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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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On 5/6/2023 at 10:15 AM, Dracu said:

I hope Sean comes up down the line. He, Luke and Jaime would make a nice trio of new gen, international warriors. Especially if the story focuses so much on Ken, it only makes sense he show up at some point. I think he'd make a good partner for Kimberly too, considering her uncle was working for Ken. 


His gameplay is already different than a regular shoto, so he wouldn't be a clone and with a good modern redesign, he can surely work in 6.


All Sean really need is


On 5/6/2023 at 10:25 AM, Daemos said:

Would be interesting to see him take on characteristics from both Ken and Laura’s styles on top of his own.


Sean being 33% Ansatsuken 33% brawler 33% Jiu-Jitsu 1% goofy would offer a cool char


On 5/6/2023 at 10:25 AM, Daemos said:

However, if he doesn’t show up I think Laura will.

...and this would be even better ❤️


I'm not one trying to push waifus over fighters marketing but Laura > Sean, any day.


Her moveset is 100% unique, she reps brazilian jiu-jitsu in SF and doing so she reps Brazil in SF better than anybody


I loves see her bouncing goods too (in SF6 art style she's going to be teh sex), wich is a plus, but as said it's not waifu>fighter mindset, she's just awesome addition to SF universe that far out-weight Sean merits


Plus personally got another problem, while i REALLY wanted Sean in SFV... now that we are in SF6 and know the cast till halfway 2024, i don't know


SF6 so far does'nt have any SF3 rep and i can name so many SF3ers that i would like to see over Sean: Dudley, Elena, Hugo, Makoto, Urien, Ibuki... i can concede Sean equal position to Alex at best


Meaning that even in the possible but maybe unlikely scenario i get a 100% SF3 6 characters season there are already 6 chars i would pick over him, plus his sister being better pick than him

Idk to me perfect place for him was SFV, even loved this design a lot


Sean's New Design : r/StreetFighter

but given the current situation i'll probably prefer create him myself

and let other characters with more to offer get the slot lol


Capcom going 4 chars on Season 1 really crippled my generousity lol, hope they return to SFV seasons model as soon as possible, SF6  is going to give them fuckton of money

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42 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

While i understand and agree with the overall concept the wording give me brain cancer 😆


We should definitely stop allign ourselves with capcom feedin crap-eaters pretending to agree that greater popularity = greater quality


In terms of product sure, more sales more success

But as fans we should be allowed to have greater expectation on devs integrity to wanting combine great sales with great quality


"Stupid" Ed and Rashid have each far greater uniqueness and help variety waaay more glorified sprite-edit Akuma wuld ever offer


We have no choice but to bend to marketing rules, but at least we could refuse pretend to believe their bullshit


Akuma is not derivative. While what he did back in 94 remains unforgiveable, Akuma is one the greatest fighting game characters of all time, he pretty much pioneered the hidden badass boss trope in fighting games. It's okay to like him, and he hasn't been a sprite edit in many years.

I would never play Akuma btw, but as long as the game bears the Street Fighter he should be there alongside Ryu and the rest. A lot of people agree and I have to respect that.

You value "uniqueness", characters that embody new nationalities + new fighting styles. I see that as secondary. I quite literally value Street Fighters first (in particular those created in the first half of the 90s). I enjoy seeing how Capcom reimagine them and evolve them with each generation for a new generation. I am invested in their stories, characters, and gameplay.

Don't get me wrong I like new characters, especially ones made in the spirit of the WWs (like Rashid or Laura for example), but never at the expense of the originals. Because Street Fighter games last nearly a decade, it's important to me that the originals also return (but made better than ever before otherwise it's pointless).

Edited by Daemos
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49 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

WT alone does'nt have the quality to be a PS5 era game, without SF brand pushing it


Character creation in SF as a fan is a dream becoming true, just wish they handled it waaaaaaaaay better, while i will probably have to wait Seasons to see it fixed (if they ever will)

If WT works at launch it will already be a step ahead of most current gen offerings. Its got more to offer than say, Redfall. 


What's wrong with the character creator? I don't pay any attention to those. I cobbler together a couple of presets and be done with it. 

