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  1. +1
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
    I mean, Octopath Traveler was called “Project Octopath Traveler”
    so...I’m sure it’s going to be called what it is now. Lol 
  2. +1
    Wellman reacted to YourFavGrandpa in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
    I'm stoked to play it!
  3. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from DoctaMario in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
    Welp, Texas is shut down so I will be able to watch provided we don't lose power again.
  4. LOL
    Wellman reacted to TheInfernoman in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
  5. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from RSG3 in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    They have said it is unlikely to not going to happen in different instances. 
    The fact is many people felt the new consoles would force their hand to make stronger hardware to keep up. However, the new consoles are having supply issues so the Switch has been outpacing them. Also they have had surprise hits to help pace themselves during this period. They are likely working on a Switch upgrade or successor but they don't really have a reason currently to push one out yet given how well the current model is doing.
    It doesn't mean they won't or can't but it is just really unlikely. But most would have said the same for the many Nintendo decisions. We will see.
  6. Insightful
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Yeah but *slides on tin foil hat*
  7. +1
    Wellman reacted to TheInfernoman in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
    The smash predictions are coming in for tomorrow's direct. Who will it be this time!?
    I'm not much for smash these days BUUUUUUUT, Shantae would be great...just sayin'
  8. +1
    Wellman reacted to MillionX in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Yeah, the only thing of relevance to me with Blizzard is Diablo.... but yep, they have some insanely tough competition in that genre now with Lost Ark and Path of Exile... Lost Ark in particular is currently THE best looking arpg out there, imo.... it's a damn shame it's not out here in the U.S. officially and on multiple platforms.
    I've still just played Path a couple of times... but I wish more games would take a page out of their playbook and give players an absurdly huge skill tree to play with.  That was the main thing that jumped out to me as awesome.
    Oddly enough I will check out whatever they have on Overwatch, even though I don't play that game...nor do I have plans on ever buying it... I just love those character designs, and the cinematics (in Blizzard games in general) are always some amazing shit.
  9. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from RSG3 in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Oh shit I keep forgetting this is the Zelda franchise 35th anniversary. Oh yeah they probably will have a couple ports or collections announced tomorrow.
  10. +1
    Wellman reacted to Hawkingbird in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    I want there to be a Xenoblade X port so any Wii U holdouts can finally chuck the console. 
  11. LOL
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    And it’s almost an hour long. 

  12. +1
    Wellman reacted to RegH81 in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
  13. +1
    Wellman reacted to YourFavGrandpa in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
  14. LOL
  15. LOL
    Wellman reacted to Hawkingbird in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Console scalpers trying to play victim. Saying they don't deserve all the negative press
  16. +1
    Wellman reacted to Hawkingbird in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    I wish CC2 got another chance to develop another game like Jojo Eye of Heaven. 
  17. +1
  18. +1
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in The Star Wars Thread: Where we discuss ALL of Star Wars   
    Finished Rebels.
    It was fine. Sabine and Chopper were my favorite characters by far.
    A few of the episodes of the last season were major turn offs for me as they were just there to ass pull Ashoka out of dying on Malicor when she could have just been shown to survive later. But it is what it is.
    I wish they had of shown Ezra being manipulated by the Sith Holocron more instead of it being a thing that lasted like 2 episodes. That was such an interesting dynamic to me.
    I always wondered why everyone liked Thrawn so much outside of just being a “well written character” from the trilogy of books. And man I can see why now. His first appearance without even speaking of word of dialogue you could see why he was such an intimidating threat.
    I appreciate that they always made Thrawn look like this overwhelming undeniable and arguably undefeatable wall in the Rebellions place. He never truly lost a battle against the Rebels.
    It was always Imperial personnel trying to undermine him, over shadow him, take credit for his tactics, or just flat out not listen to him. If mid and high ranking officials in the Empire would have just fucking listened to Thrawn the rebellion genuinely wouldn’t have stood a chance against the empire.
    I also like that him being taken away via hyperspace whales ended up being the turning point in the war since the empire no longer had his tactical genius.
    Ashoka asking the chick about Thrawn in Mando now makes a lot more sense too. If she finds Thrawn she finds Ezra. 
  19. Insightful
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
    Don’t forget to get those triple crowns in World 1 Stage 2! 

  20. LOL
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Cause he knows that controller is some ol bullshit. Probably gave him a rock candy brand controller 
  21. LOL
    Wellman reacted to Sonichuman in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    It probably feels that way right now...but it's more than likely just on an extended hiatus.  Once your child becomes a bit more self sufficient and the possibility of them drinking bleach when you turn head for a half a second goes down you'll probably find some time during the day to play and you'll probably also be playing with your kid of course.  I'm looking forward to that moment the most to be honest.  My kid is already stealing my Switch Pro controller and walking around the house with it while following us around.  AND HE REFUSES TO PLAY WITH THE TOY CONTROLLER THAT WE SPECIFICALLY BOUGHT FOR HIM.
  22. +1
    Wellman reacted to OPTIMUS124 in The Star Wars Thread: Where we discuss ALL of Star Wars   
    Wasted potential at its finest. 
  23. Insightful
    Wellman reacted to Sonichuman in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Been playing Bowser's Fury aand I gotta say...if this is Ninty testing the waters for the next 3D Mario game then I'm all for it!
  24. +1
    Wellman reacted to Darc_Requiem in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Has it not clicked with these publishers yet? Games as a service cannot be a thing for everyone. If they want to waste their money, they can just deposit it into my accounts.
  25. +1
    Wellman reacted to YourFavGrandpa in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
    So, I ended up with two copies of Mario 3D World, mainly because Walmart this morning had copies, right on time. Planning on sending my Amazon copy back tomorrow and using the money from that to pick up Bravely Default II, and using the money from the study group I was a part of to buy more shmups. 

    Edit: Walked back Walmart preorder of P5S. I'll pick it up in store on release day, same with Bravely Default II.
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