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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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1 hour ago, Daemos said:

I don't think this is it.
I'd bet on Super SF6 (probably next year) that they will reveal the remaining area of Metro City or a new locale (A major Japanese city like Aoharu City).

I hope we get MC expansion, was my hope through S1 because map shows lot of unexplorable areas and even "local items" wise, we are still missing lot of stuff

My guess is when MC will be complete or anyway progressing we may get new explorable areas, like Japan or Europe city


Btw start of S2 should give us at least some updates to the current explorable city, just like we got access to Haggar Stadium

As character creation fanatic my first hope is we get barber shop in MC square to become avaible and give us unique new shit, as well as something giving us access to items missing colors


My dream would be a mini-explorable one (let's say even just the size of upper Nayshall area where you meet JP/fight in the arena) based on South Town to host Terry/Mai and maybe local shop/merchant selling us Fatal Fury shit 🤩

But i don't see that happen lol


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

I also do think that since Bosch's sister said she feels he's still alive that means he is. He'll return in World Tour but not as a playable character. Certainly not in the next 2 seasons.

I covered that A LOT when you was away

Btw short version is in WTM "ending" we see Bosch is already in MC with shaven hair staying at Buckler camp


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

I think FANG was a bit different than the other Generals in ASF, he was running operations and doing things for Bison/Shadaloo. Sagat was like a body guard.

Sure he is the self-proclaimed #2 and probably had no authority over the other generals but he would have authority over other subordinates. Or at least he would think he does.

I definitely remember one of those Japanese SF2 books in the 90s saying that the Kings are ranked by strength, but Bison was stronger than the other 3 combined. So there may be some hierarchy to it.

Yeah FANG covered different role than Sagat (wich give him even some personal subordinates related to the project), but rank is same

He had expertise area, but same could be said about Vega's espionage abilities likely far outplaying other sub-generals (even if now AKI showed comparable skills with her JP arc)


Of course FANG got authority on anybody but Bison/other generals at Shadaloo HQ, but still he's just at same level of others

Apparently this is made by FANG and despite words to Vega (that Vega quickly made him eat back, and probably low-rank soldier bringing news saved FANG's ass) not even him dare to place himself in a different cathegory than Vega/Rog, just silly designing himself as slighty closer to Bison and higher than them due hat lol

Dude is just a cunt lol



Indeed Kings are likely still ranked by strenght, and if i go with that Vega lore/feat wise would be more likely higher than him, except Vega himself can't give less fucks about that kind of stuff and will just let FANG say whatever he wants but still threat him as trash as soon they cross paths lol


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

I do wonder if Bison ever recreated Shadaloo, who would he replace Balrog with. I think Vega and FANG will always side with him.

I think easylazy way will be still Rog


Rog will ever like some money

Narrative wise will offer good chance to see him later turn against Bison to protect Ed

His SFV betrayal will likely be ignored, just like SFA3 one... it probably amuse Bison and Rog is too dumb to scheme big real threat shit anyway


Btw if replaced would guess another brute type. Marisa would have been perfect pick but she's good girl (-bullshit mode on- if my horsemen theory will end up true she with whole roman vibes and riding the fucking lion would have been an incredible War -bullshit mode off-)

Also to keep continents thing right (Sagat got replaced by another asian) they may possibly pick somebody from american continent... actually Abigail would cover it well, but nobody wants to see Abigail lol, plus became kind of "good" guy too lol


Ironically if Birdie adapted to Shadaloo's life (he did'nt) he could have filled empty spot... but tbh Birdie feels to mediocre to cover the rank lol


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

The ends justify the means? Anyway, maybe it wasn't them and maybe the remnants who did that to Bosch had no idea he was planning a suicide mission against JP.


Yeah as said Shadaloo wannabes are the ones owning the lab and doing Bosch like shit, Ed group have nothing to do with it... if anything Ed group would probably welcome Bosch as fellow victim


Also the only Psycho Power Ed group knows about is the one they got implanted before SFV, and sure they would not put that crap on other people

On reality Gorilla likely understand PP nature, having Bison's mind/knowledge, but still they're not them... again we SEE the labs are handled by Shadaloo wannabes faction


Likely they (wannabes) had no clue about "murder JP plan" since it was the project of a secret group hiding in a cave of Nayshall mountains, plus consider for them JP seems some sort of partner/advisor (example he's the one who put in their minds they should find Ed and have him as Leader) but he's not directly involved in their things, sice he got his Nayshall stuff to handle


On general seems there's some distance between former Shadaloo members, with occasional contacts but not real "team work"

JP and FANG sure know each others, but we have no idea how often meet

Actually FANG sending AKI there already speak about their distance


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

It seemed like an awfully specific and convenient kidnapping. Juri traveled to the UK to get this one specific and average kid? The sense I got was that Bosch arranged to be taken in so he could win the tournament and get to JP. Obviously Bosch didn't know what he was really getting into.


It's clearly explained in the story, no idea how you can count Bosch as generic average kid lol


Bosch stole fuckton of money and obtained underground secret data, he was actively seek by MGG, that after failing themselves they hired an high level pro (Juri) to hunt/kill him.

Him getting kidnapped and handed over to the Wannabes was his punishment, Juri thought proper (or at least more useful since she will get $$$ from both MGG and wannabes with same prey) punishment was sell him as "meatbag experiment"

Likely she told MGG she killed Bosch and instead sold him to Wannabes

They surely wanted brainwash him into obedience, but his will was too strong so he became lab reject


Btw Bosch whole story was about grow strong enough to win tournament and find way (info+money) to partecipate

It's implied before travel to america and SF6 time he was already in contact with Kalima's Nayshall rebels, he was likely their top candidate and sent to train in USA to get stronger as possible, since the plan required their agent to win #1 spot at the tournament


After his kidnapping likely Rewancha took his place (or they tried to enter multiple candidates) in the plan, but our avatar fucked that defeating him in Novice Tournament in MC




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12 hours ago, Daemos said:

I do wonder if Bison ever recreated Shadaloo, who would he replace Balrog with. I think Vega and FANG will always side with him.

