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  1. +1
    Jocelot reacted to ToreyBeans in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    I miss playing the game y'all. Lots of stuff (i.e. foolishness) has been happening in my life, but I'll be back on soon, I hope. Life is so weird right now.
  2. +1
    Jocelot reacted to Dragonfave723 in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    AEW's Kenny Omega sporting a Manon costume last night.
  3. Sad
    Jocelot reacted to Doctrine_Dark in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Not sure if anyone saw this regarding Microsoft:

    Xbox is about to start banning 3rd party controllers.
    Most of the people I know that play fighting games on the Xbox are doing it because of the wide variety of controller options it has.
    This actually sucks. 
  4. Sad
    Jocelot reacted to Sonero in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Oooooh....lets go baby.
  5. Insightful
  6. Love
  7. LOL
    Jocelot reacted to Pair of Rooks in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Nah, man, he gonna learn.
    Welcome to the real world, jwong. 
  8. Sad
    Jocelot reacted to Darc_Requiem in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    I literally just built a computer like two weeks ago. Cooler Master WTF man.
    Edit: Damn, now JWong is getting 3rd Strike parried on the phone. Leave JWong alone.
  9. LOL
  10. Sad
    Jocelot reacted to Hawkingbird in The NRS Thread   
    I'm mad af 
  11. +1
    Jocelot reacted to Doctrine_Dark in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    You know, I wasn't really too excited about Tekken 8. Even though I thought Tekken 7 was one hell of a game, I never really got into it like that.
    After giving the beta a try, I can say that I'm looking forward to it now.
    I played Jun a lot in Tekken 2, so it was nice to use her again. I tend to gravitate to Xiaoyu. 
    My Tekken 8 ID was "MyJunIsFree" 😄
  12. Love
  13. +1
    Jocelot reacted to -PVL93- in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Proposal to call the guy Gigachikun from now on 
  14. Sad
    Jocelot reacted to HeavensCloud in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    A Jamie got 33rd.  I count that as a win lol.  
  15. +1
    Jocelot got a reaction from Doctrine_Dark in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    I kinda love seeing so much Kimberly in ECT so far
  16. +1
  17. +1
    Jocelot reacted to HeavensCloud in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    It's on pretty late for me but I caught a bit of it. 
    Great to see a stacked offline event again.  Having Mike Ross on commentary was a blast from the past. Looking forward to top 64 tonight.
  18. Sad
  19. +1
    Jocelot reacted to Doctrine_Dark in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Oh man. I really did not need to hear that.
    RIP Floe. I'll always remember the joy and laughs I got from your streams.
    His Birthday was just on the 11th.
  20. LOL
    Jocelot reacted to Maravilla in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Not trying to be funny and I don't even know what's going on but at first when I saw this I thought I was gonna see that player oil king or whatever his name is destroying people in sf6. 
  21. Insightful
    Jocelot reacted to HeavensCloud in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Looks like Kichipa did as well.  He's using modern Lily now.    
  22. LOL
    Jocelot reacted to iStu X in Gotta Find That Dragonball   
  23. Sad
    Jocelot reacted to Volta in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    If in future arguments over matchups anyone ever uses the argument of authority by invoking the pro players' opinions, just counter by saying that Nemo thinks Lily vs A.K.I. is an 8-2 matchup. 
  24. +1
    Jocelot reacted to Phantom_Miria in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    If half of what's shown in that list were true Nemo wouldn't have the win rate he has with A.K.I. You also wouldn't have anyone with an A.K.I. in Master and 2000 MR because it wouldn't be possible anymore under those conditions. That matchup chart isn't for A.K.I. or for any modern fighting game character, that's Twelve matchup chart from Third Strike.
    I'm having this feeling that Nemo is very interested in using A.K.I. competitively eventually, because he has been playing and researching her a ton since she came out and even before release, but he's not going to use her seriously now because who the fuck drops JP in the current patch. But having a backup character ready is a good thing to have if your main is a likely target for nerfs, and so why not give the impression that the newcomer is hilariously weak, maybe even by taking the spotlight away from the grapplers, who all suck dick with no exception and are all massively weaker characters than A.K.I., and Nemo fucking hates grapplers so it's even better?
    Because if A.K.I. is actually bottom tier then that means that I hit Master rank with Manon a while back, and I'm currently in Diamond 3 with A.K.I. on a 58,23% win rate, and I still have no actual clue of how the game works on a basic level. Because I can't even begin to fathom how a character who has a real Drive Rush, who is +44 after hitting her go-to combo ender that you can get from all of your cancelable normals and can go into safe jumps, frame kills into command grab or overhead, regular pressure and so on, who has a strike and projectile invincible move that side-switches getting you out of the corner, and deals a lot of damage and corner carry once you hit them in a poisoned state (and with all that oki you'll at least have a good chance to do so), is somehow bottom tier. Like, worse than the grapplers, the dudes who have to spend half of their Drive Bar to get a chance at putting you in a 50/50 and then hope they guess right or they die, and even if they guess correctly they're thrown on the other side of the room, and all to deal still less damage than A.K.I. or any normal character would have.
    I also strongly doubt that poison could ever be an impediment to A.K.I. in the way Drinks are for Jamie because A.K.I. starts off with all of her tools and the poison is built to be momentum-improving mechanic, not a momentum-killing one like Drinks are.
    The absolute worse A.K.I. can be is Ryu tier, which is regular mid-tier. I don't think she's high tier material because she has obvious weaknesses that the current top 8 of actually really strong characters (Ken, Luke, JP, Cammy, Juri, Chun-Li, DeeJay, Guile) don't really have or aren't fixed by some other overwhelming strength, but I definitely think that she can hover between mid and mid-high tier (basically between Ryu and Marisa) depending on how the character evolves.
    But if the pros and everyone else are dead-set on claiming that A.K.I. is worse than Lily and she needs mad buffs then so be it, I sure am not going to be complaining. If they ever over-buff her in the future and she becomes top tier, and then people complain tho, I will make sure to remind them that A.K.I. used to be literally non-functional back in the day, and thus she's mid-tier at most now that, I don't know, EX Slide is unthrowable and she gets out of the corner everytime unless she's in burnout and they doubled the range of crLP so now she can do 5 or 6 lights before hit-confirming.
  25. +1
    Jocelot reacted to HeavensCloud in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Unless something changes, I could see A.K.I., Jamie and Lily all getting overbuffed next patch.  I say that because I think they're not far off from being strong characters and the narrative around all three of them is doom and gloom.  
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