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Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars

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yeahhhhhh ya know they got me again.  I am absolutely double-dipping on this, day 1.

HELL yeah, man.... my vampiric good PORTABLE 🤩


I should get back to my 2nd "evil vamp" playthru on XB1 too... last time I left off... I got a bit carried away and brought complete ruin to one of the districts...hahah all the people over there were either dead or missing. 

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^sheeeeittttt, yeah I have my eye on that one for sure....will likely get it at some point, but of course Gears 5 + Borderlands 3 hype is in the way at the moment... B3 being due next Friday.


speak of the devil---Gears 5...

The story started off kinda slow, but holy shit did I hit an interesting, awesome moment a little while ago.  Also, the "Warden" is one of the coolest enemy designs of the franchise, man.......mmmm and I can't really say why this moment was such a cool surprise as that's obviously quite the spoiler....but sheeeiiiitttttttttt that was fire.


I was in a Horde session that actually lasted for a while.  Anyway, I was on the fence about the changes to this mode in part 5, and so far it's just not sitting right with me the more I think about it.  The way things are designed now, it encourages players to be the lone wolf, only looking out for #1.  Now...the power you pick up can be put in the fabricator OR you keep it to upgrade yourself with the perks.  So....where's the incentive now to put it in the fabricator then?  Make yourself slightly better, or put the power in that box over there that has hardly anything good you can get out of it.... I can see it now; most people will probably just keep the power they find for their own perks....and every game will have barely any fortifications up.  Also, from what I see on the Gears forums... quite a few people don't like that we're locked into characters.  Basically, they're taking a few pages out of the current trend of hero shooters.  There's character-specific "Ultimate" abilities like Overwatch....and character-specific weapon loadouts too.  The Engineer (Del) is also the only one that can build a lot of stuff from the fabricator.....and even worse imo is the idea of "no character dupes" cannot have 2 people playing the same character.  One person gets randomly swapped to another character when the round begins....and it doesn't appear to go by whoever selected it first either. 

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On the apparently rare occasion the damn game even works, it *can* be awesome...



mannnn this shit would be so awesome if it would just WORK.  I just tried playing Escape mode; it was a great first impression but of about 10 to 15 minutes suddenly I'm looking at the loading screen, and back on the main menu.  I could see myself enjoying this a lot more than what Horde has become, actually.

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nah, even on the first night... last Thursday; right from the start it was fucked up from what I've seen.  At first I thought people were doing their usual "quit early" shenanigans again like in part 4 Horde...then I figured it's probably the server just dropping people constantly.  Sometimes your whole team is gone before the start of Wave 1, so it's just you + a team of bots.....then you get the load screen of death too in the next few minutes.  The longest I got to play was one time on Friday when I got up to Wave 26, and it was only me and 1 other dude left in there.


Campaign has the occasional issues too.  I cannot get collectible progress anymore....picking them up counts for nothing.  There was another occasion where the sound cut off entirely then I got hit with that familiar blue load screen that kills your fun....then there's the "Checkpoint Saving" bug where it appears to be constantly saving, but of course it isn't really.  


I'm wondering how some streamers are having a relatively perfect experience with it though... almost like there's some preferential treatment there but that shouldn't even be possible.  One glance at the official forums and the gamefaqs forums gives a look at what's really going on though... fans are getting increasingly annoyed with this nonsense as each day goes by with little to no improvements...

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GEARS 5 again --- Ok FINALLY!  I finally got into a Horde match that WORKED!!  We went to wave and 3 other people, as 1 dude dropped out early.... I was playing Jackbot.  This character, man.... holy shit is this easy mode; I shamelessly love it.  I recorded some clips that may get uploaded to the Live community thing later....Jack is so easy to play but still good times.....funny thing is I didn't even realize you could cooldown his zapper manually; it works like the heavy weapons where you hit RB to cool down faster.  I used his ultimate "Hijack" power a few times and it was great.... only taking control of powerhouse enemies like Scion Boomers, of course.  Oh and his healing effect is ridiculous... other players are borderline invincible while you have the healing beam on them.  This character is godlike support, man.


...of course something had to still go wrong though... and it was strange... I got some unlockable miscellaneous stuff out of this run, BUT no character level progress at all....ha, Jack is still level 1 right now as if none of that happened.

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sheeeiiiitttt, check this out:

^just in a matter of seconds I was sold on this.  Air-combos, dashing in the air or on the ground, fast pace of combat; good stuff here.


I started up yet again with Kingdoms of Amalur last night… I still love that game so much; it will forever be one of my favorites of all time. The adventures of the mysterious revenant known as “Sebastian” the Nosferatu (a dokkalfar) have begun. I’m more than likely going to push this one towards Finesse/Sorcery hybrid build; I think one of the names for it was “Arcanist”…ah yes…there’s various names as you get more points in each discipline… the ultimate of this hybrid style was “Shadowcaster”. 

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On 9/8/2019 at 4:57 PM, MillionX said:

nah, even on the first night... last Thursday; right from the start it was fucked up from what I've seen.  At first I thought people were doing their usual "quit early" shenanigans again like in part 4 Horde...then I figured it's probably the server just dropping people constantly.  Sometimes your whole team is gone before the start of Wave 1, so it's just you + a team of bots.....then you get the load screen of death too in the next few minutes.  The longest I got to play was one time on Friday when I got up to Wave 26, and it was only me and 1 other dude left in there.

