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Posts posted by bakfromon

  1. 4 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

    Seems a profitable exchange, we should sign that shit 😄


    Honestly, with as much grey hair and wrinkles the World Warriors are showing these days that might as well be an animated version of  Ryu and Akuma in their epic exchange of fists (canes). 

    If JP is supposedly the Boss of this new game (wielding a cane and locks of grey hair) this only goes to further the theory that the “S” in “SF6” stands for senior citizen.

  2. 6 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

    Gill by the time of SF6 still has not been publicly exposed as evil, proof is he's currently allowed to promote his cult

     Street Fighter 6 Discussion/Speculation Thread News - Capcom | Page 13 |  ResetEra



    Bison  i think have different approach to JP

    It's true that Bison at some point had to appear before a judge under normal law trial terms (funny if e think about it) and used his gimmicks to get out, but he turned into open hstility as soon he had the military power to declare his indipendence from governments laws

    I think Bison never tried to "be accepted", he simply could not try pull his true plans till he was powerful enough


    We still don't know much about JP but seems compared to Bison he want to build his power within society rather than contrast it, my early impression is that he accepted try to rule declaring war to the world lead to failure(something that Bison in his pride will never accept), while having a mask that goes along with society open many doors (see he godess/princess of Nayshall*)

    This is interesting because we now have a trend of how the newer main villains are becoming less traditionally "Muhaaahaahahha I will take over the world!" 

     to something more cunning and with a somewhat tangible tie to real world injustice. 


    SF3 has the Illuminati, which on the ground level seems like some sort of newly established cult by the time of SF6, but we know they've gone so far as to influence and kidnap individuals like Necro and Effie for experimentation. 


    SF4 has Seth who was the CEO of a weapons company that ultimately had ties with Shadaloo and had spawned from them in a sense. Yet, in the public eye S.I.N could be  established as a weapons manufacture/ merchant. 


    I tend to think G to be the "true" boss of SF5 unlike Necalli. G is similar in that Menat senses that he has the propensity to some great power. She can't sense what he might use it for besides influencing his constituents. That maybe a double edged sword depending on his affinity which is questionable beyond what G says himself; " President of the World". 


    Now we have JP in SF6 and it seems that his backstory is trending to a sense that he is the villain but we don't know his motives and he almost seems like one of the regulars. 

  3. 20 minutes ago, Daemos said:

    Gill definitely sought to be seen as positively in the public eye, but Bison is the polar opposite and has nothing to do with this type of nonsense. He rules by might!

    I think JP is the plunderer because he has something that is not his, and soon the original owner will return to reclaim all that is his and his alone! :bison:

    Well the thing  that is similar about both JP and Bison is Psycho Power. We know for a fact that Bison's top skill through Psycho Power is "Hypnosis" or mind control. He can literally alter the perception of anyone, therefore if Bison wants you to see him as a friend or threat he can easily do so. This is how he was able to dodge jurisdiction in court when Guile tried to legally bring Shadaloo and Bison to justice. This is also the reason Guile didn't trust his superiors during SF2 because he thought they could have been brainwashed. 


    Bison could easily manipulate individuals to like him through brainwashing unless they had an intense hatred or rivalry against him (Chun, Guile, World Warriors in general) then he would badger them with fear and doubt.


    What if JP is using Psycho Power more effectively than Bison and instead of grasping power outright by ill gotten means he's using his power to benefit some desperate country like Nayshall?  Not to say Nayshall was desperate before JP but it seems his story and that of others that concern him revolves around this place called Nayshall. JP happens to be so successful in investing his money regardless of the fact his theme is named "Plunderer"  and not " "Investment Mogul".

  4. 2 hours ago, Daemos said:

    It's a great theme. One of the best so far. Has a James Bond quality to it. 

     Its probably the best one yet so far. The name of the themes usually have some sort of tie to the characters motive in the story. Considering the fact that JPs is called Plunderer despite the fact his backstory would suggest he's a rather beneficial yet benign character. This  makes me think he's the type of villain who's seen in the public eye as  someone of worth yet is gaining his power through begotten means.  I wonder if JP may have succeeded in where Bison and Gill sort of failed at in gaining means to power by darker means under the radar of suspicion and managed to be seen as beneficial publicly.  Shadaloo and Illuminati had more ties to shady or unknown dealings like drugs and kidnappings. JP maybe using his beneficial NGO non profit and investing in Nayshall as a cover for his actual business in plundering. 

  5. 15 hours ago, Daemos said:

    Gameplay does not necessarily equate canonical abilities.


    - Ghosts = Projections. Both Bison and Rose can do these in the canon.

    - Bison can generate spires of Psycho flame or really even a field of Psycho Fire as seen in SF5. Literally, Bison can do things that are beyond absolutely anyone in the SF universe and you're focusing on a bunch of flames.

    - The teleport move that JP uses (where he can choose where to appear front or back) is pretty much a left over from Bison's SF5 early beta. The move was removed but it's still buried in the game files. Bison can teleport at several positions around his opponent.

