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Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars

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sheeeitttt, unless it involves actually downloading your games to play locally (I guess GeForce involves that?), I will forever be against any similar attempt at "cloud/streaming" gaming.  The very concept is repulsive garbage by default, imo....something that should always be stomped out day 1 before it infects the rest of this industry like the disease it is.  It already disgusts me that "online-only!" requirements spread from mmorpgs (where they actually make sense; therefore I don't care for mmorpgs) to several other categories of games at this point.


Words cannot accurately describe how intense my hatred of this shit is.  If the very concepts of "Live Service!" and "Online-Only" were actual living things... I'd have no problems torturing those things to death.

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I can't even get around to my other games at the moment because the obsession with Dead Cells is stronger than ever.... because I've gotten so close to beating Very Hard lately... earlier today at work... INSANE "Tactics" build going on; Hokuto's Bow + Quick Bow, a usual setup of mine now; it's SO strong, goddamn... at S-rank the Hokuto's was giving me +5,500 something dps!  The damage was just nasty......this is on top of various other damage bonuses I had going on.  I made it to Hand of the King once again with 25 Tactics close...and once again still died.  That dude is just sooooo ridiculous though... for the uninitiated, here's what this boss does to ya:

  • * dual-blade melee attack that seems to reach across the ENTIRE screen. (the timing on this attack seems to change on occasion)
  • * Clusters of bombs he tosses on the field.
  • * Banners he summons that will explode in a huge radius if you don't destroy them.
  • * An apparently *invincible* front-side barrier appearing as he dashes across the screen super-fast.  Later he'll do this twice in a row so you still get fucked up if you tried to dodge-roll.  When this hits you, it also pushes you off into some spikes on either side of the screen.  Spikes in this game do retarded amounts of easily *75 to 80+%* of your health.
  • * A move where he jumps up and slams down which causes rocky spikes to rise from the ground in the entire area.  You can only avoid this by jumping at the right time, and sometimes you need to also dodge-roll after the jump.  Later, he changes the timing on this.

...he also fades away, completely invulnerable for a while as he summons elite enemies...fortunately they are not really a big deal...there's worse elite enemies I could think of, like the Elite Golem from Sanctuary.  

The funny thing.....the "true" final boss in this game is 10x more ridiculous....from what I've seen in vids (hahah because I'll never make it there myself; the vast majority of people playing this won't either...), it makes this boss look like a chump in comparison.

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D3---ha, I figured the new Wizard set would try something other than Archon since most fans would like to get away from relying on that.... sheeeitttt, I'm NOT one of those fans though; Archon Power all day for me...I love that shit... I love transformation skills in any game, actually; it always fulfills that anime-inspired power fantasy of "...releasing my true power...", but anyway here's Anthony E. showcasing the new shit:


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The Continuing Adventures of Dead Cells....


...and after 370 total hours played... FINALLY it was done!  Today on lunch hour at work, I made it to the Hand of the King on 2-cell Very Hard and BEAT that muthafucka!  Like I see many suggesting... Survival is the way to go.   I had 26 points in Survival, 6 in brutality and 5 on Tactics.  Health = 32,000+. Multi and Hokuto's Bows, Giant Whistle which hits like a goddamn freight train [45,000+ in 1 shot!] and Wolf Trap all S-rank.  I had that heart passive that resurrects you 1 time [didn't even die at all, actually], dead inside and  Emergency Triage which was key---it cuts the incredibly long healing animation and makes you invincible for 3 seconds.  Yeah, you need every little cheap-ass advantage you can get in a game like this.  Now I'll have to do it all again on my XB1 version of the game... and I've already started another run in 3-cell that's going ok so far; same gameplan with another Survival build.


heh, this is right on time too, as the new DLC for it is out as of today.

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Ok yeah, I think it's safe to say this is the new CHAMP of the genre....goddamn everything about it looks awesome.... AND it's playable offline! (and thus is instantly superior to shit-ass pc-version Diablo 3 AND 4 simply based on that.  Yeah, D4 will be online-only on all platforms this time, so fuck that.)


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5 hours ago, MillionX said:

Ok yeah, I think it's safe to say this is the new CHAMP of the genre....goddamn everything about it looks awesome.... AND it's playable offline! (and thus is instantly superior to shit-ass pc-version Diablo 3 AND 4 simply based on that.  Yeah, D4 will be online-only on all platforms this time, so fuck that.)


During D2 days you were laughed at if you played offline.   Online mode through was the only mode that mattered.  Then D3 came out and only had online mode...and all of a sudden everyone lost their minds.  I always found that funny.


Everyone says they need an offline mode but I'm guessing the vast majority of players don't even use it.

