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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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6 hours ago, Shakunetsu said:




Stupid. Very stupid.

Like who are they gonna take?  We have a lot of ninjas so no need for Scorpion and Sub. Liu Kang? We have Fei Long. Johnny? We have Dee Jay. Most of the non-humans can never integrate. For a deal like this to even REMOTELY work and be "worth it", it has to be Scorpion or Sub-zero. Neither of which can realistically integrate into SF.

Such a deal must never come to pass.

54 minutes ago, Lord_Vega said:

Season 3 perhaps?

I love this irony.

SF3 fans are getting a taste of their own medicine. After SF2, SF3 nearly totally ignored SF2 because of the time jump. Now SF3 fans are mad because SF6 totally ignored it's chronological predecessor.

I hope we get at least Urien back, but I am more looking forward to the Alphabet people making a big comeback into the narrative. Gill can chill on the billboards for now.


1 hour ago, Lord_Vega said:

Let us wait new characters/interations.

Viper has been supposedly leaked (grain of salt). She perhaps could give us more information. The Aftermath videos are definitely canon to me. I'd sooner question Akuma's participation in the final battle of SF2 than Viper Aftermath because:

1- After SF2, the only known fighter to Shadaloo who uses the SNH was Ryu. This remained true until their end in SF5. Akuma would've made himself known to Shadaloo and the world if he uses the most SNH move on the leader of Shadaloo.


2- Akuma's World Tour shows us that artwork may be recalling a specific memory (him in SF2) or it was purely symbolic for the time it referenced. There are many "symbolic" artworks in world tour. Blanka and Bison being DBZ characters. Bison and the 3 kings singing in a concert. etc. The image of Akuma over Bison's body in SF2 is iconic, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's canon. Akuma did not mention Bison by name also, which could go either way tbh.


In the next artwork (which is also inspired by one of his endings (SFA1/2). Bison has been excluded. You have to admit that this is not a detail Capcom just glossed over. It is done with intentionality. They removed Bison from the original artwork in Alpha, then added Ryu (redband), Gen (as he appeared in 5), and Oro. This to me means Capcom do not acknowledge that Akuma fought Bison. It also means that at the very least, these two artworks in world tour contradict one another.



3- No real interactions or recognition between the two since SF2.

I still think Viper Aftermath is the finale of 2, more or less.


2 hours ago, Lord_Vega said:

Wow, where did you find this? Twitter? The original site?

It was in the image descriptions of the post Nakayama made about Rosinante. Translated from Japanese with Google.


11 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Maybe i see things, but bit of Chernabog reference?

Very nice catch. Bison also has the swirly thingies on top of his around him like the one from Disney.

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1 hour ago, Daemos said:

SF3 fans are getting a taste of their own medicine. After SF2, SF3 nearly totally ignored SF2 because of the time jump. Now SF3 fans are mad because SF6 totally ignored it's chronological predecessor.

I hate this take. "Taste of their own medicine?" Street Fighter as an entity is all about SF2; adaptations, merch, game importance, crossovers. Capcom wanted to do something different with 3, we all know it didn't stick the landing, but that doesn't mean it and its elements should be punished- that's crap. SF Alpha, SF4, SF5, and SF6 have elements of SF2 and Bison all over, you can't compare the two cases; SF3 in one 3-game entry did something without SF2 focus, but then everything else in the IP, minus SF1, is all about SF2 elements. We didn't get a post SF3 SF4 that ignores SF2, we got right back on the horse and kept going till.


The series refuses to give SF3 the time of day when in SF6 we're supposed to have progressed forward. We're never gonna truly progress if we keep hitting the reset button on plot things and sidestepping 3. Sure having Bison back but leaving the door open to some new paths is good, but the fact that they're dangling, "oh and Shadaloo is back too" makes me worried we're going to return to some familiar broad strokes. We can move forward, have Bison &  have some other elements harmonized with SF3's and then even push the new stuff that's been introduced, but if it's all just thrown away to re-do another Shadaloo and world domination plot, that's a waste. We have fertile storytelling potential here with a new Bison that's not fully restored, but giving us a peek into his past, we've got Nayshall and JP, Ed & Neo Shadaloo. I'm just tired. It doesn't have to be one or the other, we can get better and I hope Capcom doesn't just tease Gill and co and drop the ball with a handwave.

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1 hour ago, Daemos said:

SF3 fans are getting a taste of their own medicine.


You'd think that after 15 years of us getting rammed up the ass with SF2 stuff you'd just be happy you got your boring as fuck character and faction back for the third game in a row, but no apparently we still 'deserve it'. Give me a break.

Edited by Scotia
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33 minutes ago, BootyWarrior said:

SNK puts Capcom to shame when it comes to time-skips, protagonists, antagonists, rivals and music. SF6 was marketed as "the next generation" but the story revolves around M. Bison and Shadaloo. Shoot, even the prequel comic focused on M. Bison's accountant and Ken.

Even Gill and Urien's latest involvement in SF5 revolved around Bison. Bison is both a means and an end for storytelling in SF. He is the glue that holds all characters together. You will never get rid of him. SF4 and SF6's handling of him is probably the best one can hope for.

I read that his release video was not only the fastest to reach 1 million views, but currently holds the record for most views of any SF character before him.  Like ever.

He's like Donald Trump, you know he's bad for progress but nobody cares, they still love him! :bison:

Here, watch this:


17 minutes ago, Scotia said:

...boring as fuck character...

*Looks at your profile pic*  ...Gurrrrrrlllllll!

All joking aside, I am not against certain SF3 characters joining. I love Urien, Oro, Q, Hugo, Alex, Twelve, and this amazing reimagined version of Remy that only exists in my head (and maybe @YagamiFire's). But SF2 pays the bills. The success of 4 and 5 greatly leaned on the golden goose. It takes millions of dollars and up to 2 years to make ONE SF6 character, so it needs to bring in a return on Capcom's investment. Capcom doesn't believe that most of SF3's roster will.

This ain't Shadaloo or Bison's fault. Last year's Evo, Capcom were selling "Shadaloo is Not Dead" t-shirts and they were sold out in the first 2 days, including on the website. The market wants what it wants. 

At this point it's better to adjust one's expectations instead of coming after Capcom every time they do something like this.

Edited by Daemos
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5 hours ago, Lord_Vega said:

Well,  makes sense. That did work with Mike Bison and Balrog, they are already corrupted human beings who likes power, money, etc. It initially worked with Sagat, but, after a while (circa SFII), Vega's PP stopped working on him and he just left after being fed up with Vega's way of doing things... Did I like it? Nope, for the same reasons you mentioned.


