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sheeeit, some of these kids get out of school so damn late, apparently... if only they knew...old man time-->> back in my day school was out at 3:00 pm for elementary....then junior high/middle school and up had 2:15 as the end point for the day....perfect to get home in time to see my weekday afternoon cartoons.  Today....I'm on my way home from work at around 4:30-something to 5...sometimes a bit later...and I'm still seeing school buses dropping kids off at that time?!  That's terrible, man....if Mom and/or Dad work the typical day-job that means they don't even get much "home alone" time until the parental figure(s) are home.....hahah sucks to be them.

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whoah what a dumbass idea this is… they’re apparently eliminating my old elementary school, and moving that student population into the middle-school building…:


Hamilton Middle School’s building is an ancient piece of shit at this point…AND it’s way too small (heh that’s what she said) to cram all the kids from the elementary school over there. It’s funny that a lot of the responses I see on social media have been “…so where are they putting the middle school kids?”…they’re actually going to have them all in there…


With kids being as awful as they are now... especially in places like ol "M-town"..this is probably a recipe for disaster in other ways too.  Things will get progressively worse at a faster pace...until they inevitably close that shit and move the kids elsewhere again.


*sheeeeeit, but my weekend started now with Wednesday thru Friday off, hell yeah... I already started this off the right way with a deep dish pizza (Jet's, of course) last night; just finished the rest of it a little while ago.

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oh yeah, my baby Camila Banus is indeed on Days of Our Lives today and looking infuckingcredible as usual.  She's likely to be the #1 top rank hotness for me for quite some time...yep, the pinnacle super-elite of the Magnificent 5. 

ohhh my GOD this girl is so ridiculous...goddamn I'd do anything 😍


ah, I see that "Chloe" (Nadia Bjorlin) is still on there too...she's another legendary one.

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that old bizarre friend I mention from time to time... I'd bet money the guy hasn't watched the big 2 trailers people are talking about lately--- Joker and the 3rd Endgame trailer....both of which are absolutely brilliant...(I watched the Joker trailer again just now...just the trailer itself is a masterpiece... I wonder sometimes if there's awards for those?).... because of course every conversational point is always a dead-end with him; it's almost like he doesn't participate in most things specifically to make sure of it.  


hahah only a fool would bet against it, actually... but I'm sure the response would be "Nah I haven't seen it....there's a Joker movie coming out..?"  It's endlessly fascinating, man.... I'm not sure it's even possible for a person to be more out of touch (*though he will also generally lie and exaggerate to always come off as knowing more than whoever he's speaking to at the it's possible he might even pretend he's seen it and say "yeah I saw that trailer months ago...u late."....even though these trailers just hit this week. 😆)...he also may avoid trailers because he never goes to see movies at a theater.... I think Spiderman 2 may have been the last one for him.


It's strange...imagine someone just kinda "existing" and not really living life, at least according to *most* people's perspective on what "living" means.

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Cowboy Bebop Live action first casting news!


John Cho as Spike
Mustafa Shakir (Bushmaster from Luke Cage) as Jet Black
Daniella Pineda as Faye
Alex Hassell as Vicious


I'm unfamiliar with the latter two.

John Cho is a decent actor, but being on a John Wick high I was hoping for Keanu lol.

Bushmaster as Jet seems the coolest casting imo.

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ah, Dark is about to start his marathon apparently...12 hours... he has a "Smash the taxes!" goal up...the goal is $5,000 😆 The crazy thing is that he might actually get that if a crazy "whale" like Emerald 7 shows up today.  "DarkDave" has a mirror stream up of course (*interesting live-chat options on that type certain emotes and it prompts a soundboard...the shit is hilarious, man; so far I haven't seen another live-chat that has that going on...e.g.-- type the toilet emote and u get the sound of someone taking a piss... type a snake emote and you hear dsp doing his "tss ssstsss" laugh.) *ha, annd he's already received $31.00 of it so far.