I honestly don't think that's going to happen.  I think whatever is going on with him in this game is going to end up being transitional.  I don't know what he's going to be in the next game, but I don't think he's just going to reform Shadaloo and go right back to doing what he was before.


At best, his last defeat would have granted him some kind of epiphany.  At worst, he'd at least have realized that the thing he's been trying to do for the last 5 games always ends in failure.

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On 6/12/2024 at 6:27 AM, Daemos said:

Could you guys kindly explain Akuma's win quote against Bison?


The google translation is poor. "Is it just cause and effect? Destroy it!"

It isn't poor, it's stupid.
因果 Inga can mean "cause and effect", as the shortening of the proper 原因と結果 gen'in to kekka "cause and effect", but is primarily a Buddhist term akin to "principle of causality". Broadly speaking, it's a synonym to karma. So Akuma is basically saying "My destiny, huh...? SCREW IT!"
It can be inferred he feels meeting Bison again to be somehow his destiny, and he's not happy for it lol.

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9 hours ago, Miðgarðsorm said:

It isn't poor, it's stupid.
因果 Inga can mean "cause and effect", as the shortening of the proper 原因と結果 gen'in to kekka "cause and effect", but is primarily a Buddhist term akin to "principle of causality". Broadly speaking, it's a synonym to karma. So Akuma is basically saying "My destiny, huh...? SCREW IT!"
It can be inferred he feels meeting Bison again to be somehow his destiny, and he's not happy for it lol.

Someone else on discord translated it to "accept your fate... Disappear!" or "accept your fate... Messatsu!".. Hmmm....

Anyway, I found his win quote against Ed finally!


AKI to Bison


Rashid to Bison



11 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

At best, his last defeat would have granted him some kind of epiphany.  At worst, he'd at least have realized that the thing he's been trying to do for the last 5 games always ends in failure.

His will to power and strength is undying. Where you put him his nature is to climb the hierarchy and assert his dominance and power. I'm sure he came to a realization or two, and he might change the means to his ends but the ends remain the same.

Personally what I hope he comes out of this is the realization that technology can only get you so far, and that maybe he should rely on his own skill and fists more. Surely he could take a page from Akuma's playbook and devise a technique to dissipate MNK (and anything else). He's done well it seems as a injured amnesiac fighter roaming the streets. 

Edited by Daemos
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On 6/11/2024 at 7:41 PM, bakfromon said:

So does anyone else think that Bison with irises in his eyes is kind of unnerving? I've always been used to Bison having completely white eyes with no pupils. Now with the realistic take SF6 gives Bison they have to add irises to his pupils which are also white that make him look more like a complete psychopath.



When he had dark irises:






Back then is he Thai, Vietnamese, or Cambodian?

Edited by Jion_Wansu
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3 hours ago, Jion_Wansu said:

When he had dark irises:






Back then is he Thai, Vietnamese, or Cambodian?

From his darker skin tone, he was probably meant to be Thai or Southeast Asian but that was a million years ago. Bison's origin is unknown.

Speaking of irises, white eyes are getting a little crowded IMO. SF6 with its penchant for realism should take it upon itself to restore Sagat's pupil. Don't think anyone but Sim and Bison should have white pupils going forward (from the old cast). I would add  Gen and Rolento, but doubt we will ever see them again. Hakan though...

Edited by Daemos
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17 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

I honestly don't think that's going to happen.  I think whatever is going on with him in this game is going to end up being transitional.  I don't know what he's going to be in the next game, but I don't think he's just going to reform Shadaloo and go right back to doing what he was before.


At best, his last defeat would have granted him some kind of epiphany.  At worst, he'd at least have realized that the thing he's been trying to do for the last 5 games always ends in failure.

Yeah from devs words feels his ending will hint about SF7 Bison, but for SF6 his arc will be about roam the world fight and get back pieces of his former power/abilities


Btw guess even from the little we see seems Bison's attitude is so strong and well defined that even with amnesia seems to naturally lean toward bisonesque shit, see put metal on his limbs, love "conqueror" style stuff (just see him ride his horse) and stuff like that

Guess will return be what's ever been, maybe just 2.0 lol


Plus i suspect he will recover memories if he put his hands on Gorilla

IIrc in some interview devs said the teleport thing will be explained, meaning that at the moment he likely can't wich mean at some point poor Cypher get fucked lol


6 hours ago, Daemos said:

His will to power and strength is undying. Where you put him his nature is to climb the hierarchy and assert his dominance and power. I'm sure he came to a realization or two, and he might change the means to his ends but the ends remain the same.

Personally what I hope he comes out of this is the realization that technology can only get you so far, and that maybe he should rely on his own skill and fists more. Surely he could take a page from Akuma's playbook and devise a technique to dissipate MNK (and anything else). He's done well it seems as a injured amnesiac fighter roaming the streets. 


Would be cool see him grow as pure fighter to become something closer to Akuma, because lot of lore pieces seem to hint him not being SO exceptional (for SF standards) at that


If capcom want to spam him again and again, hope they manage to build him up as new level of threat without necessary rely ever on new machines

Would like see him indeed develop his own power and techniques to new higher standards


15 hours ago, Miðgarðsorm said:

It isn't poor, it's stupid.
因果 Inga can mean "cause and effect", as the shortening of the proper 原因と結果 gen'in to kekka "cause and effect", but is primarily a Buddhist term akin to "principle of causality". Broadly speaking, it's a synonym to karma. So Akuma is basically saying "My destiny, huh...? SCREW IT!"
It can be inferred he feels meeting Bison again to be somehow his destiny, and he's not happy for it lol.