Yeah, see Sagat one was an extremely personal fighter pride journey, this ruin it


We got Sagat as the proud king of Muay Thai (and recognized as #1 fighter on general) in SF1

Then humiliation

Then depression

Then anger

Then he get his win but realize Ryu threated him like a friend and let him win

Then realize his path as martial artist should be overcome defeat and return to train to become the best fighter can be and one day challenge Ryu

Then lose to Ryu, but is fine because he got back his dignity

Then leave Shadaloo and just return to be the his former self

Then looks for motivation, fuck up Adon and get his King of Muay Thai role

Then finally on top again fight Ryu, and we don't need to know the outcome because important part is that he earned to be considered a martial artist on par with Ryu


Dude had one of best growth arcs, throw purple magic there explaining him doing bad things is a shame lol


On general till this SF6 update i liked to consider Bison "bad company" with manipulative mindset that selected carefully his general, picking them for their world elite level but also for their natural characters flaws...


Rog is a greedy violent fuck that lost any honor, he threw lot of gold at him burying under money the little empathy he may have got before join Shadaloo

Vega is a bloodthirsty psychopatic obsessed by beauty, gave him chance to play with blood and beauties all while earning enough to keep narcisistic rich noble lifestyle

Sagat was angry and living for revenge, he promised him the chance to get it while crushing people

FANG was obsessed with survive, Bison by simply being most powerful individual he ever seen he basically gave him the illusion to be in the side that will win and survive at the end


All these were nice and not even that subtle, like were a solid base to make us understand how that alliance between crazy murderers worked (relatively well too)


Now we are at "yeah he brainwashed them to do shit, psycho power and shit you know, cus HE'S SHADALOO"


Eh bit of downgrade we got

If i must find a problem in SF6 way of handle things is that when they seek a BANG they seem to care little about preserve what decades of work built before them, they will do what they want

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13 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Now we are at "yeah he brainwashed them to do shit, psycho power and shit you know, cus HE'S SHADALOO"

I don't know what the Japanese text is, but it's obvious in English that Bison did not specifically mean brainwashing his generals. It was a general statement about using his "subtle influence" on Shadaloo as a whole to get things done the way he needs it. We saw FANG demonstrate this when Bison's power was relayed to the soldiers and Vega/Balrog were asked to test them out. Bison had branches of his military (like the Dolls and Apprentice Dolls) be completely brainwashed.

I don't think Bison brainwashed any of the Kings because they were and for the most part are still wicked and evil people without him.

The only exception I will note is possibly Sagat because he wavered in his feelings during Alpha, and Bison may have given a small push here or there.

Edited by Daemos
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3 hours ago, Daemos said:

SF3 fans are getting a taste of their own medicine. After SF2, SF3 nearly totally ignored SF2 because of the time jump. Now SF3 fans are mad because SF6 totally ignored it's chronological predecessor.

This is the most asinine nonsense I've read that isn't from Zatacon or Btier on Megashock. 3rd Strike was 25 years ago. Since then we've gotten two mainline entries, SFIV and SFV, centered around Shadaloo. That's literally the opposite of what's going on. SF3 fans have been waiting a literal quarter century for story progression. While SF3 was going on, SF2 fans had the Alpha series running concurrently with SF3. A series centered around Bison and Shadaloo. There was never a point, since SF2's release, that SF2 fans weren't eating. They are just greedy bastards that can't stand not having their way for a second. Even the Vs. titles were had no SF3 love. Only TvC with Alex wasn't all about SF2 representation. SF2 fans are like the spoiled favorite child that cries when their parent dares look at their sibling for a moment. Miss me with this absolutely absurd take.

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33 minutes ago, YagamiFire said:

I see people talking about Bison's master and his design but I don't think I've seen anyone point out why he looks the way he does...


He's based on Ryuken




It's another Raoh reference.

He does look like the Master!

Also Bison does this when he refills his drive gauge:


Which also looks like Magneto's sprite idle stance but it probably came from here since they went on a HNK rabbit hole to find references for Bison in 6.


35 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

This is the most asinine nonsense I've read that isn't from Zatacon or Btier on Megashock. 3rd Strike was 25 years ago. Since then we've gotten two mainline entries, SFIV and SFV, centered around Shadaloo. That's literally the opposite of what's going on. SF3 fans have been waiting a literal quarter century for story progression. While SF3 was going on, SF2 fans had the Alpha series running concurrently with SF3. A series centered around Bison and Shadaloo. There was never a point, since SF2's release, that SF2 fans weren't eating. They are just greedy bastards that can't stand not having their way for a second. Even the Vs. titles were had no SF3 love. Only TvC with Alex wasn't all about SF2 representation. SF2 fans are like the spoiled favorite child that cries when their parent dares look at their sibling for a moment. Miss me with this absolutely absurd take.

A repetitive problem I noticed among SF3 fans is that they are generally not happy with JUST getting their characters from that game in. Many of them will go farther and attempt to degrade the hands that feeds them (SF2) to get their point across and make their position seem bigger than it is. You don't hear SF2 fans be loud or belligerent like this since the 90s. You rarely if ever hear SF2 fans get salty when an SF3 character joins the game.

So which is it, do you want a game centered around SF3 again or would you just be happy with just having your characters back? SF3 fans can fight for having their characters in without going after SF2. Both SF2 and SF3 fans can have their cakes.

There were SF3 characters in 4 and 5 with varied receptions and in both games the plot was centered around Shadaloo/Bison. Let's not act like we haven't seen them in 25 years or that Bison is the reason why SF3 characters are not showing up.

If your favorite character was overlooked, it's not because this other character made it in. That's not how Capcom does things. Trust if there was money to make from an SF3 character, Capcom will squeeze the living daylights of him/her. Capcom are financially driven and risk averse. Look at SF and other franchises they run to understand this.

Having said that, there's a good chance we will  get Alex, Ibuki, Dudley, and possibly Urien/Makoto this era along with Elena. The registration for SF3 this EVO is a good signal. That's how SF3 fans can get Capcom's attention. Not crying about Bison or Shadaloo on reddit and twitter.

Edited by Daemos
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The SF3 problem is the start/stop narrative teasing. People have been waiting for a follow-up and development of stuff with Gill (who has NEVER truly lost or even really suffered a set-back) and it's very annoying. I want to know more about the S.S. and Gill and Urien and everyone else involved in that major stuff. There's a lot of teases in SF6 but we do seem to be retreading a lot of Shadaloo stuff with no real SF3 stuff even though we're post SF3.


Now, I fully understand them going to the Shadaloo well since this SF has more eyes on it than any previous SF since 2 so they want to go with a lot of familiar stuff while also developing the characters and world but we DO need some forward momentum here. All the S.S. iconography in the backgrounds of stuff gives me hope we'll get that because Capcom has a long-term plan for this game.

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12 minutes ago, YagamiFire said:

The SF3 problem is the start/stop narrative teasing. People have been waiting for a follow-up and development of stuff with Gill (who has NEVER truly lost or even really suffered a set-back) and it's very annoying. I want to know more about the S.S. and Gill and Urien and everyone else involved in that major stuff. There's a lot of teases in SF6 but we do seem to be retreading a lot of Shadaloo stuff with no real SF3 stuff even though we're post SF3.

Fair. But the way SF6 is setup, Shadaloo is not the reason we are not getting SF3 updates. Most characters have nothing to do with Shadaloo, and most characters have nothing to do with whatever semblance of a main plot SF6 has.

