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Posts posted by VirginDefiler

  1. i think i just accidentally discovered the inspiration to akira toriyama's 7 dragon balls. i'm well aware of the fact goku is based off of the chinese myth of the legendary monkey king that has a magic staff, came from space, and rides a flying cloud.

    but i think he got the idea for his 7 dragonballs from herge the creator of tintin. a very popular european comic strip of the past.




    cant be..just coincidence.


  2. vikings valhalla was good. its just like vikings og.

    was a lil worried cuz this time produced by netflix instead of history channel. but the style and tone felt the same as vikings og

    and i dont mind the token black folk on the show. cuz vikings were making trading ports left and right.

    they even reached canada 500 years before columbus so yeah.

    they got around.

  3. 3 hours ago, RSG3 said:

    This is the weirdest comparisom shit I've read in a while. Fromsoft bosses the last 20 years are nothing like Wrath of Heaven bosses, like huhwut? Also the games have huge levels so like if you've actually watched its clearly more then just bosses. 


    It's always weird seeing people criticize their games. There's plenty to harp on but people say weird stuff like it has Tenchu bosses. Wut?  I fucking HATE Tenchu bosses. They are indeed the worst fucking parts of the game consistently whole Fromsofts bosses have been bangers more often then not. Totally confusing. 


    Anyway Trnchu was cool but Sekiro is way better in pretty much every way. Tenchu Z was pretty tight tho. 

    what i meant was that, in the tenchu games the combat is designed where you arent op. like ninja gaiden or shinobi. 

    cuz the devs want you to stelath not fight. so if youre spotted and theres more than 2 enemies youre pretty much dead cuz you arent fighting your way out if its 3 or more enemies. the devs made it so you have to stealth. and avoid fighting. youre run sucks, your dodges too. your jump/doublejump also gimpy. and it takes a good sec to whip out your health potion flask and drink from it. 

    combat i tenchu is...stiff.

    so they took that and sorta ran with it with dark souls. 

    your strafe, run, dodge, time consuming potion drinking is sorta the same. 

    im not saying combat is bad. its just very. you dont have much flex in 1 vs 1 combat in tenchu. your strength is stealthing and your items, and your ninja magic. 

    if they made tenchu where you had ninja gaiden/dmc abilities youd never stealth. youd just fight your way through levels. not caring about been seen. but they made your combat ability gimped so youd be fucked if youd be seen by guards.

    im not saying boss fights are terrible in tenchu. its just the combat mechanics limit you in boss fights.

  4. 4 hours ago, J-ride said:

    I love From Software...

    i dont.

    but i do LOVE Tenchu.

    which is the last thing they wanna produce.

    i personally dont get dark souls or any game like it.

    cuz when i watch playthroughs of DS and elden and sekiro and any from software game. all i see is the wrath of heaven/fatal shadows boss fights. 

    its weird. they took the shittiest aspects of tenchu. and made games based around tenchu boss fights.

    its essentially just that.  i know alot of yall like dark soulsy games. im not saying yall wrong for liking em. i just like tenchu. no sekiro is not tenchu.

    not the same. God im dying for more tenchu.

  5. 4 hours ago, Chadouken said:

    Has anyone ever had camel snus?


    I'm trying to quit Copenhagen and thinking snus might help kill the cravings, but I'm not sure what a good brand is.

    yea i had it.

    actually the same exact one u pictured. mint.

    but it was many years ago. i got it for free when i useta buy tobacco from native american reservations.

    so youre quitting dipping tobacco for snus? i have never used dip to tell you if snus can replace dipping.

    but i can tell you what snus is like. including camel mint.

    i do remember it being..minty. but not overly from what i remember. didnt taste bad either.

    but it is, strong. i remember the nicotine hit was strrrong af. i would haveta take it out my mouth from the nic rush.

    so i guess itll give u the nic fix youre looking for.

    i personally vape nowadays with minor smoking here n there. i mostly vape salt nic now.

    you can also use snuff but snuff is something u gotta import.

    but yea camel mint snus tastes minty just not overly, and it has potent nic rush so it should serve your needs.


    needless to say you put the lil pouch beteen your cheek n gums. dont need to suck. after the juices have come out of it and the nic rush has seeped out. you can bite it just gently to squeeze the remaining juice out of it. just be careful not to break the bag. before spittin it out.

    2nd edit

    p.s. i just remembered if u do break the bag interestingly has salt mixed into the tobacco.

    i think the salt is there cuz salt triggers saliva output. since the dry bag needs wetting action from your saliva to have the juices seep out. but tbh i dont remember it being salty in taste. but theres salt mixed into the tobacco in the lil pouch.

  6. now i gotta wait for hecatom to come in and defend arcsys obvious bullshit like he works for the company or something. cuz according to hec arcsys can do no wrong.  cuz this aint pay to win bs by them according to him.

    hec gonna put a spin so hard on arcsys pay to win dlc, underplay their actions...he should just apply as Putin's war crimes lawyer.

    hec can get Putin off. hecatom should be a defense attorney lol.


    heheh, i tease hec cuz i know he's a huge arcsys fanboy. i know he loves that company. but nah. he's still wrong tho. about this game he is. 

  7. all of a sudden my youtube on windows turned into instagram cuz all the vids are in portrait mode and tab screen scrolls vertically now. hmm. i just discovered youtube shorts mode. how long this been here? ive seen vids tagged #shorts before but never seen the mode till now. 


     its interesting embedding a youtube short in portrait view from the shorts mode..doesnt transfer the portrait mode to here. 

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