    The only thing that JP is doing that is truly unique are those crystalline structures emerging from the rifts. While we've seen Bison create and move through rifts, he never summoned anything else through them. Whether this is by choice or mastery is unknown right now.

    JP is using Psycho Power more so like Rose uses Soul Power. Bison uses it mostly for a physical power up he doesn’t use clones during one on one battle and he doesn’t imbue objects with Psycho Power for weapons. Bison uses his body as a weapon thus his use of Psycho Power is mostly hand to hand combat. 

    JP uses his cane and a lot of his Psycho Power attacks seem more indirect with the use of his clones. He can use it physically though it seems most of his attacks use more indirect means of damage like hitting opponents with his cane or clones. 

    The crystals JP forms maybe the opposite of Psycho Flames like a sort of Psycho Ice. If you notice in his CA at the end once Ken is fully overtaken by the crystal his body falls completely stiff like he’s been encased in the crystal structure. 

    JP maybe taking more cues from Rugal than just having a cat. If he can turn his opponent’s into crystal statues made of pure Psycho Power. 

  6. JP seems like a very interesting character and definitely the villain of the story, but so far it doesn't seem like he has an obvious motive like Bison taking over the world, or Gill wanting to "save" the world. 


    His hobbies are chess puzzles which automatically tells me he's the type of villain who is hiding his hand and plotting something while presenting a ruse. Chess playing villains have always been a trope in media. Think about Magneto from the X-Men. 


    He's an aristocrat and obviously is seen publicly as beneficial due to his involvements with his NGO company which I assume is how he got involved with Ken. 


    This is the type of villain who hasn't been really presented in Street Fighter before. He almost seems like he should be in a James Bond film.  


    I feel like he's the type of villain to flatter his opponents only to beat them down.  Though his demeanor changes during his CA. He calls the opponent a "cretin" which is basically rich person slang for poor & dumb. 


    His involvements in Ken's story seems to lend credit to this analysis. He calls him the "Champ" still even though he has lost everything which may have been due to JPs meddling. 


    So far it seems if JP is the true villain of the story then his motives maybe stripping the prestigious fighters of their earned prestige like Ken and push them into a world of obscurity. 

  7. Since we're talking about Shotos again I think after much analysis of the depictions of Shoryuken I think I've found out what separates a Metsu Shoryuken to a Shin Shoryuken.


    In canon Ryu doesn't really master there Shin Shoryuken til SF3. In alpha he has a mixture variant of Metsu/Shin Shoryu that was determined by spacing. The animations were slightly different, but it wasn't enough from a 2-D sprite perspective to tell what separates the two and why one it potentially lethal vs the other.


    Jump to SF5 where Kage has access to the move. We know Kage is supposed to be the spirit of Evil Ryu so his moves would represent a version of ansatsuken meant to kill. His CA Metsu Shoryuken features a new cadence to the Shoryuken that should have been obvious from the 2D depictions but not obvious from the name of the technique "Dragon Punch". 

    To perform a Shoryuken one must not only attack with an uprising fist but also an uprising knee right under it. The opponent is hit with a fist and a knee simultaneously.


    The Metsu Shoryuken connects the knee and elbow as illustrated by Kage's Metsu Shoryuken. The red background as well as the silhouettes show that this move is supposed to be gruesome. If you look closer you notice that Kage's fist is in full contact with the opponents jaw while the knee connects with the elbow which is point blank in the opponents stomach. The force of the knee is transferred into the elbow which the transfers the remaining force into the opponents jaw via the forearm and fist. 


    In SF6 however Ryu has access to Shin Shoryuken, and even though it resembles Kages Metsu in a way there is a subtle difference.


    Shin Shoryu connects first with a fist to the gut then jaw, once the knee flys up it connects with the opponents gut rather than  Ryus own elbow. Ryu's fist has already left his opponents jaw once the knee lands. The force of the knee alone propels Ryus opponent as his fist although he follows through with the rising fist motion.


    Also it seems that Ryu using the SnH as a catalyst for  Denjin still holds up in SF6. Ryu's Denjin mode adds a slight purple tinge to his ki he wouldn't have had he used the Shinkuu versions of the Hado.



  8. 13 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

    What if JP is like this game's Callisto and essentially gives every character in the roster a reason for them to be a part of the game/story? 

    You mean this game’s M. Bison?  I’m definitely seeing that to be the case. Although judging by his appearance and demeanor of voice he seems to be very laid back and from his initial appearances with Ken  Im not sure if he’s suspected of being the bad guy at first. I think the World Tour mode will uncover the mystery behind him no doubt but I feel as if he’s almost like G in a sense. We know he’s a major point within the story of the game but we don’t know how or what he’ll do. For now we know JP is involved with Kens backstory incident and may even have personal relations with him.  Im assuming judging the attire that whoever Ken and JP are talking to through the monitor is a monarch or religious  official that maybe related or even a victim of the terrorist bombing that Ken is accused of. 

  9. JP is supposedly the Psycho Power user so if he’s behind the plot against him it could be harder to prove his innocence due to possibly brainwashing that we know Psycho Power users can do. His initial relationship to Ken seems benign enough from the initial  frames. They seem to be talking to someone over a monitor or hologram. 