If we want to be frank and talk chronologically, SF2 fans have been waiting for an answer on what happened to SF2 characters and by extension Shadaloo in the Post-3s future LONGER than SF3 fans have even existed. We were all taken for a joyride in 4 and 5 to fill in the gaps and make the general plot across all SF games as seamless as possible.

SF6 isn't going anymore for another 5-7 years, plenty of time to get more updates, and more momentum. People shouldn't feel the need to jump the gun about WHY Capcom are prioritizing SF2. It speaks for itself.

Edited by Daemos
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2 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

I see people talking about Bison's master and his design but I don't think I've seen anyone point out why he looks the way he does...


He's based on Ryuken




It's another Raoh reference.


Not only i did, but I even used very same pic 😆


On 6/28/2024 at 5:32 AM, CESTUS III said:

- The Soul Power artwork part


is fucking important even beyond discuss the nature of Soul/Psycho powers (wich guess we will do a lot)

Some points that may have gone bit unnoticed


Huge one is Bison looks... like Bison we ever seen in games

We know he have blond/blue eyes dna, and was fair assume his SF bodies are some sort of template created by Shadaloo to be used as replaceable shells and possibly different from the original, but we see even the original Bison before starting this pratice is the usual SF black hair self


Rose yellow scarf seems to be not a personal clothing choice but part of SP disciples uniform, BOTH Bison and Rose have one

Not only this explain why Rose's "meaningful object" is the scarf, but further pushes Rose/Lisa and Bison/Straizo thing i mentioned a lot since SFV

"A scarf made with the dried intestinal fibers of the Satiporoja Beetle. Crafted from 30,000 beetles, these types of scarves were used by both Straizo and his student Lisa Lisa. The scarf has the property to conduct 100% of the Ripple it receives, making it both a handy weapon for a Ripple Master and a good protection against it. Straizo would compare it to a lightning rod."


And now after JoJo we switch back to Hokuto no Ken, because the Master is clearly portrayed after HNK Master Ryuken, who was Raoh (and Kenshiro's) Master


It's extra interesting because in both cases Masters tried to "seal" their students power, and they got murdered as result


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6 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

Ah! Okay great! I had missed that

Is normal, we post fuckton on characters release days lol 😁

On reality i just took the chance to re-post it since you missed it and got bunch of info all in one short piece:


- Bison's original full-human body being revealed to be the black hair one we ever seen (i ever guessed original look to be different, spammed black hair bodies being a Shadaloo lab "model")

- Reveal of why Rose is so attached to her scarf

- JoJo reference on both Bison(SP days) and Rose being scarf users (like LisaLisa and her former master Straizo)

- SP Master being basically 1:1 HNK Ryuken, even beyond look alone

On same original post there's also

- We have strong hint Rog will pick Ed side, as a SF6 artwork already treat him as one of the band

- Crazy retcon, is basically revealed before ASF destruction Bison considered  JP on par with all others "Shadakings" Generals


Making the recap i'm just realizing one more possible lore point i did'nt covered:


- Soul Power "school" being likely a temple somewhere in East Asia given the look of their uniform

Wich tbh does'nt surprise me much, since i ever considered something similar to Tibet being the most likely area for SP  (due JoJo's Ripple/Hamon)... but considering some posted udon stuff where it was a more a gypsies style thing (wich would push it more west), good chance remember never use udon as source since they make up stuff lol


But discover this does'nt help much discover Bison's origins(and doubt we will ever have such big chance), since another discipile is Rose who's clearly not asian


If Capcom wanted pull very hard the JoJo's parallel unlike Lisa Lisa(Rose) being european, Straizo (Bison) was born in same country of the temple... but good hint they did'nt went 1:1 on that is Bison having blond/blue eyes genes in his DNA, even if now we know his original body did'nt had neither

Edited by CESTUS III
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Blond hair is recessive genes , while Black hair  is a dominant gene.  to put it simply  Most of Bison's clones ( His back up bodies)  would have black hair, because black hair would have a higher probability of expressed  than blond hair  Yes from what I look at about genes. Bison could have blond / blue eyes genes in his DNA, they just would have a low probability of being  expressed.


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55 minutes ago, sagatryu said:

Blond hair is recessive genes , while Black hair  is a dominant gene.  to put it simply  Most of Bison's clones ( His back up bodies)  would have black hair, because black hair would have a higher probability of expressed  than blond hair  Yes from what I look at about genes. Bison could have blond / blue eyes genes in his DNA, they just would have a low probability of being  expressed.


Yes that's indeed true

Also the blue eyes is recessive compared to dark eyes (even if Bison just have fully white ones)


In fact if anything is strange all clones made with his DNA are blond/blue eyes (unless they're specifically aiming at these genes and not whole Bison's dna) , unless they're actively seeking these traits wich would link with some nazi imagery the character have


But beside that interesting part is that these genes hint Bison is not east asian (or at very least not fully east asian)


Wonder if the blond genes thing started as some sort of devs inner joke since original Raoh in the HNK manga was indeed blond


then became black haired in the anime


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1 hour ago, DarthEnderX said:

To be fair, SF6 isn't ignoring SF3 any more than SF4 did.

SF4 ignored SF3 for it's entire arcade, then vanilla console release.  It didn't start getting SF3 characters until over 25 characters in, in Super SF4.


Elena is coming to SF6 at pretty much the exact same point.

Exactly this. But this isn't enough. Some of these gents are mad that Remy, or Gill, or Sean are not in the game in year 1 and they wanna blame Bison/Shadaloo/SF2 as if that's what's really holding Capcom back. I guess that's easier than accepting the unfortunate truth that these characters more or less suck, with a negligible fanbase and very little pull in the market. 

Some of you are under the hysterical delusion that Capcom are not a business, and that they are going to set aside their biggest IPs* for nearly a DECADE to accommodate your exceptional taste in Street Fighters. Literally leave bags of cash on the table and put their franchise at risk again.

Watch Capcom bring almost all if not only the SF3 characters with an already established reputation - Alex, Ibuki, Dudley, Urien. The freaks of SF3 sadly/probably won't join unless they are base roster or at the tail end of SF6 when development costs have been greatly reduced.

Hard pill to swallow but you know I'm right. Keep thumbing down all you want, it won't a change a thing.

Some of ya'll kept insisting that Bison is done for years and we're moving on in SF6, and I kept telling you that's not how this is gonna go. Not because I have a crystal ball, but because you gotta follow the money.

Don't be mad when a Shadaloo King or two is in the next 2-3 seasons. Peace.


* SF2 + Juri, Sakura

Edited by Daemos
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46 minutes ago, Daemos said:

Don't be mad when a Shadaloo King or two is in the next 2-3 seasons. Peace.

So anecdotal info here...


I recently exposed someone to fighting games and they have fallen in love with them, deep diving into Tekken and SF and King of Fighters. In the last couple months they've bought SF6, Tekken 8, Capcom Fighting Collection, SF 30th Anni, and KOF 2002UM and have watched the SFII Animated Movie, Fatal Fury animes, etc.

