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Posts posted by bakfromon

  1. 2 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

    You think they created an entirely new character, just to be a placeholder for Akuma, instead of just...making Akuma S1 DLC(who were all in story mode)?  Okay then...

    Yea, even Daemos mentioned that Capcom had stated they wanted to recapture Akuma's essence from his initial appearance in ST and translate that feeling into Necalli. You can't be more of a place holder than that in my eyes.

    His purpose in story could literally just be substituted by Akuma and not only would it have worked it would have been better. If Ryu actually had that destined match where he not only beats Akuma but also surpasses SnH and unlocks MnK it would have been what fans of Ryu want to see him accomplish.

    Instead we got a place holder for Akuma in Necalli so Ryu can beat him and be free from SnH to do his own thing, Necalli fades away into irrelevance, and Akuma can still be this seemingly unbeatable entity that Ryu still needs to overcome. 

  2. 27 minutes ago, Daemos said:



    They literally took Akuma’s killing intent shtick and applied to another culture/time. What if Akuma was an Aztec/Mayan? You get Necalli.


    Literally same plot function as well. 

    I don’t want the point I was making to get lost though. Keep your expectations of JP in check and focus on the facts from Capcom.

    The difference about JP is there's already more substance to his character than Necalli and he's still shrouded in mystery. He has a backstory with main characters like Ken and presumably Bison. Necalli had no backstory with any main characters he just appeared out of nowhere and brought his own story. 

    Is JP an evil boss character? It sure seems that way but everything is still a mystery. Even his win quotes so far don't really show any red flags. If anything we know he literally doesn't like to get his hands dirty so his whole evil persona maybe something his character keeps under wraps. Instead he goes for a  calmer more sophisticated approach until he's pushed to his limit and then he's calling people cretins while choke slamming them implanting Psycho Power bombs in their chest and crucifying them on pillars of spikes

  3. Necalli was literally just a place holder for Akuma. His story relevance was literally only for Ryu to be pushed beyond SnH, discover Fist of Wind and MnK, and to be beaten by Ryu. That should have been something Akuma represents and it makes more sense from the overall narrative. The only problem is that Akuma is basically Capcom's cash cow and they love to milk the fans for his presence in the game. So instead of just including Akuma in the main cast or first set of DLC they held him off and introduced Necalli to take his place. 

  4. JP knows about Bison and his exploits with the Thunderfoot





    Thunderfoot....? Come to think of it this was the land Bison was obsessed with.


    In canon Bison's first exploit over the Thunderfoot is before anything. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Daemos said:

    JP much like his playstyle indicates, doesn’t like to get his hands dirty and keeps his distance. 

    It's funny because his tutorial flat out tells you this. JP as a character deems traditional physical combat as irrational. 


    "Physical combat is a truly irrational thing.
    And the height of that irrationality is an
    exchange of blows, person to person."


    He's almost like he's the exact opposite of Bison in how he uses Psycho Power. The only time JP lays hands on his opponent is for his CA indicating he has to be pushed into a desperate situation to want to use his hands to fight. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:

    Ken's arcade mode




    @Daemos The game allows you to choose how many stages arcade will have.

     The intro to Kens story gives us a general idea of what happened in Nayshall. Apparently the Masters Foundation was implicated in funding terrorist groups while Ken was the CEO. Ken is arrested obviously and steps down from his position. He says that he was cleared of suspicion but his life can't go back to the way it was before. 


    The comic preview for SF6 mentioned that there were bombings happening around Nayshall during the time Ken had arrived for the tournament. What's interesting is that JP's CA (Interdiction) is described as this. spacer.png

    He can basically turn people (maybe anything) into a Psycho Power bomb and cause them to explode from within. 

  7. So apparently the drones that will appear and attack you (and maybe the fighting fridges) are being developed by a company called SiRN. Not sure if they're related to Seth's SIN which was defunct but it could be a possibility. They were the weapons division of Shadaloo after all. SiRN is fairly new in the SF world as people say it's an up and coming robotics company. 


  8. 15 minutes ago, Daemos said:

    Very interesting choice of words from English then. It's a very specific word with a very specific meaning.

