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Is Doom..................Doomed?  Here one man's opinion on the upcoming doom movie.


I was done when I found out that BETHESDA...........Yeah, THAT bethesda..........Said NOPE.  We don't want anything to do with it.  For real tho.  What are they doing?  Next thing you know we'll have A Duke Nukem reboot with a female lead.  This is my personal opinion, but I think the hollywood is full of Termites.

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sheeeeit, I just got caught up on the season 1 finale of The Passage.....the last few moments the show definitely went all out. BRUH... holy shit, man.... the "viral" vamps running wild like Hulkamania was only the beginning of how the shit hit the fan here... and yeah, it's like they just hit us with 3 seasons' worth of "holy shit!" all at once towards the end.  Yeah this has been my #1 new show at the moment.

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43 minutes ago, MillionX said:

Since most people have forgotten or never knew about "REGIS, Mark V" (it's annoying when there's this fond memory of something I found to be "classic" that barely anyone has ever heard of, resulting in me always having to explain the reference), I found it...someone edited all the clips from that episode:

I was never into Megas XLR to be honest...

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^annnnd I'd absolutely buy a "Women-In-Prison" film starring her... Lori is a legendary tv milf.


*funny thing; I should've seen it coming that the "woke" faction of the American Black community (at least the youtubers and sooo many folks on facebook) would be all over this story, and yep, they absolutely are.  It's interesting to see what kind of seemingly random news stories become a bandwagon people jump on.... I wonder how long 'til we remember we're supposed to be hating Kamala Harris and Cory Booker?  It's fun to try and predict these things.

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I mean people deserve to be angry about the situation, even if lowkey everyone knew what's going on, when you see actual names and face it gets real. These rich and successful parents already gave their kids huge leg up in life by proxy and now they use those advantages to twist the inequality knife even further in our collective guts.


We claim America s a meritocracy when a C average party boy with drug and alcohol abuse problems managed not only to get into Yale but reach the highest seat of office in the land. It's a all a joke, and we're on the butt end of it. 



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I still can't believe we're in a time where we can play as the TMNT vs Batman ,read about it ,and soon watch it.

I got Injustice 2 GOTY edition over Christmas and I've been playing it over the last few weeks.

I love their look that seems to be from the 1990 film and their moves. The intros are pretty cool imo. Plus the fact that it's Kevin Conroy as Batman is awesome.



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y’know, this whole season… Cicada just doesn’t seem like someone Flash should have any difficulty in stopping…especially not with help. He appears to just be a dude with a meta-powered dagger…and I guess some ability to fly? At least how they’re presenting this guy on the show…he seems like nothing more than what should be a random bad guy that is handled in just 1 episode.

Jessica P. Kennedy continues to be one of the absolute finest women I’ve ever seen anywhere in life. Goddamn that girl is somethin’ else. 😮  There was a girl I had a major crush on back in junior high that looks just like her, so she also brings back those memories.  Heh, I had it so bad for her I actually wrote a sappy, corny love letter....I never had the balls to give that to her, of course.  haha the closest I got was awkwardly hanging around after class waiting on a moment to speak to her and give her that silly ass letter..heart racing of course....ultimately chickened out and walked off.....heh, there was no other crush that was on par with that, was like super-saiyajin levels of crush going on there.

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meh.  well, today has been mixed as far as mail goes. 


I got the new charger for my pens.  Good because I was worried that they might be broke, which would cost WAY more than the charger. 


I got some patches for a psychedelic type jacket I've been working on.  Unfortunately, two out of six weren't right so I'll have to wait for the replacements.  Fortunately, I'm good friends with the owner of the shop who makes them, so boom.  Free patches, free shipping and I MAY just have a way in for a new hustle.

The weird part was the Mechanix M-Pact gloves I got.  Now, the gloves themselves are good to go as I mainly bought them for looks more than anything and they look good.  However, my problem is with the smell.  I swear these things smell like they were last used in a sexual act that I am sure that I don't want to see.  Thankfully, Febreeze + washing machine assist wins the day.  With luck, the trenchcoat will arrive today and I can hopefully continue the project.  Fingers crossed.

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@DangerousJ  and @Angel


 Angel had the best guess, but DangerousJ is right for the most part.  It's a charger for the pens that come with the Huion drawing tablet.  still, when these things run out of,"Ink", they are every bit as problematic as the real thing. 

In bad news, my neighbor and long time good friend's cat had to be put down today.  Feline AIDS.  I knew it wasn't going to be good, but he took it hard.  That cat was as much family to him as anyone in the bloodline.  If anyone knows of anything that would be good for cheering someone up at a time like this, I'm all ears.

Speaking of cheering up, I'm not gonna leave this post on a downer.  It's Wednesday, so have a wacky waifu and a Longplay Video.

"And how was YOUR work day?"

and a trip back into memory lane. 

"You'll cowards don't even fight space monsters."