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6 minutes ago, Daemos said:

Akuma is not derivative.


Not sure we talk about same guy, the Akuma i talk about is this red hair douche with an hadoken, a shoryuken and a tatsumaki sempukyaku stealing slots from characters that could offer far more in terms of variety/uniqueness


9 minutes ago, Daemos said:

You value "uniqueness", characters that embody new nationalities + new fighting styles. I see that as secondary. I quite literally value Street Fighters first (in particular those created in the first half of the 90s). I enjoy seeing how Capcom reimagine them and evolve them with each generation for a new generation. I am invested in their stories, characters, and gameplay.

Don't get me wrong I like new characters, especially ones made in the spirit of the WWs (like Rashid or Laura for example), but never at the expense of the originals. Because Street Fighter games last nearly a decade, it's important to me that the originals also return (but made better than ever before otherwise it's pointless).


You're missing hard the point here though

Does'nt need to be NEW fighters


List of already existing SF characters (including those born in the 90s you speak about) waiting to be added to SF6 is ridicolous long


We know 22 vanilla+S1 slots at the moment


Of these they chose to use one for a third hadokeshoryukentastu user because makes them MONEY, simple as that, stop paint it as anything else lol


Of course they could have used that slot to something more original/interesting and postpone AkumaMoney a season or two, but they wanted the money asap 🙂

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4 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

What's wrong with the character creator? I don't pay any attention to those. I cobbler together a couple of presets and be done with it. 

SF6 creator have huge potential for fans

With some additions wich are surely going to arrive as DLC, is going to be possible do very cool things (even if 99% people seem focused on create walking "fun" crap or boring themselves replica)

Specially in terms of recreation of missing characters can be great specially for fans that will not see their fav return in SF6, and will get half-consolation to see it in some form


But as it is you can't use it anywhere outside WT and  the crap hub place, as far we know


I do NOT recomend infest online with it like in Soul Calibur did.. i used to be most "famous" CC guy in 8WR forum and yet even there i was against it, because definitely fucked SC atmosphere/imagery and i love SC


But there could be easily a middle way

Just allow CC to be used in local vs mode or maybe also arcade (and private online VS)  would already do wonders, it will basically be like the cool side of SC without the shit one

But if does'nt get done, CC will have no meaning beyond play silly WT and post pics of what you done online without be able to ever use it in the actual game


Something potentially awesome would be meaningless pretty fast if they don't do these small fixes


Current setting feels so retarded that i'm inclined to believe they're just holding back the decent way to handle it to have the chance in future to do cheap move and pretend they gift the good stuff in next (or another) big game update

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7 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

SF6 is too much change at once. The world tour mode in its entirety is that. Open world, created characters, mix and match movesets. It could have easily been its own game. 

Mmm, World Tour Mode is more addition than it is change.  Yes, it's a new thing, but it's not REPLACING any old thing(other than, arguably, A Shadow Falls, but that was not very well received, so it's easier to replace it with something better).  The stuff that makes previous SF's great is still there.


Contrast that to, say, SF3's roster, where it's trying to replace SF2's roster(because SF2's roster isn't there anymore).  And doesn't succeed.


And then you have the one aspect where SF6 IS trying to completely replace previous games, the soundtrack, which a lot of people would argue is currently the worst aspect of the game.

15 hours ago, Daemos said:

If you are going to bring in "apprentice" characters for example to replace the predecessor, then they better make sure that not only is it necessary/wise, but also actually better because otherwise you will piss off the old and the new.

Personally, I wish more "apprentice" characters were handled like Li Fen.  😛


Just a character in the story mode that uses the original character's moveset.  While the original character is the actual playable character on the roster.

5 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

"Stupid" Ed and Rashid have each far greater uniqueness and help variety waaay more glorified sprite-edit Akuma wuld ever offer

Yeah, I'm way more excited for Ed and Rashid than Akuma.  I legit love Rashid.  And while I'd much prefer to have Dudley instead of Ed, I'm much more interested in seeing SF6's first boxer than it's 3rd Ansat.

4 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

What's wrong with the character creator? I don't pay any attention to those. I cobbler together a couple of presets and be done with it. 

