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Everything posted by misterBee

  1. If I could get people to play single character CVS2 with me that would be a dream. Best part of the console ports for that game... you play Garou? <3 I'm misterBee on Fightcade.
  2. I'd put more time into KOF if I only had to play one character. Some console versions have a single character mode...maybe I can get people to start playing that. :wink:
  3. oh really? ...not anymore there isn't. 😎 Removed the broken photobucket images for you too. They were an eyesore.
  4. Yeah but I live in an apartment and can't dedicate a whole room for VR...
  5. It's actually more...400 EURO for the MVS version. After shipping and everything else, the thing costs more than an Oculus Rift...
  6. I'm a bit behind. Haven't watched Thor or Black Panther yet. =( Love the movies but haven't really seen any of the TV shows. I saw a part of an episode of Daredevil and it seemed ok. Watched an episode of SHIELD and wasn't really impressed...
  7. Yeah, but if you had you could afford to buy a house or two now. The games are so damn expensive.
  8. 18 pauses for a bit to call 17, and if you are hit at any point, 17 will disappear. 17 can be hit as well. I prefer to use 17 for oki and in neutral, but if you're in someone's face and already in the middle of a blockstring, I'm not sure you can really call him in safely. You can probably combine him with an assist though if you want the added layers of offense.
  9. You can end a string of normals with ki blast or destructo disc. These are pretty safe UNLESS your opponent has lvl3. If they have level 3 they can reversal you before the projectiles come out. If you call an assist during your blockstring it will keep you safe as well. You can do something like L, M, assist, H. Opponent will have to block your assist, so won't be able to punish the H. If you don't feel safe using a projectile ender and don't have assist, then the best you can do is something like L, L. Anything more and you're unsafe on block. Luckily timing in this game is pretty lax so hit confirming shouldn't be too hard.
  10. Sorry to hear that man -- hope you're able to work things out. Pad life isn't all that bad!
  11. Jesus the NeoSD flashcart costs more than the system itself. At least it means I won't have to buy individual carts anymore.
  12. Quoting images isn't always a bad thing. We'll play it by ear for now.
  13. 'Cause hotels and convention centers always seem to have bad Asian food nearby. Filthy animals with greasy hands touching all the controllers afterwards. 😷
  14. I bought the MVS. Money-spending death spiral has begun.
  15. I might enable image uploading later, but it depends on how busy this place gets. All those images add up over time and since I'm paying out of pocket with no plans for ads, I'd like to keep server costs manageable.
  16. I've dabbled with it here and there over the years, but I recently decided to sit down and learn it properly. Real issue is getting people to play with -- Fightcade lobby is pretty much empty, and Steam version had a whopping 2 people playing the past day or so. I doubt I'll have better luck with the PS4 version. I think I'll start a tourney to attract more interest. Edit: I just bought a Neo Geo. Shit is getting real now.
  17. Wait. You mean you'll eat the fish if it's fried in Long John Silvers batter? Or are you saying you only eat the batter...? 😧
  18. Weird. I don't know why all my photobucket images have been working without any problems. I guess I'll go and find a new site. Edit: Using imgur now.
  19. This can be the official DB thread if you want it to be. you want it to be? Also I finally started/caught up with DBS this month. has some moments but the show is pretty whack. GOKU RANGERS UNITE
  20. I've been on a real Neo Geo kick lately. So much so that I'm seriously considering buying one. Anyway, thought I'd make a thread for the game I've been playing the most lately. This game is the shit. Let me know if anyone's down for some games. Considered starting a section of the site that tracks player profiles/tournament results -- maybe I should start up a Garou tourney league...
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