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The whole Vic situation reminded me of the Star Trek series he did that continues the original. It's really good if you are fan of the franchise. The red head doctor is a real smoke show.


Edit: I forgot to mention. The actor that plays Apollo in Episode 1 is the same actor that played him in The Original Series.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Well, Dad might be here next weekend....ha, so much for any plans I may have had for those days.... I'll definitely need to take some days off work after he goes back, since REST is often the first thing I need after that.  This is a dude with absolutely no "chill mode", really....for him it's always about fitting 10,000 things into any given 24 hour period of time. 😆


Warframe---ohhh yeah I'm absolutely hooked big time at this point... my new "Heat Sword" finished crafting so I did a mission with it early this morning.  Even a simple thing like weapon design in this game is leagues ahead of everything else in the genre, imo.  

*One thing that would be nice that isn't in the mix---I'd love it if you could mix and match various pieces of the Warframes with each there's some characters that have awesome head/helmet designs that I'd like to have on other characters.  

It looks like Rhino might be my next Warframe though I didn't intend it....I just happen to have most of the things necessary to build him.... I'd really like to get Atlas next though, and maybe Garuda later.  I have Nidus at level 22 now, and the new heat sword is rank 4 already after that 1 mission I played.

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A certain friend always kept trying to get me into that game "The Division", and he occasionally brings it up since part 2 is out soon... there's been very few times where I liked a game that was more or less based in reality.  That shit just looks boring to me, when it all boils down to "regular humans shooting at each other".... I need some sci-fi, fantasy, horror stuff in the mix, man... with any game, to get my interest you need some real deal shit going on in there--- magic abilities, vampires, werewolves, robots, mutants, time travel, mech-suits, lasers, aliens, air-combos, teleports and other superhuman powers, alternate dimensions, transformation, etc.  If you don't have this kind of stuff in there, the game will always be a boring piece of crap, imo.  


The only real exceptions have been the older GTAs and Saint's Row...and of course the latter would improve over time because of how wildly over the top it became.  By the time we get to SR4-->>you are a former gangster that is now the President of the United States (with Keith David as your VP)...and you have superpowers....and it's time to save the world from hostile aliens.  THAT is what I'm talking about, man....that is quality entertainment right there.  Games with just "ordinary humans shooting each other" can't ever hang with that, at least for me....hahah it's not even close😆


Warframe is another great example--- this lets me be a badass cybernetic "space ninja" that can run on walls, glide through the air, and do all kinds of superhuman things.  The character I just unlocked isn't even a human or like the's a viral organism.  Other games that limit me to being just "dude with a gun#57" can't even begin to fuck with that.

Edited by MillionX
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James Bond---


come to think of it... this kinda applies to movies and tv shows as well...but I'm a bit more forgiving there.  Typically, I prefer shows and movies that have some supernatural/sci-fi/magic things going on.  James Bond movies are one of those exceptions to the rule....and the high-tech gadgets were part of Bond's main appeal for me; cool gadgets, thrilling action scenes, gorgeous women, and some of the best movie music ever composed..I had a compilation CD of Bond movie music that sadly disappeared, so I'll have to buy it again some day (I foolishly only had *some* of the songs copied as digital files!)........ also--- that show "24" is another exception... it is one of my favorite shows of all time.


ha, and Goldeneye is one of the only N64 games I cared about.....good thing I never wasted money on that system; my old roommate (college days) had the system so I was able to play it that way.



Edited by MillionX
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7 hours ago, MillionX said:

Warframe is another great example--- this lets me be a badass cybernetic "space ninja" that can run on walls, glide through the air, and do all kinds of superhuman things.  The character I just unlocked isn't even a human or like the's a viral organism.  Other games that limit me to being just "dude with a gun#57" can't even begin to fuck with that.

I find grounded settings appealing.  NYC from the Division was a great place to explore.  I enjoy being dude with a gun #57 thank you very much. ❤️

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Do you guys like the Fast and furious films?


I rented the first one way back in 2001 but didnt really get excited about it. I skipped 2-4.

Fast Five came out and good reviews followed it and I really liked it bc of the action focus and the inclusion of the Rock. I liked 6/7/8. It's cheesy fun but I enjoyed it MUCH more than Michael Bay TF, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Avatar

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8 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

Do you guys like the Fast and furious films?


I rented the first one way back in 2001 but didnt really get excited about it. I skipped 2-4.

Fast Five came out and good reviews followed it and I really liked it bc of the action focus and the inclusion of the Rock. I liked 6/7/8. It's cheesy fun but I enjoyed it MUCH more than Michael Bay TF, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Avatar

The first was pretty good!  2 (2Fast2Furious) is probably the worst in the series. 3 (Tokyo Drift) was better but still nowhere near as good as 1.  I haven't kept up with the newer ones since then.  Maybe it's time to see what they're about...