My only concern with CAC right now is that clothing has stats tied to it.  Which is long as the game has some kind of transmog.  I want my character to look the way I want it to, without worrying about gimping his abilities.


Edited by DarthEnderX
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5 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

"Stupid" Ed and Rashid have each far greater uniqueness and help variety waaay more glorified sprite-edit Akuma wuld ever offer

Here's why I said Akuma is the perfect definition of a cash cow. 


Cash cow, in business jargon, is a venture that generates a steady return of profits that far exceed the outlay of cash required to acquire or start it.


Akuma takes very little resources to make because he's literally just a sprite edit of Ryu and Ken, the initial Player 1 and 2  characters available from the first game.


He's always provided positive cash flow to Capcom long into SF's life cycle since his initial appearance. Because he was a secret boss people lined up to throw quarters into their arcade machines just to get beaten numerous times and do it all over again. 


Now that gaming has evolved they save Akuma for future DLC releases well into SF's life cycle in order to generate that same sort of hype from nostalgic players. 


By generating steady streams of income, cash cows help fund the overall growth of a company, their positive effects spilling over to other business units


This is why he makes so many cameos because his effect of just being a guest character brings positive effects (revenue) to wherever he appears. 


They usually bring in cash for years, until new technology or shifting market preferences renders them obsolete.


Akuma's not going anywhere until the market (fans) render him obsolete. The fans have to shift thier focus which is just starting to happen after him being around for almost 30 years. 


This has obviously had an effect on other up and coming characters like you've mentioned (Ed, Rashid, even Necalli)


Cash cows can act as barriers to entry to the market for new products, as entrants need to invest heavily in order to achieve the brand awareness required to capture a significant share of the market away from the dominant players.


Akuma acts as a barrier of entry to new characters and them achieving awareness. Akuma is basically one of the more famous SF characters. Even people who don't play SF regularly know that he's a representative of SF. This keeps him from changing his story or attitude as well because too many new ideas for him might impact the revenue that he is suspected to make.


Some newer characters have achieved some recognition, like Juri for example. She's the only new character from SF4 to have appeared in every subsequent game since her initial appearance.  Until we get more characters to achieve some level of recognition then we're probably going to see more of Duhhhh-kuma.

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@bakfromonsome very good points being made there 👍


Problem is majority of audience have bad taste (watch Evil Ryu or Kage being popular if we need any more proof lol) and things will never change

They're happy to eat shit and Capcom is happy to produce that shit getting big money in return


Now, in an ideal world Akuma would disappear in a fart (and there would be no wars, n poverty, no famine and all that secondary shit)


But considering the world we live in, i understand why we can't get rid of Akuma. What i'm saying is low class move was have him already in Season 1 *, with Season 1 being a shitty 4 chars thing while at it


We love  -for good reason- to shit on SFV and its lauch, but at least at this SFV has been way more classy

Street Fighter V - Season 1 Character Pass on Steam


And when they did the cheap move of throw cashcow Akuma they did it in Season 2 where they took most risk in name of creativity, experimentation and expand SF world

Definitely giving them a freepass there, despite Akuma there has been one of best/most interesting Seasons

We got Ed (good), Kolin (very very good), Zeku (great) and Menat (great) out of it.

AbiFail was never good as Hugo and they did'nt helped much at sell him, but overall loved the season


SFV as a whole did some very good things on DLC side, considered them disprectful toward fans for many reasons but overall character selection has been done with surprising good taste





*Love to roast @Daemoson Bison needing to stay the fuck away till 2028, but would have took Bison (great unique char) any day as Season 1 cashcow over Akuma lol

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Yeah, seems like SF5 is the beta version of SF6. Seems like Capcom started on SF6 while SF5 was barely out and used SF5 for feedback for SF6. Reminds me of how windows 8 is a beta version of Windows 10.






Gouki has been in every SF game except for SF1. Would be funny if a game mod would make an SF1 version of Gouki after you beat Sagat (he'll have the same moves as SF1 Ryu and SF1 Ken except that he deals more damage).



Edited by Jion_Wansu
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9 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

We love  -for good reason- to shit on SFV and its lauch, but at least at this SFV has been way more classy

Street Fighter V - Season 1 Character Pass on Steam

That first DLC season was a legit fire lineup.