He is incredibly hype for Fatal Fury and loves Rock Howard, Terry, Ed and a few other characters. He has played a lot of SF3 and likes it a lot.


His highest priority wants for SF6 now that Ed is in it? Balrog, Vega and Sagat. Vega especially.


The characters are just money. They just are. Someone totally new to fighting games is clamoring for these characters to be in SF6 and they were only recently exposed to them. They're just that cool and iconic.

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15 hours ago, Daemos said:

A repetitive problem I noticed among SF3 fans is that they are generally not happy with JUST getting their characters from that game in. Many of them will go farther and attempt to degrade the hands that feeds them (SF2) to get their point across and make their position seem bigger than it is. You don't hear SF2 fans be loud or belligerent like this since the 90s. You rarely if ever hear SF2 fans get salty when an SF3 character joins the game.

So which is it, do you want a game centered around SF3 again or would you just be happy with just having your characters back? SF3 fans can fight for having their characters in without going after SF2. Both SF2 and SF3 fans can have their cakes.

There were SF3 characters in 4 and 5 with varied receptions and in both games the plot was centered around Shadaloo/Bison. Let's not act like we haven't seen them in 25 years or that Bison is the reason why SF3 characters are not showing up.

If your favorite character was overlooked, it's not because this other character made it in. That's not how Capcom does things. Trust if there was money to make from an SF3 character, Capcom will squeeze the living daylights of him/her. Capcom are financially driven and risk averse. Look at SF and other franchises they run to understand this.

Having said that, there's a good chance we will  get Alex, Ibuki, Dudley, and possibly Urien/Makoto this era along with Elena. The registration for SF3 this EVO is a good signal. That's how SF3 fans can get Capcom's attention. Not crying about Bison or Shadaloo on reddit and twitter.

It's like you didn't read my post at all. I'm tired of Street Fighter being the Mega Man of fighting games. The center piece of my post was about Story progression. It was not about getting SF3 characters in the game. The only time I mentioned characters was in regards to the Vs. series to illustrate how, even when story is inconsequential, it's always about SF2. You seem to have completely missed the point. A quarter century to get beyond SF3 story arc and we are back to Shadaloo....AGAIN. That's the point. What happened with the Secret Society? What's Gill's plan going forward? These are the questions posed in 1999. It's 2024 and these still haven't been answered.


When it comes to characters it's not a SF3 thing. It's a every game except SF2 thing. SFA, SF3, and SFIV get the shaft from a character standpoint. At least SFV with 3 characters has some slots on the roster. "You rarely if ever hear SF2 fans get salty when an SF3 character joins the game."  Is this supposed to be an example of magnanimity? In my post, I pointed out how every SF2 character was in SF4 and all but three of them where in SFV. What's there to be salty about when you are getting everything you want? I didn't even bring up how every SF2 character was in SFA3 as well. When you get virtually everything you want, not bitching about scraps being tosseed to everyone else isn't a flex. 


I can't speak for other fans, so I'll just speak for myself. It's not about me it's about Street Fighter as a whole. Do I like C.Viper? Not really. Would I have included her on the base roster? Yes. Because she's popular and SFIV fan's have been begging for her nearing a decade at this point. Same reason I'd have Makoto in the game by now. I'm a Street Fighter fan. As in a fan of the entire franchise. A lot of SF2 fans are just that. SF2 fans. There are other games in the franchise. I pull for characters I don't play or in some cases don't like (C.VIper) to be in the game because I want all fans to eat. Too many SF2 fans don't fall into that category. They'd rather have one of the least popular SF2 characters in the game over a popular character from another iteration. it's Smasher behaviour and I'm not fan of it.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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3 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

To be fair, SF6 isn't ignoring SF3 any more than SF4 did.

SF4 ignored SF3 for it's entire arcade, then vanilla console release.  It didn't start getting SF3 characters until over 25 characters in, in Super SF4.


Elena is coming to SF6 at pretty much the exact same point.

Well if we want believe as they say whole Season 1  (or at least S1 aside Akuma) had some sort of logical path, involving chars related to Bison to paving the way for Bison's arrival


Guess we can think is possible after the Fatal Fury mini arc, Elena may open a SF3 streak in Season 3

But would not hold breath for S3 being all SF3, considering S1 had been quite various with 5,6,5,2 and S2 is'nt all the same either with 2,G,G,3


Considering both season had two chars coming from same chapter (S1 SFV, S2 FF guest) maybe S3 will bring two SF3ers, wich after Elena would mean be at 3


But Elena may also open to G Hakan and Dan if they remember


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On the SF2 vs SF3 thing


To begin with fuck all you talibans on both sides lol 😂

I got no faction, just favourite characters thinking who can be picked to build best cast possible in terms of variety


I was a SF2er absolutely MAD at SF3 for genocide of legendary SF2 cast, getting a GREAT game with good amount of high quality new characters but also filled with heavy sprite recycle and forgettable entries too


Now i'm simply a SF fan recognizing SF3 got REALLY unfair treatment, and whole "popularity" argument make little sense when popularity itself is affected by poor coverage

Simply SF devs of last two decades are traditionally safe ass players, and most of their bet generally is based on "SF2, new paint" because it sells (to me too)


I don't even blame them for aiming at safe base of gold, yet i'm sure if they stop being pussies about SF3 they could find lot of material that if promoted well can give fans MORE reasons to buy their games

Tbh even some SF4 and SFV characters deserved far better treatment, but this another story


Do i think SF6 should drop SF2?

Fuck no

Sagat is king of Muay Thai and SF rep for Thailand, his ass should have been in fucking SF6 vanilla cast (S1 at worst), while i'm here hoping these cunts don't jump S3 too. I can accept Adon as substitue as long one of most important/famous martial arts is covered in SF6 (but pls no Preecha shit, Muay Thai don't need SF6 waifu card to shine lol), but still will not complain at Sagat

Fei Long would have been Season 1 material if was up to me, easy epic and jumped whole endless SFV

I think Vega have good chances to return, and while i would easy wait S4 or something, can't deny i'm ever happy to see him in a SF game


Speaking SF2, AKUMA so soon was an error in terms of variety/quality will never cease say it, pure devs greed over actually DO what they said to be their characters choice "based on missing countries and martial arts"... japanese Akuma doing Ansatsuken shit, yeah eat a turd pls

But i blame fanbase more than devs tbh

SF fanbase PRAY to get Sakura throwing hadoshoryukenz as soon as possible (even if mean eating 25% of a pathetic 4 slot Season), SF fanbase cried hard when devs put Honda as great rep of Sumo in SF6

SF fanbase is ever been source of problems, if as community we had better taste and understanding what could do better SF cast things would be better,  shit like Akuma being 25% of S1 happens because fans, devs are just the drug dealers


So one can say "why, you pretend to have better tastes?"

