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I'm just now realizing Joel Schumacher died yesterday. (he was even older than I thought; the guy was 80)  I have him to thank for The Lost Boys, which was the origin of my never-ending obsession with just about any vampire movies, shows and games.  


Words can't do it justice how much of an insane fan I am of that shit, as some of ya know by now.  As a kid I watched that movie (along with Fright Night) over and over again a crazy number of times, always imagining just how awesome it would be if I was a vampire like that, perhaps hanging with David and his crew of '80s rock band looking vamps.  I have the blu-ray now and STILL watch that shit on occasion.  Naturally I had the soundtrack too; still listen to the songs regularly.


Really, a million thanks, Mr. Schumacher. 


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y'now, it just hit me that 1 thing I wouldn't like about being one of those Lost Boys vamps... sleeping upside down like a bat?  Hell nah, get outta here with that.  I'd be fine with just sleeping "normally".  Upside down in a cave also leaves one vulnerable, as Alex Winter's character found out the hard way...he was the one that got staked while sleeping.  


The smart defensive plan would either be the whole routine of sleeping in a coffin, hidden in a secret place  like you usually see vamps doing... I'd go the extra mile to have compelled servants around as personal security guards during the day. (*quick note---in World of Darkness lore, "ghouls" get some degree of the same powers from whatever vampire they are bonded to, which is even better.  If you're super-strong; they have some degree of superhuman strength too.  I'd definitely have several ghouls as security and for taking care of certain tasks during the day)


On another note.. here's Double Toasted crew analyzing the nuances of Grover vs. that Blue Guy...which one is the bigger asshole?  I'd agree "Blue Guy in a Suit" is the douchebag...



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Apparently Katy Keane got canceled... hahaha imagine how embarrassing that is... when you realize that of the family of CW shows...even *Batwoman* managed to outlast you.  🤣

Didn't seem like a thing that would appeal to any significant demographic, actually.  It's not supernatural or superhero related, and the main character just didn't appear to be that interesting, at least in my opinion.

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There is completely random, but apparently I have Cherokee blood in my family. I always knew my great grandma on my mom's side of the family had some Native American heritage. I only met her once, when I was 7, but I always remember her sitting in a high back wooden chair and her straight black hair nearly reaching the floor. I'd never seen anyone with hair like that before so it stuck with me. My mom and aunt have been doing some digging at that's what the found. I'm curious of about how they found this out. I figured a Virginia based tribe like the Nottoway or Mattaponi would be the answer. My great grandma lived in Nottoway County, that's where my mom grew up, and that's were I spent the first 3 years of my life. I don't know...I have a sneaking suspicion they used one of those unreliable Ancestry tests. 🤔

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that movie "Kissing Booth" on netflix showcases another pretty extreme case of deep Friend Zone status.... I just noticed a trailer for the sequel so I'm already looking forward to it of course.  Also, it looks like that fine ass girl from Legends of Tomorrow is on there; I forgot her name.. ah yes--Maisie Richardson-Sellers:

^Delicious.  Ohhh and she was Rebekah Mikaelson for a minute on The Originals! I forgot about that. :rofl: (this is explained away by Rebekah getting body-swapped for a while; I forgot what the situation leading to that actually makes sense in the lore of the show though; Niklaus has been at least 2 different people if I recall, and their mom Esther has also showed up in a "different body" before.)

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7 hours ago, MillionX said:

that movie "Kissing Booth" on netflix showcases another pretty extreme case of deep Friend Zone status.... I just noticed a trailer for the sequel so I'm already looking forward to it of course.  Also, it looks like that fine ass girl from Legends of Tomorrow is on there; I forgot her name.. ah yes--Maisie Richardson-Sellers:

^Delicious.  Ohhh and she was Rebekah Mikaelson for a minute on The Originals! I forgot about that. :rofl: (this is explained away by Rebekah getting body-swapped for a while; I forgot what the situation leading to that actually makes sense in the lore of the show though; Niklaus has been at least 2 different people if I recall, and their mom Esther has also showed up in a "different body" before.)

The kissing booth is an horrible movie that paints an abusive relationship as a lovey dovey good thing.