10 hours ago, bakfromon said:

Some newer characters have achieved some recognition, like Juri for example. She's the only new character from SF4 to have appeared in every subsequent game since her initial appearance.  Until we get more characters to achieve some level of recognition then we're probably going to see more of Duhhhh-kuma.

Make no mistake.  Menat is coming to SF6.


Edited by DarthEnderX
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11 hours ago, bakfromon said:


I get all this, but what is the problem of having Akuma? He doesn't really do anything besides frequently presenting a challenge for characters in every chapter. 

His aesthetic and playstyle keep evolving to become more and more unique. There's nothing quite like him and people love him. As I said he's not my cup of tea, but he brings his own hype with him wherever he goes especially in competitive gameplay. He's fun to play and fun to watch being played. 

From a lore standpoint, Ryu just needs to beat the shit out of him and let him live the rest of his days in shame.

As I said before Akuma being a cashcow allows Capcom to be flexible with other characters since he is guaranteed to sell you can pair him with risky characters and get away with it. It's very smart of Capcom to use Akuma this way in season passes. It's also why Tekken wanted to include Akuma.


It's like you know you can get drunk and fuck around because you know your buddy Akuma got your back and will get you home safe (See Season 2 SF5 and Season 1 SF6).

Now that Capcom got stuff out of their system, I think Season 2 SF6 will be like Season 1 SF5 - Big names only.



*Love to roast @Daemoson Bison needing to stay the fuck away till 2028, but would have took Bison (great unique char) any day as Season 1 cashcow over Akuma lol

I disagree. It doesn't make sense for Bison from a story standpoint to be here in year one. Despite a 5-8 years absence from the canon, and some blatant setups in SF5, I get what Capcom are doing by including Akuma now.

I trust Capcom's character selection now, and both Director Nakayama and Producer Matsumoto are fans of Shadaloo. It's only a matter of time.


Edited by Daemos
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You think it's a coincidence that JP and Rugal have a lot in common?

1- About the same height

2- Long hair + facial hair

3- Clothing

4- Both have cats.

5- Evil.

6- @YagamiFirelikes them both.



I'd love if we get a Shadaloo Remnants (Read: Bison) stage like Rugal's above. Very underrated and the biomechanical art is ahead of its time.

Edited by Daemos
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19 minutes ago, Daemos said:

You think it's a coincidence that JP and Rugal have a lot in common?

1- About the same height

2- Long hair + facial hair

3- Clothing

4- Both have cats.

5- Evil.

6- @YagamiFirelikes them both.


I'd love if we get a Shadaloo Remants (Read: Bison) stage like Rugal's above. Very underrated and the biomechanical art is ahead of its time.

Rugal also has weird AF biomechanical stuff in his 98 stage and it's always been one of my fav boss stages. Just strange and unnerving and creepy.



Edited by YagamiFire
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2 hours ago, Daemos said:

You think it's a coincidence that JP and Rugal have a lot in common?

1- About the same height

2- Long hair + facial hair

3- Clothing

4- Both have cats.

5- Evil.

6- @YagamiFirelikes them both.


It's fun how they're total opposite at one important thing though


Rugal - LOVE fighting and keep statues of killed opponents as trophy

JP - HATE fighting, does'nt seem to take any pride on it, see it as nonsense

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Are we sure it’s just not his public persona that hates fighting? His build implies athleticism and you really can’t harness and wield that much Psycho Power working a desk job.


I think he just doesn’t like getting close to people (possibly like Urien he seems them as peasants).


He also has an uncharacteristic air throw in SF6 where he grabs his opponent with his hand. 

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2 hours ago, Daemos said:

Are we sure it’s just not his public persona that hates fighting? His build implies athleticism and you really can’t harness and wield that much Psycho Power working a desk job.


I think he just doesn’t like getting close to people (possibly like Urien he seems them as peasants).


He also has an uncharacteristic air throw in SF6 where he grabs his opponent with his hand. 

Some people cultivate martial talent out of a sense of practicality or pragmatism or for various other reasons. This could be the case with JP.