    That and they chose to not include that she achieved her goals in defeating them… I mean we know she had a ton of help in defeating them, so much help it could be said she really didn’t do much at all besides being present for the event. 😭

    I guess a better way to word it would be she witnessed her life long wishes fulfilled when Shadaloo was defeated. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Daemos said:

    I wonder if the Japanese version also uses a word synonymous with 'sunder'.

    Nope, all the other versions (Chinese, Japanese, & Korean) imply that Chun li has achieved her long standing wish of defeating, eliminating, or destroying Shadaloo. The English version omits the part of her actually achieving her goals and just says that Shadaloo is sundered. 



    CHUN-LI CV:折笠 富美子

    華麗な脚技で闘う元・ICPOの捜査官。 黒い月事件の被害者だったリーフェンの保護者。 宿願だったシャドルー壊滅を果たし、 現在はカンフー教室を開いて街の人々と親しんでいる。


    CHUN-LI CV:折笠富美子

    靠著華麗的腳法戰鬥,前國際刑警調查員。黑月事件受害人麗芬的監護人。 如願以償擊潰了Shadaloo之後,目前開了一間功夫教室,跟鎮上居民關係和睦。



    CHUN-LI CV:오리카사 후미코

    화려한 다리 기술로 싸우는 전직 ICPO 수사관. 검은 달 사건의 피해자였던 리펜의 보호자이다. 숙원이었던 샤돌루 괴멸을 달성하고, 지금은 쿵후 교실을 열어 거리 사람들과 친하게 지내고 있다.


  10. 6 hours ago, Daemos said:

    This is true. We don’t have confirmation that Ryu took on Oro as a new master in 3S. It’s possible that Capcom ignored this ending like most of the world ignored 3S.

    Not true, Oro just said it would take Ryu at least 15 years of his own training to become strong enough that he would have to use both his arms. He didn’t state that he had to become his student to do this.

    The 2nd Impact ending implies that Oro wants to re teach Ryu. In 3rd Strike however it seems Oro abandons this idea as he thinks that Ryu’s own training would get him to become strong enough to seriously challenge him one day.

    To be fair I thought that the robe that Ryu wears in SF6 belonged to Oro and that Oro kinda just forced ghosted away and left it behind like Yoda and Obi Wan. We know Ryu takes mementos like Ken’s headband so I just assumed he took Oro’s robe. 

  11. 27 minutes ago, Daemos said:

    Nice catch! Something tells me then they may actually rectify the Dic/Boxer/Claw thing after all in this era…

    Maybe not with them because they’ve already been established as name swaps for a while now. The whole possibility of litigation from Mike Tyson kinda throws a wrench into that plan (even though recently he said he never knew about Balrog or M.Bison and kinda seems flattered by the Boxer character)  Less established characters like Sodom who was Katana overseas however could just become “Katana Sodom”. 

  12. 10 hours ago, Daemos said:

    thankfully arcade mode seems to be closer to character stories. Not sure if everyone has the same boss.

    Arcade mode only seems to include a prelude story though to introduce the main cast. I’m not sure if they’re going to do rival fights like they used to but they may include a Boss character. The endings seem like they’re just going to be one frame of artwork and judging Guile’s it seems to be just for fun and not really influencing canon at all. I’m not sure how much story we’re going to get out of arcade mode like we used to and it seems the main story of SF6 is going to be focused in WTM. 

  13. 22 minutes ago, ShockDingo said:

    Besides the obvious Luke and Abigail being personally there you also have pictures of Rufus, Dudley, and G. Also a reference to Street Fighter League parodying the logo for the NFL. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:

    A cool video about Ryu's fighting style and what is it exactly.


    This makes sense to draw a comparison Shorinji Kenpo as the basis for “Ansatsuken”

    We know that Restu was the first opponent you face in SF1. He’s mentioned to be a friend of Gouken as well so the comparison of their styles is valid. He uses forbidden techniques from Shorinji Kenpo and is banned from his temple which may have been influenced by his encounter with Gouken. We know that Gouken forbids himself from using Shoryuken except in desperate times. He even goes so far as to teach it to his students despite his adversity in using it himself. 

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