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sheeeeit, A Quiet Place was soooo damn good.... edge of your seat tension the whole way through....I can't help but wonder though...imagine how bad it is to have gas in a world like that... or diarrhea.  I suppose one would have to master the art of the Silent But Deadly [SBD] farts or you wouldn't survive.  Pissing can be relatively quiet, perhaps outside in the grass.


*that nail in the stair was especially nerve-wracking... you knew someone was going to step on that...and even after that scene happened I kept thinking "YOU DID NOT TAKE CARE OF THE NAIL, THOUGH...IT'S STILL STICKING OUT THERE, BRUH."

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sheeeeit, this show Lucifer has become my main thing over the past few days now...finally getting into it since I noticed it's on netflx... the girl playing the detective is a cute one; then there's that super-fine ass demon that looks like a younger Halle Berry [!!!] with longer hair.... and that's only the beginning; there's quite a lineup of nice eye candy on the just like that it has the things I want in a show; cool supernatural stuff going on and fine girls.  The show is also surprisingly funny at one thing is that he straight up tells people who he is...but of course most just assume he's not being serious or is perhaps a delusional, weird person.


sidenote--heh, that dude who was President Palmer's brother on 24 is on there too, as an angel....there's also some former True Blood people on there; that girl that was Andy's daughter, and that kinda weird looking dude that hooked up with Lafayette for a while.


ah, Lucifer's demon assistant/whatever is this woman *this isn't a flattering picture of her though; the girl is hot as hell


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@Angel and @Darc_Requiem

It's way worse than you may think.  I've been watching Nick Rekieta of Rekieta Law on YouTube who has been following it from the start and giving us a lawyer's view into the current battle between Vic and the KicVic crowd.  From the looks of things, He (Vic) May have a pretty airtight case and thanks to the power of the internet, go fund me, and a lot of people who are sick and tired of the BS from SJW types, he also has a damn good lawyer in the form of one Ty Beard.  Some of the updates have been BAD for the KickVic crowd.  In particular, something called Tortious interference has come up and it looks like Vic has a VERY strong case there.   TL;DR Here.


If that isn't enough, it seems that Toei entertainment, the people responsible for the Dragonball series, are starting to take notice of what's happening here in America. Right now the names Darc_requiem mentioned are the ones on the lawsuit, but we have reason to believe that it's the first lawsuit and not the ONLY one.  I'm taking bets on who will be in the next round...................*COUGH*Marzgurl, ANN, Schemmel and Sabat............*COUGH*  It's funny.  Neither Piccolo nor Gohan have arrived to help save the Z fighters this time.  You may have to get used to new voice actors and actresses in the near future.  The current ones may not survive the wrath of Broly.

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4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

@Deadly_Raver Oh I've been following this closely. Seems we've been watching similar sources. These people are monsters. That Umbrella Guy has people going after his daughter and calling Child Protective Services due to his coverage of the Vic situation.

I saw that.  Just when you think they can't be even more disgusting, some shit like that happens.  He seems to be taking it far better than I would.  These assholes need to get jail time.  Sued is good, but they need time behind bars to go with it.

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11 hours ago, MillionX said:

MK11's story is already starting off as thinly veiled continuation of the "Girl Power" in entertainment these's amusing to me, actually. 


The most obvious ones are over in the CW shows though...they're about as subtle as a nuclear bomb over there with that shit. 😄

Funny enough I just saw this.




For real.  If you haven't already seen it, I won't spoil Jax's ending.  This and many other reasons are why I won't buy the game.  The main reason being that I'm just cheap as hell and really don't even play as often as I used to.  These companies are going to have to go back to making games, not agendas.  Otherwise I'll be finding someone to repair the PS1 so that I can get down with the authentic experience once again.

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I like the recent MK games gameplay wise and as a product. Heck even more than SF4/5 lol

But truthfully, starting with Injustice 2, Ive learned to  wait for the GOTY edition since Im not a high level/tourney player and I play it mostly as a single player experience.  Am I weird?


I have not played the game so I cant really comment on the Jax controversy.


It is funny that a series that began  with using gore/violence to compete with SF 27 years ago is now trying to be socially conscious. The female characters being more modestly dressed and political jabs  are odd.   If anything, I thought MK would be the last series to change their mindset in making these games. Hell, I thought wed see a BJ fatalitiy from Mileena by now since Americans see so much violence in other media that MK stuff would be considered stale.  Guess not.


I have a feeling these things and the more grinding nature of the gameplay are being hoisted on them by their bosses at WB games. 

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16 hours ago, MillionX said:

MK11's story is already starting off as thinly veiled continuation of the "Girl Power" in entertainment these's amusing to me, actually. 


The most obvious ones are over in the CW shows though...they're about as subtle as a nuclear bomb over there with that shit. 😄

I didn't think MK's story was pushing some kind of 'girl power' thing.  I watched MK9 and MK10 story modes before I played MK11 and this is honestly just the natural continuation.  I liked story mode quite a lot actually.

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34 minutes ago, misterBee said:

I didn't think MK's story was pushing some kind of 'girl power' thing.  I watched MK9 and MK10 story modes before I played MK11 and this is honestly just the natural continuation.  I liked story mode quite a lot actually.