Dhalsim, for instance, doe snot enjoy fighting because he does not like violence...but he will take part in fighting for various reasons when he sees it as necessary.


@CESTUS IIIAlso yes agreed that that is a big distinction currently between Rugal and JP. The one thing I'd throw in about Rugal is that it's not even strictly fighting that he loves...fighting is merely one way by which he hurts people. Rugal loves causing pain to others. Dude is a legit sadistic psychopath even going as far as to sell weapons just to spread human misery. It makes Adelheid an interesting counterpoint to him too since Adelheid does not like hurting people though he does enjoy fighting to test himself. It's a big philosophical/mental difference between father and son. Both have the same level of passion to excel at combat but for entirely different reasons.


It's also something that separates Bison and Rugal. Bison ultimately spreads misery to empower himself. It gives him real, tangible power. Rugal does it for the lulz. It's one of the reasons I'd love them teaming up in a cross-over situation. It'd be genuinely horrific because Bison and Rugal do not share conflicting goals for the most part. Bison wants to rule the world...but Rugal has no concern for such things. The only conflict they could have would be over who is the greatest warrior between them.

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17 minutes ago, YagamiFire said:

Some people cultivate martial talent out of a sense of practicality or pragmatism or for various other reasons. This could be the case with JP.

The pursuit of power is one and the same, people can rationalize it or dress it up with whatever morality/logic they want but Bison saw it for what it was - power is just power. For JP to go out of his to learn and try to master Psycho Power of all things seems like a deathwish.

I think JP (and even Ed) are possibly toying with dark forces beyond their imagination.


If you pay attention to what Oro is saying to Dhalsim here, he basically says that Bison's force of will/dark ambition is what actually brought the world to the brink not armies and whatnot. He points out that his will still exists in the universe and if he instills it into others, the "apocalypse" may still pass because that is the true nature of Psycho Power. Dhalsim finds it difficult to grasp.

I believe this character story is the basis for what's going on with JP. Psycho Power just isn't the kind of ki that you master for any reason other than subjugating everything in its path. Oro's character story was probably created while SF6 was deep into development.

Edited by Daemos
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2 hours ago, Daemos said:

Are we sure it’s just not his public persona that hates fighting? His build implies athleticism and you really can’t harness and wield that much Psycho Power working a desk job.


I think he just doesn’t like getting close to people (possibly like Urien he seems them as peasants).

To be fair he does'nt say to hate physical prowess, just the act of fighting

He could very well do lot of physical exercise believing in "mens sana in corpore sano" concept ("a healthy mind in a healthy body")


Btw he recognize the importance of having a method of go through clashes  with world elite level fighters (it's fucking SF universe lol), in fact he learned either La Canne or Bartitsu (but if the latter, without parts involving touch opponents with anything that is'nt a kick), and he's EXCEPTIONALLY skilled at it, as he fights at equal if not upper hand level with world's best fighters, while restraining himself in terms of fight style


I don't know it's similar situation as Urien, is possible

Another possibility is that as chess player type man he value so much his own mind as his best weapon that disprect any win that does'nt come through having defeated enemies by outsmart/tricking them with some intelligent plan, as if having to resort to violence mean that his mind was'nt enough to solve the problem/obstacle... a defeat essentially

3 hours ago, Daemos said:

He also has an uncharacteristic air throw in SF6 where he grabs his opponent with his hand. 


He does'nt 😄


Is not easy to see, but if you go check again, you can see he still hook the opponent with the cane

The tricky part is that switching side (launch you backward) he switch also the hand holding the cane, but in the moment the move is executed he does it with the cane hand



In all 3 throws his method to "grab" opponents is through using the cane on same side opponent's arm


Where goes out of his phylosophy it's only Lv3, wich is awesome

It's like having to imagine Dudley having to throw a kick, all while being a psycho powered evil murderer lol

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35 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

@CESTUS IIIJP's level 3 comes off, to me, as if he's punishing his opponent for forcing JP to lay his hands on them. Realistically, if JP lands that technique in fight, I doubt his opponents lives to tell anyone that JP used his hands.

