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Posts posted by delete_me

  1. Very late to the party but I watched some of those Endingwalker sets from the recent UK tournament and his IDGAF playstyle was absolutely hilarious, like Jyobin incarnate. The commentators also had a lot of fun with it. I don't want to take away anything from him of course, he's a great player, but it's pretty obvious Ryu simply doesn't work as a neutral controlling zoner/footsie archetype anymore with all the powercreep going on around him, so you just have to embrace the YOLO and laugh at how it's diametrically opposed to what his personality is about.

  2. If two people who never played a fighting game play SF6 for 10 hours and then face each other with Gief and Guile, I can guarantee you the Gief player is going to win 8/10 times by just mashing SPD whenever they're next to each other.


    Tier lists are relative to the skill level the game is played at. There most certainly is an applicable tier list for Rookie rank, but instead of JP it will have Honda at the top.

  3. 40 minutes ago, ToreyBeans said:

    Alright y'all, I have a theory about the Ninja Turtles crossover. So lately I've been spending more time reading and catching up on the TMNT comics than playing SF6  (great reading BTW!). And I just thought a little bit ago that a sequel to Tournament Fighters would be SICK. So maybe just maybe the prices are higher than normal because Nickelodeon is seriously looking at fighting games to potentially get a game developer like Capcom or Dotemu to make a new Turtles fighting game. Now back to reading. 


    (I'll be back on SF6 in ranked next week y'all! Anniversary week has been pretty fun and she's enjoying all the quality time 😍)

    I dunno, selling a costume for 15 bucks a pop is not necessarily the kind of goodwill-hunting (yes, very cheap pun) you'd want to do to get people excited for your own game.


    That said, there is indeed a bit of a Turtle resurgence happening (Shredder's Revenger, Cowabunga Collection, the upcoming Ronin game), so maybe you're not that far off the truth.

  4. 22 minutes ago, TWINBLADES said:

    Ed was cool as shit in SFV especially when he got his snatch V-Trigger. I know people are frauds that didn't play V if they start memeing about how Slimenim now interesting just because he's in a game they like.


    Ed looked like a clown, moved like all his joints were broken and talked like a brat (suppose technically he was) in V. He was a complete mess from a visual standpoint, nothing cool about that guy IMO, just a throwaway character design from head to toe.


    But there's potential for him with this new team and QA they're having for 6.

  5. AKI likes rain, at least something's right with her personality.


    I'll give her a shot. Despite the trailer suggesting otherwise, Playstation Blog describes her as a long-range fighter, which is something I usually tend to enjoy as long as they're not overly complicated à la Dhalsim. On the other hand, I really don't like stances like her slithering crouch thing, but ten again I doubt I'll get back into the game for real anyway, so if I have fun for the time it takes for the rental ticket to run out of time I'm happy.

  6. I'd argue that you should try to incorporate at least a very basic DR BnB into your early learning process. It's such an integral part of the game that getting it into your muscle memory as soon as possible will help you in the long run. It doesn't have to be some fancy juggle stuff, but I think Ryu has some easy medium -> medium -> DR -> medium links just to get a hang of the mechanic.

  7. I might have underestimated the impact of Modern but there's no way Capcom is going to ban or restrict it for tournaments. I think with the right adjustments it can still coexist, particularly if you only change the numbers around it. As in, in addition to the damage reduction, they could also give the characters less health, or change their Super Gauge slower, or stay longer in Burnout etc.


    I do think they should get rid of the hybrid input system though. If you pick Modern, you should have to live with the damage reduction and not be able to input a classic SPD motion and get full damage instead.

  8. Are fighting games big enough to work under that assumption though? The concept of whales works because the games you mention each have a playerbase that is well beyond anything a fighting game can ever hope to reach. I wonder if it's something that can be profitable in the long run in this genre.


    I do agree though that for us it's a good thing that they're bleeding the casual Avatar audience dry to bankroll development of the real stuff. I was surprised to see the battle pass having basically nothing interesting in it at all, too.

  9. Yeah, but you don't see Balrog going off in a high-pitched laugh after punching someone.


    We haven't seen much of AKI, arguably, but if a modder had replaced her character model with Juri's in this clip I would never have questioned the legitimacy. I would have wondered about the poison but that's about it. I hope the way she's portrayed ingame and during her Supers makes her come across more distinct.

  10. I think she looks excellent in 3D, certain elements like the hair came out very convincingly, particularly when it makes her look through the small gap with only one eye from certain angles. That part is really well executed IMO.


    What I don't like is that they just copy-pasted Juri's personality for her. That's extremely lame and there are more ways to portray female villains than with this overused "unhinged" thing that's so popular in anime. I was hoping for something more subtle and silently threatening.


    Oh well, hopefully the gameplay looks cool. 

  11. It's funny in the sense that she's overall such a significantly better design than FANG but through the Chinese imagery still very obviously linked to him. The art direction for 6 is really impressive in that way.


    Going by the comic she also seems to have a poison fireball. Really looking forward to trying her out, even though I've recently come to the realisation that SF6 just isn't for me at all. 

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