I don't pretend anything, but anybody with intellectual fair mindedness can recognize what i said for years at this point is very same devs just recently defined the golden rule to pick characters with intention of enrich cast, as said few lines above

"Look for still unrepresented countries and iconic martial arts", wich is literally the soul of SF

Then they're the first to shit on their own rule, but this is another story


Do i think SF6 should focus on SF3 (but giving me Sagat or Adon as top priority) as most repped in next 2-3 Seasons, YES absolutely


Imho Elena has been very best SF3 pick, and lucky at least we got that covered, now







These at least would deserve a slot in SF6, but to get these five in current model we are speaking at least 2 (likely 3 or more) Seasons, assuming they take as major "duty" find way to increase SF3 presence (at cost of maybe get 3 males in one season S1 style), wich is not guaranteed at all lol


Well, i feel like Dudley may be fucked and Rog will eat his pure boxing slot again (wich sadly will not even have SFV Rog design, wich was possibly best -or close- chara design of whole SFV because Nostalgia alt HAVE to be boring SF2 azure tank top and shorts), but the 4 left i really hope to see them join



I'm picking him separately as i seen people debating Gill yes/Gill no


I think is an absolute shame Gill's arc still did'nt got covered yet

SF3 was purposely just the tip of the iceberg, and we got lot hints he trolled us whole time and we still have to see Serious Gill doing shit.

Well, maybe just in SFV we seen him casually smoke both Urien and G, but it's just appetizer shit waiting the actual food


I want SF6 to cover Gill arc?

My 2cents NO, at this point SF6 is already compromised

Let SF6 cover the epic tale of lore-neutered JP dueling with fucking Ken, let it have waifu Seth building copycat cyborgs, let more Bison building his 8th purple magic attack to earth (and fail, crazy i know) and likely we may see some pointless G without real will to cover it, so SF6 G being SFV G


Tbh Gill arc deserve better than this shit, imho better wait devs find some balls and have a SF7 with him as whole arc Boss

Be it apocalyptic as fuck, no more play gimmicks and start wreck actual ass

I'm even open to say lore-spam aside i find Bison more carismatic, but as we speak the Gill arc still have far better fresh potential of greatness (wich is literally born to do, since SF3 devs essentially designed him as BOSS able to use Bison as stepstone in food chain sense, just like Bison was over Sagat in SF2), would not waste it in a small corner of the confused SF6 story just to play little part


For the good of Gill as character legacy, would prefer let's say have SF6 playable Kolin and Gill as NPC puppeteer with some huge lore feats, preparing ground for future since as said i consider SF6 already lost as chance to do anything big as A Shadow Fall has been in SFV


Maybe have our suspect on Nayshall stage red/blue stripes being real deal and make that Chess Master JP got trolled and outplayed in Nayshall whole time by Gill, being never really in control

That would give SF6 lore Gill some spice, and who care if JP get thrown under the bus, Capcom already made him with no real ambition just like they made up Necalli only to threat him like a douche in SFV lol

If that good design has been made just to be Bison minion, let him be food for Gill legacy too lol

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

When it comes to characters it's not a SF3 thing. It's a every game except SF2 thing. SFA, SF3, and SFIV get the shaft from a character standpoint. At least SFV with 3 characters has some slots on the roster. "



To be honest this shouldn't be an SF3 vs SF2 things, the problem is when some fans claims

That they want something new than SF2 then the higher ups brings something new


Then they aren't please about it because they really want SF3 not something totally brand new, they need to address they dont want somethimg new but OLD they want SF3


1. )  They want SF3 Antagonist as the main villain of the series not a new antagonist


2.) They want SF3 characters as the protagonist and spotlight not a new antagonist


Thats the real point here


Asking for something new is and phasing out of SF2 is not asking for SF3 it is entirely asking for entirely new, The mesage they are giving is more like we want a New Protagonist that this generation can relate into same as New Antagonist.


And with that kind of message every creative team will look that as an opportunity to flex their creative juices and do their own instead of bring some 90s concept of other creative team that failed in the eyes of the majority in that time period. 




Hence we got Luke instead of Sean, I myself has no issues for SF3 antagonist as the main antagonist of the future games nor has no issues for SF3 protagonist as the spotlight and main protagonist in a modern SF game instead of Ryu and etc


I had an issue of SF6 dominated by SF2 in base roster. SO my issue main issue with some SF3 fans is that they want a new modern SF game that excluded SF2 and SF3 characters or a minimum rate. Thats impossible SF3 is not the same as Garou Mark of The Wolves. SF3 and the rest of the SF sequel games are set in one universe and continuity.


Dreaming of SF3 the whole cast of SF3 having to have the same treatment like the SF2 WW in SF6 in future modern SF games is kinda wishful thinking because SF2 is a popculture thing.


Like SF3 majority of the initial roster while just adding few of the SF2 and SFA is entirely will not happen unless a SF3 fan take over a position on Capcom's most higher ups.


SF3 characters will never dominate over SF2 and SFA characters combine in future flagship mainline SF game





You know me guys I have posted countless times how I dislike SF6 initial roster being dominated by SF2 and I prefer SF5 base roster. I prefer harmonous connection and continuity that both SF series be interconnected as possblie and character from different series meet their counterparts

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@ShakunetsuI agree It's not really a SF2 vs SF3 thing. I'm tired of it getting framed as such to be honest. This isn't 2008 when SFIV was just starting out. Back then the SF2 vs SF3 narrative fit the discourse. It's 2024. We've had two mainline SF games with characters not from SF2 or SF3. I'm not fan of SFIV but for most of the current fan base. SFIV is their SF2. It's the game that pulled them into the series.


SFIV fans have been in the game 16 years at this point. They aren't as old as us but they are old heads at this point as well. They don't know Rose from SFA or Dudley from SF3. They know them from SFIV. Not every person wanting a Alpha character is SFA fan, not every person asking for a SF3 character is fan of 3. In many cases, they know these characters from SFIV. I'll use Dudley as an example. Smug is the most well known Dudley player and he didn't play SF3 until years after picking Dudley is SFIV. It was actually interesting to see him pick Dudley in SF3 after playing him SFIV for years.


Unrelated Side note: I'm a fossil. So I always find things like the Daigo being associated with Ryu to be funny. That lets me knew just how much of the current SF fan base came in with 4. I find it especially hilarious because Daigo's most famous moment features him using Ken. 🤣 

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@Darc_RequiemYeah more on the majority of FGC now are SF4 era guys like those in eventhubs. I mean some did grew in SF2 era but never took seriously or never been in depth about it or in any FGs.


And as I observe most of those that are into Alpha toy figures were even too young or does not play Alpha nor SF2 but just interested because of MVC2.


Most of the old 2D heads are on FightCade and wanting the old games mechanics not concerning so much on characters appearance and lore in future games.


True SF4 is really the new baseline of this FGC era and those casual like that are in SF2 and Alpha had just either became collector emubox and other stuff likes toys just like majority of the demographic im belong also.


So they are the majority of audience they are likely in 20s or early 30s by now. 


I did hate it that some associated me or call me a Daigo fan because of defending improvements on Ryu in a MVCi thread in SRK. I also wanted the parry to be Kens vskill in SFV in SRK not Ryu during the initial stages.