Yeah that's my impression too 😄


Is cool he also insults you with angry face, indeed a moment where you FORCE him to drop the gentleman mask, and you should not live to tell the story lol


Make think the vintage portrait of devil as elegant gentleman man that shows courteous surface to trick you into selling him your soul... twice as much if we think his moveset names links to slavic lore devils


Or classic Dracula, at first looking simply like a bizzarre but generous and gentle host with Johnatan Harkness, and invited him far from home for "business reason"

Fun thing actual original book Dracula at first even look a bit like him, had stache and his hair color is white

"tall old man, clean shaven, save for a long white mustache"

"His face was a strong, a very strong, aquiline, with high bridge of the thin nose and peculiarly arched nostrils, with lofty domed forehead, and hair growing scantily round the temples but profusely elsewhere."


But fun parallel is he switches to evil pieces of shit as soon Harkness discover he's not a good guy lol

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52 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

@CESTUS IIIJP's level 3 comes off, to me, as if he's punishing his opponent for forcing JP to lay his hands on them. Realistically, if JP lands that technique in fight, I doubt his opponents lives to tell anyone that JP used his hands.

Yes it very much seems like a "You require punishment" sort of super, doesn't it? Like JP is putting them in their place for actually tousling with him.

Edited by YagamiFire
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7 minutes ago, bakfromon said:

What if JP has "True" fighting form like Akuma, or Bison (or Oro in theory) and its him actually using his hands to fight instead of his cane?

Most Soul/Psycho Power users use objects as conduits because of the toll it takes on their body. Basically it would bring them near death as we saw happen to Rose several times in the past.

Rose uses a scarf, Menat uses her crystal ball, Falke uses a staff, and JP uses a cane.

Something tells me JP likes to keep his distance from Psycho Power and tries to avoid using it at the risk of his own life unless absolutely desperate.

Bison and his illegitimate bastard Ed are the only PP users who harness the ki raw. But only Bison literally immerses himself with PP, inside and out.

Edited by Daemos
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9 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

Rugal also has weird AF biomechanical stuff in his 98 stage and it's always been one of my fav boss stages. Just strange and unnerving and creepy.



The word is "Gigeresque".

2 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Where goes out of his phylosophy it's only Lv3, wich is awesome

It's like having to imagine Dudley having to throw a kick, all while being a psycho powered evil murderer lol

Or when an opponent pushes Oro to the point where he has to use both hands.  😛


Edited by DarthEnderX
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10 minutes ago, Daemos said:

Most Soul/Psycho Power users use objects as conduits because of the toll it takes on their body. Basically it would bring them near death as we saw happen to Rose several times in the past.

Rose uses a scarf, Menat uses her crystal ball, Falke uses a staff, and JP uses a cane.

Something tells me JP likes to keep his distance from Psycho Power and tries to avoid using it at the risk of his own life unless absolutely desperate.

Bison and his illegitimate bastard Ed are the only PP users who harness the ki raw. But only Bison literally immerses himself with PP, inside and out.

Which maybe why JP chastises Bison for wanting to find a suitable host for the Psycho Power since he was using it haphazardly. 


Just a thought really because we know JP can use his hands and coat them with Psycho Power when he wants to. Maybe him using a cane is just a front for him not wanting to use Psycho Power with his bare hands. He can still do it obviously in his CA. 

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He wears gloves I believe. He seems very cautious. Even during his CA he’s basically using the opponent’s body as a conduit and his cane as a trigger.


I think Capcom chose his animations precisely to contrast the differences between him and Bison. For this reason, I don’t think JP is the type to weaponize his body like a fighter.


I’m very interested to hear his full point of view though. That speech about Bison cuts off.

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Bosch Theory (if no one has suggested it yet).


I believe Bosch may have some connections to Naysall and the incident that happened between Ken and JP. That, or he's from Nayshall.


Bosch has come to Metro City to become stronger so he can do whatever he can to help his hometown after it was impacted by the Nayshall incident. I'm thinking Bosch will either go the World Tournament route, where he will use his winnings to help rebuild and provide relief efforts for Nayshall. That or he'll want to use what he's learned from the streets to get closer to JP and or Ken.

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He could easily be Nayshallese... Or maybe Bosch is JP's minion since Marisa is too much of a sweetheart to be the one. 

