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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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ohoooo I see the idea of "reparations" still gets brought up on occasion with some of the presidential candidates out there.... I'm sure this will be quite the circus sideshow for me to enjoy.  "Theater of the Absurd" describes the human race perfectly,'s a live show that keeps me entertained for a variety of reasons 🍿😄 🍹

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13 hours ago, *.:White ShadoW:.* said:

I think the speed and craziness of SRK discord was what brought a lot of people back to OG SRK, at least it was for me. Too much scrolling up and randomly switching convos for my taste. 

I think Wiz is still feeling the effects of....................the jiggling.  The PTSD of seeing chicks on stage being funny and slightly naughty caused him severe allergic effects which may have affected his ability to run the site. 


Anymore than this would be triggering to people who think they should only allow women who look like potato sacks in games.

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man, one thing that REALLY upset me in the michael bay movies is when they turned Starscream into..................whatever the FUCK that thing was that he dared call his robot mode.  I was ALMOST willing to forgive them turning him into a F-22, but then he transformed.  Many chairs were flipped that day and entire rows of viewers were left face down in their sodas wondering why I was shaking my angry fist at the misshapen thing that cursed my eyes that day.  This toy is by far superior to the silver screen abomination.

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ohhh... it took **quite** a while to find this shit, but I kept seeing black folks referring to the collective as "ADOS", and I finally found it... "American Descendants of Slavery"....ok, so.... the simple term "Black" or "African American" isn't in style anymore?  Anyway, it always bugs me when people speak in the damn acronyms without mentioning at the top what that shit stands's like when you see threads/forums about certain rpgs and fighters, and right off the top people are talking like ---"yeah, so you PPG since it has I-Frames and PPK2 8WR that shit....and you might even get L3S off that for free." 


It was funny that every time I looked it up the first thing that pops up is that it means "Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule".  You have to dig for a while before you find "the black definition" of it.
Anyway, I noticed this because I'm currently getting some good laughs out of some of the "reparations" talk that shit has a snowball's chance in hell of happening... it's hysterical, man. 😄 ...and they're apparently ignoring how much of a logistical nightmare it would be to implement all that. (*simple issue---what of the mixed people? Let's say "regular" black person #1 got a "reparations" check for 3,000.  What about someone with 1 white only get 1,500 then?  What about the ones who barely look black at all, like Megan "0.02% Blackness" Markle?  She gets 20 bucks, I guess?  


Oh and what of those who are already successful?  How silly would it be to see someone like Will Smith and his wife Jada, and their children getting that benefit....or Michelle Obama, Beyonce, Jennifer Hudson, Kevin Hart, Oprah Winfrey, etc.  hahaha a bit of taxes on the average middle class worker going to pay Oprah, Kevin Hart and others a special benefit simply because they happened to be born with brown skin, and their great great great grandparents were *probably* slaves.......oh yeah I'm sure the rest of America would have absolutely NO issues with that 🤣


I kinda wish it would become a reality one day soon just so I can laugh at how much of a flaming trainwreck that is in terms of implementation.

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Oh man.  A movie where some strange mysterious being with supernatural powers gets bullied by the locals and goes straight revenge mode on 'em?  I'm in!  Hopefully they don't go cheap and give him some easily exploitable weakness.  Stow that Kryptonite bats, we ain't gonna have none of that in THIS picture! 

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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I just got back from Cap Marvel





The mystery/ non linear setup


The supporting cast esp Lashana Lynch, Sam Jackson, Jude Law, and Annette Bening’s character/acting


The anti aging sfx on Fury/Coulson


The motives/ambitions of the Skrulls


The MCU intro /logo


In between
Action and music





With the exception of the first 30 min, Brie is kind of bland for most of the film.


There is a pop song played in the climax/final battle that really makes the tone silly.


A revelation about a long standing MCU character is stupid imo.(especially when the tease of it in Winter soldier was more serious)



It’s solid , not bad. I feel if this had been released 15 -20 years ago, I would be more in love, but perhaps I’m getting harder to please after so many comic movies.

Overall: 7/10

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Ah man.  I was wondering what would someone not being paid who simply walked into it would think of it.  I admit I'd be a bit biased were it me.  Too much time online that ISN'T spent on porn will do that to you. 

Speaking of time not spent on porn, Ladies and Gentlemen,  Have a little bit of what happens when I actually do something productive. 


Still iffy on this Manga art program because of how it acts, but it may not all be the program...I'm looking directly at YOU Huion Kamvas!!  I'm looking at you with the BIG eye.  Other than that, it seems to do pretty good for what I want, which is the advantages of digital and avoiding the disadvantages of paper.  Enjoy. 

EDIT:  Wrong pic.  The updated color one is what I meant to put up.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
Wrong pic. SMH
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Okay.  Playing DMC demo and.....................

Am I the ONLY one who keeps getting killed trying to dodge?  This camera is a bigger enemy than anything I've faced.  Also:  If I'm holding down the Dodge button, I want to fucking DODGE!!!  Not jump up, not back, not side to side............I WANT TO DODGE!!!  🤬  I hate dying on the first boss of anything, especially when I shouldn't be dying at all.  Let me know if I'm the only one or not okay?