I agree. I finished the entire story. Don't get girl power vibes at all.

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On 4/24/2019 at 9:29 PM, Angel said:

Only people that I see making this jax thing a controversy are mostly racist turds.   Same ones that are mad at the characters not being Caucasian so now they call them ugly lol.   Oh well.  Lets leave all that shit out of this site plz. 



A black person gets the ability to rewrite history and *gasp* they dare to undo slavery.

In short if you are bitching about that ending, you are probably someone I don't need to know.

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man, I'm at the point where I just don't even have the common sense or decency to avoid spoilers anymore.  I plow through everything like Kakashi plowed Kurenai.


...........Oh?  You thought that was Asuma's kid?  Silly rabbits. 


Saturday is boring and FAST for some reason.  I've been awake since about 7am, but it feels like maybe 2 hours have gone by.  I wish this shit would happen when I'm studying.

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Learned about neurodiversity this is like the other side of anti-vaxxing or something?  


This world really needs to kiss a meteor.    Just not before I get to play Granblue fantasy relink/versus


edit: with that being said I am kinda concerned since platinum is no longer working on relink.

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3 hours ago, misterBee said:

I'm not even going to watch that.


Here's my process for HOW TO AVOID SPOILERS:


1) Watch the movie


I should make a youtube vid.

While I agree with you, not everyone could catch the movie on Thursday like I did. Plus there is always some ass hole that makes  a point to try and spoil movies for people. Some dude in Asia got bopped for shouting spoilers after coming out of the movie at people waiting in line to see it.

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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

While I agree with you, not everyone could catch the movie on Thursday like I did. Plus there is always some ass hole that makes  a point to try and spoil movies for people. Some dude in Asia got bopped for shouting spoilers after coming out of the movie at people waiting in line to see it.

man, they were doing the SAME damn thing in both open world games I play.  Looks like I'll have to binge play Nier: Automata until after I've watched it..............oh yeah. I don't really care this time. 

Here's something that did get my interest.  The Evercade?  Everything old is New again it seems.



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1 hour ago, misterBee said:

I don't get the hard-ons ppl have for 'cartridge' consoles.


Modern cartridges are just SD cards.  They don't have any of the advantages that old school cartridges did.  Gamers with nostalgia and no understanding of the tech getting excited for no reason.


HANDHELD CONSOLE USING SD CARDS isn't exactly exciting...

I wouldn't care about it being a cartridge console as long as they get the games right.  It can be a real SD card shoved into the side as long as I can get my fix.

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It's always a disappointing, frustrating thing when you are literally the only muthafucka that likes a certain thing that everyone else hates... it's been many years now, and to this day I still have not seen even 1 other Skyrim fan that enjoyed the random vampire attacks....not a single goddamn one😔  A certain old college friend would've been into the game but he's slow as hell with regard to anything gaming...takes him years to get into anything so I don't even have his opinion on it. (this is the dude that had Diablo 3 way back on the 360...and never beat story mode...never finishes MOST of his games, actually)  There is 1 other friend from way back that *might* have enjoyed it but he's also very slow-paced in some gaming related things, and also very he never bought the game either.  No one can understand my frustration, man.


Quick glimpse of all their damn whining.

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One day, perhaps years late I will get around to that^ 


haha I'm just now getting into Lucifer and it's been my main thing for the past week or so....I wanted to watch more last night but was too sleepy already...


After Endgame, I definitely needed to lay down for a while and reflect on the insanely cool shit I just witnessed yesterday.  It is another one of those that is actually fun when the theater is kinda crowded...oh yeah there's plenty of crowd "pop" moments to behold.

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I've seen some awkward moments in my life, but it didn't take a body language expert to tell me how painful this was. The interviewer felt more like a mediator.


To think this basket case is going to be the main representative of the new MCU. I guess the latest film wasn't called Endgame for no reason...


To make matters worse a friend of mine shared a horrifying image of her feet. Click at your own peril:









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Dear Cinema Sins:  I've got this one.


Cop car's speed gun registers an object going past at 760mph, but doesn't get the doors, windows, and his very existence blown off the road? +1


Gangsta's paradise?  I think this is the wrong movie..............and time period............and everything else for this song to be playing in. +1


A sonic boom, while it is a powerful shockwave, would NOT knock out power across anything, much less an entire area of the UNITED FUCKIN STATES!  Otherwise air force bases would be outlawed. +1


A creature that is fast enough to break the sound barrier and run through a forest without hitting trees and getting tangled up  got punked by a guy with a tranq gun. +1


Electric fur. +1


Warp rings?  Really nigga?  +1


Trying to smuggle in an alien hedgehog in a bag. +1


Telling said hedgehog to be quiet, which is the MOST disobeyed command of all time. +1


Picking Jim Carey to play robotnick/eggman   -1 sin.  I had to give them one back for something, and it looks like Jim is actually gonna do it right. 


Total sins = 7  Ironically the same as the number of chaos gems.  Foreshadowing?  Shadow the Hedgehog?  

EDIT:  I got gems on the brain. I meant emeralds.


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