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I don't like the old Star Wars movies. I thought they were OK as a kid, and my opinion hasn't really improved with time. Watched the original 3 again a few years ago and still wasn't terribly impressed. I'm equally indifferent about the prequel trilogy.


...I love the new movies that have come out recently though.

On 3/6/2018 at 4:20 AM, misterBee said:

I don't like the old Star Wars movies. I thought they were OK as a kid, and my opinion hasn't really improved with time. Watched the original 3 again a few years ago and still wasn't terribly impressed. I'm equally indifferent about the prequel trilogy.


...I love the new movies that have come out recently though.


I'm going to get you into witness protection immediately. The angry Star Wars fan mob is relentless.

  • 2 weeks later...

I finally watched the last season on Rebels. It was good. Didn't like that a certain character died but that seems to be the norm for star wars. Also, i'd be pretty pissed if it took these bitches that long to even START looking for me. I'm looking forward to how Ezra's story unfolds after this series.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Damn. I only just saw this thread now and it seems that nobody pointed it out until now.  Well, considering what just got played this Memorial Day weekend.....................................





And there are plenty more hits that keep a coming.  A SJW ROBOT?!?!?!?!?!?

#TheWompRatsDiedForNothing 😥

Edited by Deadly_Raver
Posted (edited)

I just saw SOLO.




Alden and Don Glover as Han and Lando . They werent just imitations like I was expecting


Good action sequences. The one about 90 minutes in with the ship felt the most like the OG movies


L3 droid was funny


Cameo by a classic character at the end





--It feels  very inoffensive and designed not to push many boundaries. If the film didnt exist, I dont think it would leave a real hole in the movie series. It feels like Disney/Lucasfilm took all the info about Han from previous movies that was merely alluded to,made a checklist,  and told the filmmakers to construct a movie out of it  (Kessel run, meet Chewie, meet Lando, check,check check)


-Han doesnt really undergo any change in chracter from beginning. Hes basically han from beginning to end. Hes slightly more idealistic.


 --Paul Bettany does not really come off as a threatening villain. (Perhaps a decade of playing Jarvis/Vision has conditioned us to see him as a hero?)


--Too many double cross moments in the end. The reveal of who  the Marauder characters was meh.


--I kinda wanted the first meeting with Chewie to be more epic than it was. I think it should have been later in the film imo


A symptom of being  a  prequel is that most of these characters who have never appeared before in a previous SW movie are destined to meet the Grim Reaper and since there isnt much time to get to know them , their deaths are ultimately hollow. Rogue One had this problem too. 


Overall:  7/10.

Not a bad movie, but one that will fade as soon as you go home. 

See it as a matinee for under $10.

Disney should have kept Lord/Miller , then maybe it would be a little more memorable. Ron Howard has made good movies in the past, but I dont really see his style as unique.


Misc: I went on a Saturday night and only 30% of the cinema was filled. This is a Star Wars movie not STEP UP.









Edited by DangerousJ
Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Solo is sinking like a stone in a lake. Curious to see what Disney will do. The way Solo is going it won't his 500 million dollars and will LOSE money.

apparently, if they (Disney) suffers enough financial damage they will do the last thing anyone ever expected:  Listen to fans.  

Moral of the story:  Once the money runs out, they'll listen.

EDIT:  They've crapped on their fans though and the pain is real.  They're going to have a lot of work to do to get back the people who were loyal to them even when they tried to shoehorn in a new jedi.  We'll see what's what in the next few films.  Making a damn good Obi Wan movie will go a long way towards mending the fence.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
hit enter too quickly I did.

This Star Wars situation is crazy. I never thought I'd live to see a Star Wars film lose money. Solo is basically paying for the "sins" of TLJ. That movie reminds me of the The Dark Knight Rises. The more I think about it and the more time that passes, the worse it becomes. Except for all its flaws TDKR is still a decent film just the worst one in the trilogy.


I thought TLJ was a fine movie.  It broke some peoples' minds because the heroes they have been worshiping for decades didn't turn out the way they wanted.  I'll honestly never understand the tears.


The only way some people were gonna be happy was if TLJ was the most pandering bland thing ever -- because a lot of fans would rather continue to see the same thing they already know over and over rather than do something new and exciting.


