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  1. +1
    GetTheTables got a reaction from KingTubb in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Google and Wikipedia tell me that KH1 came out on the PS2 in 2002. That puts me at 20 when that game came out. So yeah long past the target demo. 
    Contrast that with FFIV which came out when I was 9, or FFVI when I was 12, and that way more lines up with something that was going to burrow right into my nerd-brain.
  2. Insightful
    GetTheTables got a reaction from Mattatsu in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    This is probably my bias but I would say that FF7R is sort of its own thing rather than being representative of what the FF series is as a whole. As disparate as the FF games are they are usually similar in form; FF7R breaks from that in a lot of ways (many of which I've heard are successful).
    I say that just because if you happen to really dig FF7R and then start casting around the FF series looking for another dose of that style of game, you're gonna run into a lot more of those turn based games that you may or may not enjoy.
    And to Bee's point it is definitely generational. For as much as Square/SE have pushed FF7 as "the" game in the series, KH is probably way more popular on the whole than FF is in generations that came post FF7. Joke's on all of us, no one gives a fuck about our FF arguments, its all about Xenohort or whatever the fuck they call characters in that series. And for crusty old guys like me FF villains are Golbez and Kefka. Sephiroth is the guy I think of as "that dude I'm sick of hearing about from when the games started to get away from me".
    Also to Zio's point: there are definitely good things to take away from SFV. I'll always say that CFN is an amazing thing (assuming it isn't causing any back end fuckery) and I think it has one of the stronger batches of new faces in the franchise.
  3. Insightful
    GetTheTables got a reaction from KingTubb in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Hey now, lets not be unreasonable.
    Fallout Boy still has some fun dumb tracks to spin up now and then.
    I bounced right the fuck off of KH, though I recognize that is personal preference. 0% of that franchise is what I'm looking for out of a vidya game. But I also recognize how that could have hit someone like FFIV did for me. I remember talking to Akhos a bit about it and that re-contextualized things.
  4. +1
    GetTheTables got a reaction from KingTubb in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    This is probably my bias but I would say that FF7R is sort of its own thing rather than being representative of what the FF series is as a whole. As disparate as the FF games are they are usually similar in form; FF7R breaks from that in a lot of ways (many of which I've heard are successful).
    I say that just because if you happen to really dig FF7R and then start casting around the FF series looking for another dose of that style of game, you're gonna run into a lot more of those turn based games that you may or may not enjoy.
    And to Bee's point it is definitely generational. For as much as Square/SE have pushed FF7 as "the" game in the series, KH is probably way more popular on the whole than FF is in generations that came post FF7. Joke's on all of us, no one gives a fuck about our FF arguments, its all about Xenohort or whatever the fuck they call characters in that series. And for crusty old guys like me FF villains are Golbez and Kefka. Sephiroth is the guy I think of as "that dude I'm sick of hearing about from when the games started to get away from me".
    Also to Zio's point: there are definitely good things to take away from SFV. I'll always say that CFN is an amazing thing (assuming it isn't causing any back end fuckery) and I think it has one of the stronger batches of new faces in the franchise.
  5. +1
    GetTheTables reacted to ZioSerpe in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    I'ma do something off left field and talk SFV in this thread.
    In the last weeks I've been playing a bit, because fucking Daigo made me think "hey Honda looks fun" then I started also playing Poison.
    I've finally made my peace with what this game is.
    And I wanna say something good about this game:
    I hope every single FG from now on uses the same matchmaking style.
    I'm not sure how they managed to make lobbies mostly a joke no one really wants to partake in as a first option, but this shit worked out pretty nice. I get to play with players around my skill most of the times (there are occasional times where I feel I am matched with smurfs or at least people that are quite better that their rank indicates because they stopped bothering with rank but kept playing and god better) and it's honestly kept me playing, because logging  GBVS and finding matches is a struggle for about a million reasons, and you don't really get to be picky if you want to play and have limited time. There are +R and 2002UM, but sometimes you just wanna play a modern game, with all the nice help they have like generous buffers and easy execution.
