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The Sonic Thread: The Year of Shadow. It all starts with this.... Sonic X Shadow Generations 10/25/2024 followed by child murder in Sonic 3 movie on 12/20/2024!

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Sonic twitter put up screenshots of Amy in Sonic 2 and 3 and more screenshots of Knux in CD


Lot of people are wondering if they're actually gonna give Amy a super form.


4 page preview for IDW issue #61


Edit:  Eggman always pulling out his piece lol.

Edited by Sonichuman
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Game will be 60 bucks across all platforms and takes place on North Star Island.


That price....I mean as long as they make it worth it then that's all I care about.


Edit:  New character designed by Naoto Oshima

Edited by Sonichuman
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13 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

We’re getting our first “controversy” with this game because of course it has to be one.


People are upset that it’s 60 dollars and feels it shouldn’t be because it’s 2D.

Yeah I've been seeing that discourse.  Game has only been announced and people are judging on information the barely even have right now.    Then there's on top of people who instantly believe a 2D game regardless of quality (Read: Metroid Dread) shouldn't be at a $60 price point.  This game looks so much better in so many aspects especially if we're comparing on a graphical and animation level to something like Sonic 4 Ep 2.  In a lot of aspects I actually think this game looks better than Generation's 2D sections.  The running animations alone for all the characters looks better.  Ultimately its up to the devs to make it worth the $60 and I can't speak for everyone else but personally it looks like they're starting off right.  They even seemingly got the phyics working properly...that's specifically why they put that shot in that starts at :37.  If the game is amazing then it's worth the $60.  I'd rather play a great 2D Sonic platformer at $60 vs a Mid 3D platformer at $40.

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48 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

We’re getting our first “controversy” with this game because of course it has to be one.


People are upset that it’s 60 dollars and feels it shouldn’t be because it’s 2D.

This is sounding like Metroid Dread all over again. People need to stop with this. 

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6 hours ago, RegH81 said:

Controversy with a Sonic game? Can't say I didn't see that coming. So 3D games are worth $60 but 2D games aren't? How the EFF does that even make sense?

The general gaming public are not use to games like superstars being full price. They will likely look at it and think of it being a $20-$30 downloadable game.

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14 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

IGN Japan has 10 minutes of footage



So upon hearing the music...I'm pretty sure that Jun is doing music.   The music sounds like slightly better Sonic 4 tracks which...I'm kinda eh about.  I'm also pretty sure it's Jun because the there's a section in the background track that makes direct reference to Sonic Adventure in terms of notes and sound.  If you can't quite place the reference, it's "Pleasure Castle (Twinkle Park)".  I love Jun but I don't know why he feels he needs to attempt to mimic the Genesis sound when he does the 2D games.  Every time he does it sounds off to me.  If this is the style he's going to go with for the full sound then I'm hoping there are other people helping with the music.


Other notes.  Game looks really clean graphically and I'm digging it....physics look good...for the most part.  There are a couple sections in the video that looked sus where it just looks like Sonic is just arbitrarily slowed down for no reason but they're few and far between


Here's some other details pulled from various other media including Sonic Stadium and some offscreen gameplay via Sonic Stadium



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37 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

So upon hearing the music...I'm pretty sure that Jun is doing music.   The music sounds like slightly better Sonic 4 tracks which...I'm kinda eh about.  I'm also pretty sure it's Jun because the there's a section in the background track that makes direct reference to Sonic Adventure in terms of notes and sound.  If you can't quite place the reference, it's "Pleasure Castle (Twinkle Park)".  I love Jun but I don't know why he feels he needs to attempt to mimic the Genesis sound when he does the 2D games.  Every time he does it sounds off to me.  If this is the style he's going to go with for the full sound then I'm hoping there are other people helping with the music.

When I heard the music it sounded familiar. So much so I thought it was a reused track. I swear I heard Sky Fortress in there. 


I want Tee Lopes. He's perfect for classic Sonic and he doesn;t miss. 

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Apparently the music that is in IGN Japan's video is placeholder based on a Twitter thread I read through.  The track that's actually playing in that video is "White Park Act 2" from Sonic 4 Ep 2.  I've never played 4 Ep2 and have not listened to the music for it so it's no fucking wonder it sounded like 4 because it is lol.  Gamescage says the music sounds very "Teelopesy".  He almost mentioned that Drop Dash is in.


Tee Lopes quote retweeted Gamescage's comment but of course...he not confirming or denying.



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Jun is the lead music director but Tee will be contributing.  They said "external teams" which I feel implies it's not just going to be Tee contributing.  I doubt it'd be Johnny Atma since him being on the team might almost seem redundant with Jun there but I def would not be opposed to it.  Kinda curious who else is in on this.

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Not only is Oshima working on Superstarts but his studio Arzest is actually developing the game.  This is the full article that mentions Tee.


Sonic Team in Japan will be providing art but just about everything else is developed through Arzest.  Oshima actually designed some of the levels in the 1 and CD and didn't just contribute and create art for the characters.  There was actual talks with Christian Whitehead and crew about what the next Sonic 2D game should be but talks fell through. 

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12 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Not only is Oshima working on Superstarts but his studio Arzest is actually developing the game.  This is the full article that mentions Tee.


Sonic Team in Japan will be providing art but just about everything else is developed through Arzest.  Oshima actually designed some of the levels in the 1 and CD and didn't just contribute and create art for the characters.  There was actual talks with Christian Whitehead and crew about what the next Sonic 2D game should be but talks fell through. 

Arzest has Balan Wonderworld on their portfolio. I don't need that devil haunting this game. 

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A bunch of fans have been working on a 2d fan film for a long time called Sonic Villians.  Shows up in my timeline from time to time.  Don't know if it will be good or not anything especially since the art doesn't look to be staying consistent but I can appreciate the effort being put in plus the concept intrigues me.

Another multiverse story but it actually involves Sonic across the differen media spectrum from the looks of it.


Christian Whitehead also commented on a post mentioning that the physics from Mania were transfered into Superstars, he can't talk much on it at the moment.

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Iizuka answers from an interview with Shacknews


Classic and Modern games for the franchise will continue to be made separately moving forward.  They actually considered replacing sprite pixel graphics with fully drawn frame by frame animation but ultimately decided to go with 3D.  Shadow will not be in Superstars but he will be in a future game.  They asked him about a potential remake for SA2 and he said although he loves the game that the studio is more focused on new things at the moment.

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