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  1. +1
    DanZan reacted to DangerousJ in Yakuza Series - Ryu Ga Gotoku Discussion thread   
    Yakuza Kiwami 2 story mode Trailer
  2. +1
    DanZan reacted to Darc_Requiem in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    "Do you speak the language of Chinese? How about a game of Lucky Hit?" Side note: I have the sudden urge to swap jobs with the warehouse guys at my job and drive a forklift all day 😉
  3. +1
  4. +1
  5. LOL
    DanZan reacted to DangerousJ in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread   
    Tales from a Scrub:
    Girl: Hey
    Dangerous J: Hi. Steak or sushi?
    Girl: Steak.
    DJ: Im a sushi fan. Hope we can still be friends.
    Girl: Of course.
    Girl: Do you have instagram?
    DJ: No. I have a penis.
  6. +1
    DanZan reacted to misterBee in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    And tell Ricky Flair to come here and tell me himself! 😠
  7. LOL
    DanZan got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
  8. Insightful
    DanZan reacted to misterBee in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    It has auto lock-on and sometimes it locks on the wrong person!  GREAT! 😧
  9. LOL
    DanZan got a reaction from DangerousJ in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
  10. +1
    DanZan reacted to misterBee in Yakuza Series - Ryu Ga Gotoku Discussion thread   
    I just saw Steam listings for Yakuza 0 and Kiwami.  Kiryu moving to the one true platform?!  Might have to get them and beat them again...
  11. LOL
    DanZan reacted to misterBee in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Playing Ninja Gaiden I've begun to appreciate how far games have come.
    This camera is ridiculous.  There is no lock-on.  Feedback when you hit an enemy isn't great.  You can tell this is an extension of the ps2 days, even though it's on ps3.  Old graphics aren't really a problem but old gameplay def takes time to get used to again.
    How did I play so many games like this when I was younger?
  12. +1
    DanZan reacted to DangerousJ in Yakuza Series - Ryu Ga Gotoku Discussion thread
    Yakuza 0 and  Yakuza Kwami are now PS4 Greatest Hits at 20 dollars.
    No one has an excuse now to get into Yakuza series if you have a ps4.
  13. +1
    DanZan got a reaction from Abbachio in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Devil may cry 5 reveal trailer
    Sekiro : Shadows die twice
  14. +1
    DanZan got a reaction from DangerousJ in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Devil may cry 5 reveal trailer
    Sekiro : Shadows die twice
  15. +1
    DanZan got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Devil may cry 5 reveal trailer
    Sekiro : Shadows die twice
  16. +1
    DanZan reacted to Deadly_Raver in 15 signs that you're a beta male   
    that above is the video/reason we're all gathered here today.  For those of you who don't have the time right now, the TL;DR is below:
    1) You don't feel like your life is getting better by the day
    2) You never faced your bullies
    3) You rely on others (family, friends) to make decisions for you
    4) You are physically weak
    5) You get friend zoned
    6) You can't say no and stand your ground
    7) Your friends make fun of you / don't treat you as an equal
    8 ) Your existence largely centers around pastimes (video games, movies, shows, etc)
    9) You make excuses
    10) You have no sense of style
    11) You don't look at people in the eye when you talk to them / you get nervous around people
    12) You barely have any sex / you have bad sex
    13) You actually have a big ego, but you can't control it / it is fragile
    14) You are a follower
    15) You feel offended by this video
    It seems that it's time for Dr. Raver to get the scalpel out.
    1) You don't feel like your life is getting better by the day
    Welcome to depression.  Also, some people are happy where they are.  This means NOTHING as far as who that person is.  Sometimes you take the day off.  Does that mean you're a beta male..................or that you might be retired?  NEXT!!
    2) You never faced your bullies
    While I feel this is important to a child to do, it is only important to do it as a child IMO.  I mean what,  Are you a 20,30, 40-something year old man running around still looking to beat up ol' Hank Henshaw for knocking you into the mud back in 1st grade, then I must say to you to get on with your life.  
    3) You rely on others (family, friends) to make decisions for you
    It depends on what, how much, and why you are relying on them.   I will always ask my good friend for plumbing advice considering he was a master plumber, I don't think that makes me a beta male.  Now, if my life would be shut down while waiting on advice from people, then that is a problem.  Also, it'll most certainly annoy those other people.