I started in a mugen site before that evo thing happened and the name itself came from SF2 fireball never been that into SF3. I would had name myself Denjin if that the case LOL. I never even known or concern  competitive players until SF4 is launch.




Edited by Shakunetsu
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11 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

It's like you didn't read my post at all.

No I read your post, it is you who seems to be missing context.

My original comment was about the uproar by The SF3 Cult on reddit, twitter, and even the official discord ever since Capcom released a fighting pass ominously titled "Return of Shadaloo". A recurring disturbance is whenever the SF3 Cult don't get what they want is that they go on media platforms to cry to Capcom. And they are loud.

It's one thing to obsessively want X or Y characters (Guilty!) and it's another to attempt to gatekeep a game so that other characters don't join. I've never engaged in the latter. I don't care who else joins. I have my preferences that span the entire series including SF3, and my own headcanon, but if reality doesn't match them I adapt (e.g. I didn't buy SF6 until my gut told me the leaks from earlier this year were true). Vote with your wallet.

Focus on what you want in life, not what you don't want. And these SF3 babies really ought to stop crying about SF2, Shadaloo, and Bisonon social media. It's a bad look and counter productive. The more polarizing they make Bison/Shadaloo seem the stronger they get. And if you're asking for Capcom to pick between the 2 and 3 you already lost.


The existence of SF2 characters in a game does not exclude any characters. In fact, it supports them. SF2 carries the rest of the SF games. SF2 is what pays for the luxury of having SF3 characters, or for the base roster to be almost 50% new.

It's a matter of priorities. And Capcom has it right.  The numbers reflect that.


11 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

The center piece of my post was about Story progression.

I felt no need to comment on this topic because if you actually read my posts you will know that I am all for story progression. My beef is with the anti-SF2 SF3 cult.

On plot progress, my stance has always been that most of the WW along with Bison and 3 Kings should be in every SF game and that they do not to be tied the general plot of that game. They do not hold back story progression, but excluding them does more harm than good for the franchise.

Skipping a game in SF isn't like skipping a game in MK. You get an MK every other or every 3rd year. In SF, it's literally a decade. Can you imagine going a decade without Ryu or Bison or Chun-Li? I'll be in my 50s when SF7 comes out. Ain't nobody got time for that.

And yes you may see it as unfair that SF2 characters have a higher probability of coming back than say Sean. But that's life. Hedge your bets.

6 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

Remy DOES suck.  But I still need him for 'Everyone is Here!'


No my guy, the Remy in my head is fucking amazing. He's like the easiest character from SF3 to give a glow up to. A lot of potential if Capcom are creative (and they are). My only concern is if Capcom allocated 4 slots for SF3 in 6. Remy might not be the first or 4th choice even, unless Capcom's redesign is beyond imagination.

9 hours ago, Shakunetsu said:

I dislike SF6 initial roster being dominated by SF2 and I prefer SF5 base roster. I prefer harmonous connection and continuity that both SF series be interconnected as possblie and character from different series meet their counterparts

Same. The initial new character weren't for me (except AKI) so I hope at least new players really connect with them. Luke, Jamie, Marisa, AKI, and JP all have mainstay energy.

I also preferred SF5's year one roster balance of old and new. But 6 is still young, and the base game is literally GOAT Fighting Game-level good. I haven't had this much fun with Bison since CvS2 so fingers crossed everyone gets their favorites in.


15 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

In fact if anything is strange all clones made with his DNA are blond/blue eyes (unless they're specifically aiming at these genes and not whole Bison's dna) , unless they're actively seeking these traits wich would link with some nazi imagery the character have


But beside that interesting part is that these genes hint Bison is not east asian (or at very least not fully east asian)

I don't think this is intentional by Capcom but if you look closely at Bison's eyes in SF6, there is a very light blue hue to his eyes that only shows in certain lighting.


17 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

- Soul Power "school" being likely a temple somewhere in East Asia given the look of their uniform

My first thought was Tibet also but it could also be Southern Europe, there is somewhat of a Catholic church motif to the robes too if you squint your eyes a little.

What am I most interested in though is not where this is taking place, but when.

The old tales said that Bison established Shadaloo 25 years before SF2. If SF2 was in the early 90s for example, this would place the pictured event in the 60s. But it feels much older than that. Consider than neither of them really aged since then. Idk... I am leaning more towards first half of 20th century because of Bison's affinity for Nazi military uniforms. 


11 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Well if we want believe as they say whole Season 1  (or at least S1 aside Akuma) had some sort of logical path, involving chars related to Bison to paving the way for Bison's arrival

I think Capcom should've renamed the new fighting pass to something other than "Return of Shadaloo" because in the actual story, Shadaloo (our Shadaloo) is not returning still. It is left open ended. Bison has returned obviously.

Do you remember how Akuma in SF5 more or less also signified the end of the ASF story? Think Bison is 6's Akuma. The first story arc is over, and we now move forward to time. Your avatar through quests and future masters may touch on topics but a new plot will likely emerge from Elena and SSF6 next year.

My best guess/hope remains G or Alphabet plot.

Hakan, Elena, Dan's dojo, and the leak that named Viper all point to G/Q. I can totally see Viper chasing Q clues around the world.

Edited by Daemos
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VG247: Speaking of not being confusing to new players... and I've had this conversation with a few developers working on older Japanese games, like Sonic Team, because they've had the same problem with Eggman and Robotnik and all that... do you not just get tempted to say, screw it, and unify the names? To pick Vega or Bison and just say that's it worldwide from now on?


Takayuki Nakayama: So actually, I did personally want to unify the names, so that it's the same across all regions. We were going in that direction when designing and creating this character, too. But after thinking it through over and over again... we just came to the conclusion that Japanese players are going to want to call him Vega, and American players are going to want to call him M. Bison.


VG247: And some people will just keep saying Dictator!


Shuhei Matsumoto: Right. And it's a little difficult. So we just kind of... gave up. [laughs] It's a little difficult.

@CESTUS III@bakfromon

I think this kinda confirms that the naming thing they pulled in World Tour was tongue in cheek, with a wink at their audience. The article then continues with the following statement:


As it stands, the names will remain different depending on what you got used to and where you grew up.

We hopefully dodged a bullet.

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@AriesWarlockThank you! 

The relevant bits:



GamesBeat: I’m a big Street Fighter III fan, so seeing Elena in there is very exciting. Was there a conscious decision to wait this long into the process to introduce Street Fighter III again?

Nakayama: We don’t really focus on exactly what title that characters came from when it comes to deciding who to introduce and who to add into the game. We look at the characters individually, seeing what kind of fighting style they use, their countries of origin. Elena is an African character who uses capoeira, which is very unique and different from the rest of the lineup. It’s not really an intention of creating a balance and making sure there are characters from each individual title, but more the individuality of the characters. That helps us decide who’s appropriate.


Basically the more unique a character is (+points if money maker) the more likely they will return. This pleases me as it takes us back to SF2 where it felt like the SF universe encompasses so many nations, cultures, and fighting styles.

There's also a noice snippet in there with the devs gushing over Bison and that his resurrection was planned from the start etc. etc. etc. 