  10. 17 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

    That's because Gouken's style doesn't utilize utilizes a completely different method of chi cultivation. Giving it your all in a fight doesn't necessitate using SnH...that's the entire point of Gouken's style and Ryu's arc


    No, Gouken's style utilizes SnH as a catalyst, we know this from the description of the Denjin Hadouken that both Gouken and Ryu have mastered.


    ""By alternately inverting the method of mixing the Hado for a short period of time, the Hado can be charged with electricity. This was made possible by controlling the ki of the murderous wave, which has a yin nature, for a short time. Perhaps, If you completely overcome the wave of murderous intent, you will not be able to use the electric blade Hadoken."(電刃波動拳の会得秘話などありますか? 「波動の練り方を、短い間に交互に反転させることで、波動に電気を帯びさせることができる。これは陰の性質を持つ、殺意の波動の気を少しの間、制御することで可能になったものです。おそらく殺意の波動を完全に克服することになれば、電刃波動拳は使えなくなるでしよう」) Ryu's explanation from an interview in Gamest Mook Vol. 81 – Street Fighter III New Generation ‘Fan Book’ page 85."


    In order for Gouken or Ryu to have mastered that move they must have complete control of SnH through their mastery of MnK. If they were overcome by SnH then they can't use this particular move or any of its variants.


    The key to mastering the Denjin mode is overcoming the SnH which Ryu's bio states has occurred in SF6. So yes, Ryu (and Gouken) utilize SnH in a way that changes its nature from negative to positive. When you see a visualization of SnH it is legitimate SnH for a time until it is sublimated through Mu. SF6 Ryu is akin to SFV side story Oro in how he states he can utilize an imitation of SnH.  It's not really an "imitation" as Oro states, it's just that Oro in his age and experience has complete mastery over all aspects of his ki so both Yin and Yang (- & +). SnH is inherently Yin so he can muster a whole bunch of that and then instantly negate it through Mu. Mu is neither positive or negative it's literally 0.


  11. Jamie’s CA is brutal😭 

    I know that they referenced that he aspire to follow in Yun and Yangs footsteps, but this whole “Devil Within” concept and the fact that he’s basically ripping out someone’s throat basically screams Ansatsuken. 

    I wonder if this is supposed to be “Gens Apprentice” ? They both share the whole crop top style and like to let their hair down…spacer.png

  12. Redesigns aside it looks like they made a majority of the newcomers female. 

    5 minutes ago, N-Tactix said:

    Is it me or does Ken look like a more modern version of MOTW Terry? 

     Basically, and his personality looks sort of grim not the sort of happy go lucky smiling confident Ken we’re used to see him portrayed as. He’s kinda giving me RE8 Chris Redfield vibes now.  Of course Dee Jay and Rashid still seem happy, I wonder if this is significant at all to Kens development at all?

  13. 5 hours ago, Phantom_Miria said:

    I'm really not seeing it honestly.


    The Ryu from that trailer is the same Ryu from SFV with more details.

    They’re going for a more realistic approach for the designs overall which could take away the highly exaggerated expressions  looks and movements we were used to in 4&5 like bulging eyes and muscles during characters supers. The bigger cartoonish hands and feet that SF models are used to having from the previous games may be gone as well in 6 due to the photorealistic changes. This may be the reason why they felt this version of the game might be harder to play due to the fact the lack of animated proportions changes the dynamic of judging hit boxes and spacing. 

  14. SF6 looks like its taking the art direction SF5 was supposed to go in, but they decided to go with the cartoonish style from SF4.



    ""During the prototyping phase of Street Fighter 5 it was a time where photo realistic graphics were very popular," he starts. "We actually tried out a very different style, but one of the things we learned very quickly was that the realistic proportions in this model actually made the game much harder to play. It was really easy to go away from this style and make the decision to keep the more exaggerated style for the game."

  15. Rose's story intrigues me the most so far out of a majority of SFV characters. It did two things for me which I discussed with Midgardsorm. For one the whole reboot concept is something I didn't expect although I was thinking it may not be alluding to a reboot per say. I was thinking that SFV Rose is either projecting her memories to her past self and her past self misinterprets the doomsday as Bisons doing but it is in fact Gs doing ....or they're actually setting up for a reboot of some sort. Also it establishes G's importance to the story. If he is indeed the Fool card as Rose states than that means the Fool card has transitioned from Ryu to G. The Fool card was one that represents a profound change. Ryu was originally the Fool card as he was the one destined to defeat Bison, but now since he's fulfilled that the Fool card is now represented by a new character.  If G is supposed to represent a new change and Rose is getting bad vibes from him than there's definitely more than meets the eye to him. G doesn't seem like a threat at first glance but you can tell there is something dubious about him. The fact that we know very little about him makes him more interesting because you have to speculate about the character. Rose's story actually made me more interested about G (and by extension Q) to the point I feel like @Shockdingo trying to come up with different theories on who or what he is and what his place in the future of SF is. 

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