Is strange because Bison due amnesia should have no reason to claim they're destined to meet again, since he does'nt remind first encounter (Bison def Akuma have one where he just notice his PP react "boil" to Akuma)

And Akuma himself does'nt consider Bison important... in his memories we just see a knocked out Bison legs to rep Akuma's silly tournament phase, and later will remember bunch of fighters (but no Bison) as relevant opponents of his life




Could be related to Akuma in his SF6 arc having sad thoughts about his own future/death?

Ryu in both SFV and SF6 put doubts in his beliefs, and he seem to have kinda bitter resigned attitude about how his life will end


Maybe during fight Bison noticed something about Akuma that hint that end is not that far?


5 hours ago, Daemos said:

Speaking of irises, white eyes are getting a little crowded IMO.

Personally love new irises and skin texture too

Dude feels truly like a walking undead now, wich works well with his whole SF6 spooky look (and looks TERRIBLE with SF2 nostalgia alt lol)

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1 hour ago, CESTUS III said:

lot of lore pieces seem to hint him not being SO exceptional (for SF standards) at that

Idk about that. Bison was always conceived to be a great martial artist, a fighting king like Nakayama says, but in his arrogance and megalomania he relied less on his fists and more on his power. But even on his off day, he can take out most of the cast IMO. 

Like we don't know much about SF6 but we already learn that he's exhibiting new feats of strength/power: Surviving MNK and the base collapse/explosion, reviving/reanimating the horse while also mind controlling it, and then there is that new Psycho Crusher CA, where he literally smashes like comet into his opponent - at never before seen speed and power. It looks like Alpha levels of power.

All of this while he is broken and in pain.


1 hour ago, CESTUS III said:

lot of lore pieces seem to hint him not being SO exceptional (for SF standards) at that

I remember thinking that this image lends itself to Capcom retconning the encounter. The original version of this image first appeared in Alpha 1 and 2 in his ending. Now Capcom has removed Bison's face. And I know Akuma has contempt for Bison's outlook (not being afraid of death, relying on his power, etc) but I doubt he wouldn't have included him in his encounters. He included a cancer patient that he killed at the end of his life, he would include Bison if he met him.


1 hour ago, CESTUS III said:

Personally love new irises and skin texture too

Me too but only because this is the art style. It looks great (works on both costumes imo), and Capcom have done a great job not making them goofy but actually terrifying.

But in my headcanon, eye color in the SF universe should have meaning. Sim and Bison probably tapped into the whole transcendence thing, but why does Hakan have white pupils? Rolento? He had actually had pupils in the Alpha years, not sure why he lost them later.

You could write off Sagat losing his pupil when he was possessed by his thirst for vengeance, but wouldn't he regain his pupil like SF1  if he lost that feeling?

Akuma and Oro have those eye colors for obvious reasons.

Edited by Daemos
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4 hours ago, Daemos said:

Idk about that. Bison was always conceived to be a great martial artist, a fighting king like Nakayama says, but in his arrogance and megalomania he relied less on his fists and more on his power. But even on his off day, he can take out most of the cast IMO. 

This why SF2 Bison was always peak Bison to me. Yeah he had all the technology but he didn't need it. It was all him. His hands were Rated E for Everyone and he was a complete bad ass. 2v1? 3v1? It didn't matter and forget about 1v1. All the clone body/body swapped nonsense diminished him in my view. SF The Animated Movie's Bison was the perfect personification of that. No other rendition comes within a country mile of it. Bison was defeated in that movie but in a way that preserved his standing and didn't make him look meek in anyway. He beat Guile, Ryu, and Ken from pillar to post by himself. None of them could be him straight up. They had to resort to Dramatic Battle.





Then just when you think he was done. He goes and gets his CDL just to run down Ryu with an 18 wheeler.

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Watching reaction videos, I'm surprised how many people though Bison was Sagat at first.


I suppose his face DOES look like an eyepatchless Sagat.


22 hours ago, Daemos said:

His will to power and strength is undying. Where you put him his nature is to climb the hierarchy and assert his dominance and power. I'm sure he came to a realization or two, and he might change the means to his ends but the ends remain the same.

That's what I mean.  That hopefully he's realized that getting 4 chuckleheads together and forming a paramilitary group isn't his best path to success.


Edited by DarthEnderX
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11 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

Bison to Ed: "Weak power, but... it resonates with my Psycho Power."

omg what does this even meeeean?!!! 😭

I was expecting something more dramatic like:

"And now, your freakshow comes to its conclusion."

"I will take what's mine... With interest! Hahaha!"

"Everything you are is in accordance with my plan!"

Come on Capcom, give us something! 


31 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

I suppose his face DOES look like an eyepatchless Sagat.

So give Sagat his pupil back! 😄

34 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

That's what I mean.  That hopefully he's realized that getting 4 chuckleheads together and forming a paramilitary group isn't his best path to success.

I guess even the Beatles broke up in the end. Does this make Bison and FANG, John Lennon and Yoko Ono?

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Just thought of something. Would be cool if Capcom makes the SF6 lore/fiction/storyline the prequel to CVS2!!! Wonder how many more KOF characters will guest.



A youtube comment made a good case for this version of Vega. What if this is True/Shin Vega!!!!





I think he is the original Bison that was put into a coma to keep his original body alive while they looked for a suitable host. I feel when his essence was released by Ryu in 5, it found its way to the original body, waking him up prematurely so he lost memory. Great content Max.


Edited by Jion_Wansu
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22 hours ago, Daemos said:

Idk about that. Bison was always conceived to be a great martial artist, a fighting king like Nakayama says, but in his arrogance and megalomania he relied less on his fists and more on his power. But even on his off day, he can take out most of the cast IMO.