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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Work-stuff--> 7 performance reviews I have to write up at work over the next few days... fortunately I can type fast; I got 3 done yesterday morning, then another one that afternoon....this has been an annoyance because I was thinking of taking a good bit of time off then remembered I have to be there for that.  After these are done though....ohhhhhh yeah I'm absolutely taking 2 or 3 days off.


Anthem - so I played some of my Storm character earlier tonight in Grandmaster 1 difficulty... I get that they seemingly wanted this one to be the "glass cannon wizard" type but maybe they went a bit too far with his poor defense..?  It seemed like any little hit meant Storm was instantly downed....and this is a game when some areas have enemies showing up from all directions with gunfire WILL get hit by *something*..... eh, maybe if I just stack shield bonus consumables though...and any gear that gives bonus to shields... that might be the necessary gameplan for that one.  I love the design too... mine has blue colors with a red cape, of course.  heh, sheeeeit....MOST fans probably either went for the Superman design or tried to make him like Magneto.



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Just as a heads up, if you guys want @ mentions to send notifications, you have to make sure they show up as a link like the ones above.


Type '@', start typing the person's name, and then CLICK their name from the list.  If you just type out a name without selecting it from the list, it won't turn into a true @ mention.


I've edited your posts just in case that's what you wanted.

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33 minutes ago, Deadly_Raver said:

@MillionX Did they manage to get rid of the bugs and HOPEFULLY listen to their fans?  Removing what made people actually like the game?  They could have screwed themselves with that dick move.

There's still a few odd things here and there but lately it's been stable for me; the past few days I've been playing for several hours at a time with no crashes or freezes.  The main annoyance at this point for me is the TERRIBLE load times... some of them aren't that bad, but it adds up to being annoying because of how they pop up... example...

  • After a mission, you return to the city area...load screen...
  • You may want to hit the "Forge" area to see the loot you got and equip new things = load screen.
  • After getting everything set; your squad wants to do another go back from Forge to the city area = load screen.
  • go to the screen where the mission is selected = load screen.

Also---during the missions... if one or more of your crew gets too far ahead, this triggers the game to "teleport" you and whoever else is behind to be with them...yep you guessed it---this means another loading screen.🤣  ...this is unlike the others though because a countdown happens before .....If you catch up to them fast enough you can dodge that one...I think it is the only loading screen in the game that can be avoided.


edit---oh and we did encounter a random "world event" in free-play mode yesterday where the game apparently "forgot" to spawn the enemies....making that event effectively impossible to complete.  Since this was free-play (the random free-roam aspect of the game) it didn't necessarily "break" anything; we just left and flew to some other part of the world, in search of other "world events"

Edited by MillionX
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@misterBee  Ah.  I didn't know it wouldn't send without being pressed, but thankfully I usually hit that anyway unless it's a really short name. 

Oh man.  Those LOADING screens.  Getting warped to other people?  Yeah I'd throw the controller right through the TV because I'll bet you diamonds to donuts that there are trolls who run all over the place JUST to make that happen...............and to piss off whomever they're playing with of course.  Nope.  I don't feel like making house calls.  We could always luck out and they'll straighten up a lot of it like Warframe did, but I guess I'll sit back for now and just watch. 

Oh.  Have you gone ALL day without seeing some hypocrite get OWNED!?!?!?  I bring to you that ownage. 




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@DangerousJ I thought you might get a laugh out of this.




This reminds me of something.  When I was in high school I volunteered at a local hospital for a year to pad my college resume and every time I got dropped off, I saw a plume of smoke at the back with a bunch of doctors huddled up smoking. It always confused me at how many doctors smoke. When do they have time to pick up such a bad habit? During residency?


It's hilarious how many times doctors have said "I hope you're not smoking" and prattle on about the dangers, talk about hypocrisy. Lol.

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8 hours ago, Angel said:

Wait this dude be drawing?    


Lets see some art @Deadly_Raver 


See if it's good enough for million to commission some dooky focused superheroes





click on pic to see whole thing lol


Wha?  Thought you knew.  Of course, I had been slacking off for years, but I thought I had at least posted a few back in old SRK.  The one on the other page is what I've been able to scrape together with the new program.  Here's an oldie but goodie.  HC0iEzu.jpg

Now I'm wondering.  Should I get an updated version of Photoshop?  I did this one in Photopaint, but I no longer have that and I'm sure by now that photoshop is actually the better one.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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lol.  It's kinda funny to me.  MvC Infinite removed well over half of the favorite characters that helped make the Vs. series what it was, put in new characters, some of which just didn't seem to take off IMO, and then butchered the play mechanics and served it up on a bastardized system that obviously didn't make the fans come back for more.  No wonder they couldn't handle Thanos, who was never a top tier character in any of the previous games.  Ladies and Gentlemen, WHEN YOU WATER DOWN YOUR GAME, THE SCRUBS START WINNING AND FALSELY BELIEVE THEY'RE HOT SHIT.   AFTER THAT, HALF YOUR DAMN CUSTOMERS LEAVE AND THE SALES TANK!  DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU.