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...and it's probably coming in handy; I keep hearing about server issues for Wolcen lately holding it back from true greatness.  At least when it's a normal game like this with offline capability (which should be the default)...the thing is still playable when the servers inevitably are fucked up around launch time.  The pc-version D3 of course did not have that  people just couldn't play it at game they just paid for and it was completely useless and inaccessible at the time.  The very idea of that is just stupid and irritating to me. 


Later on the (superior, imo) console version hit....heh, I remember specifically playing it offline on day 1 simply because I could.  It was a wonderful thing.... (I also would purposely play on Tuesdays, which is when the pc D3 had server maintenance, all the while laughing to myself "haha I'm still enjoying my game TODAY, 'bout you?" 😄)  and that was just 1 component of the console version being better, imo.  Over the years it always amused me to see the pc side of the D3 fanbase often being in denial about the situation that they got stuck with the lame version. (*just off the top of my head--- trading was and probably still is WAY easier on console; and this version got the "nemesis" monster, which has always been an interesting concept to me) 

^heh, that brings back some good ol' recent D3 memories of purposely creating a "nemesis", knowing damn well my friend's weak-ass characters would always be ill-equipped to deal with it, especially a nemesis that has killed 2 or more characters (they get stronger with each player-character killed)


On another note though... DMC3 is now available on Switch...I forgot it was coming out this soon.  PORTABLE Devil May Cry, folks. 🤩💥

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ah, some tips for the higher difficulties of Dead Cells

I'm definitely on agreement with Survival builds.  I think it's actually a must, really from 2-cell on up.  I had absolutely no chance with other builds, though Tactics did let me get close a couple of times...but it was Survival that finally got me through.  With Survival you can play ranged *and* still have enough health to take the occasional hit....with healing provided by the Necromancy passive.  Even though they toned that down, necro passive is still a reliable source of healing when you have a good amount of survival points....use that to heal throughout the game, and hopefully you go into the battle with Hand of the King with a  huge amount of HP + that heart passive + all your healing flasks.

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I still haven't gotten around to Infamous: Festival of Blood... partially because I wasn't a big fan of Infamous in the first place; it was "ok" at best...overshadowed in a big way by Prototype, imo.  I also never played Darkwatch....that may have been due to Unreal Championship 2 taking up most of my time in the original Xbox era.
Interesting to see they left off Code Vein on this list....though understandable.  The characters in's an odd thing to describe but they're "so anime" that I think some may forget at times they're supposed to be "vampires".

I probably would've rated Dawnguard (even though it's an expansion instead of a separate game) and Vampyr a bit higher on the list.  Vampyr gets so many things about the lore right in a satisfying way to me.... and they perfectly executed a "game mechanic" way to make feeding into the strong temptation it should be, by tying your exp and thus your power to it in a big way.  (it's the biggest source of not feeding on people effectively handicaps you in terms of power.)

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"so...combat is turn-based, and.."

Well they just murdered that shit for me then. 


son of a bitch!  Everything was looking SO damn good until I heard those disastrous words.... goddammit, man...😒

hahhahaha now I'm looking at the comments in the live chat right after he said that and showed off this gameplay.... I'm definitely not alone in this opinion, surprisingly... plenty of people in chat were saying "RUINED."  one dude said "LOL I'M OUT." 😄


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Another youtuber I noticed recently that posts Dead Cells vids... "Veedotme" shows off how awesome the new double-scythe weapon (it's from the recent dlc) is:

the only thing with this weapon is it's *kinda* slow, but of course they had to give it some type of downside.  There's also the fact that it takes up both weapon slots but other than that it's good stuff, imo.


oooh but Rurikhan is streaming Nioh 2 at the moment


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they actually caught my attention with that remake, because from what I hear it has the option of real-time combat...haha so basically they fixed it, imo 😄  Still, I don't like that they're splitting the game up... I realize it's apparently a huge game; yeah I remember it was on multiple CDs back then, but I'd rather have all my game in 1 shot.  I can wait until they inevitably release the "FF7 Remake: Complete Edition" later.


In other news--- HyperParasite---I've been keeping tabs on that one since first hearing of it; we finally got a date and trailer for the console versions (and hell yeah it'll be Switch version for me, naturally)

I'm slightly disappointed they took a more lighthearted approach with the game, but I'm still interested.  


Another game called "Carrion" is in the works which is a similar concept, but comes off as much more dark in tone... like a sci-fi horror movie where you are the monster terrorizing everyone...


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Another "Death of a Game" vid... I forgot this one even existed...

This was such an odd concept for a game in the first place, actually... and of course it was online-only. 😄  At least it was only a waste of 15 bucks instead of 60....fortunately I never bothered with it, though 2 friends with exceptionally bad taste kept trying to get me into this at the time.

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Well, they got Keith David the true voice of Spawn!


