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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. If i could make a wishlist, one point would be have the possibility to save costume preferences stuff in same slot we save the body That would mean 100 costumes, each linked to a specific created character as the default look for it
  2. You're welcome 👍 Remember that you can save not only your K in creation mode, but you can also save in equipment menu up to 10(? iirc) equipment combinations, wich will keep also 3D items with very same positions/size you gave it Essentially you will be able to do something else with creation and play as different chars, but whenever you want recover your K just as you made it with 2 clicks (1 in editor and 1 n equipment menu) One more advice i can offer is don't be afraid to make the char look "deformed" without clothes on, multi-layered kind of editors have huge problem with very lean chars (like K can be, specially if designed by some artists), the only thing that really matter to achieve a certain result is final look when all clothes/full costume are on... easy way to make life easier, specially with recreations, is compose the costume first and then model the char with clothes already on, made my work so much easier
  3. The laurel is symbol of victory So if we want continue reasoning of before and risk try to "read" the emblem meaning, could be that after Shadaloo destruction (broken thunder) and driven by wisdom (owl supporting it) Neo Shadaloo will achieve victory (laurel)
  4. Cool we got much more clean confirmation his symbol now is indeed an owl, on the flag was'nt as clear 👍 Going a bit by reasoning/theory the owl under the thunders logo may be supposed to represent NS will be driven by wisdom (wich i suppose will be JP pretending to be just advisor while telling them what to do) I think is also first time i notice Neo Shadaloo logo are two thunders overlapped to form N and S, and may be wrong but wanting to find a double meaning seems is also as if the small one is a crack in the big one, as to sybolize Shadaloo's destruction... to pick the reasoning before, as to say "after Shadaloo destruction, Neo Shadaloo will be driven by wisdom"? At risk of read too much into it, Ed may be the NS thunder (the power), JP the owl (the wisdom)... i like the duality, remind me this recent pic If we imagine a Neo Shadaloo where Ed represent power and JP the mind, all the reasoning with @DarthEnderXabout JP giving no fucks about losing fights/being not best at fighting may gain bit more logic and harm bit less JP's figure, because even within the new org he may not be the "top fighter" and cover the role of brain... so lose in a violence contest will not touch his self esteem lol 😁 But i'm not sure Ed is necessary superior to him in 1v1/fighter sense I mean he can be, Ed was already good fighter before timeskip and had years to improve his PP skills, but something about his design does'nt sell him to me as edgy anime overpowered char I think they may bean alliance less based on very individual "power level" and more on a general sense as the union of their inheritance from Shadaloo's collapse Ed may have the control of men and even more of special individuals, as former shadaloo rejects will follow him but not JP and he may cover a more operative on the field role JP may have the control of money, as that's straight follow up of his previous role, and he would likely use his mind to set up the strategies This kind of NS structure would be cool af to me, because while looking an even division at first could reflect A LOT JP's mindset of chess player with himself being the King and Ed the Queen Looking the chessboard the Queen looks more powerful and dynamic than the King, roam around the field fast wrecking shit helped by other pieces The King piece feel weaker and does'nt move much, ideally better stay far from the action and be protected Seen like this Queen looks like best piece, but reality is Queen may die and you can still win the game, the King survival is #1 essential rule of chess Queen is worth 9 points, being second most valuable piece (Bishop and Knight 3, Rook 5) after the King... but when you think King's points value is essentially "infinite", even 9 points make the Queen just a glorified and still expendable piece What i would love of this is that JP's "frail" aura is exactly what chess King feels like, it's not necessary weak in terms of powers (can still move/attack in all directions) but any decent piece can threat it Warning, silly crazy theory shit May very well be huge mental-fapping on my side, but if they look for that chess thing would be awesome Going even further Falke/Knife/Gorilla may even work as the 3 piece types that help the Queen Falke as Bishop, closest to the Queen and you can use it as "sniper" to hit/cover very long range Knife as the Knight, have unique mobility and can "jump" over pieces (Knife have teleport) Gorilla as the Rook, very powerful but specially at begin fat ass piece hard to move (fun fact even higher score than Falke/Knife could make sense for JP, Gorilla would be only able to rival his mind, as he got Bison's intellect) Normal NS soldiers may be the pawns, they're lot, individually weak and super expendable lol
  5. Was it? Did'nt realized was just few pics, ever thought was an actual legit full manga... then maybe i've seen all of it 👍
  6. I did, but i remember i've just watched it, not downloaded, so i would have to restart the research all over again What i never found is complete scan of Murata's SF manga