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1 hour ago, ShockDingo said:

The way SF6 has given a new coat of paint to so many folks, I'm not just willing to have Remy back, but I encourage it. He had something brewing, let's get it going. 


I legit believe SF6 would do good with Remy, and despite the hate he get he's a french doing ancient version of Savate, good SF material


I dislike his basic SF3 design, but that would inevitably change in SF6 too


To me only problem with a SF6 Remy is we are getting 2 max 3 male characters for year, and there's so many male characters better than him


2 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

Remy has the most reason to return because he deserves another chance to be refined. Throwing out characters is almost never worth it.

That's essentially how i feel about Abel and El Fuerte


9 hours ago, sagatryu said:

I accept all SF3 characters , but Remy, screw Remy. If  SF3 characters show up besides Remy that's would be fine be me.

That's Twelve to me

Anything but Twelve lol


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

@CESTUS III@bakfromon

I think this kinda confirms that the naming thing they pulled in World Tour was tongue in cheek, with a wink at their audience. The article then continues with the following statement:


As it stands, the names will remain different depending on what you got used to and where you grew up.

We hopefully dodged a bullet.


We dodged a bullet, we got shot by another


They still ruined Shadakings names by saying are not real and can just be changed to create confusion... as retarded it is, that's canon now

Basically while being unable to fix an old problem, they also created a new one lol


Again, i'm not the smartest guy, yet i think they could have gone like i did few pages ago: play ambiguous on names, have Vega commenting investigation failures and be like "interpol is so dumb, they did'nt even got our names right!"

That way both western and japanese players could have claimed/pretend their version is right one and other exist but is a lore-justified error

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4 hours ago, Daemos said:

No my guy, the Remy in my head is fucking amazing. He's like the easiest character from SF3 to give a glow up to.

Of course he is.  The more you suck, the easier you are to improve.  It's called having a low bar.


1 hour ago, CESTUS III said:

That's Twelve to me

Anything but Twelve lol

The worst SF3 characters are:

Twelve < Necro < Gill < Q < Remy


Edited by DarthEnderX
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6 hours ago, Daemos said:

I have my preferences that span the entire series including SF3, and my own headcanon, but if reality doesn't match them I adapt (e.g. I didn't buy SF6 until my gut told me the leaks from earlier this year were true


This is exactly how I'm thinking towards SF6 and just waiting how they will conclude and wrap up this narrative direction and those tempting guest character $$$ that would be soon in SF6 


Im keeping my interest low and expectation because Im expecting a reboot sooner due to tge narrative being all over the place


I kinda feel a Capcom All Star Fighter is comming and there would be a time that SF wouldn be Capcoms flagship FG anymore


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1 hour ago, DarthEnderX said:

Of course he is.  The more you suck, the easier you are to improve.  It's called having a low bar.


The worst SF3 characters are:

Twelve < Necro < Gill < Q < Remy


 Sacrilege! Q does not belong here.


8 minutes ago, sagatryu said:

We can summarized that the Gorilla and Dolphin have to be rare specimen of their  kind

Definitely. JP said this too. But I think the horse is extra special because he was being infused from the source. It was also a one time thing. Those specimens in the labs probably went through years of conditioning before their escape.

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15 hours ago, Daemos said:

We hopefully dodged a bullet.

I have a take on this from months ago during their(Capcom) survey on the 4 Shada kings, Complete with senarios, timming and settings when did it occur.


Its more easy excuse and doesn't raise conflicts and more plot holes like they did now. How?


The problem with now is that even before the street fighters know exactly Bison, Balrog and Vega is. 


And the 3 Shadakings call their names each properly in their various regional take.


I never did meddle on my take with interpol since it was more into Chun li direction. 


9 hours ago, Daemos said:

Definitely. JP said this too. But I think the horse is extra special because he was being infused from the source. It was also a one time thing. Those specimens in the labs probably went through years of conditioning before their escape.


I like the horse take it's smarter that animals fighting like Kuma, Roger and Panda in SF universe


I prefer them being puppets, assist, companions and helpers than some kind of a Fighters because if you start one from the BAD side we'll get Good sides from the other like


SOUL POWER enchanced? Lions anyone? Satsu No Hadou enchanced Panthers and whatsoever


Its basically opening a new can of worms. The waifu age is now on fighters and I hope SF would have no so much waifu and animals as half of the cast in the future

Edited by Shakunetsu
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4 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

The worst SF3 characters are:

Twelve < Necro < Gill < Q < Remy


Tbh i don't have Remy and Gill there


Remy have far more deept as martial artist (even if say to despise martial arts) than people understand, so he get more shit about being out of place than he deserve


His style gimmick is not only Savate-France (wich already make him fitting SF addition), but the whole style he use where foot kicks are mixed with open hand strikes link him to ancient roots of the style, as Savate became a thing in France when fuckton of time ago a french law made closed-fist strike punishable as a weapon aggression, so people learned to kick a lot (influence mostly coming from sailors that learned tricks in asia, but also street wise stuff more at knee/groin level) and to use open hand strikes like slaps and palms


Him being very "urban" not having much discipline uniform look make sense too, as the style is straight born in the streets


Even him dislike martial artist may even be another wink at the style, since at some point there was split between real people still using is at survival method for the streets, while there was riches who started did it in "gyms" as some sort of hobby/sport/competition/pride thing

Maybe a stretch but Remy's hate (even if lore wise is about his father) for conventional martial artist may indeed wink at how OG street savateur would see '800 french rich "chausson" guy treating it as some sort of art done just for pleasure



Gill is greek pankration guy

Sure we later got Urien after who's cooler, but still Gill was the OG

Only thing i will never be able to accept is the fucking blue-red shit... wich is hard to ignore in Gill's case and i value a lot character design

Wish to begin with they keept the original white (ice?) and black(fire?)  idea instead go suprbright colors to show off graphics

Then wish they limited it just to hands and forearms


If Gill ws just Urien-like greek tan guy (Urien's former combat look, now canon) and had just some black on fire hand and some white on ice one i would have preferred it much more


But idea of greek pankration villain was awesome to me, we got lot of Asia on SF boss side (SF1 Sagat, SF2 Bison before got more lore was considered asian , Secret Boss Akuma is Japan) and SF on general tend to blowjob asian masters (Oro, Gouken, Gen and i'm not counting Ryu himself), so get an euro/western villain is nice change

I loved also the whole Saint Seiya imagery around him and organization

Also the whole peak human being paired with olympian athlete is a cool theme for a boss

Fire and Ice thing was bit over the top for my tastes, but tbh we already got "elemental" fighters since SF2 (regardless what lore explanation was), and see one being able to handle opposite ones at same time was cool flex*

And mostly he was designed for epicness arc, but we never got it because story was clearly written as an introduction, but the SF fall never gave us the follow up


Again not best character (fellow boss Bison have better design/lore/subproducts), but sure an addition that deserved more effort

SFV did good job at estabilish him as a great force in the SF universe wrecking Urien and G without sweat, but without story follow up is bit pointless lol


*another point that they could have took from Yasushi Baba's SF manga Asrafil, who has ultimate being had the unique ability to control and unleash two natural opposite forces at same time... only that in Asrafil case was Hado and Psycho Power.