...a shame they went with that horrible re-design from early in the series though.  I cannot stand that big ugly boot on 1 leg...that has always looked stupid to me....yet for some reason it's forever stuck as Spawn's "default" look.👎  Maybe Todd was smoking something that day.

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ha, I still haven't finished playing Borderlands 3.  It's sad what happened with that game... I was very much looking forward to it; like the guy who made that vid said, part 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, so naturally I was hyped for part 3.  I even took some time off around the launch date because it AND Gears 5 were coming out around the same time.....then both ended up being a disappointment for various reasons.


One issue was that I couldn't even do co-op with one of my friends... basically we'd only get to play the game for maybe 2 or 3 minutes before suddenly being booted back to the Live dashboard or the main menu screen.  Eventually that got sorted out and we did play a few times some weeks ago....but it's just not as interesting like part 2 was.


One nitpick that keeps irking me, when playing Zane----why did they have to portray this dude as being so terribly out of shape in terms of physical stamina?  It doesn't actually effect gameplay, but notice how quickly the dude gets "out of breath" when you run for even a few sounds like what happens if someone who has never exercised at any point in life were running for 15 to 20 seconds....the dude sounds like an asthmatic that is about to fall over soon and needs a respirator ASAP. That shit is pitiful, man 😄


...and the "non-binary" representation thing with a ROBOT character is truly one of the dumbest apparent agenda-based things I've ever seen in the history of gaming.... they're like "look at how progressive we are with this non-binary character that identifies as "THEY"!!

Everyone else: "....what?  Also...this character is a robot, so...."  hahaha gender doesn't even apply in the first place with a character like that...nevermind the absurdity that we're spending time discussing the "gender pronouns" of a fictional character in the first place 🤣  What kind of Twlight Zone shit is this?


...also, another thing just hit me...I'm not far into the game, but since the robot has a beast companion with it at all times, wouldn't most people assume the pronoun "they" simply means people are referring to the robot AND its creature companion?  On mine I picked the creature that looks like a monkey, btw.

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They were at one point banning people from the actual gearbox forums for not using the right pronouns for Flak, a robot with a deep ass man voice. 


All that and more could have been easily looked over if they didn't have such a shit story that crapped all over the story from the last two games.   They are sooooo progressive but shit on Aurelia and turn her into a clown of a character.    All this so they can do their lame ass mary sue bs. 

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Thinking about BL3 and all the terrible decisions they added in strictly to pad that game.   Like having to hand shit to lilith or talk to lilith in person like every 5 fucking minutes really got on my nerves too.  Was watching this  broteam vid and got reminded of that.   Like these devs are taking the wrong cues from each other and instead of pushing the envelope and putting in more work they take any cheap ass shortcut they can




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oh yeah, there was a closed beta some weeks ago; I signed up for it but never bothered... I had mixed feelings about the whole thing that eventually drifted off into bitterness and "eh whatever".  It's insane and hilarious that they waited this damn long to bother bringing PSO2 to the West.... I'm surely not the only former Phantasy Star fan that already gave up hope in the franchise some years ago.


Checking into things at a glance, certain little nitpicks immediately irked me... like the exclusion of Beasts as a playable race (perhaps due to the story timeline or whatever; I forgot the explanation for this)... Beasts were SO much fun to play in PSU and the PS Portable games....and I imagine that it's basically the only time werewolf fans have had anything besides Elder Scrolls to scratch that itch of roleplaying that...werewolves get even less spotlight than vamps in the gaming world.  (**one of my favorite memories of PS Universe was fighting a dragon boss with 5 other players...most of us playing as Beasts.. 1 or 2 CAST Rangers eventually shot it down, then all of us beasts transformed at the same time and unleashed HELL on that dragon!  Those were some good times)


Also--- right away I don't like how the "Duman" race is now; at least visually speaking they look silly with that singular "horn on the head" design.  In Portable 2: Infinity, they were basically a mutation of the human race that had cool "photon" powers they could unleash when removing the eyepatch inhibitor (seemingly like a great reference to "Kenpachi" from Bleach)


I *might* still give it a shot, perhaps during the open beta but this has become quite a tough sell to me at this point.  For years now I've just wanted any other company to handle this franchise so I could have hope in it again.

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man, I was going to just jump right into Doom Eternal, then noticed they've apparently put a bit more story into this... annnnnd there's the fact that 2016 Doom is super-cheap right now at 20 bucks if I recall (and it comes with all the DLC at that price?!) Yes, I'd agree it's strange that I managed to skip 2016 Doom... I was a huge fan of the old ones back in the day. (so much so that my Live gamertag was picked as a reference to it.)


I did play the short beginning area that serves as a brief tutorial to get you acclimated with how to move and all that jazz.  This game, man...the visuals; the designs of the demons, the backgrounds...the flow of combat....the violence....sheeeeittttttttt



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