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21 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

@Deadly_Raver Don't feel bad man. I'm trying to get the hang of the game myself. It's a beautiful game. The RE Engine is the truth. Can't wait to see what Capcom uses it for next. RE2 and DMC5 look like some shit you'd see in high budget CGI film.

whatever else I can argue about, it isn't the graphics.  That RE2 engine is NOT letting us down when it comes to that department.  👍  I'm probably gonna play through it a few more times to see if I can deal with the controls enough to drop the cash on it.  


in news from the crazy town, it looks like Rotten Tomatoes has chosen the Captain Marvel movie as their hill to die on.  They erased over 50000 comments and reviews concerning the movie, most assumed to be negative.  Why?  Why now?  why here?  because of "Trolls"?  For real fam?  Yeah I don't think so.  I just want to tie an exec or two to a chair in a dark room with a spotlight and ask them a few questions. 

"CONFESS!!! HOW MUCH DID THE RAT PAY YA??  WHAT WAS THE PRICE IT TOOK TO MAKE YOU BETRAY YOUR FANS!?!?!?  TALK!!!!"  lol.   Man, between this and the vic mignonga thing plus some of the others going on, it's like the drama behind the screen is ten times better than the stories on the screen. 

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One of the best things about the "working adult" phase of life is that it's like being a big kid that now has the money to get all the fun things on a regular basis....unlike actual childhood when all you have is *maybe* an allowance if your parents are that generous.  I'm still enjoying this just as much as if this phase of my life only started yesterday... any kind of figurines I want I can get them easily... any video game I want...BOOM that shit is mine on day 1 if I so choose....and to be played on the gorgeous 4k television I got last year....and my place is shaping up to be exactly how I want it... currently on the window sill I have a few of my favorite figures up there until I get a proper shelf--- Earthworm Jim, Majin Buu, Apocalypse, Nelson the Bully, 2 "M.U.S.C.L.E." figures, and from the Disney Infinity lineup--- Darth Vader and Kylo Ren (Infinity was fun; too bad Disney's dumbass shut it down for some reason)...oh and a small Master Chief figure I got a long time ago.  I also have a tin wall decoration with the original art from the Pacman arcade cabinet.


*on another note--- I didn't realize Black Desert would be so cheap on console... it's only 10 bucks for the basic version...hell yeah I'm getting that next then.


*I was trying to play a bit of Anthem a while ago but Dad called... 1 hour, 40 minutes and his ranting/rambling is still going strong, as usual 🤣

Edited by MillionX
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Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman indicted in charges that they paid money and cheated their way in to get their children into colleges.


The world is a wacky place. I never thought Aunt Becky from Full House would go to the dark side.

Then again,I never thought Chloe from Smallville would be in a sick sex cult.


Edited by DangerousJ
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ha, now I'm curious to check back on her daughter's youtube channel again...I was keeping tabs on it earlier before I even realized she happens to be Lori's daughter (Olivia Jade is the name)...I'll bet things are QUITE awkward on the channel now... I'd imagine she's getting the occasional troll comments that are getting deleted 😄


*and yeah, I've had dreams of Lori before....goddamn that one was somethin' else....she still looks good today....would get ravaged without question still.👍


*Anthem-- Colossus is one of the most fun "tank" characters I've ever played in a game, man... holy shit I feel like a nearly invincible GOD when playing as that mechanized beast.  I was laughing it up with a friend the other day like "you should see how much health I have going on right now...and the enemies are BARELY scratching my shield health; it's insane🤣"

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ohoooo it looks like there's a Flat-Earth special/documentary kind of thing on Netflix now....haha I look forward to checking that out for sure :rofl: 

One really interesting one I started watching is "One Strange Rock" which is hosted and partially narrated by Will Smith..mainly about Earth and it features various observations and commentary from astronauts.  The visuals in that are incredible.


More random space stuff---imagine how awesome it would be to move fast enough to catch up to and pass the point where the edges of the universe are still expanding outward.  I wonder what would be beyond that point?  Assuming it is the absence of space/time and thus true "nothingness" or void... would one cease to exist at that point?  Theoretically you'd be outside of both space AND time....of course this would require a being to be immortal and invincible in the first place.  It's one of countless reasons why my most desired power (even beyond vampirism) would be for the Power Cosmic, so I could personally test things like that.


...or...what if going beyond the Universe Boundary puts you in the other ones...?  You're passing from Universe #1 to #2, or 3, or #743, etc.  If one ceases to exist by traveling into the void...would you then "re-exist" once the Universe Boundary catches up to the spot you went once you crossed into the void? (I'd doubt that, actually...) The depressing thing is that the answers to these questions will most likely go unknown (at least to humans) forever.


I had to check on Olivia Jade's channel (this is Lori Loughlin’s daughter; and oh yes lawd hotness runs in the family) to see the fallout after this college exam scandal making the rounds… not surprising, I see that comments are disabled on her latest vid and the dislikes are high😄


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yeah I'll have to get caught up on it later today... I was already sleepy when I got home that day, unfortunately, and eventually passed out during one of the commercial breaks.  It was such a great setup with them being finally released from their cells in the previous episode...we all knew it was coming, and that "shit just hit the fan" moment delivered like a muthafucka.


*I notice that Into the Badlands season 3 is on netflix now so I can get caught up on that one too...

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