I agree

"not being SO exceptional (for SF standards)" does'nt exclude him being great martial artist, or even taking out most of the cast


There are few that would defeat him, and there are some that can give him competitive fight but he would win at the end.. he's legit


But if you want spam him ad nauseam as big final baddy in a shonen world, you need bit more to be constant credible threat than being better than most (personally find TERRIBLE timing release Akuma before Bison*)... of course HE DOES have that bit more in the form of machines, but still for one that love to pull some Raoh flexing that's weak shit 😂


Does this make Bison a bad written character? No.

The malice is part of the char, retort to cheating if needed to win is part of the charm

Even remember a super old SF2 thing where was said Scissor Kick reflect Bison's "coward nature" or something like that


Plus we have in SF6 a main villain in JP who's got his ass whooped by Avatar and AKI, is very very likely weaker fighter than current Bison (despite amnesia, likely uncomplete powers, no machines) let alone Akuma, and their gimmick for it will be have sidekick Ken be the one to fuck him up, so we have proof


There's nothing "wrong" in Bison covering the big villain role even not being best fighter, he did and has been best villain we got... but sure af they need to change his whole approach if they plan to give him spotlight ever again


*SF6 Bison would have got so much more impact in SF6 foodchain if Akuma was like S3... but they wanted that Akuma money and they wanted it today

Reality is i'm on the boat that wanted Bison much later**, yet i would have easily accepted Bison as last of S1 (and Akuma much later) instead of current plan


**tbh now that devs hinted his SF6 arc will be ride around the world in halloween costume i'm ok with him in already, my issue was the idea of him getting spotlight


22 hours ago, Daemos said:

I remember thinking that this image lends itself to Capcom retconning the encounter. The original version of this image first appeared in Alpha 1 and 2 in his ending. Now Capcom has removed Bison's face. And I know Akuma has contempt for Bison's outlook (not being afraid of death, relying on his power, etc) but I doubt he wouldn't have included him in his encounters. He included a cancer patient that he killed at the end of his life, he would include Bison if he met him.

Yeah is true they had him in SFA day and then changed storytelling about it, that's bit of retcon indeed

Old version seem he would at least recognize Bison's power if not skill as fighter, more recent there's nothing but disrespect


Btw Gen, the "cancer patient" you speak about, when alive even in his diseased version was one of those that would likely fuck up Bison in a regular fight if cheating machines were not involved lol, would speak with more respect about the old man lol


8 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

Watching reaction videos, I'm surprised how many people though Bison was Sagat at first.

That's guess 80% people being retarded + 20% Sagat had ripped cloth/cape as standard look in SFV


But yeah, even giving it a simple look should be clear he's Bison, even with completely different design everything scram Bison style there lol


8 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

That's what I mean.  That hopefully he's realized that getting 4 chuckleheads together and forming a paramilitary group isn't his best path to success.

Tbh the "four kings" thing is the thing i love most, is the whole plot of him building new cheating machine and threating world from a tiny terrorist nation that needs to go lol



Edited by CESTUS III
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7 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Btw Gen, the "cancer patient" you speak about, when alive even in his diseased version was one of those that would likely fuck up Bison in a regular fight if cheating machines were not involved lol, would speak with more respect about the old man lol

Nah I love Gen, that was meant to be more of a diss to Akuma. Who initially refused to kill Gen cuz of his disease, but then killed him anyway when he was older and even more diseased. He remembers Gen as one of his worthy opponents in the artwork, but he was unworthy for taking up the fight. He's nasty for picking on him and then remembering it as a great fight. 

Which is why I am concerned about the softening of Akuma's image in SF6, and the likely softening of Bison's. Where is the evil in this world? I digress.


12 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

That's guess 80% people being retarded + 20% Sagat had ripped cloth/cape as standard look in SFV

Justin Wong actually asked Mats and Nakayama If Bison took over Sagat's body. You should see the look on their faces and body language. It was such a stupid question. Nakayama said to play the game to find out more about Bison's appearance and that Sagat is definitely not Bison.



14 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Tbh the "four kings" thing is the thing i love most, is the whole plot of him building new cheating machine and threating world from a tiny terrorist nation that needs to go lol

Me too. But they don't have a good track record right now. They made Boxer really stupid and FANG could've been so much better received if he was a more stoic and serious assassin with very limited bursts of insanity and adoration.

I'm not sure they can salvage the concept in a way that equals let alone surpasses the wow/cool factor the original 4 gave us.

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1 hour ago, Daemos said:

Nah I love Gen, that was meant to be more of a diss to Akuma. Who initially refused to kill Gen cuz of his disease, but then killed him anyway when he was older and even more diseased. He remembers Gen as one of his worthy opponents in the artwork, but he was unworthy for taking up the fight. He's nasty for picking on him and then remembering it as a great fight.


The whole thing of kill or don't kill Gen had little to do with his status as fighter and all about Akuma building his own moral compass to fit the path he chosen


He knows he could have killed SFA Gen when was bit younger/healthier, kill him in SFV had a meaning in terms of further devote himself to that path, not to be seen as a fighting feat (even if Gen was probably still a fight worth to have)


He remember Gen as one of greatest martial artist he ever crossed fist with, and he's likely sad he never had chance to fight him not diseased, as would have provided greater challenge

The outcome and situation of their fights have all been unfortunate since cancer never gave them the opportunity to clash properly, but Akuma still have eye to recognize when he cross one of the very few that can meet his ridicolous high standards... we speak about a man able to understand and parry SGS


For what's worth Gen sure preferred die as a warrior rather than slowly in a bed... in his SFV moments he trolled Akuma when latter tried remove every little amount of humanity left (ironically Ryu opened a crack in that convinction still in SFV timeline short after), but still had great respect for Akuma as fighter "your fist is indeed mighty" so he probably appreciated have such prestigious executioner



1 hour ago, Daemos said:

Justin Wong actually asked Mats and Nakayama If Bison took over Sagat's body. You should see the look on their faces and body language. It was such a stupid question. Nakayama said to play the game to find out more about Bison's appearance and that Sagat is definitely not Bison.