Yeah that's server stuff.  Hopefully it clears up soon, if it hasn't already.


On 9/8/2019 at 4:57 PM, MillionX said:

I'm wondering how some streamers are having a relatively perfect experience with it though... almost like there's some preferential treatment there but that shouldn't even be possible.  One glance at the official forums and the gamefaqs forums gives a look at what's really going on though... fans are getting increasingly annoyed with this nonsense as each day goes by with little to no improvements...

Your tinfoil hat game is mad strong.  🤣


I'm excited to play Gears 5 but I still haven't played 4.  It's in my queue still...

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Fortunately Gears is way more stable now.  I've joined 3 Horde sessions that went from 30-something to 50.....and that's the other positive change-- ---you can join sessions that were already in progress.  However, apparently you need to go straight from 1 to 50 in one go to get the achievement, it seems...because I've done 1 thru 35 or so, which is why I specifically searched for a group that was in the 30s that still had room.....that and the later waves are always more action-packed.


I've mostly been playing Jack and Fahz...occasionally Del.  Jack is one of the greatest support class characters I've EVER played, man... it's that little helper robot that always showed up in story mode---anyway; as Jack you naturally are always flying around...but you also auto-cloak if you aren't doing anything at the moment except moving... and you heave a healing beam to help other players and fix fortifications, which can be upgraded.  With the healing beam focused on a player, that person is borderline invincible...and it doesn't seem to ever run out from what I've seen.....the only drawbacks are that you can only heal 1 person or thing at a time, and it makes you visible so enemies will notice and could take shots at you.  He also has a skill card that makes it so guns auto-replenish their ammo if you're holding it for a while....and he has a "zapper" that damages enemies but more importantly stuns them.  His ultimate "Hijack" mind-controls an you take control of them for a while (there is a skill card that makes it so kills you get during this will extend the duration of your "Hijack" victim's mind control!  I love this so much---I've taken control of Scion Boomers, Therons and those large robots with the miniguns, etc.)


Latest session I was Fahz...ohhhh and the snipes were SO clean today...sheeeeiiiiiiiitttttt it was beautiful.  On Wave 50 we had the Swarmak boss... Fahz's Ultimate is such cheese, I love it---"XRAY" makes it so you can see enemies thru solid surfaces AND shoot them.   So...of course I hit ultimate and stood behind a pillar/wall area; sniped the shit out of the Swarmak....doing HUGE damage (since sniping is Fahz's thing, he gets big damage bonuses on that; I maxed out 10/10 on the Precision Weapons so I had a 20% damage bonus going on there + some other % bonus on Critical Hits) while he could do absolutely nothing about it....since I'm protected simply by standing behind that structure 🤣

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Well this is an odd thing, and I doubt any one else has noticed (most people probably just use 1 profile)... on an alternate Live profile, I'm getting the same achievements as if I was on my other profile...Remnant gave my 2nd profile all achievements I got with the primary one, and now an achievement just popped up from Dead Cells, even though this was not earned on this profile.  I figured the system and Live in general would view the 2 accounts as if they really are 2 different players... part of the reason I was even on this secondary account was a sense of "starting fresh", actually....also why I was revisiting some older stuff like my precious Kingdoms of Amalur and Transformers Devastation.


edit---Ok that’s even more strange— in the case of Dead Cells, now it has given me achievements that I haven’t done on either profile! I have the achievement for beating the game with Cursed Sword…hahah I have never even attempted that bullshit, and never would, actually.  🤣(Cursed Sword makes it so you die in one hit…now imagine going a whole run like that)… and the game also now thinks I’ve absorbed a 4th boss stem cell AND finished it with 4 boss stem cells active.

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BORDERLANDS time, folks!!!  I just started; settled on Zane as my first character... yep, this is part of the reason I took these days off 


as usual with Borderlands, I will more than likely get around to playing all the characters though… I think the only one I never liked at all was the tranny-looking bitch from Pre-Sequel; she can go kick rocks forever, tbh 😆

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This Borderlands 3 has been meh for the most part.   Feel like I am forcing myself to play this shit at times.    It just does so many stupid little things to piss you off.   Like hey talk to the annoying whiny brat I wish would die off so you get a special reward.    Whiny brat says she is giving you something and clearly says "here take this" but you receive nothing and get a little message saying you will get an extra reward at the end of the mission.   Which of course means you have to backtrack your way to her stupid ass.   The game does a lot of shit like that to urk me.    Half of voice acting from these randoms characters sounds like the same dude trying to be "wacky" as possible while he is reading from a script. 


The dialogue is pretty poo and I haven't gotten any decent guns.    The main bad guys are super lame.  Handsome Jack was awesome and these two are just there.    Lucky I haven't been hit by any game breaking glitches so far.   The times it did glitch and fuck up my mission I was able to back out and reload the game without any issues so there is that.


