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Posts posted by BB_Hoody

  1. 5 hours ago, NinetiesArcades said:

    For anyone else that fucks with stock trading,  NVIDIA doing 10-to-1 split in few days:



      NVIDIA is basically entire systems meant for the AI technology. The Blackwell system is really going to push the AI revolution to the next level. The GTC conference 2 months ago really puts into perspective the insane tech NVIDIA is developing. 






    Passed up an opportunity to get in at sub $500 thinking it'd pull back further. Back in Oct 2022.....Smfh

  2. 22 hours ago, RSG3 said:

    Or people died of this horrible stuff and we just didn't know about it yet. 


    Rets point to tho. 

    That's true. I'm just thinking that a lot of health issues today. Is the result of our screwed up diets and Frankenstein food most other countries don't classify as food and ban. That warrants some of the check ups and perscription drugs etc. And correct me if I'm wrong. But those in the pharmaceutical and food production industries help fund the FDA. The very group that OKs their bullshit.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

    OK, so we're all getting older,  and some of us have reached our mid 40s. Today my doctor scheduled a colonoscopy for next week.  I'm scared,  I don't know what to expect,  I've never had anything like THAT done before.  Am I gonna be OK? This just don't seem right to me.

    Hopefully your doc is a gentleman about it. Puts on some nice music, enjoy some wine and conversation before getting to it.

  4. Wednesday me and my sista drove up to Prescott to tour the Embry Riddle campus. That place from what I saw? More than lived up to it's reputation. I now see why their name is so heavy in the aviation industry.


    Students from around the world come out here to attend. It's expensive but it looks like you get your money's worth. State of the art flight simulators. A fleet of aircrafts to train with. Wind tunnels, machinist shops with the latest machinery and tools. All the professors are proven masters of their fields with real world experience to pull from.


    Saw some students working on building their own rockets and satellites! I was just gonna be content with the tour. But I heard how faculty can get reduced tuition. So I asked about mechanic jobs there.


    Apparently there are some. For maintaining their fleet. 50% off for full time students that are faculty. And tuition is flat out waved for part time students that are faculty. I talked with a father and his son on the tour. Dad is a Embry Riddle alumn from the 80s flying for FedEx. And son followed in his footsteps and is a pilot too.


    They had a lot of wisdom and advice. Talked about my mechanic experience. And the son strongly suggested becoming a pilot. Because pilots with mechanical experience are so rare. Said doors would be wide open for me if I did that. And my mom also thought I should learn to fly since I already work on them. So yeah might just do that. 

  5. @RSG3 Hey Friday me and my sista who came to town to visit. Drove up to Flagstaff for the first time. We checked out the Orwell Observatory. Real cool that this is where Pluto was discovered. It was below 40 degrees and hail. You'd forget you're in Arizona.


    We're heading back up that way Wednesday. Gonna visit the Embry Riddle Campus in Prescott. Then Sedona to see that Chirch built into the Mountains 



  6. 13 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

    What the fuck at this dude just getting released back on the streets like that.  Glad someone got him on tape finally but if this is the asshole who's been sucker punching the other women on the street then he clearly needs help and needs to be taken off the street for longer than however this is.  If this dude was getting his nuts stomped I'd probably look away for a few minutes before attempting to break it up


    Nyc is in a legit state of societal decay. Things are getting out of control there. Nyc will always be my home where I was born and raised. But I'm glad I only have to visit now. Too much fuckery going on, too many politicians with policies encouraging it. And too many people voting for said politicians. 


    No way I'm paying the highest tax rate in the nation, and some of the highest living cost. To be apart of that shit show. 

  7. 53 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

    I'll be VERY surprised if he even serves 5 years but hopefully 🤞


    Still, it's kind of shitty to think that if he had only made off with a bunch of plebs' money, nobody would have cared and he'd have gotten a slap on the wrist if anything at All.

    Yep that's the worst part. He's not being punished for a serious crime that hurt people. He's being made an example of to those that try to get over on the elites. He's this generation's Bernie Madoff. He's done for.


     "You thought you were gonna fuck me? You thought you was a predator? You saw me as prey? I'M THE FUKING APEX PREDATOR YOU SHOULD'VE AVOIDED! Just thought you could fuck everything like a dog huh? Well I'm about to fuck you like a Gorilla!"



  8. On 3/24/2024 at 12:35 AM, TheInfernoman said:

    This is why I never got why women even liked this movie. It's not even romantic, it's the equivalent of a tinder hook up just set 100 years ago.


    Heck Kate Winslet's tits are (as the kids say) mid for crying out loud. 🤣

    You'd be surprised what behavior women are ok with, when Mr tall, handsome and charming is doing it.

  9. Hey so I've looked at vids of modern yugioh. And the game looks to have devolved into the most expensive game of solitaire. So I was thinking of a action mechanic to fix this.


    Basically you'd have a number of action tokens. That are used when making moves during your turn and your opponents. Then it resets during your stand by phase. The more impactful an action is the more action tokens are utilized.


    I.E a normal summon, declaring an attack, changing battle position is 1 action point. While a non extra deck special summon  is 3 and a extra deck special summon is 5.  Setting a card is 1. Activating and resolving an effect on your turn is 2. And activating and resolving an effect on your opponent's turn is 3.


    This is just a rough draft. But the idea is to basically force some thought, strategy and interaction back into the game. As appose to "Herp I go first, either you've opened with hand traps. Or I flood the board with powerful effect negating boss monsters turn 1 and win Derp" Now you'd have to actually think and not over commit to your board. Less you blow your action points on summoning your boss monsters. But no action points left to use effects.

  10. Third Strike is back at EVO! And wow EVO has really gone Hollywood now. Chipotle sponsorship, high budget promo vids and sh1t. Came along way from The Daigo parry where it was just a small crowd watching Justin and Daigo making history. Playing on a small TV. It's pretty amazing 


    Also the hype and nostalgia from hearing my guy Yipes commentating Street Fighter 6 EVO. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Reticently said:

    It's a thing I only know about as a parent of kids of a certain age, but holy fuck McDonald's ice cream machines always being broken is real lol.


    Oh noes kids, looks like we have to go somewhere good instead!

    Funny enough. I had a uber driver who's main job is going to fast food restaurants. And doing maintenance on their equipment. I asked him as a joke why does the ice cream machine stay broke at McDonald's?


    He laughed and told me that there's a proper procedure for shutting it down. But most employees don't care and shut it down without following procedure. Which can screw things up.

  12. 13 hours ago, RSG3 said:

    I got a better idea. Get rid of golf. Its a waste of money, resources and space. 

    Bruh don't get me started on that stupid, elitist, status flexing, sorry excuse for a "sport". That is the epitome of how the wealthy waste resources without a care in the world. Fuck golf with no Vaseline.


    Also I made some chicken, mango rice that came out pretty damn good. The only thing missing is adding more flavor to the rice itself. Im thinking after i mash up the mango into a paste. I'll cook the rice in some of it. Before I make the paste into a sauce. Or maybe just don't do a sauce. Just use all the mashed mango to Sautee the rice in.

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