Well pros usually are'nt best people to talk about lore lol

Give them a free-pass better than when you have people with half ass knowledge talking about canon... think monstruosities you read on eventhubs or gamefaqs sections lol


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

Me too. But they don't have a good track record right now. They made Boxer really stupid and FANG could've been so much better received if he was a more stoic and serious assassin with very limited bursts of insanity and adoration.

I'm not sure they can salvage the concept in a way that equals let alone surpasses the wow/cool factor the original 4 gave us.

Idk personally i doubt this time they will walk very same path, they already shown will to explore new ways and Bison's case would be so fucking redundant


To begin with completely new design and half promise his SF6 arc will be about doing vagrant fighter shit is already good, pass whole SF6 trying working on himself to recover former glory is already a welcome change...


As for SF7 future guess lot depend on how they will handle Ed

If they want Ed to get helped and free of his Bison curse before Bison take over, or if they want Bison to have a story arc where he wear him as a new shiny tuxedo before Ed get saved

For sure Bison current body/shell is at his third game and to some extent it's damaged... he may even be very powerful (Chun commenting about crazy amount of PP, imho hint at him stealing/storing lot of PP during his SF6 arc... maybe filling the body more than usual due not using external machines), but lot of PP and Bison bodies have bad history in terms of long run decay and this one is already at a point where PP, time and SFV damage took lot from it... when he use lot of ki is even possible see the cracks on his skin glowing red, would not be surprised if two different color ki inside his body cause further stress/pressure


I still believe Ed uniqueness will be his body being compatible/unaffected by PP in terms of decay, but again lot depend on what destiny they planned for him



On bad side (guess not for you, but for many that wish story evolving) they did'nt had balls to have JP being worthy of the BIG villain role, not necessary DBZ "i'm x10 stronger than previous evil alien!", but for sure they could have found at least one testicle and keep ambiguous if he's stronk as Bison or not (even Seth lasted more at that)


Have him (JP) kinda declared as weak (Boss standards) does'nt offer much Boss alternance, more like feels mini-filler shit and show lack of will to challenge safe options and instead just suck the dick of characters the fanbase accepted long ago... weak

Problem is SF story path is still heavy affected by marketing reasoning

See example how as narrative SF6 Akuma had no need to be in that soon (his arc so far does'nt even touch main story events) and even HURT the effectiveness of other additions (Bison's return), but money rule

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48 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

To begin with completely new design and half promise his SF6 arc will be about doing vagrant fighter shit is already good, pass whole SF6 trying working on himself to recover former glory is already a welcome change...

Thing is I think his look in SF6 is transitional. I knew I remembered those scars from somewhere.

I can't find the full body concept art, but I remember this pair of Daigo Ikeno artworks that came out during the SF4 era. The second one had a full body Bison. He had upward pointing shoulder pads, sleeveless uniform, and some asymmetrical shit going on with lower part of his coat.



You can partially see his right arm in the corner. It had scars on it like his arm does now.



This is a crop that I found of his face from the missing image. You can see that the right side of his face has some scars also.

I think this was meant to be a futuristic take on the character (inferred from the asymmetries in the uniform and armor design.)

What I find interesting is that his default outfit 1 in SF6 was also clearly inspired by another Ikeno artwork that combines the scars above with the damaged outfit from 4.


キャンダ・グッドマン on X: "スト6ベガ、Twitterではリュウにやられたって話をみたけど、設定資料には豪鬼にやられてこんな身体になったと書かれている。スト5のラストってベガって豪鬼にボコられてたの…?" / X

So if outfit 1 is the present, outfit 2 is the past, then outfit 3 will probably be the future inspired by Ikeno's uniform above, where he has a scars on his face and a sleeveless arm(s) that shows off the scars.

More importantly, I think there is an intention for Capcom to eventually let him find his way back to Shadaloo or a new organization that he will create so that the uniform look makes sense.

It's amazing how Capcom recycle everything btw. They must really have an incredibly detailed archive of concept arts created over the years.

Btw if anyone here has the full body artwork from above please share it. I know it was posted on SRK but no luck finding there or reverse image search. Much appreciated!

Edited by Daemos
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Good eye on the scars 👍


There's also an even older version of Bison with similar destroyed costume design, was aftermath of him blocking an attack from Asrafil in  Street Fighter 2 V Retsuden manga in 1995

First time  remember him with destroyed costume/no hat (sure we had the "injuried Raoh drink wine" artwork in SF2, but this was different and closer to bunch of art we got later starting with SF4)

Was also first place where Bison was depicted having WHITE slicked back hair as in SFV, can see here he had not black hair



Was same manga having horse riding Bison



and Gill like final boss (Asrafil indeed) couple of years before first SF3



Too bad seems impossible find decent/all scans beside few chapters... to think i got them all and sold fr rew euros changing home lot years ago lol

Was full retard on many things but had some cool ideas that likely Capcom took here and there


Btw if we get claw, i hope they remember this design, would be sick Alt 3




PS: surprising after lot of research found link for whole vol1 (wich does'nt include the Bison and Asrafil part though) 003.jpg

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5 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

Would be a sick main costume.