  6. LOL
    GetTheTables reacted to Mattatsu in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Also, these game awards are boring as hell. I figured I’d take the night off from a crazy day to watch this but I’m about to go back to work. This isn’t worth it
  7. LOL
    GetTheTables got a reaction from ShockDingo in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    The after credits stinger can be the Warzard characters wandering into frame and declaring that "this time, it takes 4 to tango".
    MvC4 comes out with 4 character teams, unites the world like the Bill & Ted song was supposed to, and cures covid. Later that year the 65,000 entrant online tournament concludes, after nary a hiccup of lag, with a GF so beautiful and awe inspiring that it redefines what humanity considers art.
    *hazy dissolve to a man slowly waking up, he turns to his wife, tears visibly welling up in his eyes*
    Mattatsu: "Honey, I had the most wonderful dream.... 😢"
  8. LOL
    GetTheTables got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    That link wasn't nearly as sexy as I was expecting it to be.
  9. +1
    GetTheTables got a reaction from KingTubb in The NRS Thread   
    Yeah Tekken is like the ur-example. The game seems like an insurmountable wall if you look at everything you think you need to know. But the reality of actually playing Tekken is a lot easier than that (and quite fun, if you aren't Darc 😝). 
    The mantra I used to tell myself when I was trying to get better at SFV was "you don't get better by not playing". Lab time is great - if you know what you're actually practicing and practicing it well, and not just noodling around - but its never a substitute for getting in the dirt and rolling around. In the right format you can basically live-lab stuff, which helps to really carve the lesson into your brain. 
    What you describe is part of the magic of FGs: being able to really see/feel the progress you are making. At one point I went back and looked at the first couple of matches I ever played of SFV and it was wild to be able to actually see the difference (legit one of the best things about CFN).
  10. LOL
    GetTheTables got a reaction from DoctaMario in The NRS Thread   
    If you're gonna go evil might as well just dive right in and fist the devil.
  11. +1
    GetTheTables reacted to KingTubb in The NRS Thread   
    I had so many people tell me this at my locals when it came to tekken. Find 2 or three tools and one or 2 launcher combos. The rest can come later. 
    Word. It's crazy how much better at FGs I am now than I was a year ago. I've always took the "fuck it, lets play" approach. 
    You get your assed handed to you in a crown royal bag a lot, but eventually you start just picking up on stuff, seeing patterns, and everything slows down. 
    But the fuck am I talking about, I've only been playing fighting games for less than 2 years, y'all already know this lol
  12. +1
    GetTheTables got a reaction from KingTubb in The NRS Thread   
    Honestly that is a great approach.
    There is so much to learn with any FG that the more you can narrow your focus the more you'll be able to actually take in the things that will pay off long term like getting used to systems, learning spacings and rhythms, paying attention to match up stuff, and so on. 
    It can be really tempting to get sucked into the training mode vortex and learn a bunch of stuff at once but that is just as likely to lead to brain lock when it comes time to make decisions. What works way better is finding 2-3 options that seem good (or are verified good) and just focus on applying those over and over, rotating for variance. 
    Sajam talks a lot about that in his videos where he goes over learning a new game. And while he not exactly FGC Socrates I think it is very good advice in a broad sense. Though I'm probably projecting a bit: I'm a classic example of a guy who will sequester himself in training mode for a long time learning everything about a character, not actually play for forever, then play and everything falls apart anyways because even with all that technical knowledge I had fuck all of a game plan. 
    One of my biggest goals moving forward with FGs is to just play the goddamn game. 
  13. +1
    GetTheTables got a reaction from Mattatsu in The NRS Thread   
    Honestly that is a great approach.
    There is so much to learn with any FG that the more you can narrow your focus the more you'll be able to actually take in the things that will pay off long term like getting used to systems, learning spacings and rhythms, paying attention to match up stuff, and so on. 
    It can be really tempting to get sucked into the training mode vortex and learn a bunch of stuff at once but that is just as likely to lead to brain lock when it comes time to make decisions. What works way better is finding 2-3 options that seem good (or are verified good) and just focus on applying those over and over, rotating for variance. 