  7. 👍 Give up the glasses will indeed help you do the hand thing as you can add the mask The hand-paint thing i mentioned may by bit tricky to find if one does'nt know already (maybe you do), because the icon itself does'nt suggest much It's a sticker that place automatically on right hand (without alternative position option), would cover what you need perfectly Mr.Karate is a great idea considering we have already most of the pieces we need I guess when Akuma get released you will be able to upgrade him on moveset side too So far from SNK i just made months ago Terry and Joe, but i'm waiting better pieces (and movesets) to consider them complete lol
  8. Carlos sunglasses may do the job well, even if you can't color them Fun detail one could use black fingerless gloves, then add the right--hand paint and make it vivid metallic red to recreate a bit this situation if one accept sacrifice sunglasses, could be added a 3D red object (personally would use red version of skull mask), to add some more red on right back-hand overlapping the black glove Done well result should be nice
  9. That's a good theory, thre's some stuff supporting it We know he say he's still learning use PP Seem currently he's also using it in "safe" way trying to use just as much he needs... for what we know about PP i guess he will not unleash the full extent of his own PP till he abandon himself to it like in that foreshadow ending you say, plus Ken still have to get his revenge fight This may indeed be true Boss JP But on other side SF have special talent at tease this kind of stuff and then not deliver... i'm thinking Necalli and G both having an actual artwork of their true/full power version, but never ending up do it ingame (so far) lol Personally i would like see a Boss fight with JP that goes all-in becoming on par with Bison (basic, no Bison+machines), as long they don't waste slots for a character's alt version.... just make a "shin" unplayable version of him with some overpowered unique shit, like they do with some CPU bossess I was thinking stuff like this When he use "ze" instead of "the" (ze tournament) i thought it's supposed to be a thing to imitate specifically german accent
  10. All i know is if he have an italian one too first name is Jacopo as it's like only italian name with J lol 😁 FANG seems to know him as "JP" rather than Johan or Jean, so i guess the names gimmick was used just outside Shadaloo to interact with normal people society Kinda same way FANG uses Fang Fei i guess Now that i think about it, did'nt he had german-like accent in Udon's comic?
  11. Speaking of JP wonder if he's the one who teached Falke to fight with a cane, their styles match and now we have cacon confirmation he's close to Ed (and by default to Falke) He could have been part of that "german speaking" part of the Shadaloo HQ Guess when we will meet her as NPC this winter we will get an answer
  12. Well, beyond that specific fight i consider FANG to be -thanks to poison- more or less around same range.. she had extra motivation as she was fighting for Li Fen too, kinda like Rashid fighting for revenge/justice whatever won second fight with FANG too Of those who beated up FANG only cases of clear superiority were imho Bison (who after looked invincible from FANG's perspective) and Ken who toyed with him without effort, but i consider Ken pretty above Chun My 2cent is AKI -as today- is likely to be less powerful than FANG (i will not be surprised if one day she will kill FANG though), who got more extreme training for years, got years of experience as assassin/fighter and teached her both martial arts and poison use But i can see him sending her after people like Chun or Rashid (another who defeated FANG), for three things - Her mission did'nt felt much about direct destruction of an enemy (wich in fact FANG told her to DON'T do) where "power level" would be more relevant, she seem to have more espionage/intimidation/messenger role so far. If FANG wanted them dead he could have joined her on the mission imho On smaller scale AKI felt lot like Kolin for Gill imho - Send her was also because both Rashid and Chun already know FANG as an enemy, so AKI had greater chance at get closer to them For similar reason FANG also lost great advantage they did'nt knew of his poison hand first time, AKI still have that edge This apply to JP too who open saying they "haven't been introduced" - Just like FANG, AKI's use of poison allow her to be dangerous against opponents that are much more powerful on terms of pure fighting ability/potential so you can send her after big dogs... just remember how Vega and Rog together were still treating FANG as a serious threat in ASF, despite 2v1 all while both being on paper better fighters (i think Vega alone would murder FANG tbh, even counting poison) Other thing she is'nt a pure fighter, she's an assassin first... so on theory she can stealth approach a superior fighter and poison him/her rather than challenge for a martial arts fight... there's even a line on her WTM intro where she say when victim realize to have been poisoned is already too late Yeah i indeed think he does'nt care because "fighting" is not the field where he care to win (even if after obtaining psycho power he's starting to like it) as long he still achieve shit getting done according to his plan If we listen his words he does'nt consider violence best way to reach power and rule I guess before obtaining PP, as simple Bartitsu expert he was used to be great but non-exceptional fighter in Shadaloo world where you had Sagat, Vega, Rog or even FANG himself with his poison All this make sense, but for how he's represented still wish his great mind and strategy sense could have becomed an HUGE asset once combined with Psycho Power (wich he use with great variety/proficency, even if he say he's still green at it)... see him getting beated up by middle tiers (i'm throwing on that range our avatar too) kinda harm his figure as Boss, specially considering he could have been truly memorable one... while we now know he's likely just sub-boss material, useful to make story move waiting bigger pieces