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On 2/25/2019 at 11:47 PM, DangerousJ said:

Manx catches us up on this year's Oscar films...




LMFAO!!!  He's right about the Professional voice thing.  I always did that on the ship's mic for the morning reverie and/or taps at night.  For the longest, nobody would believe it was me. 

Also:  Greyhound isn't a transportation's an experience.  You see Charlton heston laughing up there?  After one ride on the Greyhound, he'll be reciting his,"IT'S A MADHOUSE!" line IRL.   Real Talk.

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On 2/25/2019 at 7:00 AM, MillionX said:

Well, Dad might be here next weekend....ha, so much for any plans I may have had for those days.... I'll definitely need to take some days off work after he goes back, since REST is often the first thing I need after that.  This is a dude with absolutely no "chill mode", really....for him it's always about fitting 10,000 things into any given 24 hour period of time. 😆


Warframe---ohhh yeah I'm absolutely hooked big time at this point... my new "Heat Sword" finished crafting so I did a mission with it early this morning.  Even a simple thing like weapon design in this game is leagues ahead of everything else in the genre, imo.  

*One thing that would be nice that isn't in the mix---I'd love it if you could mix and match various pieces of the Warframes with each there's some characters that have awesome head/helmet designs that I'd like to have on other characters.  

It looks like Rhino might be my next Warframe though I didn't intend it....I just happen to have most of the things necessary to build him.... I'd really like to get Atlas next though, and maybe Garuda later.  I have Nidus at level 22 now, and the new heat sword is rank 4 already after that 1 mission I played.

Ah.  A new Tenno eh?  I've been playing that one for a bit as well as DCUO.  Ironically, these were the only two games my friend recommended that didn't turn out to be crap, but he no longer plays them.  Just shoot me a pm if you want help in something. God alone knows when I'll get on, but I'll do it at least once a day.

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6 hours ago, *.:White ShadoW:.* said:

I like all the F&F films actually.  Once you realize that you just have to turn your brain off and “enjoy the ride”, the films become a lot more enjoyable.

This is the exact same thing I used to explain my love of Dynasty Warriors and all the games like it.  Ironically, this is the same strategy I and so many others use in the game as well. 

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8 hours ago, *.:White ShadoW:.* said:

I like all the F&F films actually.  Once you realize that you just have to turn your brain off and “enjoy the ride”, the films become a lot more enjoyable.

I'm the same way but in the last movie, it was better whenever Dom wasn't around. The best part of that movie got a spinoff.

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Going back to the reality thing Million was talking about, some folks on SRK1 were talking about whether they liked the outer space/fantastical elements of X-men comics.  I was surprised that some disliked it.


I love the sheer variety of settings and villains that Claremont gave us throught his 1975-1991 Uncanny run. 

We had:


Aliens - Shiar/Brood/Technarchy
Elder Gods
Demons - Nastirh/sim
Sorcerors - Kulan Gath
Clones -

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18 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

This is the exact same thing I used to explain my love of Dynasty Warriors and all the games like it.  Ironically, this is the same strategy I and so many others use in the game as well. 

You should really check out the anime series if you haven't already, it's zany and super shonen.


In other news lol...




Edited by *.:White ShadoW:.*
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As much as I rant about our species being pathetic and silly… imagine how fascinating it really is from the perspective of aliens who have mastered interstellar travel, when/if they happen to find this planet… one of the “goldmines” of life. They’re out there seeing one dead, barren planet after another, then notice this little blue one and…
“whoah holy shit look at this one!!”
On the search for other worlds with life, finding this one would be like hitting that scientific Powerball jackpot… from microscopic organisms on land and in the waters… to the more sophisticated animal kingdom, with these silly things called “humans” as the top dogs…and all dates back multiple millions of years at least. Flip this back around for a second…imagine we can finally figure the interstellar travel thing out, and we find another planet that is similar… LOADED with life of all kinds. It would without question be the greatest scientific discovery we’ve ever seen, especially if the top-rank species there is similar to us, and has established cities, cultures, various technological inventions, etc.


*today’s oatmeal mix-- simple; I put my usual blue agave nectar but also some peanut butter this's surprising I haven't tried that before, considering how much I like peanut butter. GOLD right there.👍

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On 2/28/2019 at 6:48 PM, DangerousJ said:

What's your favorite tasting cereal?


For me,


1) Reese Puffs Cereal

2) Rice Krispies Treats cereal


damn.  I don't know what to put in for favorite tasting cereal.  I used to get down with the rice krispies and plenty of others, but I can't really think of a KING of all  cereals to throw into the ring. 

On the other end of the spectrum, I know of one that is NOT going to top anyone's list:  Grape nut  cereal.  I'm sure they just cloned dirt and put it in a bag.  That shit is so nasty is has to be government funded.

speaking of nasty...........................

Roses are red, fire is  hot,
The wife may be yours, but the kids might not.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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