    Sajam talks a lot about that in his videos where he goes over learning a new game. And while he not exactly FGC Socrates I think it is very good advice in a broad sense. Though I'm probably projecting a bit: I'm a classic example of a guy who will sequester himself in training mode for a long time learning everything about a character, not actually play for forever, then play and everything falls apart anyways because even with all that technical knowledge I had fuck all of a game plan. 
    One of my biggest goals moving forward with FGs is to just play the goddamn game. 
  14. LOL
    GetTheTables got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in The NRS Thread   
    If you're gonna go evil might as well just dive right in and fist the devil.
  15. +1
    GetTheTables reacted to KingTubb in The NRS Thread   
    Truer words have never been spoken. 
    I'm starting to realize that my caveman brain can only handle 3 or 4 moves. 3S Chun is my favorite FG character of all time cause you only need 3 moves. I play ST Honda with 2 buttons. 
    Now sheeva only needs like 2 buttons to be a threat. Christmas came early 
  16. LOL
    GetTheTables got a reaction from Mattatsu in The NRS Thread   
    If you're gonna go evil might as well just dive right in and fist the devil.
  17. +1
    GetTheTables reacted to KingTubb in The NRS Thread   
    Imma get ignorant. Silly. Dumb. 
  18. +1
    GetTheTables got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Yeah likewise. Honestly I'm more in misterBee's camp where I'm getting slowly sick of seeing the same stuff get rolled out over and over.
    What made Capcom actually amazing were all the new ideas they came up with. All of their best eras were when they were innovating. The idea of another round of sequels and remakes is.....fine but doesn't really light a fire under me.
    I don't want a new Power Stone. What I really want is another idea that hits like Power Stone did back in the day. But that has too much risk; better get started on the RE2R:Remake.
  19. +1
    GetTheTables got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Why not right? More SKUs = more $$$. And if you're going to get a FG green lit, more $$$ sure is gonna help that pitch.
    My understanding always was that SFV only ended up exclusive because Sony ponied up for it. If they didn't feel like doing that this time, or hell maybe even if MS came back waggling money saying "keep it multiplat plz", no reason not to release it on everything.
    More FGs need to come out on more platforms anyways, with crossplay support. The genre is already niche enough to not have it be siloed off further.
  20. LOL
    GetTheTables got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    No regrets.
    You also may look back at the end and think
    "Man those Mileena combos were so sick".
  21. Insightful
    GetTheTables reacted to Phantom_Miria in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    For the complete lore, go here:
    Fun fact: futanaris come in two versions, one with dick and balls, and the other with dick and a vagina under it.
    Wikipedia, in its never-ending quest for knowledge and completeness, includes a reference image for clarity in the article I linked.
  22. LOL
    GetTheTables got a reaction from Mattatsu in The NRS Thread   
    Lets be real: even a pick like Mokap would probably be really painful if that goofy motherfucker was in this game.
    Vhozite's Kung Lao guess is a good one too. I was trying to come up with someone that you never see/hear about but then if you never see/hear about them I probably am not going to remember them to guess. 🙂
  23. LOL
    GetTheTables reacted to BornWinner in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    There has to be something about twitter that rots the brain
  24. +1
    GetTheTables reacted to KingTubb in The NRS Thread   
    I actually have no idea... 
    I just run tournament variation 2? I start getting the brain fog when I'm trying to build a custom loadout. 
    I need to sit down with a few brews and just try it out. Or have one of y'all talk me through what the hell is going on. 
    Spawn mirrors in our future? 
  25. +1
    GetTheTables got a reaction from Mattatsu in The NRS Thread   
    That is a completely new one to me. I remember one FG that had you build out your character with moves but I also remember it being terrible. Maybe it was an N64 game? It was around that era.
    I still want to get back in and fuddle around with move choices for Cassie. I just kinda grab bagged favorites with her but I could probably come up with something I legit like after fucking with it for a bit.
    My guess is D'Vorah (or however you spell it; she is super weird to me because I work with someone with that name and she is almost totally not a bug woman).
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