Edited by ZioSerpe
missed an o
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now that the Jada/Will thing has blown up even more, there's bound to be all kinds of juicy videos on youtube at the moment....I look forward to catching up on all that. hahaha I'm sure they really appreciate this side-piece son of a bitch blabbing about it publicly and thus forcing the whole situation being outed for everyone to know. 🤣


I saw Tommy Sotomayor had a livestream on this subject yesterday; unfortunately I missed the beginning and he was taking on some live call-ins.... I tend to not like that part of most shows though, because oftentimes it's filled with people who just aren't good at all "on the air", y'know...full of awkward silences or meandering without any real points, bad connections, etc.  I hate those segments on youtube shows about as much as when it happens on radio shows.

and yeah, like many other people… I’ve never heard of this August muthafucka until this story. …well, it definitely worked to get his name out there. Good play, dude 😄

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This movie randomly came to mind recently... one of the first I remember seeing at least twice at a theater because I enjoyed it that much...

that cast was loaded up with The Greatest American Hero himself William Katt, "Norm from Cheers" George Wendt, and "Bull from Night Court" Richard Moll.


Surprisingly I actually don't have this on dvd or blu-ray (way back I had it on vhs though)....I'll have to correct that error and get this back into my collection.


trailers were kinda lame and forgettable back then, for the most part....but the Fright Night trailer was actually a good one...


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hahahaha, so yes....actual pictures of Amber Heard's SHIT have emerged.  I've already seen 1 youtube video about it. Warning; like Prego it's in there, folks...😄


...hmm...that looks very *black* shit... maybe she should check with a doctor about that if it normally looks like that.

hahaha but this broad dropped a DEUCE on Depp's bed, man...  Amber Heard droppin' big ass turds


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ok, there was some seriously silly nonsense in the old GI Joe cartoon, I'll admit it... and one scene just reminded me of this a few seconds ago.

Quick Kick. <-- this muthafucka right here, man... a constant strain on one's suspension of disbelief.  There was a scene where he's confronted by some Cobra soldiers.  QK DOESN'T have guns....the Cobra soldiers are shown with rifles.  Do they try to shoot him?  NOPE.  They don't even try.  He jumps down to attack, and they instead decide to rush him, waving the guns around at him like baseball bats.....instead of using guns the normal way.  Just like that....this is one of the funniest dumb shit I've *ever* seen on the show.  I always had a problem with Quick Kick just conceptually speaking, man.... why even make a character like that on this kind of show?  Both sides are using guns most of the time (*even though 80s censorship rules means they aren't allowed to actually hit any shots on a person)


but yeah that's what I've been watching for the past hour or so...they're still live now:




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still tuning in for that GI Joe livestream on always brings me right back to those good ol' days, despite the heavy censorship of that era...

I never gave much thought to this before, but I'd say my favorite characters overall were Dr. Mindbender, Destro and Stormshadow....heh, when I was first playing Quake 3 online "Stormshadow" was one of the names I liked to go on with.  On the "Joes" side the best were Snake Eyes and Sgt. Slaughter.... best girl was my honey Baroness; 2nd place was always close between Lady Jaye (always reminded me of a brown-haired Demi Moore) and Scarlett for me....then again, that was basically all the female characters right there... the only other one was that kinda punk-rock looking girl that was part of Zartan's crew but she was ugly, imo.


Oddly enough, though I watched this show all the time as a kid, I never had many of the toys... I had 2 action figures and that was of which I found on a playground (a Cobra B.A.T.S.)


I still have the first and I think 2nd season of GI Joe on dvd, actually...probably one of my oldest dvd purchases; I remember first seeing it in ....probably it was a Tower Records (yeah, THAT long ago) and thinking---ohhhhhh yeah this is coming home with me asap.

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ha, one of the early episodes was on yesterday....the one where they had the "Weather Dominator" machine; hahah it was funny when Zartan got adversely affected by the sunlight and he winced in pain-- "oh no....not sunlight!!! arrgghhh" then Destro just laughed at him for a while.  😄

I had forgotten that was a thing--- I was unsure of what his "condition" was, actually....back then....he had a problem with sunlight but wasn't a vampire, but was also a "master of disguise".  I remember that voice was really cool though, and it was an interesting idea they implemented for that action figure....sunlight or warm water caused his skin to change to a dark blue if I recall.