Would welcome as main too, said 3rd because fear could be kind of busy like Ed's #3

Personally redesign wise i like solution they found in SFV, Vega wearing just light silk shirt fit him and differentiate from nostalgia SF2 that inevitably would take #2 slot in SF6 😁

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13 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Was same manga having horse riding Bison


This is PRECISELY why Bison outfit 2 and 3 need a cape. Far more regal on that horse. Would've been nice if the outfits also made some changes to the horse's look.


13 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

and Gill like final boss (Asrafil indeed) couple of years before first SF3

Asrafil is the Islamic name of the Angel of Judgement Day (the guy that blows the trumpet yadda yadda yadda) so definitely goes with Gill and his doomsday seraphim motif. 

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32 minutes ago, Daemos said:

Asrafil is the Islamic name of the Angel of Judgement Day (the guy that blows the trumpet yadda yadda yadda) so definitely goes with Gill and his doomsday seraphim motif. 

In the manga he also does develop wings (and tail lol), but demon like and physical (even if SFV ones seem physical, but take them as vision like let's say Saint Seiya animals/creatures), rather than Gill's ki seraphim



But the trait that ever found more interesting is that basically each time is destroyed he will RESURRECT as a more evolved version of himself, with new body having traits that make him immune from last thing that killed him


Ever made me think if Capcom guys had something similar in mind for Gill and his gimmick of taking beatings on purpose and if "Resurrection" SS techique have hidden properties that make him more resistant against last thing that fucked him up

In SFV even kinda hint vs steel body Zangief that his "play" (take beatings) have reinforcing function

"If it's a tempered body you seek, you should play with your opponent."

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Even though the people who said Bison looks like Sagat in SF6 were way off, they are in another way on point.

I wonder if this is intentional on Capcom's part:


- Both characters lost to Ryu in their 1v1

- Both characters were scarred by their fight

- Both characters were left to wander and find themselves again after their fight

- Both characters went through a homeless/hobo chic aesthetic.


I hope Bison doesn't become a good guy like Sagat, because lord knows this game has a shortage of good villains. Still, very curious about how he chooses to handle this defeat from an encounter he dedicated years to orchestrating.

Edited by Daemos
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3 hours ago, Daemos said:

Even though the people who said Bison looks like Sagat in SF6 were way off, they are in another way on point.

I wonder if this is intentional on Capcom's part:


- Both characters lost to Ryu in their 1v1

- Both characters were scarred by their fight

- Both characters were left to wander and find themselves again after their fight

- Both characters went through a homeless/hobo chic aesthetic.


I hope Bison doesn't become a good guy like Sagat, because lord knows this game has a shortage of good villains. Still, very curious about how he chooses to handle this defeat from an encounter he dedicated years to orchestrating.

Yeah but would not be worried, lot of these coincidences are either common to other characters too or have a different meaning


- Both characters lost to Ryu in their 1v1

Yeah but lose to main hero is the cliche duty of every main villain, they both got Ryu (like Seth too) as he's the most recurrent SF hero


- Both characters were scarred by their fight

That's true but they have different circumstances and meaning...

Sagat scar is personal and symbolic, is a mark on his pride that will remind daily his defeat for the rest of his life, Bison's one is more to show off how Ryu's hado MnK have different ki property that changed his body, (affecting likely his current powers) and Bison's body-shell itself is just one of the many Bison got damaged/destroyed, meaningless to him


- Both characters were left to wander and find themselves again after their fight

That's not Sagat case though

After the defeat he just went depressed and loss bunch of fights, at some point joining Shadaloo (unless you mean spiritual wander, in that case yes Sagat had to go through lot to recover his pride as King, but we don't know if Bison have anything similar... if anything despite amnesia he seem the usual confident self)

In SF4 had chance to meet Ryu and turn "good" turning their feaud into mutual respect (he even call Ryu "old friend")

Only part where he have some apparent "vagrant look" phase is YEARS after his SF1 loss (so not direct result), but in reality he's still staying and training in his thailand village... give up modern "western" shorts could be even say it's just him going traditional rural Muay Thai rather than sport matches


- Both characters went through a homeless/hobo chic aesthetic.

Yeah but that more something part of SF style, where some fighters very focused on their martial path leave every modern elegance/comfort to go wild hermit shit, think also Oro, Akuma, Ryu etc

Sagat despite the tiger hinting crazy wild shit on reality is not even doing much hermit life, we see he have a normal rural home near the village and receive visits like the young girl

In Bison's case got also different meaning sice dude literally woke up after base crumbled on him


Don't think they have much in common, specially after Sagat left Shadaloo and became "good"


I expect Bison to still be evil, maybe just in different (more straightforward) way


SF6 so far respect characters nature, if you think about it even when they seem to change stuff like reveal of Akuma's human side is compatible with what we had before (sparing Gen in SFA, the fruit seller thing, the proud grumpy dad shit in SFV) there's not a betrayal of the char for how we knew them

Bison ever been just evil, since there has never been anything else but the seek for more Psycho Power, a negative energy


Only way i could imagine a "Good Bison" (or maybe ambitious but still not evil) would be prequel when we he was Soul Power user and Rose's Master



Edited by CESTUS III
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2 hours ago, ShockDingo said:

I wanted to see what they could do they're pretty cool dudes, but it makes me think of how studio suits are what made Joey Ansah abandon the world warrior's series. Shame. I hope they scrap this, I'd rather a big budget 2d or 3d animated feature any day than live action.

Tbh would love se just what the cast was like, would be easy way to tell if was trash or handled by people knowing their shit... usually is former case


Btw agree would love get anime done by japanese studio based on SF6, or would be cool get a completely made up filler(maybe new original villain, one can dream lol) that takes place in the timeskip after SFV and before SF6

Madhouse doing it OPM style would be wet dream 💦

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A Netflix anime like Castlevania or the Dota one would be the dream.

They could base it on the events of SF6, but have flashbacks to SF2/SF5. Or they could make it so that 1 season = 1 game and start from the beginning. 

