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sheeeitttt, "CoachGregAdams" is on point with another one


Money You're Losing By Dating...


On another note... it seems unlikely that I will ever get tired of Diablo 3, at least until D4 is out.  I was at it again today on my other profile.  The Vyr's/Chantodo's build Wizard is one of the most gloriously overpowered characters I've ever played in an rpg at this point as of the latest patch, and I can't get enough of it....I'm talkin' TRILLIONS of points of damage, man.  TRILLIONS.


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I was rewatching some clips of Zoom from Flash S2.  I was thinking who else has such an awesome evil voice


For me 


1) Victor Caroli  (G1 Transformers narrator in the show and various toy commercials)

He could make anything sound sinister even something like "Jack and Jll went up a hill"


2) Regis Cordic  (The "lead" Quintesson on G1 Transformers and Menasor)



3)  Tony Todd  (Zoom from CW Flash)


4) Frank Welker  as Dr Claw (Inspector Gadget)

Frank does the tihis voice for Soundwave too but through a vocoder device. Still, Its awesome as is!


5) Mark Hamill as Joker  (His best performances IMO were Batman Beyond Return of the Joker and Arkham City video game)


6) Jeremy Irons as Scar (the Lion King)


7) Christopher Britton as Mr. Sinister (X-men TAS)

While the big three villains were great (him, Magneto, and Apocalypse) I just love his the most.


8.  James Earl Jones as Darth Vader



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^ah, I was wondering if they would try to match the shots more closely to the animated intro but I guess not.


And now we get to laugh at F76 one more time... y'know, a friend asked me if I was getting that game (*because he bought it and is always desperate for people to play with) and I couldn't help but laugh at the very idea of spending any amount of money or time on that trash.  I'm not even a Fallout fan to begin with, and 76 just seemed like a disaster with NO redeeming qualities from day 1 of hearing about it.  They'd be the ones having to pay me to play it, and even then I'm not sure I would waste the time....maybe if they paid me a few grand, perhaps.


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That sucks.

IF anything, I hope they can get Rosenbaum for a standalone  Flash episode(non crossover) or story arc as another speedster in the future.


His "Wally West Flash" in Justice League (2001) was my first exposure to the character in general so It would be full circle for me if he could guest star on CW Flash.

Edited by DangerousJ
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I had to check back on this since it was one of the funniest stories I've ever heard in the news... apparently the guy who tried to feed a dookey sandwich (🤣) to a homeless man won the appeal to get his job back... some search results say he had been fired but others say he was on indefinite suspension, but anyway here is the update 


hmm... I'm wondering what kind of bread was used..?  It only mentions "discarded bread" but not the brand.

oh--> *"San Antonio Police Chief of Police William McManus disputes the timeline that led to the decision..." 😆

Edited by MillionX
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16 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

Well.  Finally beat Dead Cells on normal.  I won't spoil anything for those playing it.  I figured it was going to be one of those games so I just ran with it.  Smashed, dashed, laid traps, and jumped my way to the final boss.  Not a bad game, but don't get mad about dying.  It's a part of the game.

Oh yeah I've been obsessed with that game...despite it being one of the toughest games I've ever played... I never imagined I would even beat that on just Normal difficulty but I eventually got there, then beat Hard mode aka "1-cell".  I've been stuck on Very Hard 2-cell difficulty forever though; I doubt I will ever make it past that....which is a shame because there's some stuff in the game you won't ever get to experience that is only available in 3-cell and beyond.  I have Dead Cells on Switch and XB1...on Switch I've played for around 200 hours....and still hooked.


Contra Hard Corps---ha, it just hit me that a certain friend has such amazingly bad taste...I'll bet that dude actually bought this piece of trash game...and he'll ask me if I'm getting it too since he always wants to play co-op in anything....nah bruh...not even if Konami actually paid me to play it.  Yeah the game looks THAT bad. (I posted Jim Sterling's absolute roast session of it in the gaming thread recently)


*I didn't even know honey was such a great solution to hiccups...  in just 1 gulp of honey a few minutes ago, they stopped just like that....I had been plagued with hiccups for the past 30 minutes until that 1 dose of honey just now.

Edited by MillionX
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On 10/1/2019 at 3:58 PM, misterBee said:

Alright boys I'm going on vacation in Virginia for a week.  Don't burn the place down while I'm gone.


@Angel will be taking care of you until then. 👼

Have fun.  We'll keep the place safe while you're gone.



...........Computer:  Activate Hypercube. Special Defense Setting number 4.


EDIT:  If you see this before it's too late and you end up in Norfolk, please throw a rock at the Naval base for me.  Thanks.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
Me being me.
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y'know, that seems like some bizarre and kinda sick shit, imo...the brother of that dude hugging Amber Guyger in the courtroom.  This broad was just convicted of murdering your bro, and you hug the bitch like she's forgiven.  Nah, man fuck that.  That old adage of "love thine enemies" is stupid, disgusting horseshit if you ask me.

It wouldn't surprise me if that shit put a strain on his relationship with the rest of the family.

It continues to surprise me how American Black people ended up being so much more inclined to be super-religious, of all categories of people in the world; logic and reason would point to us being more inclined towards pure, embittered (rightfully so, imo) atheism considering the events of the past or even recent decades.