*NOTE--- I THOUGHT this was against Twitch's terms of service....but I guess it's true that rules don't seem to apply to him and certain other Twitch people 😄 (edit---hmm...ok so if they are asking for "tips" then that's ok for some reason...I guess?)



Quantum Break is fun, man...  I haven't played this since 3 years's a shame there will probably never be a part 2.  With all this time off I figure it's great to dig into some of that "backlog" which has gotten crazy at this point... Arkham Knight might be next...

Edited by MillionX
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21 minutes ago, MillionX said:

Quantum Break is fun, man...  I haven't played this since 3 years's a shame there will probably never be a part 2.  With all this time off I figure it's great to dig into some of that "backlog" which has gotten crazy at this point... Arkham Knight might be next...

I really enjoyed this game.  Still need to get around to finishing it though.

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heh, that was also way before I had my current expected it looks way better on this glorious giant 4k screen.  The time-manipulation powers are what sold this game for me, of course... it's too much fun freezing time and dashing around like a DC speedster.  I am reminded now this stars that guy who was Jimmy Olsen on Smallville several years ago.


haha Phil is up to $242 and change already! I bet he'll actually hit the goal😆


*hmm....saw this ad for a show called The Village, on Tuesday nights nbc... the girl looked familiar so I checked her out on imdb---name looked familiar... she was the werewolf on the 2nd season of Vampire Diaries... 


Wellll I'm definitely checking that out then... Michaela was a fine one for sure.

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I was searching through one of my favorite online stores for gloves of all things, when I ran into this.


.......................Man, I just wanted to get a pair of damn gloves.  Why my Fridays gotta be like this?

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^heh, women are almost always hypocritical, and loaded with various other character's amusing to watch.


*sadly there was no trace of Camila Banus on Days of Our Lives today...


hmm.... I noticed a commercial for this movie "Longshot" featuring my honey Charlize Theron....but the problem is you'd have to tolerate Seth Rogen's presence though....ehhh that's a tough one...


update--Phil is up to $743 at this point....amazing that people still give money to him.... oh and this happens to be 14.88% of his goal btw🤣


Edited by MillionX
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On 4/5/2019 at 4:36 PM, MillionX said:

^heh, women are almost always hypocritical, and loaded with various other character's amusing to watch.


*sadly there was no trace of Camila Banus on Days of Our Lives today...


hmm.... I noticed a commercial for this movie "Longshot" featuring my honey Charlize Theron....but the problem is you'd have to tolerate Seth Rogen's presence though....ehhh that's a tough one...


update--Phil is up to $743 at this point....amazing that people still give money to him.... oh and this happens to be 14.88% of his goal btw🤣


people.............still donate to DSP?  you see, it's THIS kind of shit that makes me think that MAYBE I should just get on the cam and spit stupid shit on a daily basis.  I mean, I do it anyway when I'm playing my videogames or simply working, so why not do it for cash?

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I got caught up with it later...actually fell asleep I think during the event... turns out he got about $1,300... quite a bit short of the 5k goal but still....1,300.....and all without having the "cute-girl streamer conveniently showing cleavage" advantage, obviously.  It's amazing... 


*oh and yesterday was indeed Phil's birthday so that was part of the occasion for the "Smash the taxes!" "fundraiser" this time he's most likely on the plane already; had a trip planned with Kat to see his parents in Connecticut.....of course he's apparently going to do a vlog once he returns the following week all about it.  


Well, this is sadly the last day of my mini-summer vacation here... it has been a glorious 5-day "weekend"... fortunately I have a reputation of rarely taking time off at work (which is why I have an insane amount saved up) so they're generally ok with whenever I want to be off... I may try to add at least 1 extra day to that weekend of Good Friday too... with so many "backlog" games to play it's tough to know which one I will spend time with next... I played some quick "Curse of the Moon" last night just before Toonami started; about to get back to Quantum Break now though...