Much better use of money.


On 6/17/2024 at 12:30 PM, Daemos said:

- Both characters lost to Ryu in their 1v1

- Both characters were scarred by their fight

- Both characters were left to wander and find themselves again after their fight

- Both characters went through a homeless/hobo chic aesthetic.

@CESTUS IIIthought of another one! Both characters adopted a new animal friend after their fight.

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7 minutes ago, Daemos said:

A Netflix anime like Castlevania or the Dota one would be the dream.

Pls no, keep me away from western anime, beside i usually don't like their art style they would change shit and vibes to please american/netflix crowd as they already did in other productions 😂


Want as least "western sensibility" as possible in muh SF, just pick jap studio that would stick loyal to Capcom's style pls


11 minutes ago, Daemos said:

@CESTUS IIIthought of another one! Both characters adopted a new animal friend after their fight.

Yeah but again every time we talk Sagat thinking at his SFV last incarnation, that man is chapters and chapters after his SF1 fight with Ryu, is more evolution of the char life through years rather than a consequence of their fight

Post-Ryu Sagat was SFA and SF2 one


Plus seems Capcom seem just to love animal companion for his fighters, think just in SF6 Sim still got his elephant, Lily have an eagle, Cammy a cat, Marisa have a lion (lol what 2v2 would be vs Sagat and tiger 😄 ), JP had a beloved cat too, and now M.Bison an horse

There's a pattern in the sense there are some things they seem to like on general  (like for different chars getting rugged hobo style design) more than linking them two specifically 



But i noticed one possible pet related link between two characters... SF6 Akuma got pets in his cave hermit life, just like Oro before him lol

Think Oro had dog, turtle and parrot, while Akuma have dog, cat and chicken? I'm not at home but iirc was something like that 😄 

But even there is probably a stretch since if i remember right the animals on reality belong to an NPC who's there in the cave, both animals and guy having some links to japanese(?) folklore

But there's something with hermit life connecting you with animals

Even without count animals he hunt to eat or turn into fur clothes, im thinking also two unused SF6 Akuma art with him holding little bird on his finger (showing also he can nullify his murdering aura, bird not being scared), they liked the idea enough to put it in two different artwork





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5 hours ago, Daemos said:

A Netflix anime like Castlevania or the Dota one would be the dream.

Watched the season finale of Nocturne with my sister, all we kept thinking was Drolta was serving some serious Morrigan vibes with her fighting style, it was great. I'd be down for some SF or just any Capcom tv shows (gimmie a fun Captain Commando show based off the manga!!!)

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For what's worth read bit about the news detail

Lucky apparently the directors giving up are'nt due projet being already a shitshow, but apparently bad timing  related to 2023 writers strike


They wanted to work on another project before start with SF movie, and strike delayed everything

On other side Legendary wanted/had to start works of SF movie as soon as possible, so both agreed to interrupt the contract and now are looking for new director


My 2cent seems we did'nt lost much, no idea why these guys with no similar movie/genre in their curriculum were picked but seems they was'nt even that much fans of SF, since seems clear directing SF was'nt exactly their dream coming true but normal job


And SF already had enough movies made by people that can't give fucks about SF lol


Not saying next will be better, but we did'nt lost shit neither imho




I still prefer get one more japanese SF anime lol

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5 hours ago, Dracu said:

Now that MvC is back and guest characters are on the table... dude, I can see Spider-Man or Wolverine making it to Street Fighter 6. Mark my words.

No, next we’ll see a SF crossover with the MCU which will somehow link into the upcoming SF movie.  
It would be like if Chun Li makes a cameo in the upcoming Deadpool movie which then leads into X-men vs Street Fighter the Movie which is why they’re releasing the Marvel vs Capcom collection now.



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On 6/14/2024 at 3:43 AM, DarthEnderX said:

I honestly don't think that's going to happen.  I think whatever is going on with him in this game is going to end up being transitional.  I don't know what he's going to be in the next game, but I don't think he's just going to reform Shadaloo and go right back to doing what he was before.


At best, his last defeat would have granted him some kind of epiphany.  At worst, he'd at least have realized that the thing he's been trying to do for the last 5 games always ends in failure.


I think his gonna be a main stay


But Capcom is in a process of changing his character into more lighter version than what he is.


Just like they are doing to Juri


Here my SPECULATION party on the amnesia


The unnessary AMNESIA has something to do with this, I think its a way to cleanse his character and turned into more acceptable culturally like gently turning him like

more like MEGATRON and Dr Doom not Magneto.

and also like OROCHIMARU from Boruto


I believe he'll come to aid the other street fighter from new created villain characters in the future




The amnesia thing is the way to subvert his character history and background like to make his current version LESS ACCOUNTABLE and treated a new leaf from moving forward or to the newer games


They are rebranding his character


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@Daemosguess you will like this, just remembered with see Bison ride with crossed arms felt familiar


In 1990 anime Angel Cop you have main antagonist Lucifer who's woman with purple psychic powers that grant her lot of superhuman shit like telekinesis and super strenght


One of gimmicks she pull is take a motorcycle and "drive" it around by telekinesis, all while keeping crossed arms whole time, watch if looks familiar 😄 



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20 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Pls no, keep me away from western anime, beside i usually don't like their art style they would change shit and vibes to please american/netflix crowd as they already did in other productions 😂


My guy it's not just Western anime. The studio behind Castlevania are incredible. The PR alone from taking on SF's story would generate so much hype for the series and the game. Obviously I would prefer a Japanese studio, but I also want SF to make an extraordinary impact with a new anime.