Bosch, Ed, Manon, Juri, or AKI. One of them at least has to be in on it. JP can't be doing the dirty work on his own. 

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12 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

Rugal also has weird AF biomechanical stuff in his 98 stage and it's always been one of my fav boss stages. Just strange and unnerving and creepy.



Regal liked to turn his opponents into statues and display them as trophies, right? Presumably, that what that machine is for.

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2 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

The word is "Gigeresque".

Or when an opponent pushes Oro to the point where he has to use both hands.  😛


Yes, but still is bit different 😄

Oro does it as respect gesture

A respect gesture that may send you into come for 2 months, but probably outside hospital you would find Oro waiting you with a smile saying "good job kiddo, want to be my student?"


To some extent even Akuma going Shin Akuma is a respect gesture. Sure he will possibly murder you  (or if you're young spare you to see you grow in power and retry), but in case you die he will remember you as one of the very few meaningful fighters he meet in his life


JP seems neither, is just straight punishment

He get pissed because he made a mistake (valued you wrong), he get pissed because you managed to go through his barrage of long range shit and injury him, he get pissed because you forced him to use his hand... so you have to die, because fuck you

And after he will remember you as that day he stomped big wet dog shit while wearing his best white shoes


Both Oro and Akuma would be incredibly happy to find somebody able to push them to their limits

JP would fucking hate it 😆

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9 hours ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

Bosch Theory (if no one has suggested it yet).


I believe Bosch may have some connections to Naysall and the incident that happened between Ken and JP. That, or he's from Nayshall.


Bosch has come to Metro City to become stronger so he can do whatever he can to help his hometown after it was impacted by the Nayshall incident. I'm thinking Bosch will either go the World Tournament route, where he will use his winnings to help rebuild and provide relief efforts for Nayshall. That or he'll want to use what he's learned from the streets to get closer to JP and or Ken.

This is a good theory


I want so bad Bosch to be indonesian for Pencak Silat (some people in Indoneasia indeed have dutch names) rather than fantasy country sporting made up style, but WT seem indeed to point direction you said


We know next location for WT is Nayshall, so is possible when our avatar  is done fixing Metro City problems, will help Bosch to go fix  shit at home


But is also possible we (our avatar) end up in Nayshall simply because we follow Luke in his Buckler PMC missions there, we know is a country they cover


Or two things may be related, maybe Bosch (who's obviously foreigner to MC) knew Luke and chosen him as Master after meeting him in Nayshall, because Buckler was operating there, then gone to America to follow him and train in hi gym

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4 hours ago, Daemos said:

I think Bird Mask rioters are Neo-Shadaloo grassroots. It's kinda like people wearing Guy Fawkes masks... But they probably need to drop Shadaloo from their name. It's very bad marketing.

Nayshall symbol seems to be a dragon (it's on the flag).

I think bird mask rioters being Neo Shadaloo members could work well, they even have a bird in their new flag


Street Fighter: Other Characters Part 2 / Characters - TV Tropes


Would be cool if JP tricked them into believe they're fighting for freedom, painting the young king and Masters Foundation as evil oppressors, not better than how Bison was


New Ed design would work well with the freedom warrior/revolution leader concept

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27 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Would be cool if JP tricked them into believe they're fighting for freedom, painting the young king and Masters Foundation as evil oppressors, not better than how Bison was

I am guessing that JP has tricked Ed and his gang into helping him "save the world". In exchange JP will teach them how to control PP or free them of its clutches. In particular, he could be promising Ed to save him from his possession.

Edited by Daemos
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14 minutes ago, Daemos said:

I am guessing that JP has tricked Ed and his gang into helping him "save the world". In exchange JP will teach them how to control PP or free them of its clutches. In particular, he could be promising Ed to save him from his possession.