I don't think Solo is the result of TLJ's 'failure'.  It's just that nobody wanted to see to a movie about Han Solo in the past.


Also, part of the charm was waiting in anticipation at least a few years to a decade for a new SW film.


Since 2015 , we've had 1 SW film each year with only a 6 month gap between Solo and TLJ.

It takes away the "special" nature of it imo.


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, misterBee said:

I thought TLJ was a fine movie.  It broke some peoples' minds because the heroes they have been worshiping for decades didn't turn out the way they wanted.  I'll honestly never understand the tears.


The only way some people were gonna be happy was if TLJ was the most pandering bland thing ever -- because a lot of fans would rather continue to see the same thing they already know over and over rather than do something new and exciting.


I don't think Solo is the result of TLJ's 'failure'.  It's just that nobody wanted to see to a movie about Han Solo in the past.

I had similar thoughts initially. However my opinion has changed over time. Leaving Luke and Leia out of it, the biggest issue is they completely botched the new characters. Finn lost all of his character progression from TFA.  He gets sent back to scratch. He finally makes some progress and Rose snatches it away from him at the last moment. Poe goes from cool under pressure to an irrational hot head. Rey gets zero training or explanation for her aptitude. I stuck up for her TFA. Can't do that in TLJ. The only new character that showed improvement was Kylo. Manipulating Rey and Smoke to takeover The First Order was great. On the other hand, they completely ruined General Hux. He went a strong foil to Kylo Ren to comic relief.


These new movies need to be carried by the new cast. After a solid foundation from Abrams', Johnson took a torch to the new cast. If you are going to let the past die, you need to be sure the future is on solid ground. He didn't do that. TLJ comes off as one off that shows little regard for The Force Awakens or Episode 9. This is like the cinematic version of the Mass Effect Trilogy. It wasn't planned out from the beginning and it shows.


As for the Luke situation, after seeing diehard fans express why they are angry about his portrayal, I see their point. Luke sought to redeem a father that killed hundreds by his own and thousands indirectly. Despite Vader active participating in the attempt to kill all his friends and allies, he risked everything to restore his character. This was a father that he didn't even know. That type of person would not pull lightsaber on his sleeping nephew. He wouldn't abandon his family and friends to an empire like menace. So I see why they and Mark Hamill are unhappy.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
28 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

As for the Luke situation, after seeing diehard fans express why they are angry about his portrayal, I see their point. Luke sought to redeem a father that killed hundreds by his own and thousands indirectly. Despite Vader active participating in the attempt to kill all his friends and allies, he risked everything to restore his character. This was a father that he didn't even know. That type of person would not pull lightsaber on his sleeping nephew. He wouldn't abandon his family and friends to an empire like menace. So I see why they and Mark Hamill are unhappy.

Diehard fans see Luke as some infallible superhero, but TLJ Luke is a man.  He may have brought back the Jedi, but he ruins it all -- and it breaks him.  Fans don't like seeing Luke as someone with humanity or weakness.  He's Jedi Jesus and needs to be perfect because they dreamed about being Luke since they were 10 years old.  They've put the character on a pedestal and a more human version of him is clashing with their vision of who he should be.


Luke admits to having a moment of weakness and ugliness when he pulls the lightsaber out on his nephew.  What person doesn't have that kind of moment?  People who don't are creepy robots -- and the consequences of this moment of weakness break Luke.


Sometimes when you are at the lowest you do things you wouldn't normally do.  Sometimes you turn your back on everything you know and cared about and retreat within yourself.  The fact that TLJ Luke turns around and sacrifices himself to save everything he turned away from makes him even stronger than he was in the other movies.  In the old trilogy he's just some dude who is the perfect hero because reasons. In TLJ he's a broken man who comes back from the depths of despair to save the day and make peace with his past mistakes.


Everyone forgets that there is a whole lifetime in between the original movies and TLJ.  They all want to see old Luke acting like he did over 30 years ago when he beat the Emperor.  Sorry, but that's not how life works.  People make mistakes.  People have regrets.  People stumble and fall.  The mark of a true hero is coming back from that all, and TLJ Luke totally delivers.