    4) You are physically weak
    So much for body positivity eh?  I guess when you're a man you're not,"Beautiful at any size."  It's almost like people prefer certain types and images......................................

    But don't you dare tell two-ton tina that she's fat or you'll be locked up.
    Back on topic:  Let's face it.  I'm only about 5'6".  I'm am NOT going to be able to lift as much as the strongest powerlifters no matter what I do, legal or illegal, and this is before we get into the various diseases which can limit a person, such as Asthma or MS or Tourettes.  Trying to put a label on someone for that is just another reason why a lot of people are turning away from Society.  

    You should look after your health, but not for the sake of anyone other than you.  Fuck what they think of you because you're the one that has to do the work.
    5) You get friend zoned
    I swear, of all the.........................................
    so basically, you want men to accept being a beta because some woman refuses to see him as more than a "friend"?  Fuck you dead in the face.  
    Look dudes.  If you're not getting what you want from this girl or that one, Keep going if that is your desire or cut them off.  The ONLY person who can put you in the friend zone is YOU.  DO NOT FORGET THAT!!!
    6) You can't say no and stand your ground
    I almost want to get the gif out, but I won't. 
    How are these mother fuckers gonna tell you to,"Stand your ground" at the same time they're trying to use shame and guilt to push you into line with the "Alpha Male" herd?  You want to go over to see this, but the crowd says no.  You know that if we stay with this deal, we can make a lot of money, but the crowd has spoken and you've been outvoted.  Tonight's sci-fi night, but they "Insist" on watching other shit?  Fuck 'em.  Ditch them bitches.  
    7) Your friends make fun of you / don't treat you as an equal
    ................................These people are not your friends.  NEXT!!!
    8 ) Your existence largely centers around pastimes (video games, movies, shows, etc)
    "And. Here. We. Go." - The Joker 
    Would one of you want to explain to me how your time spent on videogames makes you a "Beta"?  In fact, let's just stop with this bullshit ass,"Beta" nonsense and call it correctly.  They mean LOSER.  They want to call you a LOSER, but that would ruffle the feathers and drop the viewership into the dirt.  Look.  If your pasttime is how you make money, then so be it.  If you simply work so that you can enjoy your pasttime, then so be it.  What if someone's favorite past time is travel?  Or modelling? or the Casino?  Oh, THAT'S okay because this is something that is approved of in Society, mainly because you have to go outside to do these things, not something you can do from the privacy and comfort (And relative cheapness) of your own home.  These fuckers think they're slick.............
    9) You make excuses
    Now here is one I cannot argue against and must indeed argue for.  If you intend to go anywhere in life, even to your front door, you have to stop making excuses.  To be honest, constantly making excuses will almost certainly cause you to become a loser.  It damn sure will cause you to be unhappy when you turn around and look at how many things you could have done were it not for making excuses.  This won't matter if you're an alpha, beta, or any other part of the alphabet posee.  
    10) You have no sense of style
    Again, If you don't look like what we want, we'll label you a LOSER.  Now, I would dare say that having a nice suit around will make you feel nice, but I could very well be wrong.  Also, You wearing nice, well-made clothes is a signal to everyone, including the gold diggers, that you have nice, well-made clothes.  Just sayin.  
    11) You don't look at people in the eye when you talk to them / you get nervous around people
    It Could mean you are shy, or that you were raised in an area where that was discouraged.  If you do indeed get nervous around people, then it is up to you to determine the best course of action to fix this problem, if you even perceive it to be a problem.  
    12) You barely have any sex / you have bad sex
    Mr. Heston?  It's that time.  

    You KNEW this was coming.  Ray Charles saw that one coming.  Come to think of it, I'm surprised he hasn't been #MeToo'ed yet.
    It's always about pussy.  No matter how far you go, no matter which direction you go,  no matter what the people say, It's always about the pussy.  You can't be "Alpha" unless get some pussy and if you want the pussy, YOU HAVE TO PLAY THE GAME!!  🤣 
    Gather 'round my boys. I'm going to tell you what happens when you finally get laid.
