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Posts posted by bakfromon

  1. 17 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

    That's because Gouken's style doesn't utilize utilizes a completely different method of chi cultivation. Giving it your all in a fight doesn't necessitate using SnH...that's the entire point of Gouken's style and Ryu's arc


    No, Gouken's style utilizes SnH as a catalyst, we know this from the description of the Denjin Hadouken that both Gouken and Ryu have mastered.


    ""By alternately inverting the method of mixing the Hado for a short period of time, the Hado can be charged with electricity. This was made possible by controlling the ki of the murderous wave, which has a yin nature, for a short time. Perhaps, If you completely overcome the wave of murderous intent, you will not be able to use the electric blade Hadoken."(電刃波動拳の会得秘話などありますか? 「波動の練り方を、短い間に交互に反転させることで、波動に電気を帯びさせることができる。これは陰の性質を持つ、殺意の波動の気を少しの間、制御することで可能になったものです。おそらく殺意の波動を完全に克服することになれば、電刃波動拳は使えなくなるでしよう」) Ryu's explanation from an interview in Gamest Mook Vol. 81 – Street Fighter III New Generation ‘Fan Book’ page 85."


    In order for Gouken or Ryu to have mastered that move they must have complete control of SnH through their mastery of MnK. If they were overcome by SnH then they can't use this particular move or any of its variants.


    The key to mastering the Denjin mode is overcoming the SnH which Ryu's bio states has occurred in SF6. So yes, Ryu (and Gouken) utilize SnH in a way that changes its nature from negative to positive. When you see a visualization of SnH it is legitimate SnH for a time until it is sublimated through Mu. SF6 Ryu is akin to SFV side story Oro in how he states he can utilize an imitation of SnH.  It's not really an "imitation" as Oro states, it's just that Oro in his age and experience has complete mastery over all aspects of his ki so both Yin and Yang (- & +). SnH is inherently Yin so he can muster a whole bunch of that and then instantly negate it through Mu. Mu is neither positive or negative it's literally 0.


  2. Jamie’s CA is brutal😭 

    I know that they referenced that he aspire to follow in Yun and Yangs footsteps, but this whole “Devil Within” concept and the fact that he’s basically ripping out someone’s throat basically screams Ansatsuken. 

    I wonder if this is supposed to be “Gens Apprentice” ? They both share the whole crop top style and like to let their hair down…spacer.png

  3. Redesigns aside it looks like they made a majority of the newcomers female. 

    5 minutes ago, N-Tactix said:

    Is it me or does Ken look like a more modern version of MOTW Terry? 

     Basically, and his personality looks sort of grim not the sort of happy go lucky smiling confident Ken we’re used to see him portrayed as. He’s kinda giving me RE8 Chris Redfield vibes now.  Of course Dee Jay and Rashid still seem happy, I wonder if this is significant at all to Kens development at all?

  4. 5 hours ago, Phantom_Miria said:

    I'm really not seeing it honestly.


    The Ryu from that trailer is the same Ryu from SFV with more details.

    They’re going for a more realistic approach for the designs overall which could take away the highly exaggerated expressions  looks and movements we were used to in 4&5 like bulging eyes and muscles during characters supers. The bigger cartoonish hands and feet that SF models are used to having from the previous games may be gone as well in 6 due to the photorealistic changes. This may be the reason why they felt this version of the game might be harder to play due to the fact the lack of animated proportions changes the dynamic of judging hit boxes and spacing. 

  5. SF6 looks like its taking the art direction SF5 was supposed to go in, but they decided to go with the cartoonish style from SF4.



    ""During the prototyping phase of Street Fighter 5 it was a time where photo realistic graphics were very popular," he starts. "We actually tried out a very different style, but one of the things we learned very quickly was that the realistic proportions in this model actually made the game much harder to play. It was really easy to go away from this style and make the decision to keep the more exaggerated style for the game."

  6. Rose's story intrigues me the most so far out of a majority of SFV characters. It did two things for me which I discussed with Midgardsorm. For one the whole reboot concept is something I didn't expect although I was thinking it may not be alluding to a reboot per say. I was thinking that SFV Rose is either projecting her memories to her past self and her past self misinterprets the doomsday as Bisons doing but it is in fact Gs doing ....or they're actually setting up for a reboot of some sort. Also it establishes G's importance to the story. If he is indeed the Fool card as Rose states than that means the Fool card has transitioned from Ryu to G. The Fool card was one that represents a profound change. Ryu was originally the Fool card as he was the one destined to defeat Bison, but now since he's fulfilled that the Fool card is now represented by a new character.  If G is supposed to represent a new change and Rose is getting bad vibes from him than there's definitely more than meets the eye to him. G doesn't seem like a threat at first glance but you can tell there is something dubious about him. The fact that we know very little about him makes him more interesting because you have to speculate about the character. Rose's story actually made me more interested about G (and by extension Q) to the point I feel like @Shockdingo trying to come up with different theories on who or what he is and what his place in the future of SF is. 

  7. Finally some new character content!.....and it's Dan. ...😒


    Well his SFV ending is interesting enough. I'm sure that G was supposed to be an important boss character than what he currently is, hopefully this gets expanded upon in SF6 since this season is SFV's swansong.


    Does Dan ever have an original idea of his own?  Now he's gone and copied Blanka's business idea.

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