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I never played MVC1 but it seemed like a perfect storm of Capcom having a low budget and not caring much  combined with Disney wanting to promote MCU and pretending the Xmen could be replaced by "functions".


Both dug a grave for the VS series and I doubt even Disney owning all the characters could reignite the franchise again. Sigh.



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cheh, so I finally saw the new Soundwave at Walmart yesterday...surprisingly I didn't get that right away... one thing that is a bit off-putting to me is the "battle damage" look.  I just don't like that...I probably wouldn't like it on any Transformer or any figure in general, really.  I found a vid where someone did a review... 


I *might* get it later.... (but seriously, man...look at that cracked chest screen! Why would they think that looks good!? 😞 )


On another note... it sure would be nice if a certain old friend wasn't the most antisocial person that has ever existed, and wasn't so apparently needy/dependent...then the whole crew could play and chat together with no problems or hassle.  It is really just because of this 1 person that I use that wonderful thing known as "Appear Offline" just to play and chat with other folks on occasion.  (*anytime you're playing or chatting with him one of the first things is --"hey dude did ya make the party invite-only?"  Dude will say that shit literally EVERY time.) It's an unbelievably bizarre situation that most probably wouldn't even believe.... that in itself gives me a source of entertainment, actually... often laughing to myself like "haha very few people would believe this shit 🤣"

Edited by MillionX
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Some folks on tfw2005 were able to get rid of the chest/tape door  battle damage by using a flat head screwdriver to scrape it off.

Do it on the OUTER surface of the chest door.


For  other areas like legs/arms/etc,  Mr Clean Magic Eraser with water seems to be the best and least damaging way to remove battle damage.






You could also use 91% Isopropyl alcohol with a q tip on the affected area. The only drawback to this is the autobot/decepticon symbols will come off with this .Be Careful!

It starts at 5 min.




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holy shit...ok, someone must've gotten paid off or something... all charges on Jussie have been dropped.  Yeah.  Of course Lucas has a vid on that shit... pretty disgusting to see how the "justice" system works for some "special" people compared to the average person.  I'm not sure which privilege was at play on this one... the fact that he's a celeb or that he's part of a certain "community" that has become a sacred cow in modern-day American, I'd say it's more likely the celebrity thing.  They can seemingly do all kinds of things that will put the average person in jail SO fast.


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I just watched that like about five minutes before you posted.  BRUH.  Who's dick did he suck to duck the noose?  I'm barely kidding this time.  If this is the state of our so-called justice system, then clear them out!  You can throw people in jail left and right over bullshit, but they go easy on obvious criminal acts that could've gotten someone killed?  GTFOH.

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haha, I keep on watching these vids (*usually from the "Your Black World" channel) about reparations just for laughs.... it's just such a ridiculous concept to me, that *this* late in the game people are seriously talking about how that shit needs to happen... 


yeah guys...go ahead and cut me a check as I sit here with a nice comfy job, a car with no more payments, my own place, a gorgeous 4k television and various other things.....'cause slavery suuure was holding me back, obviously 🤣  Cut a check for my cousin that happens to be a doctor 😆


It's just such a strange concept to me... no one that is alive today has anything to do with slaves or "owners" from way back then....this is on top of the logistical problem of determining who would even be entitled to get what amount, since there's a lot of folks here now who's family history goes back to other countries anyway.

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ha, yet again a certain old friend proves that he's impossible to even  have a normal conversation with... the guy is one of those people that has various ways to shut down any banter... it's fascinating that it is even possible for a person to be like that, imo... for example:

so...did ya see the trailer for Bloodlines 2 (or Borderlands 3, or whatever else)?!  They're actually making it!
**This Guy**: "Eh, I don't even bother watching trailers anymore...they just end up canceling all these games anyway; no point in getting hyped." (*hahah excellent Debbie Downer-impression there, bruh.)


Television/Movies---> So...did you finish watching The Passage? Season finale was awesome...what about Into the Badlands?

**This Guy**: "eh, nah...I told ya I don't really watch tv anymore, dude." [99% of shows you bring up that were made in the past 10 years or so...he won't know what you're talking about.  He doesn't go to movies either because he's even more of a cheapskate than I am...which is amazing, actually.  I was genuinely surprised when he mentioned finally watching Infinity War recently since it has been on video.]


Bring up the fine ass girls on CW or any new actress that looks good...
*This Guy*: "eh, I don't really watch things for that reason, dude... I have a girlfriend." (oh so she's hotter than Camila Mendes from Riverdale?  No point in even looking at her on occasion? ...and if there was a show like Black Sails that features Jessica Parker Kennedy BUTT ASS NAKED in your face you're NOT going to look at that shit? YEAH OK 😆 .)

..and these are only a few examples.  There's much more.  It's like I'm a scientist that is observing a strange new lifeform that no one else in the world is aware's fascinating for many reasons.

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