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Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines 2 ---
sheeeeit, there's so much I look forward to with this... like with any vampire game... I'm hoping they allow the player character to turn's one of the cool things with their abilities, imo... that power to be a "maker" of other vamps.  In Skyrim you could do it; it was even part of a sidequest, actually... and of course in Vampyr there was a couple of characters you could turn (unfortunately not just anyone you want, which is what I'd prefer)

I'm also hoping there's a good amount of powers to choose from, depending on which type of vamp you choose to be...unfortunately there is a trend for modern games to simplify things (i.e.-- Diablo 3; that was one complaint I kept seeing about it) in hopes of making it appeal to a broader audience.  Man, if I had a time machine I'd seriously travel to the future just to play that game right now.


Compulsion or "Charm" power should be in the mix too... I figure that's a safe bet; it would be crazy if they made this game and forget to include that classic vampire ability that appears in most movies, shows and other games. (Vampyr had 1 especially cool moment where using compulsion was 1 possible solution to a certain problem... instead of killing that character I chose to go about it that way and compel her to forget things.)


man, the only disappointment for me is that there is seemingly no one else that shares the same level of hype I have for this shit... last year when Vampyr was released, I actually took time off work around that date, and I will absolutely do the same for whenever Bloodlines 2 is out.

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damn man youtube has been too damn good tonight… I wanted to get in some quality gaming time but the live streams have been on fire tonight. There is not enough time in life for all the entertainment out there that interests me. (Metokur had a stream earlier tonight that was GOLD in so many ways, holy shit----and he must’ve made serious cash off that with the constant superchats… with 12,000+ people watching at one point.)… I wanted to play Vampyr really but that’s a game that warrants my full attention…last I played I was on a rampage going full evil mode, man… fully wiped out a whole district of the town; all the citizens are either dead or missing! 😆 I got a bit carried away there....but damn when that whole sector died off I was crackin up, man... and unlike other games... when characters die in that game, they are permanently gone.  They would only come back if you were to start all over.


Hopefully Vampire Bloodlines 2 lets the player be even more of an evil son of a bitch in all kinds of interesting ways. A game is much more enjoyable to me if I have the choice of being either the goody 2 shoes hero, the middleground "grey-area" character…or pure evil.

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yeah this is the strange thing… I’ve seen many white people with the last name “Black”, and many black people with the last name “White”, almost as if life itself was playing a fairly subtle practical joke.

the Metokur stream was goddamn gold, last night, folks… a clip for those curious… we all had a good laugh at this minecraft youtuber that got “catfished”—basically a “Dateline” situation where the dude actually showed up thinking he had something going on with a girl that was underage…little did he know it was all a setup of course:

 haha the dude wanted to SHIT on the bitch too; I was in tears laughing at this shit live last night, man 🤣

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quick question:  Does anyone know of any video editing equipment that can shrink the size of a vid without compromising the quality?  I've taken to watching a lot of these walking videos in other countries and wanted to edit the music and/or type and style of said vids.  I actually have one  where I shrunk it down to the same amount of time as a song I love, but the size is still FAR too big.  Shrinking the size turns the video into watercolored Lego blocks bopping along at high speed, which is just as unacceptable.  Any help would be appreciated.

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currently checking another episode of Vampire Diaries again... season 5...  goddamn the girls were so fine on this.. Kat Graham ("Bonnie") and Nina Dobrev (the Bulgarian Beauty herself) were actually in my M5 rankings for quite a while actually....and always close to being thrown back in there.  Candice Accola was gorgeous too....and that was only the main 3 sexpots on the show.. there was the incredible Kelly Hu in the early seasons ("Pearl") and that girl that played her daughter, "Carol Lockwood" the super MILF,  Clair Holt, there was that woman who was Katherine's daughter the list goes on for days, man. was a shame Pearl/Kelly Hu wasn't on the show for long...she was also one of the oldest/strongest vamps...was like 500 or something crazy like that... I think only Katherine was in her league in terms of age until the Mikaelson siblings started showing up later.

