar looking areas do suck a lot of the joy out of exploration, and I actually think the combat was worse. Hector felt to me a lot more stiff and clunky compared to Leon and most of the enemies i fought either weren't very aggressive or they were flying and annoying to fight. The few bosses I fought weren't much fun either. 


    Maybe it gets better later on, I don't actually remember, but LOIs areas where small enough that by the time you where tired of them they where over. The rooms may have been boxes and hallways but they where small and short and kept the combat contained most of the time where as Curse had hallways that just never ended. 


    Oh and I think all of LOIs bosses are good to really good (none are quite great tho) while what i fought in Curse was very nothing special.  I may need to give it more time I don't remember, but I'd rather play something else anyway.  

    Yeah I only actually beat the game once. I started a few other times but never finished them because I just got so bored. It's such a shame because the ID thing was cool and the steal system was actually a really great idea, and the combat isn't too bad, it's just not as flashy as LoI's is. Some of the weapons you get have cool movesets although they aren't DMC levels of deep.


    The thing that chapped my ass about the game was that there were hallways and rooms with NOTHING In them. No items, no enemies, no set pieces, nothing. It was like they weren't really supposed to be there in the first place and we're added last minute after it was too late to really do anything with them.


    Trevor mode was kinda cool too, but again, I just never had the gumption to make it all the way through.


    Lament would have been a top 10 CV game if the level design were fixed though. That game did pretty much everything right except for that.

  16. I had someone on Reddit reply to a 3 year old (!) post I made about emulating Curse of Darkness vs actually buying it because it's not all that good and he couldn't believe I was saying that. He didn't believe that it was a common complaint of the game to have bloated garbage-y levels.


    That game really is a shame. It had a lot of good things going for it but they took the one complaint everyone has about Lament and made it 10 times worse.

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