1 hour ago, Shakunetsu said:

I think its a way to cleanse his character and turned into more acceptable culturally like gently turning him like

Don't say such awful things. Even though I think there is definitely a move towards humanizing evil characters in SF6 (Juri, JP and Akuma), I don't think Capcom would go overboard with Bison especially. He's their bread and butter when it comes to evil.


They wouldn't tone down the Nazi imagery or his villainous agenda permanently. Bison has always been darkly humorous and occasionally melodramatic, but in SF6 they actually really toned down these aspects. He trash talks a lot, but he doesn't emote as much. More stoic, less smiley. He only really laughs during OD Psycho Crushers and SA3.


Nakayama did say that they were trying to see if this character is purely evil or not, likely for your World Tour experience. So I am expecting some degree of humanizing, but no sympathy for the devil.

14 hours ago, Dracu said:

Now that MvC is back and guest characters are on the table... dude, I can see Spider-Man or Wolverine making it to Street Fighter 6. Mark my words.

Please no. Let's keep guests grounded in SF reality.

Marvel, Darkstalkers, MK and effin Ingrid = 👎

Fatal Fury, Fighting Ex Layer, and some Tekken = 👍

12 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

In 1990 anime Angel Cop you have main antagonist Lucifer who's woman with purple psychic powers that grant her lot of superhuman shit like telekinesis and super strenght

Lucifer is giving some serious Brigitte Nielsen vibes! I love this! I've never seen this anime before, is it worth watching?

Note the fur cape/coat flying in the wind. More proof that SF6 is missing the cape!


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1 hour ago, Daemos said:

My guy it's not just Western anime. The studio behind Castlevania are incredible. The PR alone from taking on SF's story would generate so much hype for the series and the game. Obviously I would prefer a Japanese studio, but I also want SF to make an extraordinary impact with a new anime.

Idk dude, i seen all seasons/episodes it's not unknown product to me

Call me weeb (even if we both know the stygma it's all american bs,since we euros grew with 99 anime lol) , but you lose me there... i see everybody lose their shit on how "awesome" Netflixvania is and i'm like



Love Castlevania and would find incredible get Madhouse adaptation of SotN done with Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust art style and vibes


Netflixvania just is'nt that, they filled it with nerd wink cameos and gimmicks to show off how hardcore "loyal" they're to original source and get fans nods, but still i simply don't like "western anime" (wich is weird definition to me, just call it cartoon) art style, and even less lot of the stuff that have been done to westernize it as if original source needs to bend the knee to modern western taste


Same shit for SF anime, if "price" for success is to westernize it i prefer not

Tbh SF6 game itself already do it more than i would like lol

I'd rather get a japanese spiritual follow up of SF2tAM and if end up to be niche so be it

Even if tbh i believe if a new SF anime series or "OVA" would be of same great quality of SF2tAM and dropped on Netflix without interference, imho it would get popular


Baki is weird af, not as great in quality and does 0% to suck west dick (actually often do stupid bullshit in opposite direction lol) and still is very popular on Netflix, because people just love see anime characters throw hands


Tbh i'm not capcom executive so don't give shits about SF make "extraordinary impact" or PR and gimmicks if mean adapt/downgrade the final product, ever believed true quality attract people rather than follow them

Would not turn my favourite restaurant into a McDonald  even if would mean it having more success, i care about my food quality not owner getting richer lol


To put less extreme i don't like the idea of SF (or SF related stuff) making success by becoming less SF, that's just shitty way to do it

30 years after SF2tAM is still by far the best SF shit ever, i take that again over any attempt to Netflixvania SF


I was relatively curious/hyped about see Legendary doing new SF Hollywood movie though (even if we should not hold our breath given recent news), but that's a field where i don't expect shit to come from Japan...  i would be first to laugh hard at SF live action done with all/90% japanese cast like they would lol

I think when Legendary SF movie will release will have lot of flaws, but will enjoy and take it as it is what it is


A SF anime is different, beyond trashy modern marketing see no reason there to not be loyal to SF style, they can and should resonate since DNA is same


1 hour ago, Daemos said:

Marvel, Darkstalkers, MK and effin Ingrid = 👎

Fatal Fury, Fighting Ex Layer, and some Tekken = 👍


This is correct


1 hour ago, Daemos said:

Lucifer is giving some serious Brigitte Nielsen vibes! I love this! I've never seen this anime before, is it worth watching?

Note the fur cape/coat flying in the wind. More proof that SF6 is missing the cape!

She really does lol, both in look and size 😄

Funny back then i thought they were ripping off Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, but reality is movie came out 2 years after the anime lol


Btw Angel Cop was kinda average anime, not super bad but no masterpiece either

You would love LOT of Lucifer Bisonesque mannerism though, beside the cape thing you noticed you will see lot of familiar stuff lol

YT got all 6 episodes




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31 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

YT got all 6 episodes

I'll check it out thank you!


15 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:


That is the ideal my friend, but it's too late now. The best we can hope for moving forward is reasonable guests that can naturally and believably mesh with the SF universe.

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Dota: Dragon's Blood is actually South Korean animation / K-animation not western animation.   There's no western animation studio involved in that.  Also both the Avatar The Last Air bender and Avatar: The Legend Of Korra  are both South Korean / K-animation ( Okay,  they kind of count). 


I'm going to put this out here, but in my opinion Both Dota: Dragon's Blood and Legend of Vox Machina actually have better animation than both Castlevaina   shows.  Both Castlevaina shows have detail art ,but there animation really isn't all that great.  in fact they can actually be quiet choppy at times.


Oh, and the upcoming Devil May Cry animated series is South Korean/ K-animation.



Edited by sagatryu
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5 hours ago, Daemos said:

That is the ideal my friend, but it's too late now. The best we can hope for moving forward is reasonable guests that can naturally and believably mesh with the SF universe.



Why can't fighting game devs go back to being enemies?  Stupid Ono and Harada...

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