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sheeeitttt, so I've been watching Friends lately, since I moved to another room where I actually have a tv that's hooked up to cable... this is reminding me just how ridiculously fine those girls were at the time.  Jenn Aniston and Courtney Cox were such a strong 1-2 combo of raw was insane.  I liked Kudrow as well though she's ranked slightly behind Courtney and Jenn.  


This morning they showed that episode that is probably the most memorable one, where the crew was looking at an old tape of the high school prom.... and Rachel was disappointed because her date didn't show up... Ross was going to take her out but then the other dude finally showed up and Rachel went with him.  It does seem kinda unlikely that one of her caliber would've hooked up with super-dork/nerd boy Ross least back then.  


Anyway, I don't normally like romantic scenes that much but it was still a pretty enjoyable scene... perhaps just the positive reaction of seeing "Mr. Nice Guy" actually win for a moment....**unlike** what's usually the case in real life.  In reality Rachel probably would just see him as "like a brother" until MAYBE when they're both in that 36 - 45 year old range....and even that's just a "maybe".


but goddamn those girls were hot on the show back then… it was basically the only real reason I was watching it on occasion. I’d still take them today, actually. Jennifer is welcome to sit on my face anytime.


.there was also an episode loaded with big-name stars at some point for some reason...and Julia Roberts was on for a few scenes as a girl... Matt Perry's character knew from elementary school.  Julia has never actually looked this smoking hot before; normally I always thought she was overrated big-time, but DAMN you should check her out on that episode as she seduces him.  

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this popped up in my recommend section, bringing back so many memories..

The Maxx was the other big deal from Image Comics... I bought it and Spawn comics on a regular basis.  I couldn't get enough of that art from Sam Keith and Todd McFarlane....sheeeitttt, back then, the comics industry was a "dream job"...too bad it's not all that anymore; doesn't seem to be a "dream job" anymore.

Julie = big time PAWG, btw.

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On the note of Superpowers for a minute--- animal mimicry always fascinates me...I'm curious as to what others prefer with this one---

  • * a) You have the power of animal mimicry, but it also involves shapeshifting to match the if you want gorilla strength, you actually change into that, like Beast Boy.
  • * b) You can get the powers and abilities without changing--so you could have gorilla strength while still looking like a human----like Vixen...

It would be cool to have it either way but I'd prefer the "b" option, actually.  I like the idea of transformation abilities, but as only an "option" instead of a requirement to access those special abilities.


Also---another terrible super-power randomly came to mind a while ago:
Imagine you have the power of flight...BUT it's like the flying ability of a butterfly.  This hit me while noticing a butterfly outside a while ago...couldn't help but think damn you guys *can* fly but you kinda suck at it.  They have the lamest version of flying I've ever seen.  This is a power I'd actually turn down.

...even worse... imagine if you had this power to fly "like a butterfly"....but it also involved having those big goofy ass wings all the time like Monarch from Venture Bros.  As a superhero or villain people would just laugh at how silly you look. 

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On 7/26/2020 at 8:00 AM, MillionX said:

...even worse... imagine if you had this power to fly "like a butterfly"....but it also involved having those big goofy ass wings all the time like Monarch from Venture Bros.  As a superhero or villain people would just laugh at how silly you look. 

lol.  Other creatures have to be looking at them like,"Damn son.  That is one unfortunate downside you've got.  No real predators outside of spiders, but damn. "

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On 8/2/2020 at 10:09 AM, misterBee said:

Some dude at the other place said he'd never join up here because the design was 90s and dated.  I don't have a huge amount of control over the layout because I'm trying to stick with pure CSS only (that way things don't break when I do software updates), but I thought it looked pretty good. =[

so dated but looks 100% better than their shitty pedophile runs site

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9 hours ago, rukawa_kaede said:

Cyntalan is banned everywhere his opinion doesn't matter


I'm liking the new SVC rank logos, they do look a little big probably the size of an actual discourse srk AV lol but i like the detail.


8 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

Ranking  graphic looks cool.


Its funny that it is bigger than the regular srk1 av though.

Yeah they do seem a little large...I wanted to make sure they were visible but I'll try shrinking them.  


EDIT: Ok I've shrunk them down.  Hopefully they're not too small. 🙂


EDIT 2: You can now hover over the rank icons to zoom in.  I think it's a good compromise.

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