I probably shouldn't have chosen the gunner chick.   Her mech is cool but you can't use it in certain spots or go through areas it is too big for.  Super lame imo.   



Can't wait for code vein to drop so I can get on that instead

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YEAH it's surprisingly violent, Borderlands actually see people's heads explode, or body parts being shot off; it definitely wasn't that detailed in part 2.  It's a shame about the 2 main villains... visually, I like their design, but the girl's voice sounds quite annoying, and of course so far from what I've seen they don't even come close to Handsome Jack, who was one of THE best villains of the previous era of gaming....actually I'd say he was one of the best, most entertaining video game villains of all time.  I saw a cool little statue of him in Walmart (which was a bit of a surprise)  and should've bought it then...when I went back it was gone forever....I may have to resort to the ebay or Amazon now for that.


Bloodlines 2 has been unveiling the factions----so far we have The Pioneers, the Camarilla and now The Baron.... 2 more remain...  


hmm...yeah I would definitely lean towards being part of the Camarilla. be one of the vampire ELITE would be the perfect thing.  You'd have wealth and real-world power/influence to go along with your supernatural powers.  I'm not sure how or why anyone would turn that down.


edit---this reminds me; there is a similar thing in Vampyr... eventually you meet and get to join up with the Ascalon Club.  Ohhhhh I loved that moment when it became apparent that's where the story was leading me...there is some measure of choice still concerning that, if I recall; it's been a while since I played it.

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sheeeiiiiittttttttt, this is absolutely bought, likely on day 1...I'm loving what I see here:




Shamelessly lifted from that other forum---

ha, it would frustrate me when other people would give that strange look or even laugh when you say a game is "cheating" they didn't believe that was even possible for some silly reason.  It's right there on the screen for anyone with working eyes, dammit.  You don't even have to deep-dive into the technical aspect of things to notice sometimes.  The clearest example I remember was Mortal Kombat II on SNES (and probably Genesis)....with non-SubZero characters crouch-SLIDING across the screen if you start spamming projectiles at them.  ...and every SF2 fan remembers the cpu characters often not even pretending to "charge" for charge special moves.

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GEARS 5--- Horde all day, folks...

I've played so much of this shit it's insane at this point...even a few waves on Master yesterday; that didn't last long though.  I have Jackbot at level 11 now; Fahz at level 10 and JD at probably 8 or 9.  I didn't think I would like playing JD (*in the "Gilded" black & gold outfit, of course; anything less would be...uncivilized) that much but he's another character that's quite easy to tear shit up with... the damage output from this dude is just beautiful....he's truly one of the "Boss Killer" characters.


odd little detail I noticed as Jackbot on my last run---even while "hijacking" an enemy, you can still pick up your teammates if they have been downed.....haha it's funny to see a Locust drone helping up a COG character like that.  The only thing with that ultimate is finding a good choice of enemy to take over.  I'm looking forward to getting that skill card that keeps extending the duration of Hijack if you're getting kills...that should be a good one.

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I think this guy is doing a great job explaining how awesome this game is... ..definitely helped seal the deal for me though I was already strongly leaning towards a buy asap...


ok YEAH this is already  one of my favorite side-scrolling beatemups, man...holy shit...

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really, I was first turned off just by the look of the game.  This garbage they're passing off as "Contra" ...the visuals are atrocious.  When I saw the first trailer for it; the graphics looked like they were actually unfinished; like it was some rough "placeholder" polygons before you actually apply textures and various effects, filters, etc.


Anyway---nother good round of Horde mode just now… and I got that rare Jackbot achievement “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” (convert one of each weapon to Power using the Forge)… currently it’s showing only 0.05% of the players have unlocked it …that’s definitely the rarest achievement I’ve got.

another strange, really unfortunate glitch with Jack…hopefully this doesn’t happen all the time, but I saw an Ice Scion while Wardens were out there tearing up our fortifications…so naturally I chose to use ultimate to “Hijack” the Ice Scion; intending for possibly a cheap, quick kill on the Warden (not sure if that actually works) by freezing him…well, the game itself froze when I froze the Warden! Fortunately I was able to jump back into that same Horde session once the game restarted…but I think all that exp of the past several waves was lost.

I also helped a friend get thru the rest of Gears 4 earlier… I really can’t get enough of this series

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now Angry Joe has a vid on this horseshit... the game looks stupid and awful in every possible way, man... one detail Jim Sterling brought up that sticks out like a sore thumb to me--- this "Contra" game actually has cool-downs on your guns...  C'MON BRUH what the fuck is THAT?!  A cool-down on your a goddamn "Contra" game get all the way outta here with that nonsense, man...


funny thing; a certain friend I've known since childhood tends to have bad taste in things, and I noticed him playing the demo for it yesterday...and he's brought it up before, asking if I was going to get this trash; I couldn't help but laugh when seeing his status on the demo, realizing "holy shit....he's actually going to buy this mess...and at full price too..." 🤣😆




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VALFARIS,'s out and quite awesome (*also only abou 800-something MB; I know space is of concern for some Switch fans like myself that made the mistake of NOT buying the biggest possible SD card right away)  I was sold on this from the first moments of seeing the trailer and general "heavy metal as fuck!" design


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