…watching another episode of Vampire Diaries… another example of their super-strength I forgot about just happened… a vamp that was in a fight with Stefan Salvatore…and this dude casually punched through a car door like it was cardboard…the shit was awesome, man. …and I imagine this takes less strength but there’s also countless moments in that series where they are shown punching through a person’s chest to snatch the heart out (usually this is another vampire or werewolf; going for the quick kill)…and there was another scene in this episode where Damon held a woman up by the neck, and squeezed until her head came off ( 😆hilarious when I first saw this—especially when he looked around like “oops…hope no one saw that just now…”); it still surprises me they actually went that far with the violence on a CW show.

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

y'know, that seems like some bizarre and kinda sick shit, imo...the brother of that dude hugging Amber Guyger in the courtroom.  This broad was just convicted of murdering your bro, and you hug the bitch like she's forgiven.  Nah, man fuck that.  That old adage of "love thine enemies" is stupid, disgusting horseshit if you ask me.

It wouldn't surprise me if that shit put a strain on his relationship with the rest of the family.

It continues to surprise me how American Black people ended up being so much more inclined to be super-religious, of all categories of people in the world; logic and reason would point to us being more inclined towards pure, embittered (rightfully so, imo) atheism considering the events of the past or even recent decades.

It's a lot easier to forgive now that she's convicted. I can guarantee you that if she got off he wouldn't have been hugging her ass.

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hahah ol' "darksfadil" is streaming Gears 5 Horde mode...and of course it's terrible. 😆  I'm watching Tevin re-stream it live...


He recently hijacked a boomer scion---this reminds me that they are unfortunately a bad choice.  Their shots and reload time on the boomshot are SO damn slow it just wastes your ultimate time.  So far I've always picked regular locust/swarm drones; they have a normal movement speed and their "Claw" rifle is a decent/fast weapon.  The occasional Hunter is another one I typically go for, as they have the Markza....and of course any of the robots that have the tri-shot.

Edited by MillionX
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This is SUPER G1 , for good or ill.
As you can see, earth modes are back and no yucky battle damage! 

Starscream is almost a WW to HF style upgrade from his old 2006  Classics mold.
Unfortunately he doesnt have wrist or waist articulation like his most recent SIEGE figure.


Optimus s a 7 inch toy and  will have an opening matrix compartment, but grey hands in the final version and no roller.

Ironworks was a micromaster and small battle station in late G1 (1989). This one actually transforms from a humanoid robot to the base and can separate into different weapons/armor similar to Brunt, Sixgun and COG from the SIEGE line.


Favorites: Cliffjumper,Grapple, and Hoist ( I have no versions of these from past toylines)
Solid: WJ, SS,  Ironwworks , and Optimus

Edited by DangerousJ
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Thanks to you I'm finding out just how much bigger the Transformers universe is compared to the little I know.  That makes me even more upset with the Michael Bay universe that we saw on the movie screen.  So much potential................


Is forced to remember the Dorito's chip Starscream 


..............................😭  You deserved better than that.  You were a bad bot, but you didn't deserve to get done wrong like that.

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of course, Black Authority had some FIRE of a rant saved up for this foolishness

...and I'll bet she still wins by either getting out early or winning an appeal later.


...and yeah it's some sick shit, imo to hug and be so forgiving to the person that was just convicted of MURDERING your brother.  That's disgusting to me, regardless of what that silly, dumb ass "love thine enemies" horseshit.


There's all kinds of minor shit in life to be forgiving about---someone bumps your car....maybe a house guest accidentally spills a drink, etc... the killing of a beloved family member?  Nah, man.  People say it's more about the forgiver trying to let it go and all that jazz, but to most other people in the world it really just makes that person look like a weak and perhaps foolish sucker.


...I always like to use the classic bully example that most of us are familiar with in grade school... imagine your response to a bully is to FORGIVE that son of a bitch... he'll just laugh even more and continue fucking with you on a regular basis for his own amusement; further encouraged by the fact that "he's a sucker that will just forgive me anyway for some dumbass reason....hey guys watch this..."

Edited by MillionX
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18 hours ago, MillionX said:

of course, Black Authority had some FIRE of a rant saved up for this foolishness

...and I'll bet she still wins by either getting out early or winning an appeal later.


...and yeah it's some sick shit, imo to hug and be so forgiving to the person that was just convicted of MURDERING your brother.  That's disgusting to me, regardless of what that silly, dumb ass "love thine enemies" horseshit.


There's all kinds of minor shit in life to be forgiving about---someone bumps your car....maybe a house guest accidentally spills a drink, etc... the killing of a beloved family member?  Nah, man.  People say it's more about the forgiver trying to let it go and all that jazz, but to most other people in the world it really just makes that person look like a weak and perhaps foolish sucker.


...I always like to use the classic bully example that most of us are familiar with in grade school... imagine your response to a bully is to FORGIVE that son of a bitch... he'll just laugh even more and continue fucking with you on a regular basis for his own amusement; further encouraged by the fact that "he's a sucker that will just forgive me anyway for some dumbass reason....hey guys watch this..."

yeah i'm going to cry more today and hug his repulsive brother so they can feel sorry for me - Amber Guyger


bitch you can't amend for your sins just by crying and hugging people

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Million: "Here's a messed up vid of the victim's BROTHER hugging the chick who killed him.  It don't get no more f'ed up than that."

The Internet: "Hold my beer."



Man, that made me lean all back in the seat.  It was beyond a WTF to me.  She's stroking this Murderous ex-cop like a frightened puppy.  Just...................DAMN.  Where they do this at?

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