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Posts posted by VirginDefiler

  1. 3 hours ago, Hecatom said:

    Probably the one where i was kicked by nessa 🤣

    nessa was a cunt ho.

    she kicked me too lol.

    all she wanted was to be surrounded by white knights that would stroke her ego and not call her out on her bullshit. which i did.

    i got kicked cuz she was bitching to us all as to why her ex threw out her stuff that was in his house for over a year.

    she was actually daring to be mad at him for his house not being her free storage.

    can u imagine? having your stuff in an ex's house for a entire year then getting mad when they throw it out after 365 days laying there?!?!

    i woulda thrown her trash out in 30 days. guy was a saint for keeping it a year waiting for her dumb ass to pick her stuff up which she never bothered herself to do.

    i called her out n she booted me.

    another dumb bitch that swears pussy=privilege 

    swear to Gawd smdfh


  2. last 48 hours i managed to get the achievements for perfecting hand of the king, scarecrow, the giant, and conjuctivius.

    the only bosses left to perfect is mama tick, the queen and her servants. yea the 3 servants count as a boss i think.

    i know i can perfect the queen. mama tick is who is up next on my hit list. but tbh i dont think i will ever perfect the 3 servants cuz that boss fight is a clusterfuck of madness.

    the way to perfect bosses is with:

    1) wings of the crow(mandatory), paired with either mushroom boi or tesla coil. 

    2) lantern for every fight except the hand of the king. for hand of the king magic missiles is the best weapon. you use crow first. get behind his head and hold missiles attack button down. as for the lantern same thing as missiles except you hold down the y button to fire the spirit bullets.

    but lantern doesnt work well against hotk. doesnt work well against mama tick either for the same reason that they both leave the field and you either whiff the lantern bullets or find yourself still holding charge and end up wasting the bullets which is the only strength of the weapon. so missiles for mama and hotk.



  3. is there a fighting game where you can pick and choose special moves and add them to your characters? sorta like how superdragonballz ps2 had?

    cuz the dopest thing about superdbz ps2 was you had a character, and you had like 20 special moves that you could "equip" to your character and it would vastly change the meta of the character.

    anything like that out there?

    i find character building and discovering new synergy strats fascinating.




    oh yea, i just remembered arcana heart and red earth have equipable powers/abilities. sadly those games are dead

  4. 5 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

    btw, in dead cells.


    pro tip.

    strongest build in the game.

    last night that combo made me immortal

    i could not die. no matter what. 5bc was easy with it.



     i forgot to mention for this build to work it really needs recovery and dead inside mutations.

    specifically the vampirism needs recovery.

    without it vampirism isnt op.

    so relentless aspect+ vampirism skill+ recovery mutation. but the dead inside mutation buffs the recovery. 

  5. i dont understand how gta san andreas is on andriod store. but not on steam. smdh.



    i started playing the Pathless game last night first time.

    thats...a really pretty interesting game. very much like sotc and maybe journey.

    the game really really wants you to dash n shoot ALL the time. you can tell cuz the camera feels good when you do and doesnt when you dont. its fun tho.

    i also played a lil of Warm Snow the game. just the free demo. its good too.

  6. 3 hours ago, Maxx said:


    ok soooo as my ex explained it. it has to do with the original tribes from israel...i believe its 9 tribes. in terms of religion anyone can convert but as a race you have to be from those tribes. i believe they only consider ethopians as part of that for black jewish. when i went there...there were alot of ethiopians who are essentially refugees i believe. but to be race wise considered jewish you have to trace yourself back to those tribes.


    from what i remember its more like this.

    anyone can be jewish meaning converts.

    but for you to be truly "jewish" you haveta be born from a jewish mother. jewish dad means nothing.

    for example lenny kravitz isnt truly jewish cuz dad is jewish but not mom.

    its why jewish mothers dgaf if daughters marry outside the race but the son must marry jewish girl.

    when solomon the hebrew king was in love with the visiting queen of ethiopia/sheba...the prophet of his time told him he couldnt marry her cuz the kids wouldnt be jewish. which bummed both him and the queen of sheba. and she broke out and went back to her homeland.

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