Funny thing his attack using both ki had presence later in SF4 too, as Sagat U2 in SF4 had identical pose as Asrafil pressuring hado/PP together


Agree on Q, imho overrated

I mean i love the mystery the figure and all, but tbh i'm just satisfied with it being a thing in the lore i don't need him (or better, i much prefer others) to be playable

He's no nation/martial art to me, just try hard on "unknown" gimmick

Nothing against him, i just give that slot to many others


Necro have nice gimmick dynamic with Effie, but tbh most of his use was replace Dhalsim and Blanka in SF3... without that he does'nt offe much beside being lab freak with made up style

But even just as NPC would like see him join Ed &Co, feels just so natural


4 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

Eh.  I hate non-human characters in SF.  And I dislike non-martial artists.  And Q is maybe both.

Gill is human martial artist 😁


5 hours ago, sagatryu said:

From  what we know from Bison's story about his horse.   We can summarized that the Gorilla and Dolphin have to be rare specimen of their  kind.

For sure

But horse is more exceptional case to some extent


Gorilla and Dolphin were likely selected, possibly genetically modified and worked on in labs a lot to make them fitting host powers just like rest of Ed & Co


Rosinante was just a dying normal horse that had exceptional strong spirit and survived Bison's PP transforming literally on a mini Raoh's Horse... i give him greater credit 😁



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15 hours ago, Daemos said:

I don't think this is intentional by Capcom but if you look closely at Bison's eyes in SF6, there is a very light blue hue to his eyes that only shows in certain lighting.

  Did'nt noticed it but even counting it as intentional guess is all about give him spectral look rather than link it to how his "normal eyes" would look if not full-white


15 hours ago, Daemos said:

My first thought was Tibet also but it could also be Southern Europe, there is somewhat of a Catholic church motif to the robes too if you squint your eyes a little.

My thought was Tibet purely based on JoJo's ripple/hamon place


If i have to watch clothes is ambiguous (i guess on purpose) try to point at specific area, only trait i recognize is the way tunic overlap and is closed on neck/collar/chest area (and similar cut undershirt) feels very japanese kimono, but that can be simply either them imitating HNK Ryuken's style or simply the illustrator himself being japanese going for a familiar(to him) cut designing an ancient costume



Not sure about the scarf, somebody with greater knowledge about asian monks uniforms maybe recognize something i don't

Beside being obviously Rose's scarf, the orange color remind me Straizo's one (wich is closer to Rose one than Lisa Lisa's is)



Bit pissed shot is so close, so we can't get much hints from architecture neither


Guess next chance of try discover something is Rose if she ever join SF6 (cast needs wise i prefer many other females tbh), her WTM would be crazy insightful


15 hours ago, Daemos said:

What am I most interested in though is not where this is taking place, but when.

The old tales said that Bison established Shadaloo 25 years before SF2. If SF2 was in the early 90s for example, this would place the pictured event in the 60s. But it feels much older than that. Consider than neither of them really aged since then. Idk... I am leaning more towards first half of 20th century because of Bison's affinity for Nazi military uniforms.


Reality is essentially we got nothing.

Let's start with this premise.


We have Rose is older than she looks

If we want rely on JoJo parallel (wich offer no guarantee to reflect their SF counterparts) we got Lisa Lisa being 50 and Straizo 75(at moment of his betray), both looking younger due hamon


But must be said that arc (Battle Tendency) was set decades in the past tough, so their date of birth is pushed way backward... like Joseph was 18 in that arc, then was well over 60 in the "contemporary" (back to anime days) follow up series with Jotaro.

Even if we should consider SFA Rose seems about same as BT Lisa Lisa, so if we want consider JoJo parallel would probably be better ignore BT time setting


-entering wild theory territory-

-Waiting actual canon confirmation that can easily german suplex everything-


My personal head-canon ever been Bison having origins in early '900 with him living through and take part on World Wars and absorbing that kind of old militar power imagery


His attire obviously hint to nazis ss, plus i ever (well, after forgetting very first super asian Bison that got replaced by current full "unknown" one) thought his link to asia could link to real life interest nazis had for asian esotheric stuff, doing expeditions (in Tibet too iirc) to search relics and holy objects


Keeping JoJo's parallel we seen Zeppeli reaching Tibet as a young but adult man, so if talented is possible (at least in JoJo) to become an Hamon Master without necessary having started super young/being born there, guess Bison reaching asian place as young soldier and becoming temple disciple rising fast thanks to unprecedented talent could still work


But again is all 100% speculation based on nothing but try to imagine a possible devs thought path... wich is even more impossible task if we think current devs may have ideas for Bison's past different from his SF2 creator


Example current SF6 Bison seems very familiar with spanish speaking world* (or at least with Don Quixote) enough that amnesia-Bison call his horse like Don Quixote one


*reality is Rosinante is italian version (Rocinante spanish original) but is true japanese may go for Rosinante... i know nothing of jap language, but at least in One Piece they had "Donquixote Rosinante" as a character, so guess for them don't change much lol


Old SF2 material would require do stretch to link him to spanish-speaking links.. Vega as shadaking (but imho shadakings point was show Shadaloo as global org having Asian, European and American generals), or in SSF2 Mexico T.Hawk village being raided by Shadaloo


After SF2 could at least offer SFA Latin America base (and nazi/latin america has been thing in real life too), maybe even wink at Raul Julia from the movie lol


But who knows, reality is we know nothing and they can likely make up whatever any time they want lol


But tbh feels like Bison canon will ever be unresolved like that lol


15 hours ago, Daemos said:

Do you remember how Akuma in SF5 more or less also signified the end of the ASF story? Think Bison is 6's Akuma. The first story arc is over, and we now move forward to time. Your avatar through quests and future masters may touch on topics but a new plot will likely emerge from Elena and SSF6 next year.

SF6 main story -as irrelevant may be- is'nt over, whole thing will develop Ken vs JP events, Bosch's return and all that

It's a mini-arc but still is SF6 main plot


Possible Ryu-Akuma arc is'nt happening in SF6 and kinda resolved itself already


Guess only relevant development we currently have material for is Ed power corrupting him with possible Bison interaction, or Bison pulling another Bison>Seth on JP


While at it, we have hints of waifuSeth likely doing Seth-bullshit in SF6


Edited by CESTUS III
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3 hours ago, CESTUS III said:


Gill is greek pankration guy

Sure we later got Urien after who's cooler, but still Gill was the OG

Only thing i will never be able to accept is the fucking blue-red shit... wich is hard to ignore in Gill's case and i value a lot character design

That's exactly it.  He looks really dumb.  Urien does all the same stuff, but looks 10x cooler.


3 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Remy have far more deept as martial artist (even if say to despise martial arts) than people understand, so he get more shit about being out of place than he deserve

I hate Remy because he's a shitty replacement for Guile.


Edited by DarthEnderX
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