Yeah in my mind is something similar

But i would like them keep Ed kinda opportunist (guy been raised by Rog after all lol) rather than 100% good idealist guy that risk his ass just because he have good heart


Like he would appreciate punch some asshole dictator that remind him Bison, but would also prefer have something to more to gain from it (beside JP tteaching them "healthy way to live with PP")


Maybe JP promising him the new, free Nayshall will be a safe home for Neo Shadaloo members (lot of wich will have really hard time blend into normal society)



PS: Btw one thing i never considered is we ever took this

Street Fighter Director reveals the name of Neo Shadaloo's gorilla while  Ed's was apparently a mistake

as "Bison will took over Ed"


But what if this foreshadowing was Neo Shadaloo squad being somehow controlled/brainwashed by JP

Like, Neo Shadaloo becoming JP's chess pieces he can literally move how he prefers... or maybe things just switch vibes slowly under JP smooth push, from "freedom fuck yeah" open jackets  of begin to "yeah but sadly for freedom you need a good dictator to remove the bad dictator" uniforms later in the story


There's the fact current uniform seems to have moved beyond that SFV look... but is important remember that uniform was a mistake, not canon with SFV timeline


Now that i notice it there are some visual links between the cut of Ed SFV uniform and JP look (like the shoulder cape, the kinda unexpected short sleeve and overall vibes feeling like would fit JP sense of fashion)


Also the shoulder cape sports golden wing motive wich link well with new flag


Would add that NS flag having an owl  (symbol of wisdom) of all animals feels bizzarre choice for a young guy that punch things, feels much more JP choice


I'm starting to think Ken and Masters Foundation wealth were not even the main target of his plan, but only the foreign element to make Nayshall king look like a traitor in the eyes of his own people.

Maybe JP goal is to become Nayshall King himself and keep Neo Shadaloo as personal guard




PPS: btw one -kinda unrelated to this post- thing i would really like is Necro and Effie joining Neo Shadaloo, would be perfect for so many reasons

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Sean’s placement is baffling. Not only does he have to spend a meter to use a fireball unlike the other shotos, but every ending he had involves him losing to somebody. The 3rd strike ending shows he can’t even beat regular people.



I also think there’s too much emphasis on energy projection = better fighter. Is Zangief weaker than Ibuki because he doesn’t throw out a fireball?

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2 hours ago, Daemos said:

Look at this madness.

I thought Ultima would be more reasonable with age...

The tiers themselves don't make any sense.  Like, having a weapon automatically makes you stronger than people without weapons?  Making Poison stronger than Balrog?


And being a ninja automatically makes you stronger than people with weapons?  And being a grappler makes you stronger than the ninjas?  What?!


Why is Dan in the weaklings section and not the energy projectors section, but Sean is in the energy projectors section and not the weaklings section?!

Edited by DarthEnderX
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3 hours ago, Daemos said:

Look at this madness.

I thought Ultima would be more reasonable with age...

After see very first things quit reading to resist the temptation to point every single bullshit


Lmao at eventhubs giving that guy any visibility, just reflect that they neither know shit because for anybody even just vaguely knowledgeable would recognize that list as a big bunch of steaming crap 🤣


2 hours ago, BornWinner said:

Sean’s placement is baffling. Not only does he have to spend a meter to use a fireball unlike the other shotos, but every ending he had involves him losing to somebody. The 3rd strike ending shows he can’t even beat regular people.




That's not "regular people" though, he's likely an international level pro fighter. Like, Dan would probably end up just the same

Un-named fighters may not get same lore prestige or and surely 99% of them does'nt reach same heights in terms of power compared most of main cast, but still


Everybody suck Ken's dick for being the x3 times Champ, fighters he fought to get that trophy are likely of that caliber

We also seen one offered Ken enough challenge to make him use a shoryuken, wich would be quite an overkill if guy is'nt a threat at all

  Street Fighter III - 3rd Strike : Fight For The Future - Ken


Gill consider "worthy" lot of un-named fighters too



In Sean defense we seen him one-shot knock out a wrestler worthy of share the ring with Zangief (even if he was losing and got thrown meters out of the ring)

Not greatest feat, but guess Dan would have fucked up and not landed that clean KO



2 hours ago, BornWinner said:

I also think there’s too much emphasis on energy projection = better fighter. Is Zangief weaker than Ibuki because he doesn’t throw out a fireball?


Well ASF gave us the reply to that specific question, we seen Ibuki having to tag team with Mika just to stalemate Rog, while Rog himself needed Ed help to face Zangief 😄



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