    You can probably go outside right now and get your dick sucked for a pack of cigs.  A bag of weed?  Probably let you hit raw.  a six pack?  I'm sure there are not less than a dozen,"Cheerleaders" in your area that will pull off their panties for that.  For all the talk of women not finding good men, I noticed that the ghetto is full of kids and planned Parenthood is killing them off in ever increasing numbers.  That being said, I want to know exactly what mystical magical properties does this pussy have that will aid you in your quest to go from ,"Loser" To "Winner"?  I'll wait.  While we wait...................................
    If you need some pussy right now, I hear Angel Adams is open.  
    13) You actually have a big ego, but you can't control it / it is fragile
    Personally I've seen this more from the so-called "Alphas" than anywhere else.  Still, we all know someone with an inflated ego.  Not sure why having a fragile sense of worth would make you a beta....................Looks at the current SJW videos................Oh. Oh yeah.  Well, their problems go far deeper than just ego, but I see your point.  
    14) You are a follower
    Not one that can be argued with, but I do argue with the way they are trying to say it.  Again, this comes down to much the same as number 6, where you have to depend on others to follow you instead of following someone else.  Your ideas may be better, but if they don't care, then you're a beta?  ☹️
     As a former military man I know that we need both leaders and followers to have an effective military.  If everybody was a boss, then NOTHING would get done.  Not everybody will be a leader.  Not everybody should be.  If you're like me and you just like to get your tasks and go somewhere to concentrate on them, then cool. You should be a follower.  I just want my piece of the machine to work on, let somebody else worry about where it's going.  Lower pay, lower respect, etc.  But my job is done.  People like me do not need the fame and glory.  I am a simple man.  I do not need nor do I want to be some big time "Shot caller" or "Play maker".  If you are happy and satisfied doing a bit part, then fuck them.  They may never be thankful that you're there, but they will miss you when you're not there.
    15) You feel offended by this video
    Offended?  No.  Just tired.  This video was majorly another,"Be a man" Or "Man up" vid.  Look.  Once you've reached the age of maturity as is stated by your country of origin, you're a man.  What kind of man you want to be is up to you, not them.  In closing, let an oldschool rap group give you some advice as to what kind of man you should be.
  17. LOL
    DanZan reacted to MillionX in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    VAMPYR is finally officially mine!  ohhhhh and it's shaping up to be everything I was expecting so far.  At the moment, I've already fed on some roguish fellow over by the docks when you arrive at the hospital... seemed like the type that always starts trouble with people anyway... good riddance to some riff-raff of the town there.  Heh, his last thoughts were of anger and cursing the world.  He apparently has a wife... maybe she's due a visit from "the good doctor" as well.... 
    this vid explains the social circle aspect of the game
  18. +1
    DanZan reacted to AYO?! in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread   
    Main consensus I see from movie peeps I trust is Solo is a good space western film, just not a good Star Wars film. It feels unnecessary and forced in so diehard fans can go "So THAT'S how that happened" which kind of breaks up the smoothness of the rest of the film.
    I'd like to see it, just not in a packed theater.
    Also Maxi looks dope in SCVI.
  19. +1
    DanZan reacted to GreatDarkHero in Yakuza Series - Ryu Ga Gotoku Discussion thread   
    Yakuza 6 Secret Boss Stuff. 
    This one is going to get a little bit weird. 

  20. +1
    DanZan reacted to GreatDarkHero in Yakuza Series - Ryu Ga Gotoku Discussion thread   
    Super Boss stuff from Kiwami. 
  21. +1
    DanZan reacted to misterBee in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Been playing a ton of Nioh.  Damn there is so much content in this game!  Even the new game + modes have new missions.  I can see how people can play this game for damn near forever...
  22. +1
    DanZan got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in Yakuza Series - Ryu Ga Gotoku Discussion thread   
    I will tell you this in the most respectful manner...
    You need to ditch your sister and just play all the game for yourself. Especially Y2 on the PS2.
  23. LOL
    DanZan reacted to misterBee in Yakuza Series - Ryu Ga Gotoku Discussion thread   
    Don't you know what this means???? My sister will continually slow my Yakuza progress as she waits for each remaster to arrive.
  24. +1
    DanZan reacted to Darc_Requiem in Yakuza Series - Ryu Ga Gotoku Discussion thread   
    Yes! Yes! Woahohoho this is delicious!
  25. +1
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