  13. Yesterday just realized i did'nt yet done the arcade with AKI, is kinda interesting Timestamped at boss fight intro Some points - Guess could be considered canon rather than "what if" -Kinda sad see how they insist on estabilish JP as not that great fighter... it's one of best SF bosses concept wise, but on canon side seems FANG level lol, combat wise maybe even below (as AKI defeat him and we can assume FANG is better than her at very same game) -i find interesting through AKI's perspective we may inclined take JP's words as a lie and that he's working using Ed as a tool, but if we stick to what he say is possible he believe ED will have leader position and he (JP) will recover his previous role in the org as the treasurer... maybe he believe Bison's power will take over Ed as foreshadowed by SFV ending? Fact he's investing in Neo Shadaloo make me think some level of corruption is already going on He seem -at the moment- having not much issue with the fact fighters more powerful than him to exist, so maybe he's ok with a powered-up Ed to take the throne based on force level, maybe believing he will still be able to pull the strings from his former treasurer position (assuming Ed become just a corrupted powerful Ed and NOT fully possessed by Bison mind)
  14. Also lol at capcom actually using hybrid moveset for promotional vid, but absolutely forgetting they can use it for all these WTM NPCs 🥲
  15. Love it, but wish we got more items Guess will have to split it to get at least two OCs out of it lol Also BH store update has been shit lately (only added useless pro-tournaments badges)
  16. Full list of WTM new items as far i know - Shadaloo Soldier Helmet (AKI mission) - Shadaloo Soldier Gloves (Drop from Shadaloo soldier) <- warning, try to satisfy the requirements on first run, i've reading people saying you don't get second chance after beating the 3 agents. Risk is easily have to wait Ed update in 2024 - Flared Skirt (Drop from Merchant in China) - Fang Fei's shoes (From Fang Fei mission) - R.O.B.B.I.E. Headphones (Drop from Robbie) - Necktie Eye Mask (Drop from Assassin) (it isn't new but it used to be unobtainable). - Sato no Takenoko (Present from news)
  17. That's interesting, i must still see that part... from SFV side-story i had impression she was poor and her brother somehow got her in that role, with her being used by him for his scam Tbh in side story FANG did'nt had particular scruple about her age, he simply remind how as side effect the poison treatment removed from him any sexual desire/instinct Her being 15 or 18 or 32 does'nt change anything to him because he became completely asexual
  18. When you think about it AKI probably is the SF char with darkest backstory From poor underage girl pushed to borderline prostitution by her own brother, to become a sociopath assassin that gone through a poison training that stressed her body so much to become albino, end up loving the man that pushed her into that latter phase Sure we have some others with very bloody past (Bison the first that come to my mind), but AKI imho strike harder
  19. Guess it's a part of her past she wants forget (or at least don't offer it to strangers), just like she does'nt mention what she was doing posing as a prostitute and stripping naked for men as part of her brother's scam to blackmail them Another interesting part is in SF6 she confirm she was VERY young and definitely underage, as in the original japanese version of her SFV side story
  20. While it's nice it keep bit the trend to give surnames, tbh i trust it as much i trust JP's "Johan Petrovich" lol I find this more likely, as "F.A.N.G. " is not a normal name you can use to pretend you're just salesman of herbal medicines fro back pain Noticed he also wear gloves (instead huge special sleeves hiding free poison hands), possibly to have more normal look when interacting with people... seems opposite approach from A.K.I. who instead play her true self showing to be strange and dangerous (her explanation for the dress + her steel claws)
  21. Thanks! Eh, was hoping for more but guess whatever new is still welcome There's anything else to win around with new side-missions? Rashid update had bit of that shit (Azam monocle, Shadaloo bracelet, special earring etc) and iirc +1 color for all items Damn they really go so fucking cheap on NPCs, FANG evn was main cast lol At cost of sound repetitive i'm not paid for the job and yet even just using editor basic tools could do a better FANG face closer to main cast standards, they did'nt even bothered using much aging/wrinkle skin tool to give him SF6-realistic look (something i disliked on Retsu model too, who looks far too young) I know for most is weird specific shit to complain about, but see such big budget product get halfassed stuff is bit sad lol This on general applies to all semi-relevant NPCs too (like fighters you face at stadium tournament), even just using basic editor (and they have access to a more advanced/complete version) they could have been done so much better, instead large majority feel 5 minute shit that use like 30% of editor tools lol
  22. Almost there Lol i'm more hyped for changes in WTM than Aki itself 🤣 Btw currently hunting this shit Also if anybody have this consider himself lucky because piece currently seem to have a problem that make it apparently impossible to get after some point
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