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DSP SPECIAL REPORT... the dude got married to Kat while he was in Connecticut apparently... Tevin has a stream going now on this shit:


haha this is likely what his “fundrasing” recently was REALLY about… getting kids to fund his marriage (while supposedly in debt of course…supposedly.)  Damn I was about to go to sleep and now we got THIS shit... ohhh I can't wait to see how this latest saga unfolds, man...

Edited by MillionX
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3 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

Sorry man, I'm not really  knowledgeable about video editing. 



Ain't no biggie.  Obviously, I'm not either.  I'll search until I get it though.  It's like a 2 hour video shrunk down to 4 minuets, but it's still over 100 mb.  nope.  Gotta at LEAST get it down to 17 or so with the music. 

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yo. Friday is already nuts.  gonna double post this time.  First up..............

Pewdiepie has finally laid down the gauntlet.  These sorry ass petty fucks keep on coming after the guy, well now he's out to ruin them the way they tried to ruin him.  This is the first real shot at it that he has.


Most of the streaming sites................let's face it. I'm talking DIRECTLY AT YOU TWITCH.............Are good at fucking over people with their biased as fuck policies.  well, this is the new kid on the block being promoted by none other than pewds himself.  That wouldn't be all that big of a deal..................except it is.  He's got over 90 million subs on YouTube which makes him currently the most subscribed to YouTuber...............a fact that has pissed off both YouTube and an Indian company called T-Series.  T-Series has even sent a cease and desist order to stop him from playing two songs about them in India.  "Congratulations" and "Bitch Lasagna".  🤣 

One of the major things about dlive is that if you send money to your favorite streamer, they get the whole thing.  I don't know how, but dlive doesn't take ANY of it.  I know they have some heavy backers right now, but if this is how it goes they'll make the money back quickly.  If any of you feel like streaming or following a streamer, give dlive a look.

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^well one thing is clear to me right off the top... Daisy has stepped it up a bit in terms of her look...she's looking more attractive there.


the laugh at the end though---Snoke or Emperor Palpatine?!?  


C'mon, JJ Abrams... I have faith you can probably fix it.  VIII was a stain on the franchise, imo.


Well, now my hunt for reactions from my favorite "personalities" begins, as I'm sure EVERYONE in Youtube-land has posted a "reaction" to this...

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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

Million, given a choice between Emma Watson (Hermione Grainger from Harry Potter) or Daisy Ridley (Rey from SW) who would you hit?

Daisy Ridley. I don't get what people see in Emma Watson. She's not ugly but I just don't think she's hot. Daisy is packing back so the choice is clear.



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so I'm finally checking out the 1991 version of Dark Shadows... I had some low expectations of this and it has surprisingly drawn me in.  Heh, it has a very young Joseph Gordon Levitt in there as an incredibly annoying brat...the kid seems to be an asshole for no apparent reason.

One thing that helps is that the girl that played Victoria Winters is gorgeous--- Joanna Going:

DAMN I'd eat the hell out of that... the pictures don't even do her justice; you have to see her in motion.  Hmm....looks like she's in that show The Magicians too....I always intended to get caught up on that show later; it seems like something I would be into.

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I sure wouldn't mind if Daisey was caught up in a future "Fappening" leak on the net.... that was truly a legendary internet moment when it first happened....I'll never forget that day, man....SO much golden material was suddenly out there for all to see and "enjoy". 😮


sheeeeit, I'm back to Vampire Diaries now... episode 9 of season 5.. it was such an awesome moment when Damon got loose from the cage and went on a rampage against the whole "Augustine" club...SO good....he started by jabbing his fingers into the one guy's eye-sockets then feeding on him, then with super-speed just ripped thru everyone a rabid wild animal on the loose....the shit was legendary..... this reminds me how surprisingly violent this show was despite being on CW.  Then you find out he had an especially twisted plan of vengeance for the whole Whitmore family from that day forward (*basically; he vowed to murder all Whitmore family...except 1 that person continues the family name/bloodline..then he would start over and kill them all again...except 1...then repeat the process over and over again).... ohhh I love this show so much.

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