I don't even like Star Wars that much, so I think it's a lot easier to see the merits of TLJ when you don't have the emotional baggage or investment in the franchise. 


As for the new characters - Rey and Kylo back-to-back battle was sick.  Sure they stumbled a bit with the new chars in TLJ but I'm sure it'll be fine for the next one.

Posted (edited)

Honestly I'm a Star Trek guy. I like Star Wars but it isn't my end all be all. That said, I'm willing to listen to a rational argument. After seeing several, non trolling fans, put together reasons why they disliked Luke's portrayal and Mark Hamill displeasure. I  thought what they said and saw merit in the argument.


Luke's never been infallible. In fact his defining trait was seeing good in people to his detriment at times. His failure was established in TFA. Kylo serving Snoke and his Jedi temple being decimated by him was proof of that. How he handled failure is what seems to be the crux of the fan consternation. 


Plus the more obvious issue, for the movie on the whole, is that the story told in TLJ was not what was planned. If Luke was so disgusted that he wanted to into hiding and die. He wouldn't have left R2D2 and Lor San Tekka behind with two parts of a map to his location. That along with many plot points were setups with little to no payoff. There is subverting expectations and there is just doing opposite of what is expected despite the narrative problems it presents. M.Night Shamalyan nearly tanked his career throwing out plot twists on a whim.

Edited by Darc_Requiem

I don't think people really put as much emphasis on just how incredible Luke projecting himself at the end of TLJ actually is. Kylo asked Rey if she was the one connecting them the first time their minds were bridged- and that was when they could only just see each other and not their surroundings. Then he said no, the effort would kill her. Luke completely and physically manifested himself onto Crait from the Jedi Temple. I've never seen anything so incredible done with the force before. It was an awesome send off for the character I thought.

27 minutes ago, misterBee said:

You mean his HIGHEST POINT?!  Bruh I'm feelin that video. 😎


Show me more of the hot imperial agent who shows up for approximately 3 seconds. ❤️

I just want you to know that this is your fault....



On 6/6/2018 at 11:19 AM, misterBee said:

I thought TLJ was a fine movie.  It broke some peoples' minds because the heroes they have been worshiping for decades didn't turn out the way they wanted.  I'll honestly never understand the tears.


The only way some people were gonna be happy was if TLJ was the most pandering bland thing ever -- because a lot of fans would rather continue to see the same thing they already know over and over rather than do something new and exciting.


I don't think Solo is the result of TLJ's 'failure'.  It's just that nobody wanted to see to a movie about Han Solo in the past.

A lot of it was that last sentence.  NOBODY wanted a Solo Movie.  At least not yet.  The fans already had the nasty taste of SW7 and 8 in their mouths, with more people seeming to like the Rogue 1 movie at least, but not enough obviously to save Solo.  On top of that, the constant disrespect shown to the characters and the fans all but assured that it would fail........................and so it did.  

7 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

A lot of it was that last sentence.  NOBODY wanted a Solo Movie.  At least not yet.  The fans already had the nasty taste of SW7 and 8 in their mouths, with more people seeming to like the Rogue 1 movie at least, but not enough obviously to save Solo.  On top of that, the constant disrespect shown to the characters and the fans all but assured that it would fail........................and so it did.  

Solo never was going to be the hit like a mainline Star Wars movie. That said, if it had reasonable budget and they didn't just piss off some many of their hardcore fans. It would made money. Part of what helped out Rogue One is that majority of fans like TFA, so they were hungry for more Star Wars. Solo could have came out in December, it could have came out next year. It still would have tanked due to Episode 8.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)
On 3/6/2018 at 11:51 AM, Chadouken said:

The Last Jedi was fucking awesome. Definitely in the top 3 Star Wars movies.

I can't tell if you were being serious, but this did not age well lol.

What happened at Wookipedia @TheInfernoman?

Edited by Scanman

Having been able to watch the premiere of season 2... Damn these cast leaks almost ruined the episode.


I mean it was a nice more or less self contained action romp to set up the new season and it's ties to the overall franchise. But given a day to sit on it I realize if I didn't already know about the casting and who they were and we're not going to play I would have enjoyed this a lot more. 


But even with my news addiction causing so much not to land as it was probably intended I really liked it.

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