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  1. LOL
  2. Insightful
    DarkSakul reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Star Wars Thread: Where we discuss ALL of Star Wars   
    I doubt it. People are quick to spout racist shit online because they can hide behind anonymity. I don't doubt the attacks my issue is the focus on them. It's not shocking. It the reality online. If you've gamed online you know full well people will say fucked up racist shit at the drop of hat. I'm tired of people using racist/sexist trolls as an excuse to stifle legitimate criticism. 
  3. -1
    DarkSakul reacted to Hecatom in The Star Wars Thread: Where we discuss ALL of Star Wars   
    Which is why  i have almost 0 doubts that this racist attacks were mostly staged.
    We are talking about a multibillion dollar company with a lot to lose if the online discussion surrounding the product they were hyping up as the prime reason to subscribe to their streaming network is moistly negative.
    They only needed to release this statement to shift the discussion into racism, and with the help of the media now they just need to keep poping articles about how fans suck, etc etc to keep the focus of the discussion online not be about what a subpar series is Kenobi so far.
  4. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to RSG3 in The Star Wars Thread: Where we discuss ALL of Star Wars   
    With how Star Wars fans treat people who make Star Wars they don't like, it would be irresponsible of Disney to not be prepared. 
    Star Wars fans are huge fucking bullies and it's time we stopped pretending they aren't. I have absolutely 0 problem believing they are harassing this woman over her role, they've done it to every single actor they haven't liked in SW. Jake Loyde got bullied unto therapy, Ahmed Best almost committed suicide over how he was treated due to Jar Jar. The things people say about the actors and directors of the PT get really dark and gross really fucking fast, same for the ST. 
    SWs fans are huge assholes. Gotta stop doubting what massive shit heads these people can be. We've seen it multiple times for well over 20 years.  
    If I where making Star Wars I'd have my deflector shields up and ready to go for my actors because SW fans are the fucking worst. 
  5. LOL
  6. -1
    DarkSakul reacted to zatalcon3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    As said, they do it in Asia. Their education system isn't effected, most of them are even smarter than the common student here in the USA. We shouldn't give a fuck about them believing in a God.. I rather prefer that, then having to be on alert because some psycho might go in and shoot em.  
    here is an example of the rational: Look at the Central park 5 boys who were wrongfully accused for raping a girl and put to jail for many years. The actual rapist managed to confess after converting to christianity. What should be cared about more, the rapist getting indoctrinated about a sky daddy or him confessing and those boys being free?  It's all about the results and the solution.
  7. -1
    DarkSakul reacted to zatalcon3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Why? It's done and it works in asia. Asia doesn't have any of the negative issues that you guys claim putting religion in would do.
    None of them are killing people in the name of whatever cult, they don't "get their way". People there don't give a fuck about guns and they have mental health issues and even drug abuse, fuck some of these countries deal with high poverty and turn to drugs because they can't find food. Yet, none of them go that crazy to go on a killing spree, why? What is it that we have this issue? 

    Taking away the 2nd amendment is just going to ban guns, americans will find another venue to let out their insanity like using cars or making molotovs or something. We need to start teaching morals and using spirituality as a way to mediate any forms of aggressive thoughts such as shooting up a bunch of innocent people. 
  8. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to iStu X in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    No. We’re talking about Obi Wan being awesome and how bullshit the SF6 roster is for omitting Boxer. 
  9. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to RSG3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    I see neither Balrog...couldn't be happier. 
  10. Love
    DarkSakul reacted to Crucades in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Your reaching, religion has no evidence to suggest that it increases or decreases sociopathic tendencies in the population. The problem US has with guns is manifold but centers around the basic fact they are soft, mentally weak and morally bankrupt.
    Now that sounds like a heavy diss to my US bros out there but no wait for it, they the only ones slaughtering kids. If you cant handle the toys then put them away.
    Remember the days the US had summer camps, no social media, no far right folks in politics (who are being taken seriously!).  There was no schools getting shot up. The core psyche of a nation has changed. Everybody there has this strange reasoning that their way of thinking is right and anybody who challenges that is hostile. Theres no step back and weigh up the options, its listen to me and fuck you. Where's the compromise. Politicians digging in their trenches and not even having the decency to explore options on how to tackle this grave pandemic. Corruption. Getting paid and its easier to throw slander than to self reflect that maybe, just maybe there is another way.
    The fuck has God got to do with any of that? Its not religious and its not even mental health, its current sociology and the US has screwed the pooch with fostering absolute lack of personal responsibility and collective will. A man made problem with man made solutions.
    I agree with Stu, religion is your own thing keep it personal. And I wasnt hating on Islam i have no problem with it, am just saying that southern rednecks would sooner top themselves than to try and live that life. No bacon? Common.
  11. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to iStu X in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Because I want to go to school or send my child to school for education. Not to be indoctrinated by some sky father bullshit I don’t believe in. 
    Religion is a personal thing. not a universal thing. I’m not going to go somewhere As important as somewhere to get an education if their entire educational platform is based on something I don’t believe in. 
    If I ever have a child and they ask about religion and/or decide to be religious. Then cool. Then we’ll have that talk, go about sending them to that education if they’re serious about it, etc. 
    until then. Religion can fuck off 
  12. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to iStu X in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Or any. Keep religion the fuck out of schools. They have no place in it. You can teach people not to be fuck faces and how to make smart decisions without preaching any sort of religion. 
    I mean for fuck sake religious centric “education” groups and the cult of whataboutism have been getting their way when it comes to education for decades now. It why it’s such a shit show now. 
  13. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to OPTIMUS124 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    True, but in jest, Depp came out like he just blew up the Death Star. 

  14. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to Darc_Requiem in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Before the trial the people that Johnny was a wife beater with substance abuse problems. After the trial people think Johnny got beat by his wife and has substances abuse problems. That's a W.
    Before the trial, the general public thought Amber Heard was DV victim. After the trial the general public thinks Amber is a narcistic abuser who shits the bed. That's an L.
    When the mass media is stanning for you and the general public still thinks you are full of shit. That's a massive L.
  15. LOL
    DarkSakul reacted to iStu X in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Neither party came out of this looking like a winner. There is no W to be rewarded. Everyone involved is borderline functionally retarded 
  16. Insightful
    DarkSakul reacted to -PVL93- in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    No. Literally no one can say what happens if the current administration just disappears right now. 
  17. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to J-ride in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Can you provide an archive of that article?  It's not free to read for everyone.
  18. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to axeman61 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    A LOT of them would have to be shot and killed. I feel like if it's just one or two law makers affected, they'd still get smacked down by the rest when trying to do something.
  19. Insightful
    DarkSakul reacted to Chadouken in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Law maker or family member would have to be shot and killed.
  20. -1
    DarkSakul reacted to zatalcon3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Americans will have to change, they have to get over themselves and stfu about their feelings towards things or what they claim are "their rights". 
    We need to ban guns, and also adopt the faith practicing that asian countries do. The problem there is both rightists and leftists will bitch and moan because they care more about their feelings more than actual results. 
  21. -1
  22. LOL
  23. +1
    DarkSakul got a reaction from J-ride in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Because shes a drugged narcissistic out psycho bitch who thinks she can never do wrong. 
  24. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to Sonichuman in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Here we go with that whole "freedom of speech" thing again.  People really need to understand the 1st amendment protects you from the government from doing anything and not from the consequences of other people.
  25. LOL
    DarkSakul reacted to iStu X in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Fixed. It’s like “A Tribe Called Quest”, you gotta say the whole thing 
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